798 resultados para Transplante autólogo


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A indução de tolerância imunológica em situações altamente desejadas como no transplante e em doenças autoimunes permanece um grande desafio para pesquisa científica de tradução. Nesse contexto, o estudo das proteínas do choque térmico (HSPs) e seus peptídeos vêm trazendo informações relevantes sobre o controle da reposta imune. Dados da literatura mostram que alguns de seus peptídeos apresentam propriedades imunorreguladoras, como os peptídeos N3 e N7 da HSP60. Além disso, tem se mostrado que a apresentação de antígenos em contextos específicos por células dendríticas (DCs) pode favorecer o estabelecimento da tolerância imunológica. Dessa forma, o direcionamento dos peptídeos tolerogênicos da HSP60, N3 e N7, in vivo, para DCs, com o intuito de essas células apresentarem esses peptídeos em um contexto imunorregulador, pode induzir um estado de tolerância. Assim, nesse trabalho, tivemos como objetivo a produção de anticorpos (Acs) contra o receptor DEC-205 de DCs conjugados com os peptídeos N3 e N7 da HSP60. Esses Acs, ao se ligarem ao DEC-205 nas DCs, podem ser fagocitados, processados e por fim apresentados a células T em um contexto imunorregulador. Para tal, foram realizadas transfecções de células HEK-293T e CHO com plasmídeos codificando as cadeias leve e pesada dos respectivos Acs a fim de se obter essas proteínas recombinantes. Podemos observar que as células HEK apresentaram uma produção mais eficiente dos Acs quando comparadas com as células CHO (120 vs 30 ng/ml, respectivamente), apesar disso a produção dos Acs ficou abaixo do esperado impossibilitando a realização ensaios in vivo. Além disso, realizamos um ensaio de ligação do Ac anti-DEC-N7 a superfície de DCs e observamos que os Acs produzidos apresentam capacidade de se ligarem a superfície dessas células. Concluímos que os anticorpos recombinantes anti-DEC-205 são capazes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of more than 30 genetical disorders characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscle. No effective therapy is available at present. Recent studies have reported that the transplantation of stem cells can offer an important potential therapy for genetic diseases. Adult bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells have been identified as a nonhematopoietic stem cell population capable of self-renewal with the ability to differentiate into many cell lineages, including bone, fat, cartilage and connective tissue. Because of their similarity with muscle progenitor cells, when they are injected in affected individuals, they are able to migrate into areas of skeletal muscle degeneration and participate in the regeneration process. The adipose tissue represents an alternative source of MSCs that, as the MSCs derived from bone marrow, are capable of in vitro differentiation into osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic and chondrogenic lineages. The objective of this project is to investigate the “in vitro” myogenic potential of mesenchymal stem cells derived from murine bone marrow and adipose tissue. Four experimental groups were analyzed: mice from lineages Lama2dy-2J/J and C57black and, C2C12 lineage cells and transformed C2C12 expressing the eGFP protein. MSCs cultures were obtained by flushing the bone marrow femurs and tibials with α-MEM or by the subcutaneous and inguinal fat from the mice. Their characterization was done by flow cytometry and in vitro differentiation. Muscle differentiation was studied through the analysis of the expression of transcriptional factors involved in muscle differentiation and/or the presence and amount of specific proteins from muscle differentiated cell. The pluripotency from bone marrow MSCs of the two lineages was evidenced and, in the muscular differentiation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Dramatic changes occur in the lives of patients on peritoneal dialysis and his family life, changing lifestyle, professional and social activities. Considering the important role of family in treatment, is crucial for nurses to know how these families perceive their role as caregivers and their difficulties and needs, in the process of peritoneal dialysis. The approach chosen for the study was the phenomenological method, based on Merleau-Ponty, who proposes to understand the human experience, from the description of those who lived it. The study findings show that in the beginning of treatment, family members, feel impacted with the disease severity and eager to become responsible for maintenance treatment, fearing not match the expectations.Guided by staff, appear confident in taking care and deal with the difficulties and complications of treatment, supported by professionals. However, resent the great changes in their social activities and work, his life turns out to be quite limited, due to the dedication to a sick family member. Many feel overwhelmed because they are not supported by other family members. Some envision a future outlook for renal transplant, others seem skeptical, given the long waiting list, especially when advanced age of the sick family member. These results suggest the need for individualized attention to family caregivers, and to encourage the family to organize itself and develop a joint work. In this sense, the design of health care, taking care with the focus of the family, it seems highly appropriate in preparing the plan of family orientation, this is defined as a dynamic unity, which, working in harmony, can contribute positively in the treatment of health a sick member


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Foi investigada a freqüência dos antígenos HLA-A, B, DR, DQ em 237 pacientes com vários tipos de leucemia, candidatos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas. O grupo controle foi constituído de 20.933 indivíduos saudáveis, tipados e cadastrados no Registro Brasileiro de Doadores Voluntários de Medula Óssea (REDOME), ou candidatos a doadores de órgãos, pertencentes ao mesmo grupo étnico e região geográfica que os pacientes. Para a determinação dos antígenos HLA foi definido o equivalente sorológico da genotipagem por Citometria de Fluxo PCR-SSO (Reação em cadeia da Polimerase – Oligonucleotídeo Seqüência Específica) com baixa resolução (One Lambda, Canoga Park, CA, US). Foram encontradas associações de suscetibilidade para os antígenos HLA-B70, HLA-B71, HLADR9 e HLA-DR10 associados a LMC (Leucemia Mielóide Crônica); HLA-A32 e HLA-B12 associados a LLC (Leucemia Linfóide Crônica); HLA-A19 e HLA-DR10 associados a LLA (Leucemia Linfóide Aguda). Associações de proteção foram encontradas para HLA-A19 associado a LMA (Leucemia Mielóide Aguda) e LMC; HLA-B44 e HLA-DR6 associados a LMC; HLA-DQ6 associado a LLC.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the remodeling of autologous and homologous bone grafts in humans, using tomographic images. For this, CT images from 10 patients (5 treated with autologous bone grafts and 5 treated with homologous bone grafts), made previously to the grafting procedures, and 14 and 180 days post operatory were evaluated regarding to bone height, width, and density, in a total of 19 bone blocks, 10 homologous and 9 autologous. Results showed similarities between the two tested materials regarding bone width and density. It can be concluded that the homologous bone presented, in a tomographic approach, after 180 days of follow-up, characteristics which can corroborate its use as a bone graft material, providing and sustaining a good bone volume for oral rehabilitation with dental implants.


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The correction of bone defects is the restoration of lost structures which can be replaced by alloplastic implants or bone grafts. Due to the known disadvantages of removal of autogenous grafts, most researches in dentistry aim to develop alloplastic or non-alloplastic materials able to replace bone without these limitations. Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP) is a synthetic granular bone substitute, biocompatible, osteoconductive, which can be used in the alveolar reconstruction. In this work, we perform a literature review on the β-TCP characteristics and discuss its application in dentistry.


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The use of bone grafts from bone tissue banks, also known as bone allografts, has increased in the last years, although most of its users still have concerns on resources and processing protocols. The objective of this paper was to make a literature review about the use of bone allografts in Dentistry, and also about the legal considerations regarding this biomaterial. Studies regarding the donor selection, the cross-infection risks and processing protocols of this biomaterial are still rare but essential, and allied to those regarding its clinical application, can base its use.


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Introduction: The study of graft donor sites, whether from the anatomical, physiological or morphological point of view, has become a topic of current interest, due to the increasing number of patients needing facial bone reconstruction for various reasons. Purpose: In view of the need to constantly improve surgical techniques for autogenous bone graft harvesting, still considered the best choice for facial bone reconstruction, this paper describes an anatomical study on dry skulls in order to evaluate the average thickness of the parietal bone. Material and Methods: Measurements of this bone were taken with a goniometer, at four previously defined points, in the region that is often used as a donor site, in 49 dry skulls (98 parietal bones). The results were evaluated using the T test. Results: Thickness was measured at four predetermined points. The mean values (Point A = 4898mm, B = 4517mm, C = 6185mm, D = 4280mm) show that the bone can be even thinner than previously reported in the literature in other studies of the same nature. The largest bone thickness is in the medial and posterior region. Conclusion: A knowledge of these anatomical characteristics is helpful in preventing possible surgical complications, as well as making it safer for the surgeon to remove this graft and providing more information on whether or not to indicate this region as a bone graft donor site.


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Introdution: Tooth extraction results in alveolar ridge resorption due to the progressive reabsorption, which frequently is a limitating factor of dental implants treatment, in function of the insufficient bone height for execution, could be indicated the use of grafts for increase of the alveolar edge. However, the success of the bone graft requests the meticulous attendance of the clinical stages. Proposition: The objective of this research was to evaluate the postoperative complications associated to the autogenous bone grafts. Materials and Methods: Through a random retrospective analysis, 90 file records of patients submitted to the surgical procedure of autogenous bone graft in the period of January from 2000 to the March of 2008. A clinical record was elaborated with base in the necessary data for this evaluation. Results: About the file data analysis, 59 female with average of 49,42 years and 31 male with average of 47,90 years. The previous diseases most related were arterial hypertension, stomachache and diabetis. The smokers was noticed in 13,3% of patients. The donor site most used was a mandibular ramus. The postoperative complications in receiving area represented 17,8% of file datas analysed and in the donor site only one patient showed parestesis. Conclusion: Among the total analyzed files it was observed that the postoperative complications associated with the autogenous bone grafts represented 18,9% of the patients submitted to the procedure, more frequently affecting the receiving area, obtaining partial exposure of the bone graft and absence of inserted gingiva on vestibular cortical bone.


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Gingival recession has a high prevalence in the population. This alteration may promote several complications such as cervical dentinal hypersensitivity (HSDC), carious and non-carious cervical lesions, and cosmetic changes due to the increase of the clinical crown length. To treat HSDC there are several therapeutic possibilities that should aim to eliminate pain after external stimulus. Treatment of this alteration can be performed by a conventional or invasive procedure, depending on the clinical condition and patients' desires. In situations where aesthetics is not the main complaint and HSDC persists even after conservative procedures, it is possible to indicate a procedure to achieve root coverage in Miller's Class I and II recessions. The aim of this paper is to report a case where the HSDC was not eliminated by conventional methods, which was resolved only after performing a minimally invasive surgery that promoted total root coverage.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS