994 resultados para Spoonges -- Mortality -- Mediterranean Sea


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The vertical distribution (0 to 100 m) and abundance of nanoflagellates were examined in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea (east Mediterranean) in early spring (south basin) and late summer (north and south basins) of 1997 in the framework of the MATER project (Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Response). Different trophic types of nanoflagellates (mixotrophic, heterotrophic, and phototrophic) were identified based on the possession of chloroplasts and the consumption of Fluorescently Labelled Minicells (FLM). Bacterial production (leucine method) was compared with bacterivory estimated from FLM consumption. We found that mixotrophic nanoflagellates played a small role as bacterivores relative to heterotrophic nanoflagellates and total bacterivory roughly balanced bacterial production. In early spring with cool (14.2°C) well-mixed water columns, flagellate concentrations were lowest, phototrophic flagellates were the dominant group and concentrations varied little with depth. Average concentrations of mixotrophs, heterotrophs and autotrophs were 0.07, 0.34, and 0.64 x 103 cells/ml, respectively. Bacterial production in the 0 to 100 m layer averaged about 0.74 µg C/l/d. Estimated nanoflagellate bacterivory from FLM ingestion accounted for 40% of bacterial production with mixotrophic nanoflagellates consuming 5% of bacterial production. In late summer, total nanoflagellate concentrations were higher. Average concentrations of mixotrophs, heterotrophs and autotrophs were 0.09, 1.14, and 0.66 x 103 cells/ml, respectively, in the southern basin and 0.09, 1.1, and 0.98 x 103 cells/ml, respectively, in the northern basin. In September, bacterial production for both basins roughly balanced estimated nanoflagellate consumption. Similar to the March estimates, mixotrophic nanoflagellates accounted for about 5% of nanoflagellate bacterivory. In a nutrient enrichment experiment in March, treatments including phosphorus resulted in increased bacterial production and reductions in identifiable mixotrophs.


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Abundance of microzooplankton was studied from August to October 1970 in a ship laboratory using the method of concentration of water samples by filtration and then counting living organisms under a microscope. The main groups (in order of decreasing abundance) were as follows: infusorians, nauplii, copepodids, radiolarians, appendicularians, and some others (rotifers, worm and mollusk larvae). Concentration of infusorians rarely exceeded 100 #/l, possibly an underestimate. Nauplii often numbered 20 to 30 #/l. Study of vertical distribution of microzooplankton showed that peak concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea were at depth of 20-30 m regardless of day time. There were 2 peaks in the Atlantic Ocean, one in the 10- to 20-m layer, the other in the 50- to 75-m layer.


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In a gravity core from the eastern Mediterranean Sea, a chemically and mineralogically distinct, 5.5-cm-thick layer is present above sapropel S-1 and overlain by hemipelagic marls. Calcite is completely absent in this exotic layer, dolomite is present only in small amounts, and the Cr concentrations are significantly enhanced. The layer was deposited primarily under reducing conditions, but the distributions of redox-sensitive elements show that a large part of the exotic layer is now oxidised by a downward-progressing oxidation front. Sediments from within the nearby anoxic, hypersaline Urania Basin are similar to those from the exotic layer, in particular in S-, C-, and O-isotope distributions of pyrite and dolomite, as well as increased Cr concentrations. Mud expulsion due to expansion of gas-rich mud is proposed to explain the presence of the exotic layer outside the Urania Basin. The deposition of an anoxic layer above S-1 shielded the sapropel from oxidation which resulted in the rare occurrence of a complete preservation of S-1 and provides the first minimum age for the start of anoxic mud accumulation in the Urania Basin.


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The Mediterranean Sea is at the transition between temperate and tropical air masses and as such of importance for studying climate change. The Gulf of Taranto and adjacent SW Adriatic Sea are at the heart of this region. Their sediments are excellently suited for generating high quality environmental records for the last millennia with a sub-decadal resolution. The quality of these records is dependent on a careful calibration of the transfer functions used to translate the sedimentary lipid signals to the local environment. Here, we examine and calibrate the UK'37 and TEX86 lipid-based temperature proxies in 48 surface sediments and relate these to ambient sea surface temperatures and other environmental data. The UK'37-based temperatures in surface sediments reflect winter/spring sea surface temperatures in agreement with other studies demonstrating maximum haptophyte production during the colder season. The TEX86-based temperatures for the nearshore sites also reflect winter sea surface temperatures. However, at the most offshore sites, they correspond to summer sea surface temperatures. Additional lipid and environmental data including the distribution of the BIT index and remote-sensed chlorophyll-a suggest a shoreward increase of the impact of seasonal and spatial variability in nutrients and control of planktonic archaeal abundance by primary productivity, particle loading in surface waters and/or overprint by a cold-biased terrestrial TEX86 signal. As such the offshore TEX86 values seem to reflect a true summer signal to the effect that offshore UK'37 and TEX86 reconstruct winter and summer temperature, respectively, and hence provide information on the annual temperature amplitude.


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Continuous sedimentary records from an eastern Mediterranean cold-water coral ecosystem thriving in intermediate water depths (~600 m) reveal a temporary extinction of cold-water corals during the Early to Mid Holocene from 11.4-5.9 cal kyr BP. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage analysis shows low-oxygen conditions of 2 ml l**-1 during the same period, compared to bottom-water oxygen values of 4-5 ml l**-1 before and after the coral-free interval. The timing of the corals' demise coincides with the sapropel S1 event, during which the deep eastern Mediterranean basin turned anoxic. Our results show that during the sapropel S1 event low oxygen conditions extended to the rather shallow depths of our study site in the Ionian Sea and caused the cold-water corals temporary extinction. This first evidence for the sensitivity of cold-water corals to low oceanic oxygen contents suggests that the projected expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones resulting from global change will threaten cold-water coral ecosystems in low latitudes in the same way that ocean acidification will do in the higher latitudes.