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This work aimed at evaluating the total carotenoids production by a newly isolated Sporidiobolus pararoseus. Bioproduction was carried out in an orbital shaker, using 10% (w/v) of inoculum (25 A degrees C, 180 rpm for 35 h), incubated for 120 h in a dark room. Liquid N(2) and dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) were used for cell rupture, and carotenoids were extracted with a solution of acetone/methanol (7:3, v/v). Optimization of carotenoids bioproduction was achieved by experimental design technique. Initially, a Plackett-Burman design was used for the screening of the most important factors, after the statistical analysis, a complete second-order design was carried out to optimize the concentration of total carotenoids in a conventional medium. Maximum concentration of 856 mu g/L of total carotenoids was obtained in a medium containing 60 g/L of glucose, 15 g/L of peptone, and 15 g/L of malt extract, 25 A degrees C, initial pH 4.0 and 180 rpm. Fermentation kinetics showed that the maximum concentration of total carotenoids was reached after 102 h of fermentation and that carotenoids bioproduction was associated with cell growth.
Influence of soybean phenological stage and leaflets age on infection by Phakopsora pachyrhizi This work was conducted to study the influence of soybean growth stage and leaf age on the infection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the soybean rust pathogen. Soybean plants (cv. BRS 154 and BRS 258) at the V(3), R(1) and R(5) growth stages were inoculated with a 1 x 10(5) urediniospores per mL suspension. After a period of 24 hours in dew chambers, all plants were removed from the chambers and placed under greenhouse conditions for 20 days. Mean latent period (PLM) and disease severity were estimated. The susceptibility of trifoliate leaves to soybean rust was estimated on cv. BRS 154 at the growth stage R5. Pathogen inoculation was done at the first four trifoliate leaves. Fifteen days after inoculation, leaflets of each trefoil were evaluated for disease severity, lesion mean size and infection frequency. Plants` growth stage did not influence the PLM. Cultivars BRS 154 and BRS 258 presented PLM of 8 and 9 days, respectively. There was no difference in disease severity at the growth stages V(3) and R(1), but those values were higher than at the R(5) growth stage, 8 days after inoculation. The oldest trefoil showed the highest disease values.
This study aimed to achieve a better understanding about the foraging behavior of leaf-cutter ant (Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel) workers with respect to defoliation sites in plants. To accomplish that, artificial plants 70 cm in height were prepared and divided into four levels (heights), having natural plant leaves attached to them. Evaluations during the bioassays included the number of leaves dropped by the ants, as well as the percentage of plant mass removed. In all replicates, it became evident that the most exploited plant site is the apical region, which significantly differed from other plant levels.
The diversity and beneficial characteristics of endophytic microorganisms have been studied in several host plants. However, information regal-ding naturally, occurring seed-associated endophytes and vertical transmission among different life-history stages of hosts is limited. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from seeds and seedlings of 10 Eucalyptus species and two hybrids. The results showed that endophytic bacteria, Such as Bacillus, Enterococcus, Paenibacillus and Methylobacterium, are vertically transferred from seeds to seedlings. In addition, the endophytic bacterium Pantoea agglomerans was tagged with the gfp gene, inoculated into seeds and further reisolated from seedlings. These results suggested it novel approach to change the profile of the plants, where the bacterium is a delivery vehicle for desired traits. This is the first report of an endophytic bacterial community residing in Eucalyptus seeds and the transmission of these bacteria from seeds to seedlings. The bacterial species reported ill this work have been described as providing benefits to host plants. Therefore, we Suggest that endophytic bacteria can be transmitted vertically from seeds to seedlings, assuring the support of the bacterial community in the host plant.
Beach bean (Canavalia rosea) plants showing mosaic symptoms were found at Massaguacu beach, Caraguatatuba, Brazil. A potyvirus was found to be responsible for the symptoms, based on transmission assays and electron microscopy. A positive reaction in ELISA was obtained against cowpea aphid-borne mosaic (CABMV) antisera. Viral identity was confirmed by RT-PCR using specific primers to amplify part of the NIb and the entire CP coding region of the genome and the 3`NTR. Comparison of the amplified sequences with that of CABMV showed a nucleotide sequence identity of 97% for the CP coding region. Thus, the potyvirus from beach bean should be considered a CABMV isolate, referred to as CABMV-Cr.
Connectivity of the glycocalyx covering of small communities of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans bacteria deposited on hydrophilic mica plates was imaged by atomic force microscopy. When part of the coverage was removed by water rinsing, an insoluble structure formed by corrals surrounding each individual bacterium was observed. A collective ring structure with clustered bacteria (>= 3) was observed, which indicates that the bacteria perceived the neighborhood in order to grow a protective structure that results in smaller production of exopolysaccharides material. The most surprising aspect of these collective corral structures was that they occur at a low bacterial cell density. The deposited layers were also analyzed by confocal Raman microscopy and shown to contain polysaccharides, protein, and glucoronic acid.
Citrus sudden death (CSD) transmission was studied by graft-inoculation and under natural conditions. Young sweet orange trees on Rangpur rootstock were used as indicator plants. They were examined regularly for one or two characteristic markers of CSD: (i) presence of a yellow-stained layer of thickened bark on the Rangpur rootstock, and (ii) infection with the CSD-associated marafivirus. Based on these two markers, transmission of CSD was obtained, not only when budwood for graft-inoculation was taken from symptomatic, sweet orange trees on Rangpur, but also when the budwood sources were asymptomatic sweet orange trees on Cleopatra mandarin, indicating that the latter trees are symptomless carriers of the CSD agent. For natural transmission, 80 young indicator plants were planted within a citrus plot severely affected by CSD. Individual insect-proof cages were built around 40 indicator plants, and the other 40 indicator plants remained uncaged. Only two of the 40 caged indicator plants were affected by CSD, whereas 17 uncaged indicator plants showed CSD symptoms and were infected with the marafivirus. An additional 12 uncaged indicator plants became severely affected with citrus variegated chlorosis and were removed. These results strongly suggest that under natural conditions, CSD is transmitted by an aerial vector, such as an insect, and that the cages protected the trees against infection by the vector.
Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses (BTV) cause chlorotic, necrotic and/or ringspot lesions in leaves and stems of orchids, citrus, coffee and several other plant species. There are two different types of BTVs, the nuclear and the cytoplasmic, based on maturation locale in the cell and particle morphology. The orchid fleck virus (OFV) is a BTV that infects orchids. Its short rodlike particles are 32-40 nm in diameter, 100-150 nm in length. OFV is found in the nucleus and is associated with intranuclear electronlucent viroplasms. In 1999, transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed a distinct type of virus causing orchid fleck symptoms. The bacilliform particles, 70-80 nm in diameter and 110-120 nm in length, induced electron-dense viroplasm inclusions in infected cells and resembled the cytoplasmic type associated with BTV, such as the citrus leprosis virus C. Our objective in the present study was to verify whether the cytoplasmic type virus found in orchids could be amplified using primers for other cytoplasmic BTVs, such as CiLV-C and Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus (SvRSV). Additionally, we aimed to differentiate the two BTVs found in orchids: the nuclear and the cytoplasmic types of OFV using microscopy and molecular and serological tools. This virus was not amplified by the CiLV-C and SvRSV primers, and neither the molecular nor the serological tools available to the OFV diagnosis reacted with it, demonstrating that they are definitely different viruses.
The variability of a fragment of the nucleocapsid gene of orchid fleck virus (OFV) was investigated by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and nucleotide sequencing. Forty-eight samples of 18 genera of orchids were collected from Brazil, Costa Rica and Australia. The SSCP analysis yielded six different band patterns, and phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide fragment sequence obtained in this work and six available in GenBank showed two different groups, one with isolates 023Germany and So-Japan, and other with the rest of the isolates. None of the analyses showed geographic correlation among the Brazilian strains. The data obtained in this study showed a low genetic variation in this region of the genome; the d(N)/d(S) ratio of 0.251-0.405 demonstrated a negative selective pressure that maintains the stability of the analyzed fragments.
The effects of refrigeration, freezing and substitution of milk fat by inulin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) on the texture and sensory features of synbiotic guava mousses supplemented with the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, and the prebiotic fibre oligofructose, were studied. The frozen storage (-18 +/- 1 degrees C), followed by thawing at 4 degrees C before the analyses, and the complete replacement of the milk fat by inulin plus WPC, led to significant differences in the instrumental texture parameters of mousses (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, these changes did not affect the sensory acceptability of the products studied. The frozen storage may be employed to extend the shelf-life of synbiotic guava mousses. Additionally, to obtain a texture profile similar to the traditional product, the simultaneous addition of inulin and WPC is recommended only for the partial replacement of milk fat in refrigerated and frozen mousses, and the total proportion of both ingredients together should not exceed 2.6%. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The bacteriocin-producing strain Enterococcus faecium ST5Ha was isolated from smoked salmon and identified by biomolecular techniques. Ent. faecium ST5Ha produces a pediocin-like bacteriocin with activity against several lactic acid bacteria, Listeria spp. and some other human and food pathogens, and remarkably against HSV-1 virus. Bacteriocin ST5Ha was produced at high levels in MRS broth at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C, reaching a maximum production of 1.0 x 10(9) AU/ml, checked against Listeria ivanovii ATCC19119 as target strain and surrogate of pathogenic strain Listeria monocytogenes. The molecular weight of bacteriocin ST5Ha was estimated to be 4.5 kDa according to tricine-SDS-PAGE data. Ent. faecium ST5Ha harbors a 1.044 kb chromosomal DNA fragment fitting in size to that of pediocin PA-1/AcH. In addition, the sequencing of bacteriocin ST5Ha gene indicated 99% of DNA homology to pediocin PA-1/AcH. The combined application of low levels (below MIC) of ciprofloxacin and bacteriocin ST5Ha resulted in a synergetic effect in the inhibition of target strain L ivanovii ATCC19119. Bacteriocin ST5Ha displayed antiviral activity against HSV-1, an important human pathogen, with a selectivity index of 173. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on Ent. faecium as a potential producer of pediocin-like bacteriocin with antiviral activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pectin can be used as a natural emulsifier in food formulations. In this study, textured soybean protein (TSP), used as an emulsifier in commercial sausages, was partially replaced by a mixture containing pectin and isolated soybean proteins, which were either extruded (EXT) or not extruded (MIX), and the chemical and sensory characteristics of samples were evaluated after 60 days of storage at 4 degrees C. Responses such as oxidation measured by PV and TBARS, hardness, color, pH and sensory characteristics were compared with those of a commercial sausage (CON). The mixture containing highly methyl-esterified pectin, textured soybean proteins and isolated soybean proteins, as emulsifier agent, reduced the hardness (EXT: 21.69 +/- 0.98 and MIX: 20.17 +/- 2.76 N) and the pH (EXT: 5.46 +/- 0.03 and MIX: 5.29 +/- 0.01) of the samples and increased the concentration of peroxides (EXT: 0.10 +/- 0.01 and MIX: 0.15 +/- 0.01 meq/kg) when compared with samples formulated only with TSP (28.57 +/- 2.54 N, pH of 6.92 +/- 0.04 and PV = 0.07 +/- 0.01 meq/kg). These effects were likely caused by the anionic character of the emulsifier. However, no sensory difference was observed between the sausages containing highly methyl-esterified pectin, textured soybean proteins and isolated soybean proteins submitted to the extrusion process (EXT) and the control sausages, suggesting that the formulation proposed in this study can be a potential alternative for the further development of sausages that have functional properties or are free of artificial additives.
The antioxidant capacity of the striped sunflower seed cotyledon extracts, obtained by sequential extraction with different polarities of solvents, was evaluated by three different in vitro methods: ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP), 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. In the three methods, the aqueous extract at 30 mu g/ml showed a higher antioxidant capacity value (FRAP, 45.27 mu mol; DPPH, 50.18%; ORAC, 1.5 Trolox equivalents) than the ethanolic extract (FRAP, 32.17 mu mol; DPPH, 15.21%; ORAC, 0.50 Trolox equivalents). When compared with the synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxyl toluene, the antioxidant capacity of the aqueous extract varied from 45% to 66%, according to the used method. The high antioxidant capacity observed for the aqueous extract of the studied sunflower seed suggests that the intake of this seed may prevent in vivo oxidative reactions responsible for the development of several diseases, such as cancer.
This study evaluated the influence of gastrointestinal environmental factors (pH, digestive enzymes, food components, medicaments) on the survival of Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus casei LC01, using a semi-dynamic in vitro model that simulates the transit of microorganisms through the human GIT. The strains were first exposed to different simulated gastric juices for different periods of time (0, 30, 60 and 120 min), and then to simulated intestinal fluids for zero, 120, 180 and 240 min, in a step-wise format. The number of viable cells was determined after each step. The influence of food residues (skim milk) in the fluids and resistance to medicaments commonly used for varied therapeutic purposes (analgesics, antiarrhythmics, antibiotics, antihistaminics, proton pump inhibitors, etc.) were also evaluated. Results indicated that survival of both cultures was pH and time dependent, and digestive enzymes had little influence. Milk components presented a protective effect, and medicaments, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, influenced markedly the viability of the probiotic cultures, indicating that the beneficial effects of the two probiotic cultures to health are dependent of environmental factors encountered in the human gastrointestinal tract.
Microcystins (MC), a family of heptapeptide toxins produced by some genera of Cyanobacteria, have potent hepatotoxicity and tumor-promoting activity. Leukocyte infiltration in the liver was observed in MC-induced acute intoxication. Although the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity are still unclear, neutrophil infiltration in the liver may play an important role in triggering toxic injury and tumor development. The present study reports the effects of MC-LA, MC-YR and MC-LR (1 and 1000 nM) on human and rat neutrophils functions in vitro. Cell viability, DNA fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured by flow cytometry. Extracellular ROS content was measured by lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence, and cytokines were determined by ELISA. We found that these MC increased interleukin-8 (IL-8), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta (CINC-2 alpha beta) and extracellular ROS levels in human and rat neutrophils. Apart from neutrophil presence during the inflammatory process of MC-induced injury, our results suggest that hepatic neutrophil accumulation is further increased by MC-induced neutrophil-derived chemokine. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.