966 resultados para Steven and Dorothea Green Critics Lecture Series


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Modal composition and mineral composition of harzburgites from the southern Mariana fore-arc show that they are highly refractory. There are a few modals of clinopyroxene (0.7 vol %) in harzburgites. Two types of amphibole are found in these harzburgites: magnesiohornblende accompanied by clinopyroxene with higher Al2O3 content (> 7%) and lower Mg-#; tremolite around orthopyroxene with lower Al2O3 content (< 2%) and higher Mg-#. Trace element of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole are analyzed. Primitive mantle-normalised REE patterns for clinopyroxene and magnesio hornblende are very similar and both show HREE enrichment relative to LREE, while magnesiohornblende has higher content of trace element than clinopyroxene. The contents of trace element of tremolite are much lower than those of magnesiohornblende. Clinopyroxene shows enrichment of most of the trace element except HREE and Ti relative to clinopyroxene in abyssal peridotites. Petrology and trace element characteristic of clinopyroxene and two types of amphibole indicate that southern Mariana fore-arc harzburgites underwent two stages of metasomatism. The percolation of a hydrous melt led to mobility of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, and large amounts of trace element. LILE and LREE can be more active in hydrous melt than HREE and Ti, and the activities of most of the trace element except some of LILE are influenced by temperature and pressure.


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Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M-2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M-4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.


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Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) account for more than 95% of total carbon in seawater, so it is necessary to make reliable and precise measurements of DIC to study marine carbon cycling. In order to establish a simple and speed method, an airproof device of gas extraction-absorption was designed. Finally a simple method was developed for the determination of DIC in seawater through a large mount of experiments. The determination procedure is as follows: 100 similar to 150 mL seawater was put into conical flask, then add 10% H3PO4, the DIC in seawater sample was dissolved to form CO2 gas and carried by pure N-2, then the CO2 gas was absorbed by two grades 0.1 mol/L NaOH solution. Finally the absorbed solution was titrated by HCl standard solution of 0.01000 mol/L with the end points detected with the indicator phenolphthalein and bromocresol green-methyl red mixture. The precision and accuracy of the method were satisfied. This method was used to analyse seawater samples from Jiaozhou bay in June, 2003. The result shows that the average DIC in surface seawater is 2066 mumol/L, DIC in bottom seawater is 2075 mumol/L inside bay, but the average DIC in surface seawater is 1949 mumol/L, DIC in bottom seawater is 2147 mumol/L outside bay.


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The sulfated polysaccharides extracted from algae possess excellent antioxidant activities. In this study, we prepared five polysaccharides extracted from five algae including one brown alga Laminaria japonica. one red alga Porphyra haitanensis and three green algae Ulva pertusa, Enteromorpha linza and Bryopsis plumose. And then the antioxidant activities of all the samples were investigated including scavenging effects of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, and reducing power. The chemical analysis and FT-IR spectrum showed these extracts were polysaccharides. And in addition, we found that certain polysaccharide exhibited stronger antioxidant activity in certain antioxidant activity. Factors effecting and attributing to radical scavenging effect need to be further studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Western Qinling Orogenie belt in the Taibai-Fengxian and Xihe-Lixian areas can be subdivided into three units structurally from north to south, which are the island-arc, forearc basin and accretionary wedge, respectively. The forearc basin developed in the Late Paleozoic mainly controls sedimentation and some larger lead-zinc and gold deposits in the western Qinling. Stratigraphically, the island arc is dissected into the Liziyuan Group, the Danfeng Group and the Luohansi Group. The metavolcanic rocks include basic, intermediate and acidic rocks, and their geochemistry demonstrates that these igneous rocks generated in an island arc. Where, the basalts are subalkaline series charactered by low-medium potassium, with enriched LREE, negative Eu anomaly, and positive Nd anomaly. Cr-content of volcanic rocks is 2-3 times higher than that of island arc tholeiite all over the world. In addition, the lightly metamorphosed accretionary wedge in the areas of Huixian, Chengxian, Liuba and Shiqun is dominated by terrigenous sediments with carbonatite, chert, mafic and volcanic rocks. The age of the wedge is the Late Palaeozoic to the Trassic, while previous work suggested that it is the Silurian. The Upper Paleozoic between the island arc belt and accretionary wedge are mainly the sediments filled in the fore arc basin. The fillings in the forearc basin were subdivided into the Dacaiotan Group, the Tieshan Group, the Shujiaba Group and the Xihanshui Group, previously. They outcropped along the southern margins of the Liziyuan Group. The Dacaotan Group, the Upper Devonian, is close to the island arc complex, and composed of a suite of red and gray-green thick and coarse terrestrial elastics. The Shujiaba Group, the Mid-Upper Devonian, is located in the middle of the basin, is mainly fine-grained elastics with a few intercalations of limestone. The Xihanshui Group, which distributes in the southern of the basin, is mainly slates, phyllites and sandstones with carbonatite and reef blocks. The Tieshan Group, the Upper Devonian, just outcrops in the southwest of the basin, is carbonatite and clastic rocks, and deposited in the shallow -sea environment. The faults in the basin are mainly NW trend. The sedimentary characteristics, slump folds, biological assemblages in both sides of and within those faults demonstrate that they were syn-sedimentary faults with multi-period activities. They separated the forearc basin into several sub-basins, which imbricate in the background of a forearc basin with sedimentary characteristics of the piggyback basin. The deep hydrothermal fluid erupted along the syn-sedimentary faults, supported nutrition and energy for the reef, and resulted in hydrothermal-sedimentary rocks, reef and lead-zinc deposits along these faults. The sedimentary facies in the basin varies from the continental slope alluvial fan, to shallow-sea reef facies, and then to deep-water from north to south, which implies that there was a continental slope in the Devonian in the west Qinling. The strata overlap to north and to east respectively. Additionally, the coeval sedimentary facies in north and south are significantly different. The elastics become more and more coarser to north in the basin as well as upward coarsing. These features indicate prograding fillings followed by overlaps of the different fans underwater. The paleocurrent analyses show that the forearc basin is composed of thrust-ramp-basins and deep-water basins. The provenance of the fillings in the basin is the island arc in the north. The lead-zinc deposits were synchronous with the Xihanshui Group in the early stage of development of the forearc basin. They were strongly constrained by syn-sedimentary faults and then modified by the hydrothermal fluids. The gold deposits distributed in the north of the basin resulted from the tectonic activities and magmatism in the later stage of the basin evolution, and occurred at the top of the lead-zinc deposits spatially. The scales of lead-zinc deposits in the south of the basin are larger than that of the gold-deposits. The Pb-Zn deposits in the west of the basin are larger than those in the east, while the Gold deposits in the west of the basin are smaller than those in the east. Mineralizing ages of these deposits become younger and younger to west.


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This thesis presents the design, construction, control and evaluation of a novel force controlled actuator. Traditional force controlled actuators are designed from the premise that "Stiffer is better''. This approach gives a high bandwidth system, prone to problems of contact instability, noise, and low power density. The actuator presented in this thesis is designed from the premise that "Stiffness isn't everything". The actuator, which incorporates a series elastic element, trades off achievable bandwidth for gains in stable, low noise force control, and protection against shock loads. This thesis reviews related work in robot force control, presents theoretical descriptions of the control and expected performance from a series elastic actuator, and describes the design of a test actuator constructed to gather performance data. Finally the performance of the system is evaluated by comparing the performance data to theoretical predictions.


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Thomas, L.A., Ratcliffe, M.B. and Thomasson, B. J., Can Object (Instance) Diagrams Help First Year Students Understand Program Behaviour? in Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Diagrams 2004, editors A. Blackwell, K. Marriot and Atushi Shimojima, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, 2980.


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Nearest neighbor retrieval is the task of identifying, given a database of objects and a query object, the objects in the database that are the most similar to the query. Retrieving nearest neighbors is a necessary component of many practical applications, in fields as diverse as computer vision, pattern recognition, multimedia databases, bioinformatics, and computer networks. At the same time, finding nearest neighbors accurately and efficiently can be challenging, especially when the database contains a large number of objects, and when the underlying distance measure is computationally expensive. This thesis proposes new methods for improving the efficiency and accuracy of nearest neighbor retrieval and classification in spaces with computationally expensive distance measures. The proposed methods are domain-independent, and can be applied in arbitrary spaces, including non-Euclidean and non-metric spaces. In this thesis particular emphasis is given to computer vision applications related to object and shape recognition, where expensive non-Euclidean distance measures are often needed to achieve high accuracy. The first contribution of this thesis is the BoostMap algorithm for embedding arbitrary spaces into a vector space with a computationally efficient distance measure. Using this approach, an approximate set of nearest neighbors can be retrieved efficiently - often orders of magnitude faster than retrieval using the exact distance measure in the original space. The BoostMap algorithm has two key distinguishing features with respect to existing embedding methods. First, embedding construction explicitly maximizes the amount of nearest neighbor information preserved by the embedding. Second, embedding construction is treated as a machine learning problem, in contrast to existing methods that are based on geometric considerations. The second contribution is a method for constructing query-sensitive distance measures for the purposes of nearest neighbor retrieval and classification. In high-dimensional spaces, query-sensitive distance measures allow for automatic selection of the dimensions that are the most informative for each specific query object. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that query-sensitivity increases the modeling power of embeddings, allowing embeddings to capture a larger amount of the nearest neighbor structure of the original space. The third contribution is a method for speeding up nearest neighbor classification by combining multiple embedding-based nearest neighbor classifiers in a cascade. In a cascade, computationally efficient classifiers are used to quickly classify easy cases, and classifiers that are more computationally expensive and also more accurate are only applied to objects that are harder to classify. An interesting property of the proposed cascade method is that, under certain conditions, classification time actually decreases as the size of the database increases, a behavior that is in stark contrast to the behavior of typical nearest neighbor classification systems. The proposed methods are evaluated experimentally in several different applications: hand shape recognition, off-line character recognition, online character recognition, and efficient retrieval of time series. In all datasets, the proposed methods lead to significant improvements in accuracy and efficiency compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. In some datasets, the general-purpose methods introduced in this thesis even outperform domain-specific methods that have been custom-designed for such datasets.


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The research described in this thesis involved the chemistry of borane-species which contain one or more halide or pseudohalide groups. Both monoboron species e.g. [BH3X]- and "cluster" borane species e.g. [B10H9X]2- and I-Se B11H10 were studied. The first chapter is a review of the syntheses, properties and reactions of halide and pseudohalide species containing from one to ten boron atoms. Chapter Two is a theoretical investigation of' the electronic and molecular structures of two series of boranes i. e. [BH3X]- and [B10H9X]2- where X = H, CI, CN, NCS, SCN and N3. The calculational method used was the Modified Neglect of Differential Overlap (MNDO) method of Dewar et al. The results were compared where possible with experimental results such as the X-ray crystallographically determined structures of [BH3CI]- and [B10H10]2-. Chapter Three concerns halogenated selenaborane clusters and reports an improved synthesis of 12-Br-SeB11H10 and the first structural data for a simple non-metal containing selenaborane cage with the X-ray crystallographically determined structure of 12-1-SeB11H10. Finally, an indepth n.m.r. study of Se2B9H9 is also reported together with attempts to halogenate this compound. The last two chapters are based on single boron systems. Chapter Four concerns the synthetic routes to amine-boranes and -cyanoboranes from [BH4]- and [BH3CN]- substrates. This chapter discusses some difficulties encountered when polyamines were used in these reactions. The characterisation of an unusual ketone isolated from some of these reactions, the X-ray crystallographically determined structure of 4-dimethylamino-pyridine-cyanoborane and a new route to pyrazabole dimeric species are also discussed. The final chapter reports on work carried out at producing BH2X (X = H, CN) adducts of aminophosphines. Three routes were attempted to generate P-B and N-B bonded species with varying degrees of success. Some unusual products of these reactions are discussed including [Ph2(O) PPPh2 ] [Ph2NH]2, the structure of which was determined by X-ray crystallography.


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Development of novel synthetic methodology for selective transformation of organic compounds is a central element underpinning organic synthesis with control of chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity a very high priority. Reactions which can be conducted under mild reaction conditions and, ideally in an environmentally attractive manner, are particularly advantageous. The principal objective of this thesis was to explore the synthesis, reactivity and synthetic utility of a series of α,β-thio-β-chloroenones. The stereochemical features of these transformations and the potential of this novel series of compounds in the synthesis of bioactive compounds were of particular interest. In exploring the reactivity of these compounds, the key transformations included nucleophilic additions and Stille cross-coupling at the β-carbon. Chapter 1 reviews the literature relevant to the research conducted, and focuses in particular on the synthesis of β-chloroenones and related unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The synthesis of chalcone compounds from various precursors is also discussed, with particular emphasis on the use of palladium cross-coupling reactions in the preparation of these compounds. The biological activity of chalcones is also summarised in this chapter. The second chapter delineates the stereoselective synthesis of the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones from the corresponding α-thioketones in a multistep reaction cascade initiated by a NCS-mediated chlorination. A range of both alkyl and aryl β-chloroenones were prepared in this work and the oxidation of these compounds to the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones is also outlined. The electrophilicity of the β-carbon of the enones was examined in nucleophilic addition/substitution reactions with successful access to a variety of synthetically useful novel adducts including acetals and enaminoketones. Investigation of the synthetic potential of the Stille cross-coupling reaction with the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones was explored and provided an efficient route for the synthesis of a novel series of chalcones. Most importantly this new methodology provided a new and synthetically powerful approach for carbon-carbon bond formation at the β-carbon under mild neutral conditions. A preliminary investigation into the use of these β-chloroenones as dienophiles in Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 also reports the nucleophilic addition of N, O, S and C nucleophiles to previously described β-chloroacrylamides and their corresponding sulfoxide derivatives. This work builds on previous research carried out in this programme and the reactivity of these β-chloroacrylamides at the sulfide and sulfoxide level is compared. Comparison of the reactivity of the β-chloroacrylamides, in nucleophilic substitution and Stille-coupling, with that of the novel β-chloroenones is of interest. Finally, the biological activity of both the β-chloroenones and the β-chloroacrylamides in terms of cytotoxicity is summarised in Chapter 2. The final chapter, Chapter 3, details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.


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This thesis outlines the design and effectuation of novel chemical routes towards a nascent class of functionalised quinoline-5,8-diones and the expansion of a series of contemporary quinazolinediones towards an innovative family of pyridinoquinazolinetetrone derivatives. This fragment based approach is envisaged to lead to advancements in the three scaffolds, expanding the SAR pool of both quinolines and quinazolinediones with subsequent evaluation of chemotherapeutic potential as well as furnishing a new class of tricycle for biological investigation. Development of novel quinoline-5,8-diones is provided for by expanding on existing methodology. Using a variety of nucleophiles on a critical intermediate, a broad range of novel compounds was afforded allowing chemotherapeutic potential to be assessed, while also serving as intermediates for accomplishing novel pyridinoquinazolinetetrone congeners. In order to incorporate functionality into our quinazolinedione template, an efficient synthetic strategy was constructed which provided a robust route to effectuate a highly derivatised pyrimidinedione ring. As derivatisation of this template is unreported our chief priority was to synthesise a range of diverse quinazolinediones. The application of annulation methodology using functionalised precursors provided a library of N-3 derivatised quinazolinedione analogues. These, along with their N-1 functionalised derivatives provide a wide scope from which to construct a series of pyridinoquinazolinetetrone derivatives while also serving as a unique class of molecules whose biological potential is uncharted. Although the actualisation of the pyridinoquinazolinetetrone was ultimately unsuccessful, our work has led to the development of novel quinoline-5,8-diones which were found to possess excellent anti-cancer activity when assessed by the NCI screen. Of the quinazolinediones synthesised eight compounds were accepted for screening by the NCI. Results from the single-dose tests however indicated that these compounds possessed little cytotoxic activity at 10 μM. The development of this novel template in conjunction with the highly active quinolinediones serves as an excellent rostrum for future synthetic endeavours.


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The emergence of four nations framework in literary and historical scholarship has helped us to arrive at a fuller understanding of the complex and overlapping histories of the islands of Britain and Ireland, while recent research into Wales and Ireland in particular has helped to make the map of our relations more fully comprehensible. But what is the relevance and meaning of the four nations context for womenâ s writing in Ireland and Wales? What part does gender play in the interconnected histories of Wales and Ireland, and how are questions of sexual and artistic identity addressed within texts that imagine British-Irish history in gendered terms? This lecture identifies finds evidence of a feminist reimagining of archipelagic relationships by two writers: Munster novelist and playwright Una Troy, and Welsh writer Menna Gallie, born into a mining community on the western edge of the South Wales coalfields. Both Troy and Gallie wrote novels that deploy plots of female friendship to interrogate the relationship between gender and national affiliation in a four nations context.


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A discretized series of events is a binary time series that indicates whether or not events of a point process in the line occur in successive intervals. Such data are common in environmental applications. We describe a class of models for them, based on an unobserved continuous-time discrete-state Markov process, which determines the rate of a doubly stochastic Poisson process, from which the binary time series is constructed by discretization. We discuss likelihood inference for these processes and their second-order properties and extend them to multiple series. An application involves modeling the times of exposures to air pollution at a number of receptors in Western Europe.