825 resultados para Strain Mc58


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The promoter regions of plant pararetroviruses direct transcription of the full-length viral genome into a pregenomic RNA that is an intermediate in the replication of the virus. It serves as template for reverse transcription and as polycistronic mRNA for translation to viral proteins. We have identified functional promoter elements in the intergenic region of the Cavendish isolate of Banana streak virus (BSV-Cav), a member of the genus Badnavirus. Potential binding sites for plant transcription factors were found both upstream and downstream of the transcription start site by homology search in the PLACE database of plant cis-acting elements. The functionality of these putative cis-acting elements was tested by constructing loss-of-function and regain-of-function mutant promoters whose activity was quantified in embryogenic sugarcane suspension cells. Four regions that are important for activity of the BSV-Cav promoter were identified: the region containing an as-l-like element, the region around-141 and down to -77, containing several putative transcription factor binding sites, the region including the CAAT-box, and the leader region. The results could help explain the high BSV-Cav promoter activity that was observed previously in transgenic sugarcane plants and give more insight into the plant cell-mediated replication of the viral genome in banana streak disease. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cystic echinococcosis, caused by Echinococcus grantilosus, is highly endemic in North Africa and the Middle East. This paper examines the abundance and prevalence of infection of E. granulosus in camels in Tunisia. No cysts were found in 103 camels from Kebili, whilst 19 of 188 camels from Benguerden (10.1%) were infected. Of the cysts found 95% were considered fertile with the presence of protoscolices and 80% of protoscolices were considered viable by their ability to exclude aqueous eosin. Molecular techniques were used on cyst material from camels and this demonstrated that the study animals were infected with the G1 sheep strain of E. granulosus. Observed data were fitted to a mathematical model by maximum likelihood techniques to define the parameters and their confidence limits and the negative binomial distribution was used to define the error variance in the observed data. The infection pressure to camels was somewhat lower in comparison to sheep reported in an earlier study. However, because camels are much longer-lived animals, the results of the model fit suggested that older camels have a relatively high prevalence rate, reaching a most likely value of 32% at age 15 years. This could represent an important source of transmission to dogs and hence indirectly to man of this zonotic strain. In common with similar studies on other species, there was no evidence of parasite-induced immunity in camels. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The interferon (IFN) response is the first line of defense against viral infections, and the majority of viruses have developed different strategies to counteract IFN responses in order to ensure their survival in an infected host. In this study, the abilities to inhibit IFN signaling of two closely related West Nile viruses, the New York 99 strain (NY99) and Kunjin virus (KUN), strain MRM61C, were analyzed using reporter plasmid assays, as well as immunofluorescence and Western blot analyses. We have demonstrated that infections with both NY99 and KUN, as well as transient or stable transfections with their replicon RNAs, inhibited the signaling of both alpha/beta IFN (IFN-alpha/beta) and gamma IFN (IFN-gamma) by blocking the phosphorylation of STAT1 and its translocation to the nucleus. In addition, the phosphorylation of STAT2 and its translocation to the nucleus were also blocked by KUN, NY99, and their replicons in response to treatment with IFN-alpha. IFN-alpha signaling and STAT2 translocation to the nucleus was inhibited when the KUN nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, and NS4B, but not NS1 and NS5, were expressed individually from the pcDNA3 vector. The results clearly demonstrate that both NY99 and KUN inhibit IFN signaling by preventing STAT1 and STAT2 phosphorylation and identify nonstructural proteins. responsible for this inhibition.


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Analytical solutions are presented for linear finite-strain one-dimensional consolidation of initially unconsolidated soil layers with surcharge loading for both one- and two-way drainage. These solutions complement earlier solutions for initially unconsolidated soil layers without surcharge and initially normally consolidated soil layers with surcharge. Small-strain solutions for the consolidation of initially unconsolidated soil layers with surcharge loading are also presented, and the relationship between the earlier solutions for initially unconsolidated soil without surcharge and the corresponding small-strain solutions, which was not addressed in the earlier work, is clarified. The new solutions for initially unconsolidated soil with surcharge loading can be applied to the analysis of low stress consolidation tests and to the partial validation of numerical solutions of non-linear finite-strain consolidation. They also clarify a formerly perplexing aspect of finite-strain solution charts first noted in numerical solutions. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Biological and chemical pro ling of an Australian strain of the fungus Aspergillus unilateralis (MST-F8675), isolated from a soil sample collected near Mount Isa, Queensland, revealed a complex array of metabolites displaying broad chemotherapeutic properties. Noteworthy among these metabolites were a unique series of highly modified dipeptides aspergillazines A-E, incorporating a selection of unprecedented and yet biosynthetically related heterocyclic systems. Co-occurring with the aspergillazines was the recently described marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide A (cf. penicillazine), whereas re-fermentation of A. unilateralis in NaCl (1%) enriched media resulted in co-production of the only other known example of this structure class, the marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide B. Further investigation of A. unilateralis returned the known terrestrial fungal metabolite viridicatumtoxin as the cytotoxic and antibacterial principle, together with E-2-decenedioic acid, ferulic acid, (7E,7'E)-5,5'-diferulic acid and (7E,7'E)-8,5'-diferulic acid. The aromatic diacids have previously been reported from the chemical and enzymatic (esterase) treatment of plant cell wall material, with their isolation from A. unilateralis being their first apparent reported occurrence as natural products. Structures for all metabolites were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and, where appropriate, comparison to literature data and/or authentic samples.


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The mechanical behavior of the vertebrate skull is often modeled using free-body analysis of simple geometric structures and, more recently, finite-element (FE) analysis. In this study, we compare experimentally collected in vivo bone strain orientations and magnitudes from the cranium of the American alligator with those extrapolated from a beam model and extracted from an FE model. The strain magnitudes predicted from beam and FE skull models bear little similarity to relative and absolute strain magnitudes recorded during in vivo biting experiments. However, quantitative differences between principal strain orientations extracted from the FE skull model and recorded during the in vivo experiments were smaller, and both generally matched expectations from the beam model. The differences in strain magnitude between the data sets may be attributable to the level of resolution of the models, the material properties used in the FE model, and the loading conditions (i.e., external forces and constraints). This study indicates that FE models and modeling of skulls as simple engineering structures may give a preliminary idea of how these structures are loaded, but whenever possible, modeling results should be verified with either in vitro or preferably in vivo testing, especially if precise knowledge of strain magnitudes is desired. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The temperature dependence of the X-ray crystal structure and powder EPR spectrum of [(HC(Ph2PO)(3))(2)CU]-(ClO4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O is reported, and the structure at room temperature confirms that reported previously. Below similar to 100 K, the data imply a geometry with near elongated tetragonal symmetry for the [(HC(Ph2PO)(3))(2)Cu](2+) complex, but on warming the two higher Cu-O bond lengths and g-values progressively converge, and by 340 K the bond lengths correspond to a compressed tetragonal geometry. The data may be interpreted satisfactorily assuming an equilibrium among the energy levels of a Cu-O-6 polyhedron subjected to Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling and a lattice strain. However, agreement with the experiment is obtained only if the orthorhombic component of the lattice strain decreases to a negligible value as the temperature approaches 340 K.


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A volume-averaged two-phase model addressing the main transport phenomena associated with hot tearing in an isotropic mushy zone during solidification of metallic alloys has recently been presented elsewhere along with a new hot tearing criterion addressing both inadequate melt feeding and excessive deformation at relatively high solid fractions. The viscoplastic deformation in the mushy zone is addressed by a model in which the coherent mush is considered as a porous medium saturated with liquid. The thermal straining of the mush is accounted for by a recently developed model taking into account that there is no thermal strain in the mushy zone at low solid fractions because the dendrites then are free to move in the liquid, and that the thermal strain in the mushy zone tends toward the thermal strain in the fully solidified material when the solid fraction tends toward one. In the present work, the authors determined how variations in the parameters of the constitutive equation for thermal strain influence the hot tearing susceptibility calculated by the criterion. It turns out that varying the parameters in this equation has a significant effect on both liquid pressure drop and viscoplastic strain, which are key parameters in the hot tearing criterion. However, changing the parameters in this constitutive equation will result in changes in the viscoplastic strain and the liquid pressure drop that have opposite effects on the hot tearing susceptibility. The net effect on the hot tearing susceptibility is thus small.


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On the basis of HF/6-31G(d) optimized structures, the nonplanar distortions of 135 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been classified as splitting (S-) and arching (A-) distortions. Three bay structures are proposed as the structural origin of S-distortion. Due to the limitation of sample molecules, a set of universal motifs for molecules containing A-distortions is not available; however, a set of motifs and parameters are developed for the semiquantitative estimation of the nonplanar strain energies of PAHs containing the corannulene structure, and the differences between the E, values from quantum calculations and those from these estimations vary from -5.60 to 5.51 kcal/mol. The above results are fundamentally important for the understanding of nonplanar distortion of PAHs and fullerenes, and this method can also be employed to semiquantitatively estimate strain energies of such molecules containing hundreds of carbon atoms.


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A modified straight leg raising (SLR) in which ankle dorsiflexion is performed before hip flexion has been suggested to diagnose distal neuropathies such as tarsal tunnel syndrome. This study evaluates the clinical hypothesis that strain in the nerves around the ankle and foot caused by ankle dorsiflexion can be further increased with hip flexion. Linear displacement transducers were inserted into the sciatic, tibial, and plantar nerves and plantar fascia of eight embalmed cadavers to measure strain during the modified SLR. Nerve excursion was measured with a digital calliper. Ankle dorsiflexion resulted in a significant strain and distal. excursion of the tibial nerve. With the ankle in dorsiflexion, the proximal excursion and tension increase in the sciatic nerve associated with hip flexion were transmitted distally along the nerve from the hip to beyond the ankle. As hip flexion had an impact on the nerves around the ankle and foot but not on the plantar fascia, the modified SLR may be a useful test to differentially diagnose plantar heel pain. Although the modified SLR caused the greatest increase in nerve strain nearest the moving joint, mechanical forces acting on peripheral nerves are transmitted well beyond the moving joint. (c) 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society.


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Three distinct isolates of Candida albicans were used to establish systemic and oral infections in inbred mice that are genetically resistant or susceptible to tissue damage. Patterns of infection differed significantly between both yeasts and mouse strains. Systemic infection conferred significant protection against re-challenge with the homologous, but not the heterologous yeast; however, the protective effect was more evident in the tissue-susceptible CBA/CaH mice than in the resistant BALB/c strain. In contrast, oral infection induced protection against both homologous and heterologous oral challenge, although this was significant only in the CBA/CaH mice. CBA/CaH mice produced antibodies of both IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, whereas BALB/c mice produced predominantly IgG1. Western blotting demonstrated considerable differences between epitopes recognised by serum antibodies from mice of both strains after immunisation with each of the three yeasts. Thus, different strains of yeast show considerable specificity in antibody responses elicited by either systemic or oral infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which causes symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI), very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the urinary tract. Bacterial adhesion conferred by specific surface-associated adhesins is normally considered as a prerequisite for colonization of the urinary tract. The prototype ABU E coli strain 83972 was originally isolated from a girl who had carried it asymptomatically for 3 years. This study characterized the molecular status of one of the primary adhesion factors known to be associated with UTI, namely F1C fimbriae, encoded by the foc gene cluster. F1C fimbriae recognize receptors present in the human kidney and bladder. Expression of the foc genes was found to be up-regulated in human urine. It was also shown that although strain 83972 contains a seemingly intact foc gene cluster, F1C fimbriae are not expressed. Sequencing and genetic complementation revealed that the focD gene, encoding a component of the F1C transport and assembly system, was non-functional, explaining the inability of strain 83972 to express this adhesin. The data imply that E. coli 83972 has lost its ability to express this important colonization factor as a result of host-driven evolution. The ancestor of the strain seems to have been a pyelonephritis strain of phylogenetic group B2. Strain 83972 therefore represents an example of bacterial adaptation from pathogenicity to commensalism through virulence factor loss.


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Escherichia coli 83972 is a clinical asymptomatia bacteriuric isolate that is able to colonize the human urinary bladder without inducing an immune response. Here we demonstrate that one of the mechanisms by which this strain has become attenuated is through the mutation of its genes encoding type I and P fimbriae.


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Escherichia coli is the most common organism associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). In contrast to uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), which causes symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI), very little is known about the mechanisms by which these strains colonize the human urinary tract. The prototype ABU E. coli strain 83972 was originally isolated from a girl who had carried it asymptomatically for 3 years. Deliberate colonization of UTI-susceptible individuals with E. coli 83972 has been used successfully as an alternative approach for the treatment of patients who are refractory to conventional therapy. Colonization with strain 83972 appears to prevent infection with UPEC strains in such patients despite the fact that this strain is unable to express the primary adhesins involved in UTI, viz. P and type 1 fimbriae. Here we investigated the growth characteristics of E. coli 83972 in human urine and show that it can outcompete a representative spectrum of UPEC strains for growth in urine. The unique ability of ABU E. coli 83972 to outcompete UPEC in urine was also demonstrated in a murine model of human UTI, confirming the selective advantage over UPEC in vivo. Comparison of global gene expression profiles of E. coli 83972 grown in lab medium and human urine revealed significant differences in expression levels in the two media; significant down-regulation of genes encoding virulence factors such as hemolysin, lipid A, and capsular pollysaccharides was observed in cells grown in urine. Clearly, divergent abilities of ABU E. coli and UPEC to exploit human urine as a niche for persistence and survival suggest that these key differences may be exploited for preventative and/or therapeutic approaches.