941 resultados para Trace metals in Seawater
长江口邻近海域夏季底层水体存在世界上面积最大的缺氧带。这为研究河口区氧化还原敏感元素的生物地球化学过程提供了天然的实验场所。为了理解长江河口缺氧带存在的生物地球化学过程,本文以长江口邻近海域缺氧带上覆水体、沉积物及间隙水为研究对象,并对其营养盐及重金属进行研究,目的在于揭示长江口邻近海域缺氧带可能存在的生物地球化学过程,为理解长江河口区的物质循环提供科学证据。通过研究得出如下结论:(1)在水体中盐度是影响营养盐分布的主要因素,在高浊度带存在营养盐释放的现象;(2)底层水存在两种显著不同的生物地球化学过程:当盐度<33 PSU时,营养盐与AOU之间为负相关,影响底层海水营养盐分布的主要因素可能为流场;而当盐度>33 PSU时,营养盐与AOU之间存在正相关,影响营养盐分布的主要因素为颗粒有机质的矿化;(3)溶解态痕量金属存在保守型(Mo、U、Ni)和混合型(Fe、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn)的分布规律,盐度、浮游生物及溶解氧都是影响溶解态痕量金属分布的重要因素;剔除浊度大于20 NTU的数据,分配系数与浊度为显著正相关;(4)间隙水Fe、Mn剖面表明,长江河口表层沉积物存在剧烈的Fe、Mn还原现象;成岩模型模拟结果显示间隙水Mn的模拟剖面与实际观测剖面吻合较好。间隙水U剖面显示,控制U分布的主要因素与Fe有关,但是其它因素如有机质含量对U、Mo的分布也有影响;(5)间隙水营养盐剖面显示近岸与远岸存在两种不同的生物地球化学过程:远岸海域,间隙水营养盐部面主要受早期成岩的控制;而在近岸海域其它过程如氨化及吸附可能是控制间隙水氮剖面分布的主要因素;模拟剖面与NH4+的实测剖面趋于一致,但是同时暗示表层沉积物受到生物扰动;通量计算结果显示,Si、N、P分别占浮游生物每日所需要营养盐数量的15%、10%及0.1%;(6)对痕量金属的黄铁矿化程度进行了分析,发现长江河口痕量金属的黄铁矿化程度异常低,黄铁矿不是影响痕量金属分布的主要因素;导致低黄铁矿化度的原因与长江河口高沉积速率、贫硫、低有机质有关。
微量金属元素的微藻生物地球化学主要通过研究微藻与微量金属元素的各种相互作用,在时空上了解微藻在微量金属元素的分布、迁移和富集等过程中所起的作用,以及由此引起的微藻本身的成分、结构、形态和功能在不同地球化学环境中的变异等。地球化学环境变化及由此产生的生态环境效应是目前研究的科学热点之一。工业革命以来,人为活动强烈地改变了地球表层的局部乃至全球的微量金属元素含量,对生物的正常生长乃至人类的健康构成了潜在的威胁。作为初级生产力,浮游藻类在水生生态系统中占有重要地位;它通过生物积累、光合作用及生物矿化,驱动着C、N、Si、P、O、,S、Fe等元素在水体内部的生物地球化学循环;微藻对环境变化敏感,能够很好的响应微量金属元素生物地球化学行为的变化。目前有关湖泊微量金属元素地球化学及浮游植物生态学的研究较多,但浮游植物和微量金属元素相互作用规律的系统研究较少,对湖泊微量金属元素复杂的生物地球化学行为的解释仍缺乏实验依据。本论文研究了高原湖泊阿哈湖、百花湖和红枫湖的微量金属元素和微藻的时空分布特征,探讨了两者之间的相互关系;研究了小球藻和衣藻对微量金属元素的生物吸收和生物吸附特征:研究了微量金属元素对微藻生理生化因子(生长速度和碳酸醉酶胞外酶)的影响;分析了微藻和微量金属元素的相互作用规律,为湖泊微量金属元素生物地球化学行为的解释提供科学依据。通过上述研究,获得了以下几点认识:1.阿哈湖、百花湖和红枫湖的微藻生物量在2002年出现了两个高峰,一个在春季,一个在秋季;这是水温、光照、营养源和捕食等多种因素综合作用的结果。百花湖和红枫湖的微藻以蓝藻和绿藻为主;阿哈湖的微藻春季以蓝藻和绿藻为主,秋季以硅藻为主。阿哈湖和红枫湖的叶绿素a含量在垂直方向随深度增加呈下降趋势,表层浮游藻类较多。2.阿哈湖、百花湖和红枫湖2002年过滤水中微量金属Co、Ni、Cu、zn、M。含量的月变化各不相同;其变化是微藻和降水等多种因素综合作用的结果。降水(酸雨)腐蚀湖泊流域的碳酸盐岩,其中的微量金属元素被溶解,随河流输入湖泊,影响了微量金属元素在湖水中的含量(如三个湖中的cu,阿哈湖中的Mo)。百花湖和红枫湖的蓝藻和绿藻的生物量变化与微量金属元素C。、Cu、zn、M。的含量变化正相关,可能是因为这些微量金属元素在某些程度上限制了蓝藻和绿藻的生长;阿哈湖的硅藻的生物量变化与微量金属元素的含量变化负相关,可能是由于硅藻对它们的富集造成了两者之间的负相关关系。浮游藻类通过吸附、吸收和富集溶解态微量金属元素,影响其在垂直方向的分布。溶解态微量金属元素在垂直方向的分布趋势并不完全相同,其垂直分布特征是本身的浓度大小、浮游藻类和湖底微生物等诸多因素共同作用的结果。3.微藻对微量金属元素生物吸附的平衡时间因对微藻处理方式的不同而不同。单离子体系和多离子体系中衣藻对同一微量金属的吸附情况不同,多离子体系中微量金属元素对吸附作用位点的相互竞争造成了这种差异。多离子体系中,死藻细胞对Cd、zn、cu、Co、Mn的吸附量的大小顺序与它们的原子量的大小顺序一致,这可能是在各种微量金属元素的相互竞争中,死的藻细胞优先选择原子量大的金属;活藻细胞对Cd、Fe、C。、Zn(Ni)的吸附量的大小顺序与它们的离子密度的大小顺序正好相反,这可能是由于活的藻细胞的生物调节作用使其优先选择离子密度小的金属。4.在单离子体系和多离子体系中,不论是活的藻细胞还是死的藻细胞,小球藻对各种微量金属的吸附量大于或相当于衣藻的吸附量;小球藻和衣藻对各种微量金属的吸附量一般随金属浓度的升高而增大。在单离子体系中,衣藻和小球藻对每种微量金属的生物吸收速度随浓度的变化趋势相似,一般是随金属浓度升高吸收速度先增加后减小,但增加和减小分界线处吸收速度对应的金属浓度大小各不相同;小球藻和衣藻对Mn、Fe、C。、Cu、zn(藻必需的微量金属营养元素)的吸收速度大于对Ni、Cd的吸收速度;这主要是因为同一藻类维持新陈代谢所需各种金属的量不同,对不同微量金属毒害的承受程度(生物调节能力)也不同;不同藻类对同一微量金属的需求量和毒害的承受程度也不相同。在单离子体系小球藻和衣藻对各种微量金属的吸附和吸收中,随着浓度的增加,吸收过程比吸附过程更快的达到饱和状态。5.各种微量金属对小球藻和衣藻生长的影响情况因金属种类和藻的种类的不同而不同。Cd·Cu、Ni、zn对小球藻和衣藻生长的毒害较大,而且对衣藻的影响比小球藻的影响大·随各种微量金属浓度的增加,小球藻和衣藻生长速度的变化趋势一般表现为先增大后减小,和它们对各种微量金属的吸收速度的变化趋势一致:可见吸收到藻细胞体内的微量金属的量和它们对细胞生长的影响有密切.的关系,藻细胞的生物调节在这个变化趋势中起了重要的作用。6.阿哈湖和红枫湖微藻碳酸醉酶胞外酶活性明显高于衣藻的CA。活性,主要是因为c入的活性与环境中HcO3一的浓度有关。cd、zn、cu和Pb对微藻c人的活性的抑制效应因金属浓度的不同而不同,而且抑制作用因微藻种类的不同而不同。微量金属元素对CA活性的影响主要通过三个途径:①.直接与CA这一含zn蛋白酶作用;②.间接影响藻细胞内CAe的新陈代谢:③.直接改变cA。的生物活性(例如Pb)。低浓度的Fe、Mn、Co 、Ni和cd刺激了衣藻碳酸配酶胞外酶(cAe)的活性,高浓度的各种金属抑制cAe的活性;cu和zn对衣藻cAe的抑制作用比其它金属离子的强。衣藻对Fe和Mn影响CAe的生物调节作用明显,其次是Co和Ni。7.微藻是影响高原湖泊微量金属元素地球化学行为的重要因素,影响情况因微藻种类而有所差异。微藻能强烈地改变环境中微量金属元素的含量,微量金属元素含量的变化也影响了微藻的生理生化功能。微藻和微量金属的相互作用因微藻和金属种类的不同而不同;这种种类差异性是造成微量金属元素生物地球化学行为复杂性的主要原因之一。
A presente tese tem por objetivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento da geoquímica sedimentar da zona oceânica da crista da Terceira e montanhas submarinas a sul (região entre 29-39ºN e 27-32ºW), integrando também a caraterização dos metais e nutrientes na coluna de água e propondo concentrações para servirem de referência nesta região do Atlântico Central. Para o efeito foram realizadas amostragens na coluna de água em sete locais e de sedimento em cinco locais, durante a campanha oceanográfica designada por EMEPC/AÇORES/G3/2007 a bordo do navio SV Kommandor Jack, no âmbito do projeto da Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental (EMEPC). Os perfis de CTD da coluna de água na região estudada revelam a presença de massas de água distintas: a Western North Atlantic Central Water (WNACW), a Eastern North Atlantic Central Water tropical (ENACWt), a Eastern North Atlantic Central Water polar (ENACWp), a Mediterranean Overflow Water (MOW), a Deep Mediterranean Water (DMW) e a North Eastern Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW). Observou-se nos perfis de temperatura e salinidade, referentes aos primeiros 200 m da coluna de água, um gradiente meridional negativo entre as estações localizadas na crista da Terceira e as estações localizadas mais a sul. Observou-se nas águas superficiais valores de oxigénio dissolvido de 93% e de pH de 8,1, assim como que as concentrações dos nutrientes NOx, PO4 e SiO2 variam de acordo com a atividade biológica, tendo-se registado concentrações medianas mais baixas, respetivamente de 6,5, 0,23 e 1,3 mol L-1, que aumentam com a profundidade devido à ausência de produção primária (respetivamente 31, 1,4 e 22 mol L-1). As concentrações de NH4 e de SO4 não variam significativamente nas massas de água, sendo os valores medianos mínimos e máximos de 0,69 a 0,79 mol L-1 para o NH4 e de 30 a 32 mol L-1 para o SO4. São propostas concentrações de referência para as massas de água, para os elementos cobre, cádmio, chumbo e arsénio. Os perfis de sedimento analisados permitem distinguir os sedimentos na crista da Terceira (core A) dos restantes (cores B a E). A grande variabilidade textural encontrada no core A, que contrasta com os outros cores analisados, deve-se a importantes contribuições terrígenas, originadas pela erosão sub-aérea e pela atividade vulcânica das ilhas próximas. iv resumo (continuação) A análise mineralógica, efetuada à fração areia e à fração fina (< 63 μm), confirma que os sedimentos do core A derivam de rochas vulcânicas formadas maioritariamente por piroxenas, olivinas, anfíbolas, biotite, alterites e ainda calcite, plagióclase e magnetite, tendo-se identificado ao microscópio a glauconite e o vidro vulcânico. De acordo com a composição química destes minerais o core A apresenta valores mais elevados de Al, Fe, K, P, Mg, Si, Na, Zn, V, Cr e Mn relativamente aos cores B a E. Os cores B a E apresentam grandes quantidades de calcite (>80%) formada maioritariamente por foraminíferos e nanoplâncton calcário (cocolitóforos). A fração areia confirma a composição maioritariamente carbonatada com grande abundância de material biogénico formado por oozes de foraminíferos (planctónicos e bentónicos) com raras espículas de espongiários e restos de conchas. Os cores B a E apresentam valores muito mais elevados que o core A para os elementos Ca e Sr. Os resultados para o Al, Fe, K, P, Si, Na, As, Cu, Ni, Zn, V, Cr, Li, Pb, Cd e Co presentes nos locais B, C, D e E sugerem que estes cores são comparáveis aos sedimentos de fundo carbonatados. Propõe-se concentrações de referência para a região do Atlântico compreendida entre 29-39ºN e 27-32ºW considerando a primeira camada colhida em cada core. Para o core A as concentrações são normalizadas a 5% de Al e CaCO3, enquanto que para os cores B a E são normalizadas a 2% de Al e CaCO3. Assim as concentrações de referência para o core A são: As – 18 mg kg-1, Cr – 91 mg kg-1, Cu – 127 mg kg-1, Ni – 84 mg kg-1, Pb – 41 mg kg-1, Hg – 41 ng g-1 e Zn – 482 mg kg-1. Para os cores B a E as concentrações de referência são: As – 3 mg kg-1, Cr – 10 mg kg-1, Cu – 36 mg kg-1 Ni – 12 mg kg -1, Hg – 3 ng g-1 e Zn – 20 mg kg-1. Para os restantes metais as concentrações de referência para o core A são: Al – 9%, Si – 25%, Fe – 6%, Ca – 13%, K – 2%, Mg – 2%, Na – 3%, P – 0,4%, Sr – 900 mg kg-1, Li – 10 mg kg-1, Mn – 1200 mg kg-1, Ba – 700 mg kg-1 e V – 140 mg kg-1. Para os cores B a E as concentrações de referência são: Al – 0,9%, Si – 2%, Fe – 0,2%, Ca – 95%, K – 0,3%, Mg – 0,4%, Na – 0,3%, P – 0,04%, Sr – 2600 mg kg-1, Li – 5 mg kg-1, Mn – 240 mg kg-1, Ba – 345 mg kg-1, Co – 2 mg kg-1 e V – 6 mg kg-1. Os resultados da presente tese constituem um contributo para a caraterização geoquímica da região e podem servir de referência à monitorização futura do mar dos Açores e montes submarinos a sul.
En septiembre del 2009 se evaluó el contenido de trazas de metales en los bancos naturales de Meca-Lozas (Tacna), Tancona y Punta Coles (Moquegua), en un ámbito donde la temperatura fue inferior al patrón estacional y en presencia de Aguas Costeras Frías en toda la columna de agua. Las trazas de cobre, plomo y cadmio contenidos en agua de los tres bancos naturales, no superaron los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental para Conservación del Ambiente Acuático (Grupo 4). Las trazas de cobre, plomo, cadmio y cinc para sedimentos, no superó al Probable Nivel de Efecto estipulado en la Tabla de Protección Costera de los EE UU, a excepción del cobre que superó el estándar en una estación (136,99 μg/g) de Meca-Las Lozas. Sólo las concentraciones traza de cobre en los tres bancos naturales y en los cuerpos eviscerados de caracol negro (Thaisella chocolata), lapa (Fissurella sp.), chanque (Concholepas concholepas) y choro (Aulacomya atra) superaron el límite máximo permisible internacional estipulado por la FAO, siendo la mayor concentración de 1782,27 μg/g en la especie Fissurella sp. muestreada en Meca-Lozas, por lo que se concluye que las especies que bioacumulan más trazas de cobre son Fissurella sp., Thaisella chocolata, Concholepas concholepas y Aulacomya atra.
This paper brings together some of the recent research on trace metals in dredged sediments, and in particular freshwater canal sediments. Following a description of the general UK background, geochemical processes that affect metal release and retention in dredged canal sediments are considered, particularly the role of redox and sulphur on metal associations, and the use of sequential extraction for the derivation of metal associations in sediments. The review outlines the importance of oxidation on metal-mobility and shows that many studies have illustrated the increase in metal-leachability from sediments during oxidation. Suggestions are given for sediment-testing requirements which should include an examination of both anoxic and oxidised sediment as well as ecotoxicology in order to account for changes to metal-speciation after disposal to land.
The present study describes the incorporation of a complexing agent, dithiooxamide, into microcrystalline cellulose for use in the pre-concentration of Cu(II) and Cd(II) ions from aqueous samples. The FTIR spectrum of the adsorbent exhibited an absorption band in the region of 800 cm-1, which confirmed the binding of the silylating agent to the matrix. Elemental analysis indicated the amount of 0.150 mmol g-1 of the complexing agent. The adsorption data were fit to the modified Langmuir equation, and the maximum amount of metal species extracted from the solution, Ns, was determined to be 0.058 and 0.072 mmol g-1 for Cu(II) and Cd(II), respectively. The covering fraction φ, which was 0.39 and 0.48 for Cu(II) and Cd(II), respectively, was used to estimate a 1:2 (metal:ligand) ratio in the formed complex, and a binding model was proposed based on this information. The adsorbent was applied in the pre-concentration of natural water samples and exhibited an enrichment factor of approximately 50-fold for the species studied, which enabled its use in the analysis of trace metals in aqueous samples. The system was validated by the analysis of certified standard (1643e), and the adsorbent was stable for more than 20 cycles, thus enabling its safe reutilization. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Os manguezais do estado do Pará representam importante segmento da costa norte brasileira sobre os quais pouco se conhece das características geológicas e as relações com área(s)-fonte. A pesquisa foi realizada no estuário do rio Marapanim, na costa paraense, para demonstrar a contribuição de sedimentos continentais para a formação dos sedimentos dos manguezais. Foram coletados sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e solos dela derivados (principais fontes terrígenas), e os sedimentos de manguezal. Nos sedimentos de manguezal foram realizadas análises granulométricas, determinação dos teores de carbono (C %) e medidas de pH, Eh e salinidade intersticial. A determinação mineralógica e a geoquímica multi-elementar foi feita nos sedimentos lamosos e nos sedimentos continentais adjacentes, para comparações. Os sedimentos de manguezal são sílticoargilosos (> 90 %), com teores de carbono entre 0,75 a 3,5 %. A mineralogia principal é composta por quartzo, goethita, hematita, caulinita, illita, além de zircão, turmalina, estaurolita e cianita como acessórios, assinatura mineralógica típica dos sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e dos solos. De ocorrência comum nesses manguezais, os minerais neoformados são: esmectita, feldspato potássico, pirita, halita, gipso e a jarosita. O enriquecimento em SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, e TiO2 nos manguezais e os níveis crustais dos metais-traço refletem o clima tropical e a composição mineralógica da área-fonte, rica em quartzo e caulinita e a ausência de influência antrópica. A composição química associada à matéria orgânica, abundantes diatomáceas além de Fe, S e os aportes de Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca++ e Mg++ da água do mar, identificam o ambiente deposicional e os minerais autigênicos. O padrão de fracionamento dos elementos-traço nos manguezais também corrobora a marcante contribuição da área-fonte continental. Esses sedimentos apresentam o predomínio dos Elementos Terras Rara Leves (ETRL) sobre os Elementos Terras Raras Pesados (ETRP) com elevadas razões de Th/Co; La/Th; La/Sc; La/Co e Zr/Sc e Th/ Sc e Ba/Co, elementos presentes nas rochas ígneas félsicas que originaram os sedimentos terrígenos.
It is known that there is a wide variety of bioavailable trace metals in aquatic systems, and its determination is fundamental to predict impacts to organisms in these environments. However, the determination of the total concentration of chemicals in aquatic systems, despite its importance, does not provide necessary information for decision making or even may lead to misinterpretation of the procedures and potential risks to the system in question. This study aimed to use the technique of diffusion in thin films by concentration gradients (DGT) to evaluate the anion exchange membrane Whatman DE 81 as binder alternative in determining Cr (VI). Experiments were carried out to determine the diffusion coefficients for the material used diffusion (agarose gel). The behaviors of the binders were analyzed before the main variables of the systems, immersion time, pH and ionic strength. Then was made the assessment of potential interferences, to finally proceed with testing using actual samples in the laboratory and in situ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Few high-latitude terrestrial records document the timing and nature of the Cenozoic "Greenhouse" to "Icehouse" transition. Here we exploit the bulk geochemistry of marine siliciclastic sediments from drill cores on Antarctica's continental margin to extract a unique semiquantitative temperature and precipitation record for Eocene to mid-Miocene (~54-13 Ma). Alkaline elements are strongly enriched in the detrital mineral fraction in fine-grained siliciclastic marine sediments and only occur as trace metals in the biogenic fraction. Hence, terrestrial climofunctions similar to the chemical index of alteration (CIA) can be applied to the alkaline major element geochemistry of marine sediments on continental margins in order to reconstruct changes in precipitation and temperature. We validate this approach by comparison with published paleotemperature and precipitation records derived from fossil wood, leaves, and pollen and find remarkable agreement, despite uncertainties in the calibrations of the different proxies. A long-term cooling on the order of >=8°C is observed between the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (~54-52 Ma) and the middle Miocene (~15-13 Ma) with the onset of transient cooling episodes in the middle Eocene at ~46-45 Ma. High-latitude stratigraphic records currently exhibit insufficient temporal resolution to reconstruct continental aridity and inferred ice-sheet development during the middle to late Eocene (~45-37 Ma). However, we find an abrupt aridification of East Antarctica near the Eocene-Oligocene transition (~34 Ma), which suggests that ice coverage influenced high-latitude atmospheric circulation patterns through albedo effects from the earliest Oligocene onward.
Mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Turonian) plankton preserved in deep-sea marl, organic-rich shale, and pelagic carbonate hold an important record of how the marine biosphere responded to short- and long-term changes in the ocean-climate system. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were short-lived episodes of organic carbon burial that are distinguished by their widespread distribution as discrete beds of black shale and/or pronounced carbon isotopic excursions. OAE1a in the early Aptian (~120.5 Ma) and OAE2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (~93.5 Ma) were global in their distribution and associated with heightened marine productivity. OAE1b spans the Aptian/Albian boundary (~113-109 Ma) and represents a protracted interval of dysoxia with multiple discrete black shales across parts of Tethys (including Mexico), while OAE1d developed across eastern and western Tethys and in other locales during the latest Albian (~99.5 Ma). Mineralized plankton experienced accelerated rates of speciation and extinction at or near the major Cretaceous OAEs, and strontium isotopic evidence suggests a possible link to times of rapid oceanic plateau formation and/or increased rates of ridge crest volcanism. Elevated levels of trace metals in OAE1a and OAE2 strata suggest that marine productivity may have been facilitated by increased availability of dissolved iron. The association of plankton turnover and carbon isotopic excursions with each of the major OAEs, despite the variable geographic distribution of black shale accumulation, points to widespread changes in the ocean-climate system. Ocean crust production and hydrothermal activity increased in the late Aptian. Faster spreading rates [and/or increased ridge length] drove a long-term (Albian-early Turonian) rise in sea level and CO2-induced global warming. Changes in ocean circulation, water column stratification, and nutrient partitioning lead to a reorganization of plankton community structure and widespread carbonate (chalk) deposition during the Late Cretaceous. We conclude that there were important linkages between submarine volcanism, plankton evolution, and the cycling of carbon through the marine biosphere.
The study of vertical distribution of Mo, V, Co, Ni, and Cu in mass of Black Sea sediments showed that maximum concentrations occur in sapropelic muds of ancient Black Sea deposits. A special study of sapropels samples showed a sufficiently clear correlation of Cu, Ni, Mo, and V contents with organic carbon contents; Co contents do not show such a correlation, but show one with contents of pyrite sulfur. A study of fractions of bitumen, free humic and fulvic acids showed that some part of metal contents in the sediments is bound with organic matter. It is shown that increased concentrations of trace elements in sapropels result from removing of dissolved metals from seawater by organic detritus during deposition on the bottom, in vivo concentration of metals in plankton organisms is of secondary importance.
The anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere leads to an increase in the CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) in the ocean, which may reach 950 ?atm by the end of the 21st century. The resulting hypercapnia (high pCO2) and decreasing pH ("ocean acidification") are expected to have appreciable effects on water-breathing organisms, especially on their early-life stages. For organisms like squid that lay their eggs in coastal areas where the embryo and then paralarva are also exposed to metal contamination, there is a need for information on how ocean acidification may influence trace element bioaccumulation during their development. In this study, we investigated the effects of enhanced levels of pCO2 (380, 850 and 1500 ?atm corresponding to pHT of 8.1, 7.85 and 7.60) on the accumulation of dissolved 110mAg, 109Cd, 57Co, 203Hg, 54Mn and 65Zn radiotracers in the whole egg strand and in the different compartments of the egg of Loligo vulgaris during the embryonic development and also in hatchlings during their first days of paralarval life. Retention properties of the eggshell for 110mAg, 203Hg and 65Zn were affected by the pCO2 treatments. In the embryo, increasing seawater pCO2 enhanced the uptake of both 110mAg and 65Zn while 203Hg showed a minimum concentration factor (CF) at the intermediate pCO2. 65Zn incorporation in statoliths also increased with increasing pCO2. Conversely, uptake of 109Cd and 54Mn in the embryo decreased as a function of increasing pCO2. Only the accumulation of 57Co in embryos was not affected by increasing pCO2. In paralarvae, the CF of 110mAg increased with increasing pCO2, whereas the 57Co CF was reduced at the highest pCO2 and 203Hg showed a maximal uptake rate at the intermediate pCO2. 54Mn and 65Zn accumulation in paralarvae were not significantly modified by hypercapnic conditions. Our results suggest a combined effect of pH on the adsorption and protective properties of the eggshell and of hypercapnia on the metabolism of embryo and paralarvae, both causing changes to the accumulation of metals in the tissues of L. vulgaris.
Although other research studies on areas such as the physical-chemical, nutrients and phytoplankton status of Lake Kyoga systems have been given a lot of attention (e.g. Mungoma 1988 and NaFIRRI 2006), efforts to determine the pollution status of this system, especially by heavy metals as one of the worldwide emerging environmental problems, is still limited. Many trace metals are regarded as serious pollutants of aquatic ecosystems because of their persistence, toxicity and ability to be incorporated into food chains (Mwamburi J., and Nathan O.F., 1997). Given the rapid human population growth and the associated economic activities both within the rural and urban areas in Uganda, such fish production systems are becoming very prone to various kinds of pollution including that by heavy metals. Anthropogenic factors such deforestation, use of chemicals and dumping of metallic products, spillages of fuels from outboard engines and many others and or natural processes involving atmospheric deposition by wind or rain, surface run-offs and streams flows from the catchment introduces heavy metals into the lake environment,.
Suspended particulate matter (SPM), sediments and clams were collected at three sites in Jiaozhou Bay to assess the magnitude of trace metal pollution in the area. Metal concentrations in SPM (Cu: 40.11-203; Zn: 118-447; Pb: 50.1-132; Cd: 0.55-4.39; Cr: 147.6-288; Mn: 762-1670 mu g/g), sediments (Cu: 17.64-34.26; Zn: 80.79-110; Pb: 24.57-49.59; Cd: 0.099-0.324; Cr: 41.6-88.1; Mn: 343-520 mu g/g) and bivalves (Cu: 6.41-19.76; Zn: 35.5-85.5; Pb: 0.31-1.01; Cd: 0.51-0.67; Mn: 27.45-67.6 mu g/g) are comparable to those reported for other moderately polluted world environments. SPM showed a less clear pattern. Metal concentrations in sediments displayed a clear geographical trend with values increasing with proximity to major urban centers. The clams (on dry weight) showed a complex pattern due to the variability introduced by age-related factors. Cd showed an apparent reverse industrial trend with higher concentrations in clams collected at distant stations. Zn, Pb and Mn showed no clear geographical pattern, whereas Cu increased in the clams collected in the most industrialized area. In addition, the bioaccumulation factors (BAF) were calculated. The result indicated that the studied Ruditapes philippinarum in Jiaozhou Bay possessed different bioaccumulation capacities for Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and Mn, and Cd, Zn had a relatively high assimilation of those metals from sediment particles. A significant relationship with clam age was observed for Zn (positive) and Cu (negative) suggesting different physiological requirements for both metals with age. Trace metal concentrations measured in the tissue of the investigated clam were in the range considered safe by the WHO for human use.