900 resultados para Textural features


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Moreira Gomes é um dos depósitos do campo mineralizado do Cuiú-Cuiú, província Aurífera do Tapajós, com recursos de 21,7 t de ouro. A zona mineralizada, com 1200 metros de comprimento, 30-50 metros de largura e, pelo menos, 400 metros de profundidade é controlada por uma estrutura subvertical de orientação E-W, associada a um sistema de falhas transcorrentes sinistrais. As rochas hospedeiras nesse depósito são predominantemente tonalitos de 1997 ± 2 Ma (Suite Intrusiva Creporizão). O estilo da alteração hidrotermal relacionado à mineralização é predominantemente fissural e localmente pervasivo. Os tipos de alteração hidrotermal são sericitização, carbonatação, cloritização, sulfetação, silicificação e epidotização, além da formação de veios de quartzo de espessuras variadas. Pirita é principal sulfeto e contém inclusões de galena, esfalerita, calcopirita e, em menor quantidade, de hessita e bismutinita. O ouro ocorre mais comumente como inclusão em cristais de pirita e, secundariamente, na forma livre em veios de quartzo. Ag, Pb e Bi foram detectados por análise semi-quantitativa como componentes das partículas de ouro. Estudo de inclusões fluidas identificou fluidos compostos por CO2 (Tipo 1), H2O-C O2-sal (Tipo 2) e H2O-sal (Tipo 3). O volátil CO2 é predominante na fase carbônica. O fluido do Tipo 2 apresenta densidade baixa a moderada, salinidade entre 1,6 e 11,8 % em peso equivalente de NaCl e foi aprisionado principalmente entre 280° e 350°C. No fluido do Tipo 3 o sistema químico pode conter aCl2 e, talvez, MgCl2, e a salinidade varia de zero a 10,1% em peso equivalente de NaCl. Apenas localmente a salinidade atingiu 25% em peso equivalente de NaCl. Esse fluido foi aprisionado principalmente entre 120° e 220°C e foi interpretado como resultado de mistura de fluido aquoso mais quente e levemente mais salino, com fluido mais frio e diluído. Globalmente, o estudo das inclusões fluidas indica estado heterogêneo durante o aprisionamento e ocorrência de separação de fases, mistura, flutuação de pressão e reequilíbrio das inclusões durante aprisionamento. A composição isotópica do fluido em equilíbrio com minerais hidrotermais (quartzo, clorita e calcita e pirita) e de inclusões fluidas apresenta valores de δ18O e δD entre +0,5 e +9,8 ‰, e -49 a -8 ‰, respectivamente. Os valores de 34S de pirita (-0,29 ‰ a 3,95 ‰) são provavelmente indicativos da presença de enxofre magmático. Pares minerais forneceram temperaturas de equilíbrio isotópico em geral concordante com as temperaturas de homogeneização de inclusões fluidas e compatíveis com as relações texturais. Os resultados isotópicos, combinados com os dados mineralógicos e de inclusões fluidas são interpretados como produto da evolução de um sistema magmático hidrotermal em três estágios. (1) Exsolução de fluido magmático aquoso e portador de CO2 entre 400°C e 320-350°C, seguido de separação de fases e precipitação principal da assembleia clorita-sericita-pirita-quartzo-ouro sob pressões menores que 2,1 kb e a 6-7 km de profundidade. (2) Resfriamento e continuação da exsolução do CO2 do fluido magmático geraram fluido aquoso, mais pobre a desprovido de CO2 e levemente mais salino, com aprisionamento dominantemente a 250°-280°C. A assembleia hidrotermal principal ainda precipitou, mas epidoto foi a principal fase nesse estágio. (3) Mistura do fluido aquoso do estágio 2, mais quente e mais salino, com um fluido aquoso mais frio e menos salino, de origem meteórica. Carbonatação está associada com esse estágio. A assembleia hidrotermal e os valores isotópicos indicam que fluido foi neutro a levemente alcalino e relativamente reduzido, que H2S (ou HS-) pode ter sido a espécie de enxofre predominante, e que Au(HS) -2 deve ter sido o complexo transportador de ouro. A deposição do ouro em Moreira Gomes ocorreu em resposta a diversos mecanismos, envolvendo a separação de fases, mistura e reações fluido-rocha. O depósito Moreira Gomes é interpretado como o produto de um sistema magmático-hidrotermal, mas não possui feições clássicas de depósitos relacionados a intrusões graníticas, tanto oxidadas como reduzidas. A idade de deposição do minério (1,86 Ga) sugere que o sistema magmático-hidrotermal pode estar relacionado com a fase final do extenso magmatismo cálcio-alcalino da Suíte Intrusiva Parauari, embora o magmatismo transicional a alcalino da Suíte Intrusiva Maloquinha não possa ser descartado.


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Quatro tipos morfológico-texturais de quartzo, informalmente denominados Qz1, Qz2, Qz3 e Qz4, foram identificados nas diferentes fácies do Granito Antônio Vicente, Província Carajás, por meio de imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura-catodoluminescência (MEV-CL). Nas rochas menos evoluídas, contendo anfibólio e biotita, dominam cristais anédricos a subédricos bem desenvolvidos, luminescentes e intensamente fraturados (Qz1). Fluidos hidrotermais que percolaram o granito transformaram o quartzo magmático (Qz1) em Qz2 e Qz3 por meio de processos de alteração, dissolução e recristalização, sendo essas transformações muito mais evidentes nas rochas sienograníticas intensamente alteradas. O Qz4 forma cristais médios a grossos, geralmente luminescentes e comparativamente pouco fraturados. Sua ocorrência é restrita às rochas sienograníticas fortemente hidrotermalizadas e aos corpos de greisens, sugerindo o início do processo de greisenização. Nos greisens, dominam cristais de quartzo euédricos médios a grossos, zonados concentricamente e com feições típicas de origem hidrotermal (Qz5). Finos cristais de cassiterita zonada (≤ 100 µm) são comuns e preenchem cavidades nos tipos Qz4 e Qz5. Zircões dominantemente anédricos, corroídos, com os mais elevados conteúdos de Hf e as mais baixas razões Zr/Hf, pertencem às rochas mais evoluídas e alteradas hidrotermalmente e aos corpos de greisens associados, ambos portadores de mineralizações de Sn. Tal fato sugere que a assinatura geoquímica do zircão, em especial a razão Zr/Hf, pode ser utilizada na avaliação preliminar do potencial metalogenético de granitos estaníferos.


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BACKGROUND: Leprosy and HIV are diseases that have a major impact on public health in Brazil. Patients coinfected with both diseases, appear to be at higher risk to develop leprosy reactions. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe the histopathological aspects of cutaneous lesions during reactional states in a group of patients with HIV-leprosy coinfection, compared to patients with leprosy, without coinfection. METHODS: Two groups were established: group 1 comprised of 40 patients coinfected with HIV-leprosy; group 2, comprised of 107 patients with leprosy only. Patients presenting reactional states of leprosy had their lesions biopsied and comparatively evaluated. RESULTS: Reversal reaction was the most frequent feature in both groups, with dermis edema as the most common histopathological finding. Giant cells were seen in all group 1 histopathological examinations. Dermis edema was the most common finding in patients with erythema nodosum leprosum. CONCLUSION: Few histopathological differences were found in both groups, with reversal reaction as the most significant one, although this fact should be analyzed considering the predominant BT clinical form in the coinfected group and BB form in the group without HIV. Larger prospective studies in patients with HIV-leprosy coinfection are needed to confirm and broaden these results.


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A região Noroeste da Província Borborema apresenta uma diversidade de corpos graníticos de natureza e evolução tectônica diversificadas, do Paleoproterozoico ao Paleozoico, com maior incidência relacionada ao Neoproterozoico e alojamento em diferentes fases da orogenia Brasiliana. Um desses exemplos é o Granito Chaval, que representa um batólito aflorante próximo à costa Atlântica do Ceará e Piauí, intrusivo em ortognaisses do Complexo Granja e supracrustais do Grupo Martinópole. Ele é, em parte, coberto por depósitos cenozoicos costeiros e rochas sedimentares paleozoicas da Bacia do Parnaíba. O Granito Chaval tem como característica marcante a textura porfirítica, destacando-se megacristais de microclina, em sienogranitos e monzogranitos, e outras feições texturais/estruturais de origem magmática, Essas permitiram interpretar sua evolução como de alojamento relativamente raso do plúton, conduzido por processos de cristalização fracionada, mistura de magmas com fluxo magmático e ação gravitacional em função da diferença de densidade do magma, levando à flutuação e ascensão de megacristais de microclina no magma residual, com alojamento de leucogranitos e pegmatitos nos estágios finais da evolução deste plutonismo. Por outro lado, em toda a metade Leste do plúton, encontra-se um rico acervo de estruturas tectógenas de cisalhamento, relacionada à implantação da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa, que levou a transformações tectonometamórficas superpostas às feições magmáticas, as quais atingiram condições metamórficas máximas na fácies anfibolito baixo. Cartograficamente, foram individualizados três domínios estruturais em que estão presentes uma gama de variações petroestruturais do Granito Chaval, sejam feições texturais/estruturais ígneas e tectônicas. As rochas plutônicas foram deformadas e modificadas progressivamente à medida que se dirige para Leste, no qual as rochas mudam-se para tonalidades mais escuras do cinza e os processos de cominuição e recristalização dinâmica reduzem, progressivamente, a granulação grossa desses granitos bem como o tamanho dos fenocristais para dimensões mais finas, mantendo-se suas características porfiroides. Desse modo, a trama milonítica se torna evidente, acentuando-se ao atingir a porção principal da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa. Como principais feições estruturais, destacam-se extinção ondulante forte; encurvamento e segmentação de cristais; geminação de deformação; rotação de cristais; microbudinagem; foliação anastomosada, inclusive S-C; lineação de estiramento; formas amendoadas de porfiroclastos, fitas e folhas de quartzo e recristalização. Os produtos desses processos de cisalhamento resultam na formação de protomilonitos, milonitos e ultramilonitos. Essas faixas miloníticas representam os locais de maior concentração da deformação, por isso é possível acompanhar progressivamente suas modificações texturais e mineralógicas, configurando uma sequência clássica de deformação progressiva heterogênea, por cisalhamento simples, em condições frágil-dúctil e dúctil. O alojamento do Granito Chaval aconteceu no final do Criogeniano (aproximadamente 630 Ma) e pode ser interpretado como magmatismo sin a tardi-tectônico em relação ao evento Brasiliano. O processo de cisalhamento que gerou a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa se formou nos incrementos finais da deformação de uma colisão continental em um sistema de cavalgamento oblíquo, em que se edificou o Cinturão de Cisalhamento Noroeste do Ceará, devido ao extravasamento lateral de massas crustais em fluxo dúctil acontecido no final da orogenia Brasiliana no Noroeste da Província Borborema.


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The Pantanal is a Quaternary sedimentary basin located at the left margin of the Upper Paraguay River, west-central Brazil. Basin infilling was mainly by siliciclastic sediments and the stratigraphic succession exhibits an overall finingupward pattern. The depositional system tract is composed by a large meandering fluvial plain and several marginal alluvial fans, being the Taquari megafan the most striking feature. The present landscape is a complex tropical wetland, with geomorphic features derived from the present conditions and other inherited from successive Pleistocene and Holocene climates. During the Pleistocene, the sedimentary environment was dominated by braided alluvial fans, the original geometry of which is preserved as relict forms, permitting remarkable patterns of distributary paleochannels to be easily recognized in satellite images. Eolian processes were active in some abandoned lobes, contemporaneously with sedimentation in active fan lobes. Closed ponds bordered by lunette sand dunes, originally salt pans produced by eolian deflation, are relict eolian landforms in the Pantanal landscape. Eolian processes were probably more effective at the glacial maximum. Landscape has been changing in the Pantanal area since the end of the Pleistocene in adaptation to a more humid and warmer environment prevailing during Holocene. Initiation of the modern wetland has occurred during the Pleistocene / Holocene transition, with the change to a more humid climate and the individualization of lacustrine systems. The modern Pantanal wetland is a vast expanse of poorly drained lowlands that experiences annual flooding from summer to fall months. Although climatic fluctuations have occurred during all the Holocene, the alluvial fans have remained active depositional systems and lobes were formed by progradation and abandonment. Abandoned lobes were subjected... (Complete abstract click electronic address below)


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PURPOSE: To analyze the epidemiological features of patients with esophageal cancer according to the histopathological types: squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma. METHODS: A total of 100 patients with esophageal cancer, being 50 squamous cell carcinomas and 50 adenocarcinomas were analyzed for demographics, nutritional factors, lifestyle habits, benign pathological conditions associated, like Barrett's esophagus and megaesophagus, tumor stage and survival rates. The nutritional factors evaluated included body mass index, percent weight loss, hemoglobin and albumin serum levels. RESULTS: Esophageal cancer occurred more often in men over 50 years-old in both histological groups. No significant differences on age and gender were found between the histological groups. Squamous cell carcinoma was significantly more frequent in blacks than adenocarcinoma. Alcohol consumption and smoking were significantly associated with squamous cell carcinoma. Higher values of body mass index were seen in patients with adenocarcinoma. Barrett's esophagus was found in nine patients (18%) with adenocarcinoma, and megaesophagus in two patients (4%) with squamous cell carcinoma. The majority of patients were on stages III and IV in both histological groups. The mean survival rates were 7.7 ± 9.5 months for patients with squamous cell carcinoma and 8.0 ± 10.9 months for patients with adenocarcinoma. No significant differences on tumor stage and survival rates were detected between the histological groups. CONCLUSION: Epidemiological features are distinct for the histopathological types of esophageal cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma is associated with black race, alcohol and smoking, while adenocarcinoma is related to higher body mass index, white race and Barrett's esophagus.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fish belonging to the family Rivulidae possess one of the most complex reproductive systems. Rivulus, a genus of freshwater fish in the Rivulidae family, was recently reclassified into five genera, including Melanorivulus. Its type species, M. punctatus, is widely distributed and probably represents a species complex. The ultrastructure of sperm has been broadly used in systematics, and we hereby describe the ultrastructural features of spermatogenesis in M. punctatus. Ten M. punctatus males were collected from the reservoir of Parque Estadual da Quineira, municipality of Chapada dos Guimardes, Mato Grosso, Brazil, and prepared for analysis by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. M. punctatus undergoes cystic spermatogenesis. Its cysts consist of groups of germ cells that are in synchronous development and are surrounded by cytoplasmic projections of Sertoli cells. With the breakdown of the cysts, the spermatozoa are released and their maturation is completed in the duct, where part of the cytoplasmic material is discarded through the vesicles. The mature spermatozoon is characterized by a spherical head with homogeneously condensed chromatin, a symmetric midpiece consisting of a pair of perpendicular centrioles, a ring of mitochondria, several vesicles, and one flagellum medial to the nucleus. Early stages of spermatogenesis show no peculiarities; however, in spermiogenesis, we observed that the spermatids remain interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges and have pockets of residual cytoplasm. The sperm is of the aquasperm type and is similar to that observed in the members of the family Rivulidae. The spermatozoa have a single flagellum that consists of a classic axoneme (9 +2), as found in most groups of fish, despite the lateral extensions. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The algorithm creates a buffer area around the cartographic features of interest in one of the images and compare it with the other one. During the comparison, the algorithm calculates the number of equals and different points and uses it to calculate the statistical values of the analysis. One calculated statistical value is the correctness, which shows the user the percentage of points that were correctly extracted. Another one is the completeness that shows the percentage of points that really belong to the interest feature. And the third value shows the idea of quality obtained by the extraction method, since that in order to calculate the quality the algorithm uses the correctness and completeness previously calculated. All the performed tests using this algorithm were possible to use the statistical values calculated to represent quantitatively the quality obtained by the extraction method executed. So, it is possible to say that the developed algorithm can be used to analyze extraction methods of cartographic features of interest, since that the results obtained were promising.


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The thyroid gland was assessed by ultrasound in healthy euthyroid mixed-breed medium size dogs in different age groups. The objective was to verify ultrasonographic imaging patterns in these groups, as well as to identify possible changes in imaging features resulting from ageing. Thirty dogs - 10 young (<1 year), 10 adult and 10 elderly - without clinical signs or history of thyroid gland disease with complete blood count and thyroid function tests within the reference values were evaluated. Each thyroid lobe was examined by ultrasound for shape, size, echogenicity and echotexture. The analysis of echogenicity and echotexture was made by histogram. Thyroid volume was estimated by the equation for ellipsoid (length x width x height) pi/6. The thyroid volume of the young dogs in this study had a tendency to be higher than in adult dogs (P = 0.068) and older dogs (P = 0.120). The height of the thyroid lobe in the longitudinal plane was significantly higher (P = 0.026) in young dogs compared with the other dogs. The echotexture and echogenicity had no significant differences between groups, but the echogenicity was greater in older dogs. The results point out that ultrasound imaging of the thyroid volume is influenced by age in euthyroid dogs.


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Reports on the clinical course of mycophenolic acid (MPA)-related colitis in kidney transplant recipients are scarce. This study aimed at assessing MPA-related colitis incidence, risk factors, and progression after kidney transplantation. All kidney transplant patients taking MPA who had colonic biopsies for persistent chronic diarrhea, between 2000 and 2012, at the Kidney Transplantation Unit of Botucatu Medical School Hospital, Brazil, were included. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) immunohistochemistry was performed in all biopsy specimens. Data on presenting symptoms, medications, immunosuppressive drugs, colonoscopic findings, and follow-up were obtained. Of 580 kidney transplant patients on MPA, 34 underwent colonoscopy. Colonoscopic findings were associated with MPA usage in 16 patients. The most frequent histologic patterns were non-specific colitis (31.3%), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like colitis (25%), normal/near normal (18.8%), graft-versus-host disease-like (18.8%), and ischemia-like colitis (12.5%). All patients had persistent acute diarrhea and weight loss. Six of the 16 MPA-related diarrhea patients (37.5%) showed acute dehydration requiring hospitalization. Diarrhea resolved when MPA was switched to sirolimus (50%), discontinued (18.75%), switched to azathioprine (12.5%), or reduced by 50% (18.75%). No graft loss occurred. Four patients died during the study period. Late-onset MPA was more frequent, and no correlation with MPA dose or formulation was found.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the influence of finishing and polishing procedures and differ-ent fluoride solutions on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resinSupreme XT (3M) through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Circular specimens (n 5 30) of 10mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared, with half of the sample assays finished and polishedwith Super-Snap1sandpaper. The experimental groups were divided according to the presence or ab-sence of finishing and polishing and solutions (arti ficial saliva, 0.0 5% of manipulated sodium fluoridesolution, Fluordent Re ach, Oral B, Fluorgard). Specimens were immersed in each respective solutionfor 1 min per day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 37 6 18C between immersion peri-ods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. It was observed that specimens submitted tofinishing and polishing procedures had lower superficial degradation. Fluoride solutio ns promoted su-perficial alterations on specimens, being the highest degradation obtained with Fluordent Reach. Itca n be concluded that finishing and polishing procedures and the immersion media influence the su-perficial morphology of composite resin tested; the Fluordent Reach was the flu oride solution thatmo st affected the material’s surface.


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Aims: The study evaluated the influence of light curing units and immersionmedia on superficial morphology and chemistry of the nanofilled composite resin Supreme XT (3M)through the EDX analysis and SEM evaluation. Light curing units with different power densitiesand mode of application used were XL 3000 (480 mW/cm2), Jet Lite 4000 Plus (1230mW/cm2), andUltralume Led 5 (790 mW/cm2) and immersion media were artificial saliva, Coke1, tea and coffee,totaling 12 experimental groups. Specimens (10 mm 3 2 mm) were immersed in each respectivesolution for 5 min, three times a day, during 60 days and stored in artificial saliva at 378C 6 18Cbetween immersion periods. Topography and chemical analysis was qualitative. Findings: Groupsimmersed in artificial saliva, showed homogeneous degradation of matrix and deposition of calciumat the material surface. Regarding coffee, there was a reasonable chemical degradation with loss ofload particles and deposition of ions. For tea, superficial degradation occurred in specific areaswith deposition of calcium, carbon, potassium and phosphorus. For Coke1, excessive matrix degra-dation and loss of load particles with deposition of calcium, sodium, and potassium. Conclusion:Light curing units did not influence the superficial morphology of composite resin tested, but theimmersion beverages did. Coke1affected material’s surface more than did the other tested drinks.Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:176–181, 2010.