946 resultados para Sulphochromic wastewater treatment


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On November 19, 2012, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey, Director Chuck Gipp from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Dr. John Lawrence of Iowa State University announced the release of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy for public comment. A two-month public comment period and several informational meetings allowed the public to provide feedback on the draft strategy. Updates and improvements were made to the draft based on the public comments. The final version of the strategy was released May 29, 2013. The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is a science and technology-based approach to assess and reduce nutrients delivered to Iowa waterways and the Gulf of Mexico. The strategy outlines voluntary efforts to reduce nutrients in surface water from both point sources, such as wastewater treatment plants and industrial facilities, and nonpoint sources, including farm fields and urban areas, in a scientific, reasonable and cost effective manner. The development of the strategy reflects more than two years of work led by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Iowa State University. The scientific assessment to evaluate and model the effects of practices was developed through the efforts of 23 individuals representing five agencies or organizations, including scientists from ISU, IDALS, DNR, USDA Agricultural Research Service and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The strategy was developed in response to the 2008 Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan that calls for the 12 states along the Mississippi River to develop strategies to reduce nutrient loading to the Gulf of Mexico. The Iowa strategy follows the recommended framework provided by EPA in 2011 and is only the second state to complete a statewide nutrient reduction strategy. This strategy is the beginning. Operational plans are being developed and work is underway. This is a dynamic document that will evolve over time, and is a key step towards improving Iowa’s water quality. The impetus for this report comes from the Water Resources Coordination Council (WRCC) which states in its 2014‐15 Annual Report “Efforts are underway to improve understanding of the multiple nutrient monitoring efforts that may be available and can be compared to the nutrient WQ monitoring framework to identify opportunities and potential data gaps to better coordinate and prioritize future nutrient monitoring efforts.” This report is the culmination of those efforts.


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The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) is a research- and technology-based approach to assess and reduce nutrients delivered to Iowa waterways and the Gulf of Mexico. The strategy outlines opportunities for efforts to reduce nutrients in surface water from both point sources, such as wastewater treatment plants and industrial facilities, and nonpoint sources, including farm fields and urban areas, in a scientific, reasonable, and cost-effective manner.


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The Savannah Valley Authority publishes this quarterly newsletter giving an update on various projects, meetings and developments going on in the Savannah Valley Region. This issue covers among other things, the Russell Project land appraisals, Savannah Lakes Village, wastewater treatment needs and regional grants.


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O atenolol é um fármaco β-bloqueador normalmente encontrado em águas residuais devido à incapacidade que os processos convencionais de tratamento destas águas têm em removê-lo. Neste trabalho foram utilizados microcosmos de leitos construídos de macrófitas de fluxo sub-superficial utilizando uma matriz de argila expandida (LECA) e plantados com Phragmites australis para avaliar a sua capacidade em remover atenolol das águas residuais. Para a detecção e quantificação do atenolol em soluções aquosas (águas e efluentes) desenvolveu-se e optimizou-se uma metodologia analítica usando separação cromatográfica por HPLC e detecção espectrofotométrica por diode array (HPLC-DAD) ou por ultravioleta visível (HPLC-UV-Vis). Desenvolveu-se também um procedimento de limpeza e concentração de amostra por extracção em fase sólida (SPE), o qual foi utilizado sempre que as concentrações do analito se encontraram abaixo dos limites de quantificação do equipamento. A utilização desta metodologia de HPLC, combinada com uma eficaz pré-concentração por SPE, resultou num método analítico com um limite de quantificação muito reduzido (9 ngmL-1) e elevada reprodutibilidade (RSD<4%). A eficiência de remoção de atenolol pelos sistemas de macrófitas estudados foi de 93% após um tempo de retenção de 4 dias. Foram testados leitos só com LECA e com LECA e plantas para remoção do atenolol. Nos leitos só com LECA, a cinética de remoção foi caracterizada por um rápido passo inicial (uma remoção de aproximadamente 75% após apenas 24 h), o qual é frequentemente atribuído à adsorção na matriz de LECA. A remoção de atenolol nos leitos de LECA continuou a aumentar de forma constante até ao final do ensaio (8 dias), sendo, contudo cerca de 5-10% mais baixo do que o valor observado nos leitos das plantas após os 4 primeiros dias. Para o tempo de retenção de 4 dias a maioria do atenolol é removido pela matriz de LECA, porém um acréscimo de cerca de 12-14% relativamente à eficiência de remoção global pode ser atribuído às plantas (Phragmites australis), o que está de acordo com trabalhos anteriormente publicados. Apesar de ser necessário realizar mais testes utilizando sistemas em larga escala, de modo a conseguir avaliar totalmente o comportamento do atenolol num sistema de leitos construídos de macrófitas, o presente estudo apresenta a possibilidade de aplicar este tipo de sistemas, relativamente baratos, no tratamento de águas residuais contaminadas com atenolol. ABSTRACT: Atenolol is a β-blocker drug commonly found in wastewaters due to the inability of the conventional wastewater treatment processes to remove it. ln this study, subsurface flow constructed wetland microscosm systems have been established with a matrix of light expanded clay aggregates (LECA) and planted with Phragmites australis in order to evaluate their ability to remove atenolol from wastewater. For the detection and quantification of atenolol in aqueous solutions (water and wastewater), an adequate analytical methodology was developed and optimized using chromatographic separation by HPLC and diode array (DAD) or UV-Vis spectrophotometric detection. A sample clean-up and preconcentration procedure by solid phase extraction (SPE) was also developed for use whenever the concentration levels of the analyte were below the instrument's limit of quantification. Combined with an efficient SPE concentration step, the use of HPLC yielded an analytical method for atenolol quantification with very low LOQ (9 ngmL-1) and high reproducibility (RSD< 4%). Overall atenolol removal efficiency of 93% was achieved after a retention time of only 4 days with the microcosm systems planted with Phragmites australis. The removal kinetics was characterized by an initial fast step (removal of about 75% after just 24h) which is mainly attributable to adsorption on the LECA matrix. Atenolol removal in LECA beds continues to increase in a steady pace up to the end of the assay (8 days) being nevertheless about 5-l 0% lower than those observed in the planted beds after the first 4 days. For the retention time of 4 days most of the atenolol is removed by the LECA matrix but an additional 12-14% to the overall removal efficiency can be attributed to the Phragmites plants, which comes in agreement with other published reports. Despite the fact that further tests using larger­ scale systems are required to fully evaluate the atenolol behavior in a constructed wetland system, this study points out to the possible application of these low-cost wastewater systems to treat atenolol contaminated wastewater.


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A ocorrência e destino de fármacos no ambiente aquático tem vindo a ser reconhecido como um problema emergente em química ambiental. Alguns compostos são resistentes à degradação nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, ETARs, enquanto que outros, ainda que sofram degradação parcial, continuam a ser lançados nos meios aquáticos em quantidades apreciáveis. O Ibuprofeno, IB, um dos anti­ inflamatórios mais consumidos por todo o mundo, é um dos fármacos mais detectados no meio hídrico. Apesar dos sistemas de tratamento convencionais utilizados nas ETARs removerem até 90% do IB das águas residuais, é frequente o efluente descarregado conter ainda quantidades significativas deste poluente. A presença destes compostos no ambiente deve ser avaliada dado que possuem actividade biológica, mesmo a baixas concentrações. Os processos avançados de oxidação com peróxido de hidrogénio, na presença de catalisadores heterogéneos, permitem melhorar significativamente a remoção deste tipo de compostos em águas. Assim, foi objectivo deste trabalho o estudo da utilização de peróxido de hidrogénio como agente oxidante na remoção de IB em soluções aquosas, na presença de complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II) disperso em PDMS ou encapsulado em zeólitos NaY. Para o doseamento do fármaco em solução foi necessário desenvolver um método analítico consistindo de separação cromatográfica por HPLC e detecção e quantificação por UV-Vis. Não houve necessidade de recorrer a um passo de pré­ concentração de amostras por extracção em fase sólida (SPE) devido ao facto das concentrações de IB medidas ao longo do trabalho se terem sempre encontrado acima do LOQ (811 g L-1) do método analítico por injecção directa. Deste estudo pode concluir-se que o catalisador que apresentou melhor actividade catalítica e consequentemente maior remoção do IB em solução, foi o complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II), disperso em PDMS. Foi avaliada a influência, na conversão do IB, de diferentes parâmetros como a concentração inicial de peróxido de hidrogénio adicionada, quantidade de catalisador utilizada na mistura reaccional e temperatura. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os aumentos destes parâmetros conduzem a um aumento da actividade catalítica da reacção. A estabilidade catalítica do acetilacetonato de Ni (II)/PDMS, foi avaliada em ensaios consecutivos com a mesma amostra e nas mesmas condições, tendo-se observado que, após 8 utilizações, o catalisador perde ligeiramente a actividade (cerca de 11% do seu valor inicial). ABSTRACT: The presence and fate of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is an emergent issue in environmental chemistry. Some compounds are poorly removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) while others, in spite of being partially removed, are still present in the WWTPs effluents and discharged in the receiving water bodies. Ibuprofen, IB, a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, is one of the most used and also one of the most frequently detected pharmaceutical contaminants in aquifers worldwide. Its removal by conventional wastewater treatment processes used in most WWTPs is usually high (up to 90% of incoming IB may be removed), but duet the high loads present in the influents, still significant amounts of IB usually leave the WWTPs in the treated effluents. The presence of these compounds in the environment must be evaluated considering that they may have some biological activity even at low concentrations. Advanced oxidation processes using hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts, provide a significantly improved removal of this type of substances from waters. Therefore, it was the aim of this work to study the use of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent in the removal of IB from aqueous solutions, in the presence of the catalyst nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS or encapsulated in the NaY zeolite. For the quantification of the pharmaceutical in aqueous solution it was necessary to develop an analytical methodology based in chromatographic separation by HPLC and with UV-Vis detection and quantification. There was no need for a pre­concentration step of the samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) as the IB concentrations measured were always above the limit of quantification (811 bL1 of) the analytical method. The results from this study have shown that the catalyst which presented the best catalytic activity and the highest IB removal in solution was nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS.


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Cysticercosis results from the ingestion Taenia solium eggs directly by faecal-oral route or contaminated food or water. Human tapeworm carriers who have become infected after ingesting pork meat contaminated with cysticerci release these eggs. Cysticercosis occurs after tapeworm eggs are ingested by an intermediate host (pig or human) and then hatch, migrate, and lodge in the host's tissues, where they develop onto larval cysticerci. When they lodged in the central nervous system of humans, results in the disease condition called Neurocysticercosis (NCC), with a heterogeneous manifestations depending of the locations of cysts, number, size and their stage of evolution (1). Consequently the prognostic ranges from asymptomatic to situations leading to death in 2% to 9.8%. of cases (7) In swine’s there are few studies, but recent works have proved that animals, for the same reasons, also have neurological abnormalities, expressed by seizures, stereotypic walk in circles, chewing motions with foamy salivation included tonic muscle contractions followed by a sudden diminution in all muscle tone leading to collapse (2). Conventional domestic wastewater treatment processes may not be totally effective in inactivating parasites eggs from Taenia solium, allowing some contamination of soils and agricultural products (11). In Portugal there are some evidence of aggregation of human cysticercosis cases in specific regions, bases in ecological design studies (6). There are few information about human tapeworm carriers and social and economic factors associated with them. Success in knowledge and consequently in lowering transmission is limited by the complex network of biological and social factors that maintain the spread. Effective control of mostly zoonosis require One Health approach, after a real knowledge and transparency in the information provided by the institutions responsible for both animal and human health, allowing sustained interventions targeted at the transmission cycle's crucial nodes. In general, the model used to control, reflects a rural reality, where pigs are raised freely, poor sanitation conditions and incipient sanitary inspection. In cysticercosis, pigs are obligate intermediate hosts and so considered as first targets for control and used as sentinels to monitor environmental T. solium contamination (3). Usually environmental contamination with Taenia spp. eggs is a key issue in most of studies with landscape factors influencing presence of Taenia spp. antigens in both pigs and humans (5). Soil-related factors as well as socio-economic and behavioural factors are associated with the emergence of significant clustering human cysticercosis (4,5). However scarce studies has been produced in urban environmental and in developed countries with the finality to characterize the spatial pattern. There are still few data available regarding its prevalence and spatial distribution; Transmission patterns are likely to exhibit correlations as housing conditions, water supply, basic sanitation, schooling and birthplace of the individual or relatives, more than pigs rearing free, soil conditions (9). As a matter of fact, tapeworm carriers from endemic zones can auto-infect or transmit infection to other people or arrive already suffering NCC (as a result of travelling to or being a citizen from an endemic cysticercosis country) to a free cysticercosis country. Transmission is fecal-oral; this includes transmission through person-to-person contact, through autoinfection, or through contaminated food This has been happening in different continents as North America (5.4–18% been autochthonous), Europe and Australia (7). Recently, case reports of NCC have also emerged from Muslim countries. (10). Actually, different papers relate an epidemic situation in Spain and Portugal (7, 8). However the kind of study done does not authorize such conclusion. There are no evidence that infections were acquired in Portugal and there are not characterized the mode of transmission. Papers with these kind of information will be allow to have economic consequences resulted from artificial trade barriers with serious consequences for pig producers and pig meat trade. We need transparency in information’s that allow provide the basis to support the development and targeting of future effective control programmes (and prove we need that). So, to have a real picture of the disease, it is necessary integrate data from human, animal and environmental factors surrounding human and pig cases to characterize the pattern of the transmission. The design needs to be able to capture unexpected, and not common outcomes (routine data). We need to think “One Health” to get a genuine image of the situation.


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In this work, the risk of groundwater contamination from organic substances in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment stations was evaluated in its worst case. The sewage sludge was applied as fertilizer in corn culture, prioritizing the substances for monitoring. The assessing risk took place in a Typic Distrophic Red Latossol (TDRL) area, in the county district of Jaguariúna, SP. The simulators CMLS-94 and WGEN were used to evaluate the risk of twenty-eight organic substances in sewage sludge to leach to groundwater. The risk of groundwater contamination was accomplished for a single sludge dose application in a thousand independent and equally probable years, simulated to esteem the substances leaching in one year after the application date of the sludge. It is presented the substances that should be priorly monitored in groundwater.


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Biochar is a carbonaceous material produced through pyrolysis of biomass. One promising application of biochar is phosphorus recovery from wastewater. Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for plant growth, but its use in fertilizers often leads to runoff or leaching. Wastewater treatment plants discharge large amounts of phosphorus-rich wastewater, contributing to eutrophication and ecological harm. Biochar can sorb phosphorus, retaining it in solid form. In this thesis, two composites made of biomass and dolomite or shells exhibited superior phosphate sorption compared to biochar alone, reaching up to 100% sorption. Biochar also finds use in soil remediation, specifically in cleaning up contaminated soil. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be carcinogenic and toxic, can be present in soil. Biochar adsorb PAHs, preventing their leakage or bioaccumulation. Hetero-PAHs, a subclass of PAHs with nitrogen, sulfur, or oxygen atoms in their ring structures, are particularly challenging to degrade. Little is known about their behavior or sorption onto biochar. In this thesis, biochar and activated carbon were effective in immobilizing PAHs and hetero-PAHs in real soils, with rates of immobilization reaching 100%. Biochar performed equally or better than activated carbon, offering a cost-effective alternative due to its lower price. Biochar reduce of metal(loid)s mobility in soil. Metal(loid)s like lead, zinc, and arsenic can contaminate soil through industrial sources, agricultural runoff, and other pollution, and are toxic to plants and animals, rendering the soil unsuitable for agriculture. When biochar is added to contaminated soil, it binds to metal(loid)s, preventing leaching into the environment. A biomass-dolomite composite was compared to activated carbon for immobilizing metal(loid)s in contaminated soils. The composite generally outperformed activated carbon and exhibited the ability to immobilize arsenic. In summary, biochar shows promise for phosphorus recovery, soil remediation, and reducing the mobility of heavy metals, offering cost-effective and sustainable solutions to these environmental challenges.


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Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) technology finds space as a promising technology as a green alternative power-generating device, by the possibility to convert organic matter directly into electricity by microbially catalysed reactions, especially for the potential of the simultaneous treatment of wastewaters. Despite the studies that were carried out over the decades, MFCs still provide insufficient power and current densities in order to be commercially attractive in the energy market. Scientific community today pursues two main strategies in order to increase the overall performance output of the MFC. The first is to support the cells with an external supercapacitor (SC), which is able to accept and deliver charge much faster than normal capacitors, thanks to the use of an electrostatic double-layer capacitance, in combination with pseudocapacitance. The second is to implement directly the SC into the MFC, by using carbon electrodes with high surface area, similar to the SC. Both strategies are eventually supported by the use of charge boosters, respect to the application of the MFC. Galvanostatic measures for the MFC and SCs are performed at different currents, alone and by integration of both devices. The SCs used have a capacitance respectively of 1F, 3F and 6F. Subsequently, a stack of MFCs is assembled and paired to a 3F SC, in order to power an ambient diffuser, able to spray at intervals with a can and a controller. In conclusion, the use of a SC in parallel to the MFCs increases the overall performance of the system. The SC remove the discharge current limit of the MFC and increases the energy and power delivered by the system, allowing it to power for a certain time the ambient diffuser successfully. The key factor highlighted by the final experiment was the insufficient charging time of the SC, resulting finally in a voltage that is inadequate to power the device. Further studies are therefore necessary to improve the performance of the MFCs.


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Microplastics (MPs) are highly debated emerging contaminants that are widespread on Earth. Nowadays, assessment of the risk that MPs pose on human health and environment were not developed yet, and standardized analytical methods for their quantification in complex matrices do not exist. Therefore, the formulation of standards which regulating MPs emission in the environment is not possible. The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a method for the analysis of MPs in sewage sludges and water from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), due to the relevance of those matrices as important pathway for MPs to enter the environment. Seven polymers were selected, because of their relevance on market production and their frequency of occurrence in such plants: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and nylon 6 (PA-6). In the study, a pre-treatment procedure was optimised using Fenton’s reagent and analyses carried out by combining thermochemolysis with Py-GC-MS after sample filtration on quartz (0.3 µm). Polymer quantification was performed with solid polymer mixture in silica and good correlations were obtained with internal calibration. As main results, Fenton's reagent negatively affected the recovery of some polymers (PP, PE, PS, PA-6) and a possible matrix interference was noticed, especially for PET and PVC. The WWTP allowed a good abatement of PS, PE, PP and PVC (on average 90 %) and comparable results were hypothesised for the other polymers. Polymer concentrations is sewage sludges ranged between < 2 μg/gdry and 3.5 mg/ gdry, for PC and PVC, respectively. Possible overestimations for PET and PVC, due to matrix interreferences, were taken into account and discussed.


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The objective of this work was to characterize the delignification effluent originating from the delignification industry and evaluate the combination of the fungus and photocatalytic process (TiO(2)/UV system) for the treatment of this effluent. The delignification effluent has proven harmful to the environment because it presents high color (3516 CU), total phenol (876 mg/L and TOC (1599 mg/L) and is also highly toxic even in a low concentration. The results of photocatalysis were 11%, 25% and 13% higher for reductions in color, total phenol and TOC, respectively. The combined treatments presented benefits when compared to the non-combined treatments. Fungus and photocatalysis in combination proved to be the best treatment, reducing the color, total phenol, toxicity (inhibition of Escherichia coli growth) and TOC by 94.2%, 92.6%, 4.9% and 62%, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wastewater containing several dyes, including sulfur black from the dyeing process in a textile mill, was treated using a UV/H(2)O(2) process. The wastewater was characterized by a low BOD/ COD ratio, intense color and high acute toxicity to the algae species Pseudokirchneriella subcaptata. The influence of the pH and H(2)O(2) concentration on the treatment process was evaluated by a full factorial design 2(2) with three replicates of the central experiment. The removal of aromatic compounds and color was improved by an increase in the H(2)O(2) concentration and a decrease in pH. The best results were obtained at pH 5.0 and 6 g L(-1). With these conditions and 120 min of UV irradiation, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 74.1, 55.1 and 44.8%, respectively. Under the same conditions, but using a photoreactor covered with aluminum foil, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 92.0, 77.6 and 59.4%, respectively. Moreover, the use of aluminum foil reduced the cost of the treatment by 40.8%. These results suggest the potential application of reflective materials as a photoreactor accessory to reduce electric energy consumption during the UV/H(2)O(2) process.


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The influence of impeller type and stirring frequency on the performance of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on an inert support (AnSBBR - Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor) was evaluated. The biomass was immobilized on polyurethane foam cubes placed in a stainless-steel basket inside a glass cylinder. Each 8-h batch run consisted of three stages: feed (10 min), reaction (460 min) and discharge (10 min) at 30 degrees C. Experiments were performed with four impeller types, i.e., helical, flat-blade, inclined-blade and curved-blade turbines, at stirring frequencies ranging from 100 to 1100 rpm. Synthetic wastewater was used in all experiments with an organic-matter concentration of 530 +/- 37 mg/L measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD). The reactor achieved an organic-matter removal efficiency of around 87% under all investigated conditions. Analysis of the four impeller types and the investigated stirring frequencies showed that mass transfer in the liquid phase was affected not only by the applied stirring frequency but also by the agitation mode imposed by each impeller type. The best reactor performance at all stirring frequencies was obtained when agitation was provided by the flat-blade turbine impeller. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An investigation was performed regarding the application of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass on inert polyurethane foam (AnSBBR) to the treatment of soluble metalworking fluids to remove organic matter and produce methane. The effect of increasing organic matter and reactor fill time, as well as shock load, on reactor stability and efficiency have been analyzed. The 5-L AnSBBR was operated at 30 A degrees C in 8-h cycles, agitation of 400 rpm, and treated 2.0 L effluent per cycle. Organic matter was increased by increasing the influent concentration (500, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L). Fill times investigated were in the batch mode (fill time 10 min) and fed-batch followed by batch (fill time 4 h). In the batch mode, organic matter removal efficiencies were 87%, 86%, and 80% for influent concentrations of 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mgCOD/L (1.50, 3.12, and 6.08 gCOD/L.d), respectively. At 3,000 mgCOD/L (9.38 gCOD/L.d), operational stability could not be achieved. The reactor managed to maintain stability when a shock load twice as high the feed concentration was applied, evidencing the robustness of the reactor to potential concentration variations in the wastewater being treated. Increasing the fill time to 4 h did not improve removal efficiency, which was 72% for 2,000 mgCOD/L. Thus, gradual feeding did not improve organic matter removal. The concentration of methane formed at 6.08 gCOD/L was 5.20 mmolCH(4), which corresponded to 78% of the biogas composition. The behavior of the reactor during batch and fed-batch feeding could be explained by a kinetic model that considers organic matter consumption, production, and consumption of total volatile acids and methane production.


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A pilot-scale (1.2 m(3)) anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment was fed with sulfate-rich wastewater at increasing sulfate concentrations. Ethanol was used as the main organic source. Tested COD/sulfate ratios were of 1.8 and 1.5 for sulfate loading rates of 0.65-1.90 kgSO(4)(2-)/cycle (48 h-cycle) or of 1.0 in the trial with 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Sulfate removal efficiencies observed in all trials were as high as 99%. Molecular inventories indicated a shift on the microbial composition and a decrease on species diversity with the increase of sulfate concentration. Beta-proteobacteria species affiliated with Aminomonas spp. and Thermanaerovibrio spp. predominated at 1.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). At higher sulfate concentrations the predominant bacterial group was Delta-proteobacteria mainly Desulfovibrio spp. and Desulfomicrobium spp. at 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1), whereas Desulfurella spp. and Coprothermobacter spp. predominated at 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). These organisms have been commonly associated with sulfate reduction producing acetate, sulfide and sulfur. Methanogenic archaea(Methanosaeta spp.)was found at 1.0 and 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Additionally, a simplified mathematical model was used to infer on metabolic pathways of the biomass involved in sulfate reduction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.