717 resultados para Tarenaya spinosa
Mesozoic calcareous nannofossil assemblages recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 149 from the Iberia Abyssal Plain off the coast of Portugal were examined to determine the age of the rifting processes that affected the western Iberia Margin. Dark carbonaceous claystones (black shales) recovered from Site 901 contain highly diverse and abundant Tithonian calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Careful examination and documentation of this material has extended the ranges of numerous Jurassic and Cretaceous species and detailed a significant Late Jurassic assemblage turnover observed in the calcareous nannofossil record. The Lower Cretaceous sequence consists of intervals of serpentinized peridotite intercalated between various breccias and dark claystones. With the exception of a few samples, calcareous nannofossils are few and moderately preserved. The age of nannofossils within these varied sedimentary lithologies ranges from the late Barremian to the late Aptian. Eight new species are described: Ansulasphaera covingtonii, Clepsilithus meniscus, Conusphaera sinespina, Crepidolithus parvulus, Diazomatholithus galicianus, Percivalia arata, Rotelapillus pleoseptatus, and Tranolithus incus. Also proposed are five new combinations.
A biostratigraphically continuous, but intensely bioturbated, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sequence was cored during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 113 on Maud Rise (65°S) in the Weddell Sea off East Antarctica. This interval is the first recovered by ODP/DSDP in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and offers a unique opportunity to study the nannofossil sequences leading up to and beyond the terminal Cretaceous event at a high southern latitude. The K/T boundary lies just within Chron 29R and is placed at ODP Sample 113-690C-15X-4, 41.5 cm. An iridium anomaly was independently noted at about this level as well. Upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene sediments consist mostly of light-colored nannofossil chalks. Dark brown sediments at the base of the Danian (Zone CPla) are characterized by an increased clay content attributed to a drop in calcareous microplankton productivity following the terminal Cretaceous event. Although delineation of the boundary is hampered by intense bioturbation, the sharp color contrast between overlying clay-rich, dark brown chalks of the Tertiary and light cream colored chalks of the Cretaceous aids in the selection of the K/T horizon. Several dark colored burrows sampled at intervals as far as 1.3 m below the boundary and within the light colored Cretaceous chalk were found to contain up to 17% Tertiary nannofossils. Calcareous nannofossils from the boundary interval were divided into three groups for quantitative study. The three groups, "Cretaceous," "Tertiary," and "Survivor," exhibit a sequential change across the boundary with the Cretaceous forms giving way to a Survivor-dominated assemblage beginning at the boundary followed shortly thereafter by the appearance of the Tertiary taxa, Cruciplacolithus and Hornibrookina. The species, H. edwardsii, comprises nearly 50% of the assemblage just above the Zone CPla/CPlb boundary, an abundance not reported elsewhere at this level. Calculation of individual species abundances reveals several additional differences between this K/T boundary interval and those studied from middle and low latitude sections. The percentage of Thoracosphaera is much lower at the boundary in this section and a small form, Prediscosphaera stoveri, is extremely abundant in Cretaceous sediments just below the boundary.
Silicoflagellates ranging from middle Eocene to middle Miocene in age are present in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1219A. The hole was drilled 250.8 meters below seafloor of which an ~120 m section primarily composed of nannofossil ooze with variable radiolarian and clay content is early Miocene and Oligocene in age, and a 95-m section is Eocene radiolarian and zeolithic clays, radiolarian and diatom oozes, and nannofossil oozes and chalks. A total of 150 samples were studied at a sample interval of one per section. Diversity of silicoflagellates is moderate, and the preservation is good. Abundance is generally low, with many samples barren of silicoflagellates, but 31 species and subspecies were identified. One new species, Naviculopsis trigeminus, is described.