875 resultados para Solid waste management
Criado inicialmente com a função básica de proteção aos pés, o calçado tornou-se um objeto de desejo e um acessório essencial de moda. Entre 1950 a 2015, estima-se que a produção mundial passe de 2,5 bilhões de pares produzidos para 25 bilhões de pares por ano, crescimento bem maior do que a população mundial. O couro, principal matéria-prima para a confecção de calçados, caracteriza-se por gerar grandes quantidades de resíduos ao longo de toda a cadeia produtiva. Especificamente na indústria coureiro-calçadista, o problema concentra-se nos elevados volumes de resíduos gerados na atividade produtiva, podendo causar desperdícios e grandes volumes de resíduos a serem descartados, envolvendo, principalmente, questões financeiras e ambientais. Países como Alemanha e Estados Unidos possuem legislação específica sobre a gestão de resíduos desde os anos 1970. No Brasil, depois de mais de 20 anos de tramitação no Congresso Nacional, em 2010, foi instituída a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, que reúne princípios, objetivos, instrumentos, diretrizes e metas, que deverão ser adotados pelos governos nas esferas federal, estadual e municipal, bem como pelas empresas com vistas à gestão integrada e ao gerenciamento ambientalmente adequado dos resíduos sólidos. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais para o setor calçadista de Franca-SP com vistas à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. O desenvolvimento do modelo teve como ponto de partida um estudo bibliográfico sobre o assunto e, na sequência, por intermédio de uma pesquisa aplicada, conseguiu-se, em um primeiro momento, analisar a situação atual para compreender o modelo de gestão de resíduos vigente e realizar uma pesquisa de diagnóstico dos resíduos industriais do setor. Tal pesquisa possibilitou verificar que atualmente, esses resíduos, são enviados em sua totalidade para aterros sanitários, possibilitou também sua quantificação e cálculos dos custos envolvidos para transporte e destinação. Na sequência, realizaram-se estudos sobre a viabilidade técnica e financeira para tratamento térmico desses resíduos e a busca de benchmark no setor. O estudo também proporcionou uma contribuição de caráter mais prático e/ou gerencial ao recomendar diretrizes para a elaboração de um plano de gestão integrada de resíduos industriais para o setor, e uma proposta de gestão compartilhada dos resíduos industriais entre a entidade de classe e as indústrias calçadistas, com vistas à eliminação de envio desses resíduos para aterros. Dessa forma, contribuiu também para a elaboração do Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos do município em questão. Nesse sentido, após as análises e desdobramentos das etapas anteriores, foi possível propor um modelo de gestão de resíduos industriais, bem como demonstrar sua viabilidade técnica e financeira. Tal modelo foi denominado \"Modelo de Equiparação de Custos com Eficiência Ambiental\".
Characteristics of six operating hot spring recreational facilities were reviewed to identify opportunities for integrating a range of sustainable design and operation approaches into a community park. Potential operating cost savings were evaluated for a conceptual landscape project, bathhouse project, and swimming pool project that reduced the use of electricity, natural gas, water, the discharge of water, and solid waste generation. The projects showed a combined cost savings of approximately $40,000 per year by adopting passive solar design, energy efficient lighting, native vegetation, water efficient fixtures, and a natural swimming pool. The greatest potential operating cost reductions were observed for cutbacks in the use of swimming pool water and reductions in natural gas needed for building and swimming pool heating.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the plastics most extensively used due to its versatility. The demand of PVC resin in Europe during 2012 reached 5000 ktonnes1. PVC waste management is a big problem because of the high volume generated all over the world and its chlorine content. End-of-life PVC is mainly mixed with municipal solid waste (MSW) and one common disposal option for this is waste-to-energy incineration (WtE). The presence of plastics such as PVC in the fuel mix increases the heating value of the fuel. PVC has two times higher energy content than MSW ‒around 20 MJ/kg vs 10 MJ/kg, respectively. However, the high chlorine content in PVC resin, 57 wt.%, may be a source for the formation of hazardous chlorinated organic pollutants in thermal processes. Chlorine present in the feedstock of WtE plants plays an important role in the formation of (i) chlorine (Cl2) and (ii) hydrochloric gas (HCl), both of them responsible for corrosion, and (iii) chlorinated organic pollutants2. In this work, pyrolytic and oxidative thermal degradation of PVC resin were carried out in a laboratory scale reactor at 500 ºC in order to analyze the influence of the reaction atmosphere on the emissions evolved. Special emphasis was put on the analysis of chlorinated organic pollutants such as polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and other related compounds like polychlorobenzenes (PCBzs), polychlorophenols (PCPhs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Another objective of this work was to compare the results with those of a previous work3 in which emissions at different temperatures in both pyrolysis and combustion of another PVC resin had been studied; in that case, experiments for PCDD/Fs emissions had been performed only at 850 ºC.
Furniture waste is mainly composed of wood and upholstery foam (mostly polyurethane foam). Both of these have a high calorific value, therefore, energy recovery would be an appropriate process to manage these wastes. Nevertheless, the drawback is that the energy content of these wastes is limited due to their low density mainly that of upholstery foam. Densification of separate foam presents difficulties due to its elastic character. The significance of this work lies in obtaining densified material by co-densification of furniture wood waste and polyurethane foam waste. Densification of furniture wood and the co-densification of furniture wood waste with polyurethane foam have been studied. On the one hand, the parameters that have an effect on the quality of the furniture waste briquettes have been analysed, i.e., moisture content, compaction pressure, presence of lignin, etc. The maximum weight percentage of polyurethane foam that can be added with furniture wood waste to obtain durable briquettes and the optimal moisture were determined. On the other hand, some parameters were analysed in order to evaluate the possible effect on the combustion. The chemical composition of waste wood was compared with untreated wood biomass; the higher nitrogen content and the concentration of some metals were the most important differences, with a significant difference of Ti content.
Mechanical treatments such as shredding or extrusion are applied to municipal solid wastes (MSW) to produce refuse-derived fuels (RDF). In this way, a waste fraction (mainly composed by food waste) is removed and the quality of the fuel is improved. In this research, simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) was used to investigate how different mechanical treatments applied to MSW influence the composition and combustion behaviour of fuel blends produced by combining MSW or RDF with wood in different ratios. Shredding and screening resulted in a more efficient mechanical treatment than extrusion to reduce the chlorine content in a fuel, which would improve its quality. This study revealed that when plastics and food waste are combined in the fuel matrix, the thermal decomposition of the fuels are accelerated. The combination of MSW or RDF and woody materials in a fuel blend has a positive impact on its decomposition.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
May 1979.