930 resultados para Transgender teenagers
Electronic apppliances are increasingly a part of our everyday lives. In particular, mobile devices, with their reduced dimensions with power rivaling desktop computers, have substantially augmented our communication abilities offering instant availability, anywhere, to everyone. These devices have become essential for human communication but also include a more comprehensive tool set to support productivity and leisure applications. However, the many applications commonly available are not adapted to people with special needs. Rather, most popular devices are targeted at teenagers or young adults with excellent eyesight and coordination. What is worse, most of the commonly used assistive control interfaces are not available in a mobile environment where user's position, accommodation and capacities can vary even widely. To try and address people with special needs new approaches and techniques are sorely needed. This paper presents a control interface to allow tetraplegic users to interact with electronic devices. Our method uses myographic information (Electromyography or EMG) collected from residually controlled body areas. User evaluations validate electromyography as a daily wearable interface. In particular our results show that EMG can be used even in mobility contexts.
The research literature on adolescent pregnancy indicates a relationship between early prenatal care and positive pregnancy outcomes, yet fewer than half of pregnant teenagers seek prenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although social support theory speculates that there should be a relationship between support and health outcomes, available studies do not reflect the processes by which pregnant adolescents use their social resources in making decisions about their pregnancies. This study describes the processes by which the adolescent comes to accept the reality of her pregnancy.^ Drawing from the social-psychological theories of illness behavior and symbolic interactionism, this study examines the symptom diagnosis and help seeking behavior of the pregnant adolescent. This approach describes how the adolescent interprets events and draws conclusions based on her social reality.^ Interviews were conducted with ten young women, aged 15-17, who had recently delivered a first child. Onset of prenatal care ranged from the third month to the seventh month. None were married, and all but two lived with a parent. All but one were currently in school. Initial unstructured interviews were attempted to construe the modes of expression of the young women regarding the event of pregnancy. Subsequent interviews elicited the processes of recognition and explanation of symptoms of pregnancy.^ Analysis revealed a consistent natural history in the subjects' experiences as they come to accept the reality of pregnancy. Symptom appraisal and definition involves noticing changes in themselves, and evaluating and attempting to find suitable explanations for these symptoms. Lay consultation from friends and family aids in identifying the symptoms and to receive suggestions for treatment. It is at this point that prenatal care is usually initiated. Finally the young women describe the integration of pregnancy into their belief systems. ^
In the United States today, adolescents face unacceptably high rates of mortality and morbidity due to the contraction of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. In view of these rates, there is a need for applied preventive interventions to delay adolescent sexual behavior until adulthood. Project Alpha was a school-adopted, quasi-experimental program for adolescent male students attending Sharpstown High School in Houston, Texas. This intervention used student newsletters to provide specific role-model stories on community and student role models who have changed attitudes or improved efficacy to abstain from sexual behavior until adulthood. It was hypothesized that teenagers exposed to the intervention would show improvements in knowledge, beliefs, avoidance skills, perceived norms, intentions and self-efficacy to delay sexual behavior compared to no-treatment reference teenagers in the same school.^ In total, the Project Alpha program had a significant effect on student knowledge, beliefs (towards abstinence and having sex with multiple partners), perceived risk (HIV/STD testing), self-efficacy (could avoid sex with attractive girl who wants to have sex), perceived social norms (friends believing in sexual abstinence) and sexual intentions. However, no significant intervention effects were found in student's beliefs (that it was OK to have sex with girlfriend), perceived risk of HIV/STD, self-efficacy (to avoid sex with girlfriend) and social norms (friends believe it is OK to have sex with a girlfriend and multiple partners in the same month). ^
This thesis explores how LGBT marriage activists and lawyers have employed a racial interpretation of due process and equal protection in recent same-sex marriage litigation. Special attention is paid to the Supreme Court's opinion in Loving v. Virginia, the landmark case that declared anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional. By exploring the use of racial precedent in same-sex marriage litigation and its treatment in state court cases, this thesis critiques the racial interpretation of due process and equal protection that became the basis for LGBT marriage briefs and litigation, and attempts to answer the question of whether a racial interpretation of due process and equal protection is an appropriate model for same-sex marriage litigation both constitutionally and strategically. The existing scholarly literature fails to explore how this issue has been treated in case briefs, which are very important elements in any legal proceeding. I will argue that through an analysis of recent state court briefs in Massachusetts and Connecticut, Loving acts as logical precedent for the legalization of same-sex marriage. I also find, more significantly, that although this racial interpretation of due process and equal protection represented by Loving can be seen as an appropriate model for same-sex marriage litigation constitutionally, questions remain about its strategic effectiveness, as LGBT lawyers have moved away from race in some arguments in these briefs. Indeed, a racial interpretation of Due Process and Equal Protection doctrine imposes certain limits on same-sex marriage litigation, of which we are warned by some Critical Race theorists, Latino Critical Legal theorists, and other scholars. In order to fully incorporate a discussion of race into the argument for legalizing same-sex marriage, the dangers posed by the black/white binary of race relations must first be overcome.
The scale-up of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to treat HIV/AIDS in Africa has been rapid over the last five years. Botswana was the first African nation to roll out a comprehensive ARV program, where ARVs are available to all citizens who qualify. Excellent adherence to these ARVs is necessary to maintain HIV suppression and on-going health of all individuals taking them. Children rely almost entirely on their caregivers for the administration of these medications, and very little research has been done to examine the factors which affect both adherence and disclosure to the child of their HIV status. ^ Methods. This cross-sectional study used multiple methods to examine adherence, disclosure, and stigma across various dimensions of the child and caregiver's lives, including 30 caregiver questionnaires, interviewer-administered 3-day adherence recalls, pharmacy pill counts, and chart reviews. Fifty in-depth interviews were conducted with caregivers, male caregivers, teenagers, and health care providers. ^ Results. Perceived family stigma was found to be a predictor of excellent adherence. After controlling for age, children who live with their mothers were significantly less likely to know their HIV status than children living with any other relative (OR=0.403, p=0.014). Children who have a grandmother living in the household or taking care of them each day are significantly more likely to have optimal adherence than children who don't have grandmother involvement in their daily lives. ^ Discussion. Visible illness plays an intermediary role between adherence and perceived family stigma: Caregivers know that ARVs suppress physical manifestations of HIV, and in an effort to avoid unnecessary disclosure of the child's status to family members, therefore have children with excellent adherence. Grandmothers play a vital role in supporting the care and treatment of children in Botswana. ^
This dissertation utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the role of responsibility in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy through condom use and other sexual behaviors among young adolescents. Data were analyzed across race and gender and three papers were developed. The quantitative portion used logistic regression to assess associations between personal responsibility, as well as other know correlates, and reported condom use and condom use intentions as a means of STI and pregnancy prevention among 445 inner-city, high school adolescents. Responsibility to prevent pregnancy by providing the condom was associated with condom use at last sex and consistent condom use. Responsibility to prevent acquiring a STI by using a condom was significantly associated with consistent condom use. No significant associations were found between responsibility and condom use intentions. ^ The qualitative section of the dissertation project involved conducting 28 in-depth interviews among 9th and 10th grade, African American and Hispanic students who attended a large urban school district in South Central Texas. Perceptions of responsibility for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy, as well as for condom use, were explored. Male and female adolescents expressed joint responsibility to prevent a STI or pregnancy. Perceptions of responsibility for providing and using the condoms were mixed. Despite the indication of both partners, mostly all participants implied that females, more so than the males, had the final responsibility to prevent contracting a STI, a pregnancy, to provide a condom, and to make sure a condom was used. Participants expressed the role of parents' involvement for preventing these outcomes as well as the need for more sexual health education and access to preventative methods. ^ The last section of this dissertation involved qualitative inquiry to ascertain perceptions of reasons why adolescents engage in anal and oral (non-coital) sex. Pleasure-seeking and giving as well social influence and pressure were described as the main reasons why teenagers have non-coital sex. Other reasons included conveniences of participating in these behaviors such as ease of performing oral sex and anal sex as a convenient alternative to vaginal sex. Sexual inexperience was an indicator for why anal sex occurs. Many of the reasons involved misperceptions and adolescents who practice these sexual behaviors place themselves at-risk for contracting a STI. ^ This dissertation increased the current knowledge base about adolescent sexual responsibility and non-coital behaviors. Future studies should explore perceptions of responsibility and actual sexual activity practices among adolescents to reduce the burden of STIs and pregnancy as well as help public health professionals develop programs for adolescent populations, schools, and communities where these issues persist.^
The purpose of the study was to describe regionalized systems of perinatal care serving predominantly low income Mexican-American women in rural underserved areas of Texas. The study focused upon ambulatory care; however, it provided a vehicle for examination of the health care system. The questions posed at the onset of the study included: (1) How well do regional organizations with various patterns of staffing and funding levels perform basic functions essential to ambulatory perinatal care? (2) Is there a relationship between the type of organization, its performance, and pregnancy outcome? (3) Are there specific recommendations which might improve an organization's future performance?^ A number of factors--including maldistribution of resources and providers, economic barriers, inadequate means of transportation, and physician resistance to transfer of patients between levels of care--have impeded the development of regionalized systems of perinatal health care, particularly in rural areas. However, studies have consistently emphasized the role of prenatal care in the early detection of risk and treatment of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, with subsequent improvement in pregnancy outcomes.^ This study has examined the "system" of perinatal care in rural areas, utilizing three basic regional models--preventive care, limited primary care, and fully primary care. Information documented in patient clinical records was utilized to compare the quality of ambulatory care provided in the three regional models.^ The study population included 390 women who received prenatal care in one of the seven study clinics. They were predominantly hispanic, married, of low income, with a high proportion of teenagers and women over 35. Twenty-eight percent of the women qualified as migrants.^ The major findings of the study are listed below: (1) Almost half of the women initiated care in the first trimester. (2) Three-fourths of the women had or exceeded the recommended number of prenatal visits. (3) There was a low rate of clinical problem recognition. Additional follow-up is needed to determine the reasons. (4) Cases with a tracer condition had significantly more visits with monitoring of the clinical condition. (5) Almost 90% of all referrals were completed. (6) Only 60% of mothers had postpartum follow-up, while almost 90% of their newborns received care. (7) The incidence of infants weighing 2500 grams or less was 4.2%. ^
El trabajo tematiza las representaciones sociales que circulan sobre las posibles trayectorias escolares de adolescentes de sectores populares y cómo las primeras influencian en ese recorrido escolar, condicionadas por la pertenencia de los alumnos a sectores populares, la localización de la escuela en circuitos educativos diferenciados y la trayectoria escolar que han tenido los padres de los adolescentes. Las expectativas cruzadas de docentes, padres y alumnos con respecto a los recorridos escolares y el lugar en el espacio social que ocupa cada agente, construyen un particular punto de vista acerca de la escuela y las trayectorias educativas.
Este artículo se centra en el análisis de redes personales digitales de un grupo de adolescentes del último año de una escuela secundaria de gestión privada en Mendoza, Argentina. Se escogió Facebook porque es la red más difundida entre ellos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las redes de Facebook de adolescentes de una escuela con una fuerte implementación de las TIC y comprender las percepciones que tienen sobre sus vinculaciones digitales. La recolección de los datos fueron tres momentos (administración de TouchGraph sobre Facebook, entrevista individual y Focus Group). El análisis de los datos fue cuantitativo, de análisis de grafos y cualitativo. Con respecto a los resultados se observaron que los varones tuvieron redes con mayor dispersión en cuanto al número de miembros y las mujeres mayor homogeneidad (menor número de subgrupos). En los grafos se observó que la familia tuvo una baja importancia (está aislada, es pequeña y con baja relación o no está). El análisis cualitativo, reveló un acercamiento crítico a Facebook y que la protección de la privacidad obstaculiza la relación a través de esta red con la escuela y los padres. Finalmente las redes personales digitales brindan apoyo afectivo, informacional, tangible y axiológico.
El presente trabajo es un estudio sobre narraciones de niños y adolescentes de barrios de la periferia de la ciudad de La Plata, hijos y nietos de migrantes internos, que fueron producidas en el marco de talleres de lectura y escritura en espacios de educación formal y no formal. El trabajo propone indagar cómo estas narraciones retoman temas de relatos tradicionales (en particular el uso de seres sobrenaturales) y los reformulan en esos nuevos contextos de producción. Las narraciones objeto de nuestro estudio actualizan figuras típicas de los relatos orales argentinos, tales como son los seres sobrenaturales. En ese sentido se indagará qué operaciones estéticas intervienen en las narraciones, es decir, cómo se articulan figuras propias de algunas tradiciones orales argentinas en nuevos contextos narrativos. Es probable que en estas narraciones los niños y adolescentes estén dialogando con la cultura de sus mayores e inscribiendo su propia subjetividad en nuevas condiciones de producción social y cultural; en palabras de Jerome Bruner la narración permite organizar nuestra identidad y nuestra visión del estado real de las cosas (2003:23). Sin embargo, aún no nos interesa (ni podríamos desarrollar) este tipo de formulaciones: primero, se busca conocer qué uso particular se hace de los seres sobrenaturales en esas narraciones recortadas como relatos. Esa articulación es dada o habilitada por las condiciones de producción discursivas que se juegan en los espacios de enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura que han dado marco a las narraciones en cuestión. Finalmente, se analizan las complejas negociaciones que se establecen entre la larga historia del relato oral (muchos relatos, por ejemplo, provienen de culturas precolombinas) y la acto de escritura en el presente. Así, por ejemplo, se escribe que el Pomberito, quien en los relatos correntinos se presenta como un ser que exige tabaco para cuidar del hombre, ahora pide marihuana. En tal sentido, la tradición es, en parte, una traición: los relatos tradicionales se mantienen y perduran pero con transformaciones necesarias que permiten que los sujetos puedan apropiarse de ellos en nuevos otorgamientos de sentidos
El abordaje del presente relato despliega la situación de vida de un sujeto adolescente que desde temprana edad se relaciona con un docente de Educación Física. Interactuando por los distintos niveles educativos, y casi por azar, la vida de los dos se entrelazará y se relacionará en diferentes contextos de pobreza, indigencia y sometimiento. La narración pretende así recrear con crudeza las sensaciones que acompañan a la orfandad y la vulnerabilidad producto de la marginalidad, así como las consecuencias de teorizaciones pedagógicas vacías y de una escuela sin sentido, donde el devenir del maestro concurrirá para persuadir a su alumno de realizar una mejor vida. El objetivo final de este relato es intentar, humildemente, reflejar algo de la subsistencia de incontables niños y adolescentes de nuestro sistema educativo.
Este artículo parte del análisis de algunas contribuciones teóricas sobre la conceptualización del cuerpo en las sociedades contemporáneas, que nos permitirá dialogar con las experiencias reflexivas de un grupo de chicos sobre el aprendizaje de la(s) masculinidad(es)i en sus vidas. El énfasis fenomenológico y político del cuerpo en los estudios feministas -con la noción de corporización- ha sido fundamental para problematizar las variables encarnadas de género, raza, edad, clase social, (dis)capacidad, etc. que no sólo operan en una relación de poder sobre nuestros cuerpos, sino también como locus de agencia y resistencia. La teoría queer con la deconstrucción de la sexualidad normativa -gracias a la noción de performatividad- será clave para entender el papel fundamental que la sexualidad desempeña en la construcción de la(s) subjetividad(es). Los relatos de los chicos nos permitirán explorar el papel que la actividad física y el deporte tiene en sus vidas como mediadores en la construcción de subjetividades "masculinas", muchas veces como un espacio opresor de identidad de género y opción sexual, y abrir la reflexión a las visiones hegemónicas de cuerpo que median tanto la educación física en las escuelas, como en el deporte de competición y/o de elite, y sus representaciones en los mass media.
Vocational guidance (V.G.) is currently facing both theoretical and methodological reconsiderations. This demands rethinking ethical and scientific assumptions, counselors' role and training. V.G. provides a space to receive information about oneself as well as about labor world and for the elaboration of projects for the future. Many guidance situations in teenagers and young adults are described in this paper, highlighting the main current emergent aspects. There was a remarkable protagonism of those seeking guidance and the reflective frame of the guidance. This frame prepares for the educational stage changes and also for occupational insertion working on aspects that widen autonomous choice and the development of social abilities and attitudes to carry out the vocational project and the development in work. Troubled sociocultural and economic transformations demand an on-going training on the part of counselors. To that end, possible fields of concern and subjects to be worked in said training are suggested.
Presentamos la síntesis del trabajo en Investigaciones realizadas desde una propuesta teórico-clínica. El marco teórico corresponde a conceptualizaciones centradas en el psicoanálisis que han sido incluidas en las Investigaciones sobre "La organización del pensamiento autónomo en niños y adolescentes" desde 1995 al 2005, en el marco del Programa Incentivos de la UNLP. En la actualidad el trabajo se ubica en conocer cómo toda la actividad metafísica del niño se traslada a la recuperación de su historia, o sea cómo en el prepúber y el adolescente, este "trabajo del pensamiento" trasmuta de "Investigador a Historiador". Se proponen aspectos metodológicos específicos
De acuerdo con los modelos teóricos más usados para el estudio del trabajo infantil, uno de los principales determinantes de su nivel es la pobreza del hogar en el que residen los niños. Más concretamente, Basu y Van (1998) plantean a nivel teórico el llamado por ellos ?luxury axiom? (la), según el cual los hogares están comandados por padres altruistas y pobres que recurren al trabajo infantil como un medio de escapar de la pobreza. Según este mismo esquema teórico y si la economía está en una situación de equilibrio múltiple, puede que la aplicación efectiva de las leyes que prohíben el trabajo infantil provoque un empeoramiento del bienestar de los hogares y aumente la pobreza. Para que esto se dé, es necesario también que el otro axioma del modelo de Basu y Van (1998), el ?complementary axiom?, no se verifique en la realidad. Con datos provenientes de la Encuesta de Actividades de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (EANNA) realizada en la Argentina en 2004, se exploran empíricamente estas hipótesis. En primer lugar, se trata de examinar en qué medida el ingreso familiar estaría actuando como un determinante de la participación económica de niños entre 5 y 17 años. Luego se procede a analizar la cuestión simulando una situación de política pública que reduzca en un porcentaje dado la participación económica de niños, niñas y adolescentes y observando su impacto sobre las tasas de pobreza de las distintas regiones de la Argentina. También se analizan hipótesis específicas, como, por ejemplo, la endogeneidad del ingreso familiar total que estaría recibiendo los efectos de un moral hazard en la conducta de los adultos