999 resultados para Supervisão clínica inter-pares
Depth-averaged velocities and unit discharges within a 30 km reach of one of the world's largest rivers, the Rio Parana, Argentina, were simulated using three hydrodynamic models with different process representations: a reduced complexity (RC) model that neglects most of the physics governing fluid flow, a two-dimensional model based on the shallow water equations, and a three-dimensional model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Row characteristics simulated using all three models were compared with data obtained by acoustic Doppler current profiler surveys at four cross sections within the study reach. This analysis demonstrates that, surprisingly, the performance of the RC model is generally equal to, and in some instances better than, that of the physics based models in terms of the statistical agreement between simulated and measured flow properties. In addition, in contrast to previous applications of RC models, the present study demonstrates that the RC model can successfully predict measured flow velocities. The strong performance of the RC model reflects, in part, the simplicity of the depth-averaged mean flow patterns within the study reach and the dominant role of channel-scale topographic features in controlling the flow dynamics. Moreover, the very low water surface slopes that typify large sand-bed rivers enable flow depths to be estimated reliably in the RC model using a simple fixed-lid planar water surface approximation. This approach overcomes a major problem encountered in the application of RC models in environments characterised by shallow flows and steep bed gradients. The RC model is four orders of magnitude faster than the physics based models when performing steady-state hydrodynamic calculations. However, the iterative nature of the RC model calculations implies a reduction in computational efficiency relative to some other RC models. A further implication of this is that, if used to simulate channel morphodynamics, the present RC model may offer only a marginal advantage in terms of computational efficiency over approaches based on the shallow water equations. These observations illustrate the trade off between model realism and efficiency that is a key consideration in RC modelling. Moreover, this outcome highlights a need to rethink the use of RC morphodynamic models in fluvial geomorphology and to move away from existing grid-based approaches, such as the popular cellular automata (CA) models, that remain essentially reductionist in nature. In the case of the world's largest sand-bed rivers, this might be achieved by implementing the RC model outlined here as one element within a hierarchical modelling framework that would enable computationally efficient simulation of the morphodynamics of large rivers over millennial time scales. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
La hipertensión es la enfermedad cardiovascular más frecuente. En la consulta dental puede detectarse primariamente y referirla para su correcto manejo. La monitorización rutinaria de la presión sanguínea y la valoración de los factores de riesgo con una completa anamnesis puede ayudar a prevenir las emergencias médicas durante el tratamiento dental en pacientes insuficientemente o no tratados y la mortalidad y morbilidad de alteraciones como la insuficiencia renal o el fallo cardíaco, también pueden ser reducidas a través de la detección temprana de dicha alteración.
Se presenta un estudio descriptivo de prevalencia de patología de la mucosa bucal, en una muestra de 1491 pacientes, visitados en la Clínica Odontológica Universitaria de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Barcelona. Entre los objetivos planteados se persigue conocer la asociación de las lesiones más prevalentes con la patología sistémica y con los hábitos tóxicos. Las lesiones más prevalentes fueron las clasificadas en el grupo de lesiones blancas. No se pudo confirmar una mayor asociación de la patología bucal en general con la patología sistémica, pero sí una mayor prevalencia de patología bucal en pacientes con hábitos tóxicos, particularmente tabaquismo.
Nuestro trabajo pretende dar unas ideas básicas para el manejo de pacientes sometidos a tratamiento anticoagulante dando a conocer las posibles pautas a seguir respecto a su medicación: mantener intacta la terapia anticoagulante, modificar la terapia anticoagulante o realizar tratamiento combinado de heparina con anticoagulantes orales. La decisión deberá tomarse conjuntamente con el hematólogo responsable del paciente valorando cada caso según la morbilidad intrínseca de la intervención, el riesgo de tromboembolismo en función de la patología de base que presente el paciente y el grado de coagulación determinado mediante estudios de laboratorio (tiempo de protrombina e índice de trombotest).
La presencia de dientes supernumerarios en la línea media maxilar, conocidos bajo el término de mesiodens, puede causar diferentes alteraciones tales como malposición de dientes vecinos, erupción anómala o retraso de erupción de los incisivos centrales superiores permanentes, diastema interincisal y formación de quistes, entre otros. En este artículo presentamos una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva de este tipo de patología y evaluamos los aspectos clínico, etiológico, diagnóstico y terapéutico.
Foram estudados dez caracteres em 32 genótipos de caupi [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.], com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de associação existente entre o rendimento de grãos e seus componentes. Oensaio foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Meio-Norte, em Teresina, PI. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. Os dados foram coletados nas duas fileiras centrais, subtraídas das duas primeiras covas em cada extremidade. A floração inicial e o peso de 100 grãos apresentaram, com rendimento de grãos, as maiores correlações genéticas positivas e os maiores efeitos diretos em sentido favorável à seleção, e foram os caracteres mais importantes para o processo de seleção indireta. A seleção, praticada nos caracteres ângulo de inserção dos ramos laterais e número de grãos por vagem, não teve influência direta significativa sobre o rendimento de grãos.
El auge de las técnicas mecánicas, mediante rotación continua, en la preparación del sistema de conductos radiculares obliga a realizar una serie de reflexiones respecto a las ventajas e inconvenientes de las mismas según los diferentes objetivos que se persiguen en esta fase de la terapéutica. Se describe el sistema de instrumentación HERO 642 comparado con otras marcas y se expone la técnica propugnada por los diseñadores, Vulcain JM y Calas P, junto con las modificaciones propuestas por los autores del artículo. Finalmente, se establecen unas premisas fundamentales para el correcto empleo de la instrumentación rotatoria como técnica habitual en el tratamiento de conductos radiculares, en comparación con otros sistemas.
Se presenta en este artículo una revisión del riesgo de transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas en la clínica dental. Las hepatitis víricas, en especial la hepatitis B y la C, la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, la tuberculosis, y otras enfermedades infecciosas pueden ser potencialmente transmitidas en el ejercicio de la profesión, tanto a los pacientes como a los profesionales. El conocimiento de la probabilidad de transmisión y sus características son la base sobre la que desarrollarán las medidas preventivas de control de infección que intentan evitar o por lo menos minimizar la probabilidad de adquirir estas enfermedades en el ámbito laboral.
Purpose: To evaluate inter- and intraobserver variability of indices crucial for detection of keratoconus progression derived from the Pentacam HR® (high-resolution) tomographer (OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) in patients with mild to moderate keratoconus. Methods: Three repeated corneal topography measurements in the 25-picture mode by two independent observers were performed. The extent of variability across a large range of measurement parameters was analyzed including anterior and posterior corneal surface measurements, pachymetry values, corneal volume, anterior chamber volume and depth, and iridocorneal angle. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between and within each investigator was calculated to assess reproducibility and repeatability, respectively. Results: 31 eyes of 20 patients (mean age 31.6, SD ± 8.6) were included. Overall, the repeatability and reproducibility were excellent. The range of variability was reported by calculating the standard deviation of measurements. The detailed results are shown in Table 1. Conclusions: This study shows that the Pentacam HR® tomographer provides reliable measurements in patients with mild to moderate keratoconus. However, all parameters showed a certain range of variability. This should be taken into account when assessing keratoconus progression in order to distinguish true progression from variability in measurements. In addition, the excellent reproducibility suggests that the measurements can be reliably performed by different individuals from one visit to another.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the parasitism behavior of Telenomus podisi Ashmead, Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) e Trissolcus urichi Crawford (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on eggs of Nezara viridula L., Euschistus heros F., Piezodorus guildinii Westwood and Acrosternum aseadum Rolston (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in no choice and multiple choice experiments. For all parasitoid species, the results demonstrated the existence of a main host species that maximizes the reproductive success. The competitive interactions among the parasitoid species were investigated in experiments of sequential and simultaneous release of different combinations of parasitoid pairs on the hosts N. viridula, E. heros and A. aseadum. Exploitative competition was observed for egg batches at the genus level (Telenomus vs. Trissolcus) and interference competition at the species level (T. basalis vs. T. urichi). Trissolcus urichi was the most aggressive species, interfering with the parasitism of T. basalis. Generally, T. basalis showed an opportunistic behavior trying to parasitise eggs after T. urichi had abandoned the egg batch. The selection of parasitoid species for use in augmentative biological control programs should take into account the diversity of pentatomids present in soybean in addition to the interactions among the different species of parasitoids.
Correlações inter e intragerações e herdabilidade de cor de chips, matéria seca e produção em batata
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar correlações inter e intragerações clonais, estimar herdabilidade quanto à cor de chips, teor de matéria seca e produção de batata, e suas implicações na seleção. Duzentos e cinqüenta clones de dez famílias foram escolhidos aleatoriamente de uma população de primeira geração clonal, destinada ao processamento de batatas chips, do programa de melhoramento genético de batata da Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Clima Temperado. Os clones foram avaliados em segunda (G2), terceira (G3) e quarta (G4) gerações, respectivamente, no outono e primavera de 1999, e outono de 2000, em Pelotas, RS. Os coeficientes de correlação entre gerações e as estimativas de herdabilidade dentro das gerações clonais foram baixas em relação à cor de chips, baixas a moderadas quanto à matéria seca e incrementais com as gerações nos componentes de produção. Os coeficientes de correlação entre as características de qualidade e os componentes de produção dentro de cada geração foram baixos e, na maioria, não-significativos. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos dados conjuntos da G3 e G4 foram moderada, moderadamente alta e alta, respectivamente, em relação à cor de chips, teor de matéria seca e produção.
Introduction Actuellement, les projets européens concernant l'harmonisation des méthodes de profilage se concentrent principalement sur les drogues de type synthétique telles que les ecstasy et les dérivés de la phényléthylamine [Aalberg L. et al. 2005, Aalberg L. et al. 2005, SMT Project 2001, CHAMP Project 2003]. Néanmoins, d'après le rapport annuel 2005 de l'Agence Européenne des Drogues (EMCDDA), la cocaïne est devenue un élément majeur du paysage européen des stupéfiants. De même, les dernières statistiques de l'Office Fédéral de la Police Suisse montrent que les saisies de cocaïne ont quasiment doublé entre 2003 et 2004 pour atteindre des quantités jamais vues auparavant. Le 7ème programme cadre européen, pour la recherche et le développement technologique, propose d'ailleurs un sujet concernant «la détermination et le pistage des composés utilisés lors de la production de certaines substances ». La cocaïne est donc devenue un thème prioritaire en Europe et l'utilisation des méthodes de profilage est un moyen puissant pour établir des liens entre des saisies. Les méthodes de profilage de la cocaïne sont utilisées par quelques laboratoires mais il y a peu ou quasiment pas d'échange d'informations aussi bien concernant les données obtenues que les méthodes utilisées afin d'améliorer la lutte contre le trafic de stupéfiants. Aucune recherche relative à l'harmonisation des méthodes entre deux laboratoires n'a été réalisée à ce jour. Le projet Interreg IIIA avait pour objectif de fournir du renseignement forensique en matière de stupéfiants, plus précisément dans ce cas à la frontière franco-suisse. Le processus de profilage repose sur deux phases interconnectées. La première est consacrée au développement de la méthode analytique permettant l'extraction d'une signature chimique (alcaloïdes et autres composés d'origine, solvants, produits de coupage) ou physique (conditionnement) du produit illicite. La seconde se focalise sur l'intégration des résultats dans un but d'utilisation par les forces de police. Cette recherche s'est tout d'abord focalisée sur le profilage des alcaloïdes en optimisant et en validant la méthode analytique élaborée à l'IPS sur un même GC-FID [Guéniat O. 2004 et Esseiva P. 2004]. Ensuite, la méthode a été étendue à une comparaison de spécimens analysés sur deux appareils différents. Finalement, afin de tester les résultats obtenus par l'analyse des alcaloïdes, une méthode indépendante, la Statique Headspace couplée à un GC-FID, a été, utilisée pour le profilage des solvants. En effet, de nombreux solvants sont utilisés lors de la production de la cocaïne et il doit donc aussi, a priori, être possible d'établir des liens sur la base de cette analyse. Les informations fournies par ces deux méthodes ainsi que leur complémentarité ont été investiguées.
Intraclass correlation (ICC) is an established tool to assess inter-rater reliability. In a seminal paper published in 1979, Shrout and Fleiss considered three statistical models for inter-rater reliability data with a balanced design. In their first two models, an infinite population of raters was considered, whereas in their third model, the raters in the sample were considered to be the whole population of raters. In the present paper, we show that the two distinct estimates of ICC developed for the first two models can both be applied to the third model and we discuss their different interpretations in this context.
BACKGROUND: The activity of the renin-angiotensin system is usually evaluated as plasma renin activity (PRA, ngAI/ml per h) but the reproducibility of this enzymatic assay is notoriously scarce. We compared the inter and intralaboratory reproducibilities of PRA with those of a new automated chemiluminescent assay, which allows the direct quantification of immunoreactive renin [chemiluminescent immunoreactive renin (CLIR), microU/ml]. METHODS: Aliquots from six pool plasmas of patients with very low to very high PRA levels were measured in 12 centres with both the enzymatic and the direct assays. The same methods were applied to three control plasma preparations with known renin content. RESULTS: In pool plasmas, mean PRA values ranged from 0.14 +/- 0.08 to 18.9 +/- 4.1 ngAI/ml per h, whereas those of CLIR ranged from 4.2 +/- 1.7 to 436 +/- 47 microU/ml. In control plasmas, mean values of PRA and of CLIR were always within the expected range. Overall, there was a significant correlation between the two methods (r = 0.73, P < 0.01). Similar correlations were found in plasmas subdivided in those with low, intermediate and high PRA. However, the coefficients of variation among laboratories found for PRA were always higher than those of CLIR, ranging from 59.4 to 17.1% for PRA, and from 41.0 to 10.7% for CLIR (P < 0.01). Also, the mean intralaboratory variability was higher for PRA than for CLIR, being respectively, 8.5 and 4.5% (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The measurement of renin with the chemiluminescent method is a reliable alternative to PRA, having the advantage of a superior inter and intralaboratory reproducibility.