950 resultados para Smut fungi.


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本文报告了丝状真菌单宁酶发酵五倍子及有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的研究。利用单宁和/或五倍子诱导丝状真菌产生单宁 酶的原理,借助二级发酵程序,对从天然源得到的75株菌进行了生物转化实验研究。选择出既能水解单宁或五倍子成没食子酸,又 能把没食子酸和丙醇合成没食子酸丙酯,而且生物催化活性都较高的1株菌,这株菌经初步鉴定为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger No.17)。随后对它开展了产酶条件和参数优化实验,得出了最佳培养条件。立足于参数优化实验方案的基础上,经由液体培养发酵 制备单宁酶制剂,并把该酶通过化学手段共价结合到一种新型载体—聚乙烯醇和戊二醛反应生成的缩醛上,制备得到固定化单宁酶 。这种固定化生物催化剂在两种有机介质体系中都具有逆向催化合成没食子酸丙酯的能力。最后建立起来一条有效可行的微生物酶 法制备没食子酸的技术途径,没食子酸产率达到70%。对这种物质进行元素 分析:含C,49.45%;含H,3.63%。它的熔点为237℃~243 ℃,三种溶剂系统的TLC均只给出一个斑点。这些数据都与标准品一致。有机溶剂中酶法合成没食子酸丙酯的技术途径已经建立。 水溶性单宁酶在潜溶剂体系中也能催化上述酯化反应,反应混合物中的PG浓度为16.4mmol/L,制备薄层被用于分离反应混合物所含 的PG,这种产物被红外、质谱及三种溶剂系统的TLC等方法鉴定,确证为目标产物。在这一学位论文的实验研究过程中,还包括一 些生化分析方法的建立和应用,这些方法用于鉴定底物和产物及测定它们的浓度,其内容主要包括TLC定性/半定量分析、元素分析 、质谱、红外等手段的综合运用。本工作为开发我国特有的天然产物资源—五倍子的生物化工加工技术及非水相生物催化技术的开 发,提供了有用的基础数据资料,具有应用基础研究工作的重要性。In this thesis, the studies on the fermentation of Chinese gallotannin by filamentous fungi with tannase activity and enzymatic synthesis of propyl gallate(PG) in organic solvents were described through these biocatalysts. Based on the principles of induction enzyme, the tannase produced from filamentous fungi by adding tannic acid(TA) and/or Chinese gallotannin into media was investigated, and the screening experiments of bioconversion were done with 75 strains by means of a two-stage fermentation procedure. These strains were isolated with the enrichment culture technique from natural sources. Hence we selected one strain (Aspergillus niger No.17) that can not only catalyze the hydrolyses of TA and/or Chinese gallotannin into gallic acid(GA) in the liquid cultures, but also be used to synthesize PG from propanol and GA in the non-aqueous media. At the same time both of its biocatalytical activities were higher. This strain was calssified to be Aspergillus niger by the primary identification. Then optimum conditions for production of the tannase and its parameters were examined. In this way, one set of optimum culture conditions was selected. Making use of the optimum proposal, the tanase was prepared through a liquid fermentation procedure. The enzyme was convalently coupled to a new type of carrier which was made chemically from polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)and glutaraldehyde. The immobilized enzymes were able to synthesize PG reversely in two organic media. Finally, an effective enzymatic technique for production of GA was developed. The yield of GA products was up to 70%。Element analysis for this substance: calce: C, 49.42%; H, 3.56%; found: C, 49.45%, H, 3.63%. Its melting point was 237℃~ 243℃ and TLCs on three solvent systems gave only one spot respectively. These data were identical with theauthentic GA. The enzymatic synthesis of PG in organic solvents was extablished with reverse route of tannase catalytical hydrolysis. Aqueous enzyme perparation also catalyzed above esterification in a buffer system. The PG concentration in the reaction mixture was 16.4mmol/L. The reparative-scale TLC was used to isolate PG from the reaction mixture. This product separated was identified by IR, MS and TLC on three solvent systems. In this study of thesis, some biochemical analytical mehtods were developed and used to identify substrates and products, and to determinate their concentration. These methods, including TLC qualitative/half quantitative analysis, element analysis, MS, IR and so on, were useful, available and performable. This work provided basic data and information for developing the biochemical engineering and bio-processing of Chinese gallotannin-a special natural resource in China and the non-aqueous phase biocatalysis. Thus, this study possesses importance in the applied and basic research work.


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齐墩果酸(OA)是一个分布广泛、含量丰富的天然三萜化合物,常以皂苷元的形式广泛存在于植物中,具有多种重要生物活性。但是OA许多活性较弱,且生物利用度低,限制了其在临床上的应用。一是OA水溶性差;二是抗癌活性仍与临床应用的抗癌药物相差比较大。 真菌在微生物转化中具有种类多、培养条件比较简单等特点,为了寻找到具有转化OA能力的菌株,采取一步发酵的方法,在18株实验室保藏真菌菌株中筛选到5株目的菌株,TLC分析显示有转化效果。 随后采用二步发酵的方法作为复筛,验证5株菌株转化能力,波谱分析结果表明5株菌株对OA确实有转化作用。 选择5株菌种中代号1F-2 2菌株作为放大实验菌株,分离转化产物,得到OA衍生物108(相对分子量414m/z)和1010(相对分子量340 m/z),分离出的产物用于活性检测。寻找到产物108的RP-HPLC分离条件,质谱得出二者相对分子质量。 为验证OA转化产物抗肿瘤活性,首次研究了OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231作用,通过细胞增殖抑制实验、用MTT法检测细胞活性,结果表明齐墩果酸可降低卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231细胞增殖能力并呈剂量依赖性,对肿瘤细胞株的半数有效抑制浓度化IC50 分别为36.58μg/mL和38.8μg/mL (P<0.01)。OA能抑制肿瘤细胞活性,并且OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1抑制活性高于乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231。 在此基础上,转化产物108和1010对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231的抑制作用也进行研究,MTT实验结果表明,转化产物对两株癌细胞也有抑制活性(P<0.01)。 总之,本文工作为进一步开展齐墩果酸类化合物结构改造和抗肿瘤活性的研究奠定了基础。 Oleanolic acid (OA) is a triterpenoid widely distributed in the nature which possesses various important bioactivities. OA also serves as aglycon of many natural saponins. However, the relatively weak activities and poor bioavailability hinder its clinical use. Firstly, poor water-solubility results in worse bioavailability. Secondly, compared with clinical antitumor drug, the antitumor effect of OA has a great difference, it is worse. Many fungi have ability to transform nature products into a variety of derivatives, and transformation conditions of fungi are simple. Attempt to obtain fungi strains able to biotransform OA, we carried out the following experiments: To investigate the biotransformation 0f OA by strains supplied firstly, we used one-step fermentation method to screen the aimed strains from 18 fungus strains stored in our laboratory. On the basis of the initial screening experiments, we found 5 aimed strains. The TLC results showed that the 5 fungi strains could transform OA into other components derivatives. Then we used two-step fermentation method as secondly screening. We repeated the five strains to do the experiments, analytical data of the results proved the transformation indeed. In the followed experiments work, we chose 1F-2 2 strain as large-scale transformation fungus from the aimed fungi. We got two biotransformation products of OA by 1F-2 2, and named those derivatives 108 and 1010. We found RP-HPLC separation conditions of product 108. The two products were characterized by ESI-MS. To verify the anti-tumor activity of biotransformation products of OA, we studied the inhibition effect of oleanolic acid on the ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 firstly. With an assay based on a tetrazolium dye (MTT), the effects of various concentrations of oleanolic acid on ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 were studied. MTT method was used to measure the tumor cells viability. Compared with the control group, oleanolic acid can significantly inhibit the viability of the ovarian carcinoma cells IGROV1 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line (P<0.01), IC50 values were 36.58μg/mL or 38.8μg/mL. Oleanolic acid can inhibit the malignant tumor cells viability, and inhibitory activity of OA to ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 was higher than to breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. On this basis, we studied the anti-tumor activity of the two derivatives of OA [called 108 (414 m/z) and 1010(340 m/z)]. It came to the conclusion that the two derivatives also showed potent inhibitory effect on the growth of these tumor cells(P<0.01). Therefore, the results of studies will benefit the further investigating on the relationships of structures and antitumor activities of OA.


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木质纤维素原料种类多、分布广、数量巨大,通过燃料乙醇生产技术、厌氧沼气发酵技术将其转化成乙醇、沼气等二次能源,一定程度上可以缓解化石能源的不断消耗所带来的能源危机,也解决了农林废弃物引起的环境污染问题。其中以木质纤维素原料生产燃料乙醇,还可以避免以淀粉类和糖类原料生产燃料乙醇时带来的“与人争粮”等一系列问题。因此具有重要的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。 然而,木质纤维素原料结构致密,木质素包裹在纤维素、半纤维素外围,导致其很难被降解利用,必须进行适当的预处理,去除木质素,打破原有的致密结构,利于原料的后续利用。因此,预处理成为木质纤维素原料能源化利用的关键。而目前预处理环节的费用过于昂贵,于是寻找一种高效、低成本的预处理方法是当今研究的热点。 本论文采用组合白腐真菌对木质纤维素原料进行生物预处理研究,与其他物理化学法相比,该法有着专一性较强、反应温和、不造成环境污染、成本低等优势。白腐真菌主要通过分泌木质素降解酶对木质素进行降解,从而破坏原料的致密结构,提高后续利用效率。所以木质素降解酶酶活的高低是影响原料预处理效果的一个关键因素。于是本论文首先通过将白腐真菌进行组合的方式提高木质素降解酶(漆酶,Lac)酶活;接着对组合菌的菌株相互作用机理进行研究,阐明组合菌Lac 酶活提高的原因,为菌株组合提高Lac 酶活这种方法的应用提供理论依据,同时也为后续组合白腐真菌预处理木质纤维素原料提供指导;进一步采用固态发酵和木质素降解酶两种方式对木质纤维素原料进行预处理研究,最大化去除木质素成分,破坏原料的致密结构;最终对预处理后原料的酶解糖化进行初步研究,为原料后续的能源化应用奠定基础。具体研究结果如下: (1) 以实验室保存的三株主要分泌Lac 的白腐真菌为出发菌株,筛选得到一组Lac 酶活明显提高的组合菌55+m-6,其中菌株55 为Trametes trogii sp.,m-6 为Trametes versicolor sp.,组合后Lac 酶活较单菌株分别提高24.13倍和4.07 倍。组合菌的最适产酶条件为pH 6.5、C/N 16:1、Tween 80 添加量为0.01%,在该条件下组合菌的Lac 酶活峰值比未优化时提高4.11倍。 (2) 对组合菌55+m-6 菌株间相互作用机理进行研究,发现菌株之间不存在抑制作用;平板培养时,菌丝交界处Lac 酶活最高并分泌棕色色素;液体培养时,菌株m-6 对组合后Lac 酶活的提高起着更为重要的作用:菌株m-6的菌块、过滤灭菌胞外物以及高温灭菌胞外物均能明显刺激菌株55 的Lac产生;菌株55、m-6 进行组合后,同工酶种类未发生增减,但有三种Lac同工酶浓度有所提高;对菌株胞外物进行薄层层析和质谱分析,结果表明组合前后菌株胞外物中各物质在浓度上存在较大的变化。推测组合菌Lac酶活的明显提高,主要是由于菌株m-6 胞外物中的一些物质能刺激菌株55 分泌大量Lac 进行代谢,且这些刺激物质并非菌株m-6 特有,菌株55自身也可以代谢生成,但是适当的浓度才能刺激Lac 的大量分泌。 (3) 将组合菌55+m-6 用于固态发酵预处理木质纤维素原料,发现其对玉米秆的降解程度最大,在粉碎度40 目、含水率65%的最优处理条件下,处理至第15d,秸秆失重率为41.24%,其中木质素、纤维素、半纤维素均有降解,且Lac 和纤维素酶(CMC)酶活以及还原糖量均达到峰值。 (4) 对玉米秆进行木质素降解酶预处理,发现Lac/1-羟基苯并三唑(HBT)系统对玉米秆木质素的降解效果最好,在最优处理条件时,即HBT 用量0.2%、处理时间1d、Lac 用量50U/g,木质素降解率可达12.60%。预处理后玉米秆的致密结构被破坏,比表面积增大,利于后续酶与纤维素、半纤维素成分的结合。 (5) 对预处理后的玉米秆进行酶解糖化,其中组合菌固态发酵预处理后玉米秆的糖化率比对照高4.33 倍;Lac/HBT 系统预处理后玉米秆的糖化率比对照高2.99%,糖化液中主要含有木糖、葡萄糖两种单糖。 There are many kinds and large quantities of lignocellulosic biomass widely distributed on the earth. They can be converted into secondary energy such as fuel ethanol, biogas, et al., which can relieve the energy crisis caused by consumption of fossil energy resources and solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by agriculture and forestry waste. Meanwhile, the production of fuel ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass can ensure food supply to human kind instead of starch- and sugar-containing raw materials. So the energy conversion of lignocellulosic biomass contributes considerable economic, environment and social benefits. However, lignocellulosic biomass has the compact structure, in which lignin surrounds cellulose and hemicellulose, so it must be pretreated before energy usage and pretreatment is one of the most critical steps in the energy conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. At present, the cost of pretreatment is too expensive, so looking for an efficient and low-cost pre-treatment method is one of recent research hot spots. In this research, combined white rot fungi pretreatment method was used, which had some advantages in low cost, high specificity, mild reacting conditions and friendly environmental effects compared with the other physical and chemical methods. White rot fungi secrete lignin degrading enzymes to degrade the content of lignin and damage the contact structure of lignocellulosic biomass, so the activity of the lignin degrading enzymes is the key factor to the degradation effect of raw materials. Firstly, the combined fungi with high laccase activity were screened; secondly, the interaction mechanism between strains was studied, and the cause of higher laccase activity after strains combination was also preliminary clarified; under the guidance of the mechanism, lignocellulosic biomass was pretreated by the combined fungi; lastly, the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass was also preliminary studied; all of the researches could lay the foundation for the energy application of lignocellulosic biomass. The specific research results were as follows: (1) The combined fungi 55+m-6 with significant higher laccase activity were screened from the three white rot fungi stored in our lab which mainly secreted laccase. Strain 55 and strain m-6 were Trametes trogii sp. and Trametes versicolor sp., respectively. The laccase activity of combined fungi was 24.13 and 4.07-fold than strain 55 and strain m-6, respectively. The optimized condition for laccase production of the combined fungi in liquid medium was pH 6.5, C/N 16:1 and Tween 80 0.01%. In this optimized condition, the laccase activity of combined fungi was 4.11-fold higher comparing with which in non-optimized medium. (2) The interaction mechanism between strain 55 and strain m-6 was further studied, and no inhibition effect was observed. Brown pigment was secreted on the junction of the two strains on the plate, where the highest laccase activity was detected. Strain m-6 was much important to boost laccase activity of combined fungi in liquid medium, and strain 55 was stimulated by fungal plug, filter sterilized extracellular substances and high temperature sterilized extracellular substances of strain m-6 to produce laccase. The types of laccase isozymes did not change after combining strain 55 and strain m-6, but the concentrations of three types increased. Mass Spectrometry and TLC analysis of extracellular substances of each strain showed that concentration of some substances considerably changed after strains were combined. It was supposed that the cause of higher laccase activity of combined fungi was mainly due to some extracellular substances of strain m-6 with the appropriate concentration which stimulated laccase secretion of strain 55 and generated not only by strain m-6 but also by strain 55. (3) Combined fungi 55+m-6 were used to lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment with the type of solid-state fermentation. The highest degree of degradation of corn straw was obtained, including the rate of weight loss was 41.24% and the lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose were degraded partially under the optimized condition of 40 mesh, 65% water content on 15th day. Laccase, CMCase activities and content of reducing sugar reached the maximum value on that day. (4) Lignin degrading enzymes from combined fungi 55+m-6 were used for corn straw pretreatment. The most remarkable degradation of lignin in corn straw with Lac/1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) system was observed, and the 12.60% lignin degradation was obtained under the optimized condition of 0.2% HBT, 50 U/g laccase for 1 d. After pretreated by Lac/HBT, the tight structure of corn straw was demolished and specific surface area increased, which had advantages for accessible of enzyme to cellulose and hemicellulose. (5) The corn straws pretreated by combined fungi 55+m-6 with the type of solid-state fermentation and Lac/HBT were used for enzymatic hydrolysis, and the saccharification rates of each pretreatment type were 4.33 times and 2.99% higher than CK, respectively. The enzymatic hydrolysis liquid of corn straw pretreated by Lac/HBT mainly contained xylose and glucose.


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本文筛选出一株能利用木糖产乙醇的丝状真菌Z7,对其利用木糖和半纤维素水解产物产乙醇的发酵条件进行了研究,并对Z7 利用玉米芯产木聚糖酶的条件进行了优化。全文分为三部分: 第一部分:目标微生物筛选、纯化及系统发育分析。以木糖为唯一碳源,采用梯度稀释和平板化线法从高温、中温酒曲中分离到16 株能利用木糖良好生长的丝状真菌;通过发酵试验复筛,获得一株能产乙醇的丝状真菌Z7;综合形态学和ITS 序列分析,初步鉴定为Aspergillus flavus。 第二部分:Z7 的乙醇发酵条件研究。以木糖为碳源,通过单因素试验确定最佳氮源和发酵温度;通过正交试验及SPSS 软件分析得到了不同N、P、K 成分对乙醇、残糖和菌体干重的影响。获得最佳的发酵条件为:(g/L)木糖50,尿素1, NH4NO3 1, K2HPO4 2 , KCl 0.5 , MgSO4.7H2O 0.5 , NaNO3 1 , pH 自然,培养温度33 ℃。以玉米芯半纤维素稀酸水解液为底物进行乙醇发酵,根据稀酸水解的单糖释放量和乙醇产量,确定115 ℃,1 h 为最佳玉米芯预处理条件;结合最佳发酵条件,添加1 g/L 的吐温20 能获得最大的乙醇浓度8.31 g/L。因此,Aspergillus flavus Z7 能利用半纤维素水解产物产乙醇,其中木糖的利用率80%以上。 第三部分:Z7 利用玉米芯产木聚糖酶条件优化。Aspergillus flavus Z7 在具有产乙醇能力的同时还具有产木聚糖酶的能力。本文通过单因素和正交试验得到最佳产酶培养基组分为:(g/L)玉米芯20,尿素2, 酵母膏2.5, K2HPO4 5,NaNO31, MgSO4.7H2O 1。单因素试验表明,用纱布代替塑料布密封摇瓶封口能显著提高产酶量;Z7 在碱性条件下具有更强的产酶性能。在最优条件下发酵,能产生最大木聚糖酶活122.23IU/mL。通过薄层分析,验证了Z7 产生的木聚糖酶具有水解木聚糖生成木糖及木寡糖的能力。 A strain of filamentous fungus which can produce ethanol by using the xylose was isolated in this research. The ethanol fermention conditions from xylose and dilute-acid hydrolyzate of the corn core were studied. The conditions of xylanase production by Z7 were also optimized. The paper involved three parts. Part1: Isolation, purification and phylogenetic analysis of the microbe. By using xylose as the single carbon source and the pla te streaking method, several filamentous fungi were isolated from the wine starter; through the fermentation test, a filamentous fungus Z7 which can produce ethanol was further recognized; furthermore, according to the morphologic observation and ITS seque nces analysis, Z7 was identified as Aspergillus flavus at the first step. Part2: Research on the condition of ethanol fermentation by Z7. By single factor experiment, the optional nitrogen resource and temperature of the fermentation were fixed; meanwhile, through the orthogonal array tests and the analysis of statistic software SPSS, the optional component of the culture medium and the fermentation condition were organized as follows: (g/L) xylose 50, urea 1, NH4NO3 1, K2HPO4 2, KCl 0.5 , MgSO4.7H2O 0.5, NaNO31, pH nature, temperature 33℃. Based on these optimal parameters, the fermentation of dilute-acid hydrolyzate of the corn core was carried on by Z7. According to the quantities of released sugar monomers and content of the ethanol, 115℃ in 1h is the best pretreatment condition; the maximal ethanol content can be obtained when 1g/L Tween 20 was added to. Therefore, the filamentous fungus Aspergillus flavus can use the hydrolysate of hemicellulose to produce ethanol, and the rate of xylose utilization was over 80%. Part3: Optimization of Z7’s xylanase producing condition from corn core. Aspergillus flavus Z7, which can utilize xylose or the hydrolysate of hemicellulose to produce ethanol, also had the ability of xylanase production. The optional component of the culture medium were fixed by the single factor experiment and the orthogonal array tests, and they were organized as follows: (g/L) corn core 20, Urea 2, Yeast extract 2.5, K2HPO4 5, NaNO31, MgSO4.7H2O 1; it was testified by the single factor experiment that sealing the shaking flasks with pledget other than plastic paper can obviously increase the xylanase activity; moreover, Z7 showed better xylanase production ability when in the alkali environment. Under the optional fermentation condition, the maximal xylanase activity 122.23IU/mL was proved. Through the analysis of thin- layer chromatography (TLC), the ability of xylanase from Z7, which can hydrolyze xylan to xylose monomer and oligomer, was vividly displayed.


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本文主要研究了泸州老窖古酿酒作坊内外环境空气真菌和空气细菌的群落结构和分布特征。结果如下: 作坊内外环境空气微生物浓度差别显著,并随季节变换而变化,春、夏季微生物浓度较高,秋、冬季较低,空气真菌在夏季达到最高,细菌在春季最高。 古作坊内外环境检测到的真菌均为16 属,但优势菌属不同,作坊外的优势菌属为青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、无孢菌(non-sporing)、枝孢霉属(Cladosporium)和链格孢属(Alternaria);而作坊内优势菌属为曲霉属、青霉属、酵母菌(Yeast)、无孢菌,作坊内还含有较高浓度的根霉属(Rhizopus)、毛霉属(Mucor)、短梗霉属(Aureobasidiu),枝孢霉属和链格孢属等,曲霉属、酵母菌、根霉属、毛霉属为古酿酒作坊重要的酿酒真菌,青霉属、链格孢属为酿酒不利菌群。对古作坊内曲霉属进行了初步鉴定,主要是小冠曲霉(A.cristatellus)、米曲霉(A.oryzae)、黑曲霉(A.niger)和白曲霉(A.cadidus)。 空气细菌10 属21 种,作坊内外环境的优势菌属均为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、微球菌属(Micrococcus)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonad),其中芽孢杆菌属在作坊内占有绝对的优势,浓度比在40℅以上,是古酿酒作坊重要的酿酒细菌,另外还检测到较高浓度的乳酸杆菌(lactobucillus),这类菌容易使酒味发涩发苦,为酿酒不利菌。 作坊内外环境空气微生物表现出明显的交流现象。作坊内,青霉属、枝孢霉属、链格孢属、葡萄球菌属等杂菌占有一定比例;而在作坊外,芽孢杆菌属、曲霉属、根霉属(Rhizopus)、酵母菌等处于相对较高水平,绿化环境较好的营沟头作坊内的短梗霉属,枝孢霉属和链格孢属等杂菌含量低于什字头和新街子作坊。 The community structure and distribution characteristic of airborne microbes was investigated in ancient brewage workshops of luzhoulaojiao. The results are as follows: The concentration of airborne microbes was different in interior and exterior environment of ancient workshops, and also varied by seasons. microbial concentration was higher in spring and summer, and lower in fall and winner. The highest levels of airborne bacteria was in spring, but the fungal’s in summer. The identified genus of fungi were 16 in interior and exterior environment of the ancient workshops. But the dominant genus were different , The advantage genus in the interior were Aspergillus, Yeasts, Penicillum and Nonsporing and in the exterior were Penicillum, Nonsporing, Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Aureobasidiu. Rhizopus ,mucor, Aureobasidiu, Cladosporium, Alternaria and all also were at a higher level. Among these, Aspergillus, Yeasts, Rhizopus ,mucor are important vintage flora . Penicillum, Alternaria do harm to vintage. Aspergillus of ancient workshops was identified , the preponderant aspergillus species were A.cristatellus, A.oryzae, A.niger and A.cadidus in ancient brewage workshops. 10 genus 21 species bacteria were identified, the advantage genuses among the interior and exterior of the three workshops were bacillus, microccus, Staphylococcus Pseudomonas. Bacillus, which account for beyond 40℅ of the total bacteria concentration in all sampling pots, was the most dominant genus. Lactobacillus was identified at a high level in ancient workshops, it makes spirit taste bitter and astringent. So it is not a kind of good bacterium for vintage. The fungus in the interior and exterior atmosphere characterized intercommunion phenomenon. Obviously, the concentration of profitless fungus such as Penicillum, Cladosporium, Alternaria appeared in the interior, and the fungus such as Bacillus, Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Yeasts in the exterior were at a relatively high level. the harmfull fungus in yinggoutou workshops such as Aureobasidiu, Cladosporium, Alternaria and all were lower than shenzitou and xinjiezi workshops.


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The bioactivity screening of fractions from two inter-tidal sponges collected from the north of China Yellow Sea and one sponge collected from the South Chinese Sea was reported in this study. In sponge Hymeniacidon perleve there were 9 fractions out of 15 from CHCl3 extract with anti Staphylococcus aureus activity, 9 fractions out of 19 from BuOH extract with anti Escherichia coli activity, and three fractions from CHCl3 extract which had moderate to strong activity in inhibiting Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, and Aspergilus niger. The fractions of Reniochalina sp. showed bioactivity against bacteria and fungi. The fractions of Acanthella acuta Schmidt showed bioactivity against S. aureus and fungi. One compound from H. perleve obtained by the bioactively directing isolation was tested for bioactivity against the human hepatoma cell line Qgy7701 (IC50 10.1 mug/ml), Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji (IC50 9.76 mug/ml) and chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 (IC50 1.90 mug/ml). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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<正>INTRODUCTION One resupinate, poroid specimen of wood-inhabiting fungi was collected on angiosperm stump from


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In last 10 years,extensive field inventories were carried out to investigate Polypore species, the major wood decaying fungi in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve of Northeastern China. The following 27 species were treated as rare or threathened species: Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer, Anomoporia albolutescens (Romell) Pouzar, Anomoporia bombycina (Fr.) Pouzar, Anomoporia vesiculosa Y.C. Dai & Niemel, Antrodia carbonica (Overh.) Ryvarden & Gilb., Antrodia crassa (P. Karst.) Ryvarden, Antrodiella citrinella Niemel & Ryvarden, Diplomitoporus flavescens (Bres.) Dománski, Donkioporia expansa (Desm.) Kotl. & Pouzar, Gloeophyllum carbonarium (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Ryvarden, Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.) Bondartsev & Singer, Inonotopsis subiculosa (Peck) Parmasto, Nigroporus ussuriensis (Bondartsev & Ljub.) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Oxyporus sinensis X.L. Zeng, Parmastomyces taxi (Bondartsev) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Phellinidium sulphurascens (Pilat) Y.C. Dai, Phellinus vaninii Ljub., Polyporus vassilievae Thorn, Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.) Donk, Skeletocutis brevispora Niemela, Skeletocutis ochroalba Niemela, Skeletocutis perennis Ryvarden, Trechispora candidissima (Schwein.) Bondartsev & Singer, Wolfiporia dilatohypha Ryvarden & Gilb., Wolfiporia curvispora Y.C. Dai, Wrightoporia avellanea (Bres.) Pouzar and Wrightoporia lenta (Oveh. & J. Lowe) Pouzar. Polypores are richer in East Asia than in Europe and North America, not only because of destructive galciations and fewer hosts in the latters, but also because of the geography. NE Asia is a link between Europe and North America. Changbaishan Nature Reserve is very rich in polypores, and over 260 species were recorded in the reserve. Some rare species in North America and Europe, for instance, Anomoporia albolutescens, Antrodia crassa, Diplomitoporus flavescens, Inonotopsis subiculosa and Skeletocutis ochroalba etc. were found in Changbaishan Nature Reserve as well, and these species are in fact rare in the earth. Most of the 27 species occurred on fallen trunks or rotten wood in the reserve, but some of them grew on living trees. 18 species occured on substrate of gymnosperms, and 9 species grew on wood of angiosperm.Among the 27 species, 7 species caused a brown rot,and 20 species produced a white rot. The morphology, substrate and ecology of each species were briefly discussed. The most important tool for polypore conservation is the conservation of their habitats, and it is necessary to study the ecology of the rare and threathened species of polypores in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve. Because most of polypores live on the substrate of fallen trunks and rotten wood, it is very important to keep such substrate in the ecosystem.


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Mycorrhizal resource of Robinia pseudoacacia forests in different places were investigated, and the results showed that eighteen species of Ectomycorrhizal and two species of VAM were main species for the Robinia pseudoacacia. Two stains of ECM fungi and VAM fungi were cultured,and the most suitable medium and inoculated plant were selected.Through the inoculation, it is indicated that Ectomycorrhizal and VAM were able to be formed actually for Robinia pseudoacacia.


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Symbiosis between Frankia,VA mycorrhizal fungi and Hippophae rhamnoides L.was studied in lab.The characteristic structures-arbuscules of VAM and nodules were confirmed in the root of H.rhamnoides L.,which was inoculated with VAMF and Frankia in pure artificial culture.Evaluated by the stimulation on the growth of the host plant,VAH is a better associated fungi and HR16 is a better Frankia for Hippophae rhamnoides L.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.


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Biodeyradation has the characteristics of simple operation,low cost,and easy application.In this research,two fungus were chosen to degrade the oil in polluted soil in laboratory and fields.In the laboratory culture test with temperature controlled,the rate of oil degradation by native fungi (F) and foreign fungi (P) are 61.8% and 66.1% respectively after 50 days.In the field test the rate of oil degradation by native fungi (F) and foreign fungi (P) are 59.8% and 70.1% respectively after 150 days.


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The analysis on microbiological ecology for four types of oil contaminates soils showed that the bacteria utilizing the oil as carbon sources increase,wheras the fugi become less .Zooloea and Bacillu are the dominant bacteria ; Mocor and Cunninghamella ,and Fursarium are the dominant fungi streptomyces take the superiority among the actinomyces.The anaiysis on esterase activity showed that the microbes above mentioned have abilies of degrading esters. The biodeg radationrates are 55.45%,56.74%,38.37% and 45.19%respectively,after 53 days,the biodegradation rate can be increased by 12.6% when the dominant microbes are added.


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<正>1 INTRODUCTION During the investigation on wood-inhabiting fungi in China, two species of the Hymenochaetaceae were found: Fomitiporia texana (Murrill) Nuss and Inonotus ochroporus (Van der Byl) Pegler. Because they were not recorded in the Chinese fungal flora (Dai, 1999; Dai et al., 2001; Dai & Niemel?, 2006; Nú?ez & Ryvarden, 2000; Ryvarden, 2005), and their illustrated descriptions are given according to our collections.