833 resultados para TORO
The solutions to cope with new challenges that societies have to face nowadays involve providing smarter daily systems. To achieve this, technology has to evolve and leverage physical systems automatic interactions, with less human intervention. Technological paradigms like Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are providing reference models, architectures, approaches and tools that are to support cross-domain solutions. Thus, CPS based solutions will be applied in different application domains like e-Health, Smart Grid, Smart Transportation and so on, to assure the expected response from a complex system that relies on the smooth interaction and cooperation of diverse networked physical systems. The Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) are a well-known wireless technology that are part of large CPS. The WSN aims at monitoring a physical system, object, (e.g., the environmental condition of a cargo container), and relaying data to the targeted processing element. The WSN communication reliability, as well as a restrained energy consumption, are expected features in a WSN. This paper shows the results obtained in a real WSN deployment, based on SunSPOT nodes, which carries out a fuzzy based control strategy to improve energy consumption while keeping communication reliability and computational resources usage among boundaries.
"El objetivo de esta guía es facilitar el enfoque integral del planeamiento para poder planificar y enmarcar las potenciales intervenciones de los distintos actores dentro de las estrategias territoriales definidas para un territorio, considerando todos sus aspectos de manera global y simultánea. Tras la fase de análisis completo y sistemático, que evita que se pasen por alto aspectos clave del territorio, para las fases de diagnóstico y propuesta se ofrece la rueda como un instrumento gráfico que permite representar y visualizar simultáneamente los problemas, y posteriormente los objetivos y estrategias aplicables a un territorio. En consecuencia, la guía de trabajo está diseñada específicamente para afrontar una serie de cuestiones clave de carácter urgente: La explotación de recursos naturales y su relación con los medios de vida; La vulnerabilidad ante los riesgos naturales y antrópicos; la insostenibilidad territorial y la falta de gestión de la ocupación del suelo (dispersión urbana, informalidad…); El Cambio climático; La Habitabilidad Precaria"
La familia Cupressaceae incluye un total de 133 especies agrupadas en 30 géneros, 17 de los cuales son monospecíficos. Esta familia se encuentra representada en todos los continentes salvo en la Antártida. Sus especies se distribuyen en distintas regiones climáticas, y en altitudes que varían desde el nivel del mar hasta los 5.000 m. La falta de descripción anatómica de muchos de los géneros y especies de Cupressaceae es notable, así como la contradicción que aparece entre distintas investigaciones sobre las características anatómicas de la madera descritas para cada especie. Este estudio describe la anatomía de la madera de Cupressaceae y analiza las características que podrían representar sinapomorfías de los clados delimitados en los estudios filogenéticos. Siguiendo los métodos tradicionales de preparación y descripción de la madera a nivel microscópico, se ha estudiado la madera de 113 especies de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae. Para ello se han empleado muestras de madera de origen trazable, procedentes de colecciones de madera de distintas instituciones internacionales. Se ha empleado una robusta filogenia molecular para la reconstrucción de los caracteres ancestrales. La anatomía de la madera de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae, pone de manifiesto la gran homogeneidad de la familia, caracterizada por la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, parénquima radial con paredes horizontales lisas, punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la carencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos. Además, todos presentan parénquima axial (salvo Neocallitropsis, Thuja y Xanthocyparis), punteaduras radiales areoladas con toro definido (salvo Thuja y Thujopsis), siendo habitual la presencia de punteaduras areoladas en las paredes tangenciales de la madera tardía, y verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas (salvo Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus y Neocallitropsis). Los radios leñosos son homogéneos y están compuestos de parénquima radial (con la presencia de traqueidas radiales en algunas especies de Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis y X. nootkatensis) con paredes finales lisas o lisas y noduladas (exclusivamente noduladas en Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri y en la mayoría de especies de Juniperus), y el rango de altura de los radios leñosos se encuentra entre 5 y 15 células. Se consideran posibles sinapomorfismos de Cupressaceae la presencia de verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas, la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, la presencia de parénquima axial, la presencia de radios leñosos homogéneos (compuestos únicamente de parénquima radial), la tipología de las paredes horizontales del parénquima radial, las punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la ausencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos, pero lo que realmente diferencia a este grupo de coníferas es la simultaneidad de todos estos caracteres en sus maderas. Como sinapomorfías específicas por clados se proponen: la ausencia de toro definido y muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en Thuja-Thujopsis, la existencia de extensiones de toro en Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; la presencia de engrosamientos callitroides en Callitris-Actinostrobus; la presencia de espacios intercelulares y las muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en el clado formado por el género Juniperus y las especies de Cupressus en la región oriental; la presencia de paredes finales del parénquima radial tanto lisas como noduladas en los clados formados por el género Xanthocyparis y las especies de Cupressus en la región occidental y en Fitzroya-Diselma; y por último, la presencia de punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo taxodioide en los clados taxodioid y sequoioid. ABSTRACT The Cupressaceae family comprises 133 species grouped into 30 genera, 17 of which are monotypic. The family is represented in all continents except Antarctica. Its species are distributed in various climate zones and at altitudes from sea level to 5,000 m. There is a considerable lack of anatomical descriptions for many genera and species of Cupressaceae and much contradiction between studies about the wood anatomical features described for each species. This study describes the wood anatomy of Cupressaceae and analyses the features that could represent synapomorphies of the clades recovered in phylogenetic studies. Following the traditional methods of preparation and description of wood at microscopic level, a study was made of the wood of 113 species of the 30 Cupressaceae genera. The study samples had traceable origins and came from wood collections held at various international institutions. A robust molecular phylogeny was used for ancestral state reconstruction. The wood anatomy of the 30 genera of the Cupressaceae shows the high homogeneity of the family, which is characterised by the presence of axial tracheids without helical thickenings, smooth horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits, and the absence of physiological resin canals. In addition, they all have axial parenchyma (except Neocallitropsis, Thuja and Xanthocyparis), a warty layer on the inner wall of the tracheids (except Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus and Neocallitropsis) and tracheid pitting in radial walls with a well defined torus (except Thuja and Thujopsis); tracheid pitting in the tangential walls of the latewood is common. Rays are homogeneous and are composed of ray parenchyma (with the presence of ray tracheids in some species of Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis and X. nootkatensis), with smooth end walls or both smooth and nodular end walls (exclusively nodular in Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri and most Juniperus species), and ray height range is 5 to 15 cells. Possible synapomorphies of Cupressaceae are the presence of a warty layer on the inner layer of the tracheids, axial tracheids without helical thickenings, the presence of axial parenchyma, homogeneous rays (composed exclusively of ray parenchyma), the typology of the horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits and the absence of physiological resin canals, but what truly differentiates this group of softwoods is the co-occurrence of all these features in their wood. The following are proposed as clade-specific synapomorphies: absence of a well-defined torus and presence of pits with notched borders in Thuja-Thujopsis, torus extensions in Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; callitroid thickenings in Callitris-Actinostrobus; intercellular spaces and pits with notched borders in the clade formed by the genus Juniperus and the species of Cupressus in the eastern region; smooth and nodular ray parenchyma end walls in the clades formed by the genus Xanthocyparis and the species of Cupressus in the western region and in Fitzroya-Diselma, and taxodioid cross-field pits in the taxodioid and sequoioid clades.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o papel da comunicação no processo de mobilização e transferência de tecnologias florestais e ambientais em assentamentos rurais para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A metodologia utilizada é o Estudo de Caso, de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria da Mobilização Social, de Bernardo Toro e Nísia Werneck (2004), por meio de observação direta. Foram realizadas observações e entrevistas com técnicos extensionistas e assentados de Bituruna/PR sobre os papéis e níveis de comunicação: micro (pessoal), macro (público segmentado) e massa (mídia em geral). Este estudo mostra a importância da comunicação e de suas ferramentas para melhorar o processo de transferência de tecnologia entre assentados e técnicos extensionistas. Revela as dificuldades inerentes ao processo comunicativo, além da necessidade de criação de mecanismos de participação coletiva dos assentados para serem sujeitos de seu desenvolvimento. Desta forma, mostra que a comunicação pode ser melhor utilizada no processo de mobilização e precisa estar inserida no planejamento dos trabalhos realizados nos assentamentos, em uma perspectiva dialógica e participativa. A comunicação pode, então, criar sentido, formular imaginários a serem alcançados e, efetivamente, mobilizar para o desenvolvimento sustentável.(AU)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o papel da comunicação no processo de mobilização e transferência de tecnologias florestais e ambientais em assentamentos rurais para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A metodologia utilizada é o Estudo de Caso, de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria da Mobilização Social, de Bernardo Toro e Nísia Werneck (2004), por meio de observação direta. Foram realizadas observações e entrevistas com técnicos extensionistas e assentados de Bituruna/PR sobre os papéis e níveis de comunicação: micro (pessoal), macro (público segmentado) e massa (mídia em geral). Este estudo mostra a importância da comunicação e de suas ferramentas para melhorar o processo de transferência de tecnologia entre assentados e técnicos extensionistas. Revela as dificuldades inerentes ao processo comunicativo, além da necessidade de criação de mecanismos de participação coletiva dos assentados para serem sujeitos de seu desenvolvimento. Desta forma, mostra que a comunicação pode ser melhor utilizada no processo de mobilização e precisa estar inserida no planejamento dos trabalhos realizados nos assentamentos, em uma perspectiva dialógica e participativa. A comunicação pode, então, criar sentido, formular imaginários a serem alcançados e, efetivamente, mobilizar para o desenvolvimento sustentável.(AU)
As condições inadequadas vivenciadas nas organizações afligem não só os trabalhadores da iniciativa privada, pois são igualmente encontradas no segmento estatal, contrariando a expectativa de que o aparato governamental eliminaria as condições insalubres e criaria outras melhores nas quais prevalecesse à promoção de saúde. Diante desse panorama questionou-se porque, uma vez que, pelo menos do ponto de vista da sociedade leiga, esses servidores estão submetidos a condições privilegiadas de trabalho. O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever possíveis relações entre o clima organizacional e o burnout em servidores públicos de uma instituição federal de ensino. Objetivou-se ainda descrever o clima organizacional predominante. A pesquisa realizada teve cunho quantitativo, tipo estudo de caso e exploratória. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das escalas ECO (escala de clima organizacional), ECB (escala de caracterização do burnout) e um questionário sociodemográfico, todos os instrumentos autoaplicáveis eletronicamente disponíveis à instituição. Participaram do estudo 201 servidores públicos federais, com idade média de 37 anos, majoritariamente de nível superior e casados. Os resultados revelaram que cerca de um quarto dos participantes raramente experimentaram burnout, no entanto outra quarta parte deles frequentemente experimentaram altos níveis de burnout, resultado bastante expressivo. Os servidores perceberam clima organizacional mediano, destacando-se a boa coesão entre os colegas de trabalho e a percepção de baixa recompensa. Merece destaque a grande dispersão entre as percepções de clima, o que permite inferir haver subclimas não identificados nesta investigação, possivelmente ocasionados por uma força de clima fraca e pela participação dos servidores de unidades de ensino geograficamente distintas, geridas por gestores locais com relativa autonomia. Os resultados dos cálculos de correlação revelaram que, quanto menos os participantes percebem apoio da chefia e da organização, coesão entre colegas, e mais controle/pressão, mais exaustos se sentem, mais desumanizam as pessoas com quem tratam e mais se decepcionam no trabalho e vice-versa. Conforto físico menor está associado a maior desumanização e a mais decepção no trabalho e vice-versa; e que controle/pressão, relaciona-se positiva e fracamente com desumanização e vice-versa. Desta forma, a hipótese de que existe associação entre burnout e clima organizacional foi confirmada. Os resultados também revelaram que os servidores com burnout, perceberam pior clima organizacional que os seus pares sem burnout, confirmando a segunda hipótese. Esses servidores também se mostraram neutros quanto à percepção de apoio da chefia e conforto físico; não percebem controle pressão, nem recompensa; todavia percebem coesão entre os colegas. Esses resultados sugerem que os participantes têm se apoiado nessas relações para suportar a indiferença e ausência de estímulos experimentados no trabalho. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo permitiram concluir que o clima organizacional é fraco, provavelmente influenciado por uma cultura organizacional fraca, explicando a heterogeneidade da percepção do clima organizacional pelos servidores. Além disso, embora haja burnout entre poucos participantes, há que se atentar que cerca de um quarto deles, encontra-se acometido desta síndrome e isto poderá contagiar os demais.
Voltage-dependent and calcium-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels are key regulators of neuronal excitability, secretion, and vascular tone because of their ability to sense transmembrane voltage and intracellular Ca2+. In most tissues, their stimulation results in a noninactivating hyperpolarizing K+ current that reduces excitability. In addition to noninactivating MaxiK currents, an inactivating MaxiK channel phenotype is found in cells like chromaffin cells and hippocampal neurons. The molecular determinants underlying inactivating MaxiK channels remain unknown. Herein, we report a transmembrane β subunit (β2) that yields inactivating MaxiK currents on coexpression with the pore-forming α subunit of MaxiK channels. Intracellular application of trypsin as well as deletion of 19 N-terminal amino acids of the β2 subunit abolished inactivation of the α subunit. Conversely, fusion of these N-terminal amino acids to the noninactivating smooth muscle β1 subunit leads to an inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels. Furthermore, addition of a synthetic N-terminal peptide of the β2 subunit causes inactivation of the MaxiK channel α subunit by occluding its K+-conducting pore resembling the inactivation caused by the “ball” peptide in voltage-dependent K+ channels. Thus, the inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels in native tissues can result from the association with different β subunits.
Large conductance calcium- and voltage-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels share properties of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels. In voltage-gated channels, membrane depolarization promotes the displacement of charged residues contained in the voltage sensor (S4 region) inducing gating currents and pore opening. In MaxiK channels, both voltage and micromolar internal Ca2+ favor pore opening. We demonstrate the presence of voltage sensor rearrangements with voltage (gating currents) whose movement and associated pore opening is triggered by voltage and facilitated by micromolar internal Ca2+ concentration. In contrast to other voltage-gated channels, in MaxiK channels there is charge movement at potentials where the pore is open and the total charge per channel is 4–5 elementary charges.
Large conductance voltage and Ca2+-activated K+ (MaxiK) channels couple intracellular Ca2+ with cellular excitability. They are composed of a pore-forming α subunit and modulatory β subunits. The pore blockers charybdotoxin (CTx) and iberiotoxin (IbTx), at nanomolar concentrations, have been invaluable in unraveling MaxiK channel physiological role in vertebrates. However in mammalian brain, CTx-insensitive MaxiK channels have been described [Reinhart, P. H., Chung, S. & Levitan, I. B. (1989) Neuron 2, 1031–1041], but their molecular basis is unknown. Here we report a human MaxiK channel β-subunit (β4), highly expressed in brain, which renders the MaxiK channel α-subunit resistant to nanomolar concentrations of CTx and IbTx. The resistance of MaxiK channel to toxin block, a phenotype conferred by the β4 extracellular loop, results from a dramatic (≈1,000 fold) slowdown of the toxin association. However once bound, the toxin block is apparently irreversible. Thus, unusually high toxin concentrations and long exposure times are necessary to determine the role of “CTx/IbTx-insensitive” MaxiK channels formed by α + β4 subunits.
The pore-forming α subunit of large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-sensitive K (MaxiK) channels is regulated by a β subunit that has two membrane-spanning regions separated by an extracellular loop. To investigate the structural determinants in the pore-forming α subunit necessary for β-subunit modulation, we made chimeric constructs between a human MaxiK channel and the Drosophila homologue, which we show is insensitive to β-subunit modulation, and analyzed the topology of the α subunit. A comparison of multiple sequence alignments with hydrophobicity plots revealed that MaxiK channel α subunits have a unique hydrophobic segment (S0) at the N terminus. This segment is in addition to the six putative transmembrane segments (S1–S6) usually found in voltage-dependent ion channels. The transmembrane nature of this unique S0 region was demonstrated by in vitro translation experiments. Moreover, normal functional expression of signal sequence fusions and in vitro N-linked glycosylation experiments indicate that S0 leads to an exoplasmic N terminus. Therefore, we propose a new model where MaxiK channels have a seventh transmembrane segment at the N terminus (S0). Chimeric exchange of 41 N-terminal amino acids, including S0, from the human MaxiK channel to the Drosophila homologue transfers β-subunit regulation to the otherwise unresponsive Drosophila channel. Both the unique S0 region and the exoplasmic N terminus are necessary for this gain of function.
The lacustrine deposits infilling the intramontane Guadix-Baza Basin, in the Betic Range of Southern Spain, have yielded abundant well-preserved lithic artifacts. In addition, the lake beds contain a wide range of micromammals including Mimomys savini and Allophaiomys burgondiae and large mammals such as Mammuthus and Hippopotamus together with the African saber-toothed felid Megantereon. The association of the lithic artifacts along with the fossil assemblages, themselves of prime significance in the Eurasian mammal biochronology, is providing new insight into the controversy of the human settlement in Southern Europe. Despite the importance of the artifacts and fossil assemblage, estimates of the geological age of the site are still in conflict. Some attempts at dating the sediments have included biochronology, uranium series, amino acid racemization, and stratigraphic correlation with other well-dated sections in the basin, but so far have failed to yield unambiguous ages. Here we present paleomagnetic age dating at the relevant localities and thus provide useful age constraints for this critical paleoanthropological and mammal site. Our data provide firm evidence for human occupation in Southern Europe in the Lower Pleistocene, around 1 mega-annum ago. The current view of when and how hominids first dispersed into Europe needs to be reevaluated.
The voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ (KV,Ca) channel is expressed in a variety of polarized epithelial cells seemingly displaying a tissue-dependent apical-to-basolateral regionalization, as revealed by electrophysiology. Using domain-specific biotinylation and immunofluorescence we show that the human channel KV,Ca α-subunit (human Slowpoke channel, hSlo) is predominantly found in the apical plasma membrane domain of permanently transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Both the wild-type and a mutant hSlo protein lacking its only potential N-glycosylation site were efficiently transported to the cell surface and concentrated in the apical domain even when they were overexpressed to levels 200- to 300-fold higher than the density of intrinsic Slo channels. Furthermore, tunicamycin treatment did not prevent apical segregation of hSlo, indicating that endogenous glycosylated proteins (e.g., KV,Ca β-subunits) were not required. hSlo seems to display properties for lipid-raft targeting, as judged by its buoyant distribution in sucrose gradients after extraction with either detergent or sodium carbonate. The evidence indicates that the hSlo protein possesses intrinsic information for transport to the apical cell surface through a mechanism that may involve association with lipid rafts and that is independent of glycosylation of the channel itself or an associated protein. Thus, this particular polytopic model protein shows that glycosylation-independent apical pathways exist for endogenous membrane proteins in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.
A gene, qid74, of mycoparasitic filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum and its allies encodes a cell wall protein that is induced by replacing glucose in the culture medium with chitin (simulated mycoparasitism conditions). Because no trace of this gene can be detected in related species such as Gibberella fujikuroi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the qid74 gene appears to have arisen de novo within the genus Trichoderma. Qid74 protein, 687 residues long, is now seen as highly conserved tandem repeats of the 59-residue-long unit. This unit itself, however, may have arisen as tandem repeats of the shorter 13-residue-long basic unit. Within the genus Trichoderma, the amino acid sequence of Qid74 proteins has been conserved in toto. The most striking is the fact that Qid74 shares 25.3% sequence identity with the carboxyl-terminal half of the 1,572-residue-long BR3 protein of the dipteran insect Chironomus tentans. BR3 protein is secreted by the salivary gland of each aquatic larva of Chironomus to form a tube to house itself. Furthermore, the consensus sequence derived from these 59-residue-long repeating units resembles those of epidermal growth factor-like domains found in divergent invertebrate and vertebrate proteins as to the positions of critical cysteine residues and homology of residues surrounding these cysteines.