1000 resultados para Spectrum decomposition


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The diffuse reflectance spectra of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were measured in the ultraviolet-visible region, It is found that the part of f-->f transition bands were widened and red-shift occurred. The absorption tail-band in the region from 300 to 550 nm was assigned to the O-2p-->Nd-4f transition. The behavior of light-induced charge transfer and photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline Nd2O3 were studied by the surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS) and electric field modulating SPS techniques. The SPS response shows two peaks at 330 nm(P-1) and 380 nm(P-2) in the UV-Vis range, The spectral features observed can be explained in terms of charge transfer and interband transition.


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Thermal decomposition processes of poly(thio-1,4-phenylene) (PPS), polythiophene (PT) and polyaniline (PAn) were investigated by direct pyrolysis EI or CI mass spectrometry (DPMS). They can provide up to heptemer pyrolynates and give some structure properties. The results indicate that the thermal degradation all undergoes in radical decomposition, PPS pyrolyzes into linear and cyclic oligmers, but PT and PAn pyrolyze only into linear oligmers.


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The thermal decomposition of polyaniline(PAn) and poly-o-toluidine(POT) was studied by means of direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry(DM) and MS/MS, The results showed that both benzene-diamine and quinone-diimine units were produced, and the intensities of fragments corresponding to quinone-diimine units increased as the oxidation degrees increased, The mechanism of thermal decomposition of PAn and POT was given for the first time.


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The diffuse reflectance spectra of nanocrystalline Er2O3 were measured in the UV-vis region. It was found that the f -> f transition bands become stronger with the decrease of the size of particles. The tail-band in the range of 300 similar to 550nm was assigned to the O2p -> Er4f transition. Both behavior of light-induced charge transfer and photovoltaic properties of nanocrystalline Er2O3 were investigated with surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS). The SPS shows that two peaks appear at 340nm (p(1)) and 385nm (p(2)). The observed spectral features can be explained in terms of charge transfer and interband transition.


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The structures and decomposition reactions of doubly charged phenylenediamines were studied by means of charge separation (CS) and electron capture induced decomposition (ECID) spectra. The deisomerization of the three isomers is prior to the metastable d


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The unimolecular charge separations and neutral loss decompositions of the doubly charged ions [C7H7Cl](2+), [C7H6Cl](2+) and [C7H5Cl](2+) produced in the ion source by 70 eV electron impact from 3 chloro-toluenes and benzyl chloride isomers were studied


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The laser-atomic-beam spectroscopy technique has been used to make measurements of the hyperfine structure in some odd parity levels of thulium by stepwise excitation. With the experimental results the magnetic dipole hyperfine constants A for the four levels in the configurations 4f12 5d6s6p and 4f12 (H-3(5))6s2 6p3/2 and for two intermediate levels have been obtained.


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Thermal decomposition processes of the mixed complexes of nitrilotriacetates of Pr, Sm, Tb, Ho and Tm with 2-amino-3-hydroxypropionic acid have been investigated. The results indicate that serine may coordinate to the rare earth ion via its hydroxyl group, not by means of its carboxyl group. From the thermogravimetric and the derivative thermogravimetric curves it can be deduced that there may be six or seven steps in the thermal decomposition process of these mixed complexes, and that not all thermal decomposition processes in these mixed complexes are the same. Some possible thermal decomposition reactions have been proposed, and the differences between the thermal decomposition processes of these complexes are also discussed.


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The dynamics of phase separation in a binary polymer blend of poly(vinyl acetate) with poly(methyl methacrylate) was investigated by using a time-resolved light-scattering technique. In the later stages of spinodal decomposition, a simple dynamic scaling law was found for the scattering function S(q, t)(S(q, t) approximately I(q, t)): S(q, t)q(m)-3 S approximately (q/q(m)). The scaling function determined experimentally was in good agreement with that predicted by Furukawa, S approximately (X) approximately X2/(3 + X8) for critical concentration, and approximately in agreement with that predicted by Furukawa, S approximately (X) approximately X2/(3 + X6) for non-critical mixtures. The light-scattering invariant shows that the later stages of the spinodal decomposition were undergoing domain ripening.


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Mossbauer spectroscopy has been used to investigate the thermal decomposition of the bioinorganic complex of europium and L-glutamine. The Mossbauer parameters can demonstrate that the water molecules in the complex and the chlorine anion in the hydrogen chloride molecule, dissociated from the complex below 200-degrees-C, are not linked directly to the europium atom. The thermal decomposition process of the complex is discussed and a possible coordination model for the europium L-glutamine complex is also proposed on the basis of the thermogravimetric and derivative thermogravimetric curves, and from some evidence obtained from the Mossbauer effects of some decomposition products of the complex.


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Fractal behaviour of ramified domains in the late stage of spinodal phase separation in a binary polymer blend of poly(vinyl acetate) with poly(methyl methacrylate) was investigated by optical microscopic method. In the late stage of the spinodal decomposition, the fractal dimension D is about 1.64. It implies that some anomalous properties of irregular structure probably may be explained by fractal concepts.


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In chain molecules of 1, 2-PBD, there are two kinds of gauche arrangements, which is the cause of making the spectrum of the secondary carbon in main chain of the polymer split. In such a complex system, the gauche arrangements of the secondary carbon and the tertiary carbon occupy an important position. Hence, the contribution of the tertiary carbon to the chemical shifts of the secondary carbon has a decisive effect on the sequence structure distribution. In comparison the contribution of vinyl groups is ...


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A method of fitting to Mossbauer spectrum of 151Eu has been proposed. The intensities and the positions of all the possible transitions between the sublevels of the ground state and those of the excited state of nucleus with spin I> 3/2 can be considered at one time in fitting to experimental Mossbauer spectra by this method. The method has been used to fit to the experimental Mossbauer spectra of europium orthophosphate crystal and of europium pentaphosphate crystal, and to derive Mossbauer parameters from...


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The solid state complexes of trivalent lanthanid, yttrium and scandium with cyclohexane carboxylic acid have been isolated and characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that there are only chelated carboxylate groups in the scandium complex and that there are the chelated, bridged and chelate-bridged carboxylate groups in other rare earth complexes. The former is a mononuclear complex and the latter is a polynuclear polymer. The RE—O coordinate bonds possess the characters of convalent ionic ...