906 resultados para Smart material systems


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The aim of this thesis is the elucidation of structure-properties relationship of molecular semiconductors for electronic devices. This involves the use of a comprehensive set of simulation techniques, ranging from quantum-mechanical to numerical stochastic methods, and also the development of ad-hoc computational tools. In more detail, the research activity regarded two main topics: the study of electronic properties and structural behaviour of liquid crystalline (LC) materials based on functionalised oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene) (OPE), and the investigation on the electric field effect associated to OFET operation on pentacene thin film stability. In this dissertation, a novel family of substituted OPE liquid crystals with applications in stimuli-responsive materials is presented. In more detail, simulations can not only provide evidence for the characterization of the liquid crystalline phases of different OPEs, but elucidate the role of charge transfer states in donor-acceptor LCs containing an endohedral metallofullerene moiety. Such systems can be regarded as promising candidates for organic photovoltaics. Furthermore, exciton dynamics simulations are performed as a way to obtain additional information about the degree of order in OPE columnar phases. Finally, ab initio and molecular mechanics simulations are used to investigate the influence of an applied electric field on pentacene reactivity and stability. The reaction path of pentacene thermal dimerization in the presence of an external electric field is investigated; the results can be related to the fatigue effect observed in OFETs, that show significant performance degradation even in the absence of external agents. In addition to this, the effect of the gate voltage on a pentacene monolayer are simulated, and the results are then compared to X-ray diffraction measurements performed for the first time on operating OFETs.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) offer a new solution for distributed monitoring, processing and communication. First of all, the stringent energy constraints to which sensing nodes are typically subjected. WSNs are often battery powered and placed where it is not possible to recharge or replace batteries. Energy can be harvested from the external environment but it is a limited resource that must be used efficiently. Energy efficiency is a key requirement for a credible WSNs design. From the power source's perspective, aggressive energy management techniques remain the most effective way to prolong the lifetime of a WSN. A new adaptive algorithm will be presented, which minimizes the consumption of wireless sensor nodes in sleep mode, when the power source has to be regulated using DC-DC converters. Another important aspect addressed is the time synchronisation in WSNs. WSNs are used for real-world applications where physical time plays an important role. An innovative low-overhead synchronisation approach will be presented, based on a Temperature Compensation Algorithm (TCA). The last aspect addressed is related to self-powered WSNs with Energy Harvesting (EH) solutions. Wireless sensor nodes with EH require some form of energy storage, which enables systems to continue operating during periods of insufficient environmental energy. However, the size of the energy storage strongly restricts the use of WSNs with EH in real-world applications. A new approach will be presented, which enables computation to be sustained during intermittent power supply. The discussed approaches will be used for real-world WSN applications. The first presented scenario is related to the experience gathered during an European Project (3ENCULT Project), regarding the design and implementation of an innovative network for monitoring heritage buildings. The second scenario is related to the experience with Telecom Italia, regarding the design of smart energy meters for monitoring the usage of household's appliances.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Experimente beschrieben, die zu einem vertieften Verständnis fundamentaler Prozesse bei der elektrochemischen Herstellung von Dünnschichten, sog. Targets, für kernphysikalische und -chemische Studien führten. Targets wurden mittels 'Molecular Plating' (MP) hergestellt, indem eine Elektrodeposition aus organischem Medium in der Regel bei konstantem Strom in Zwei-Elektroden-Zellen. Die Resultate erlaubten, optimierte Herstellungs-bedingungen zu ermitteln, welche die Produktion deutlich verbesserter Targets erlaubten. MP bei konstantem Strom ist ein massentransportkontrollierter Prozess. Der angelegte Strom wird durch einen konstanten Fluss elektroaktiver Spezies zur Kathode – auf der die Schicht wächst – und Anode aufrechterhalten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass das Zellenpotential des Elektrodepositionsystems immer durch den Ohm'schen Spannungsabfall auf Grund des Widerstandes der verwendeten Lösung dominiert wurde. Dies erlaubte die Herleitung einer Beziehung zwischen dem Zellenpotential und der Konzentration der elektroaktiven Spezies. Die Beziehung erlaubt die Erklärung des gemessenen zeitlichen Verlaufs des Zellenpotentials während der Abscheidung als Funktion der Elektrolytkonzentration. Dies dient als Basis, auf der nun ein umfassenderes Bild der Prozesse, die für die charakteristischen Minima im Potentialverlauf einer Abscheidung verantwortlich sind, gewonnen werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Minima mit der fast vollständigen Entfernung (durch Abscheidung) der aus einem gelösten Salz erzeugten Nd-Ionen korrespondieren. Die abgeschiedene Spezies wurde als Nd3+ identifiziert, vermutlich als Carboxylat, Oxid oder Hydroxid, was auf Grund der hohen negative Werte des Standardredoxpotentials der Lanthanide verständlich erscheint. Von den vorliegenden elektroaktiven Spezies tragen die Nd3+ Ionen nur zu knapp 20% zum Gesamtstrom bei. Durch Elektrolyse tragen auch die Lösungsmittelkomponenten zu diese Strom bei. Die Gegenwart von elektrolysiertem Lösungsmittel wurde in Analysen der Dünnschichten bestätigt. Diese waren immer mit chemi- und physisorbierten Lösungsmittelmolekülen bedeckt. Die Analyse der Dünnschichten zeigte, dass die Oberflächen von einem furchenartiges Netz durchzogen waren, und dass diese während des Trocknen der Schichten nach dem MP entstanden. Ob die Schichten an Luft oder in inerter Atmosphäre trockneten, hatte keinen Einfluss. Es wurden Experimente mit mehreren Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt, die sich deutlich in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften, v.a. dem Siedepunkt, unterschieden. Furchenfreie Dünnschichten konnten insbesondere bei MP in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) erzeugt werden. Die Verwendung von DMF in Kombination mit einer Abscheidung auf sehr glatten Substraten erlaubte die Produktion von sehr homogenen, glatten und defektfreien Schichten. Diese waren vermutlich geringeren inneren Spannungen während des Trocknens ausgesetzt, als Schichten auf raueren Substraten oder solche, die aus flüchtigeren Lösungsmitteln hergestellt wurden. Die Oberflächenrauigkeit des Substrats und das gewählte Lösungsmittel wurden so als Schlüsselfaktoren für die Produktion hochqualitativer Schichten identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit MP eine sehr effiziente Methode zur Herstellung homogener Schichten mit exzellenter Ausbeute ist. In weiteren Experimenten mit dem primordialen Alpha-Emitter 147Sm als Modellisotop wurde die Eignung solcher Schichten als Alpha-Quelle untersucht. Sowohl die Energieauflösung als auch der Anteil der Alpha-Teilchen, die den Detektor erreichten, waren von den Quelleneigenschaften abhängig. Die Effekte wurden verschiedenen Variablen der Dünnschicht zugeordnet, welche die Alpha-Spektren beeinflussten. Dominant war die Wahl des Lösungsmittels und die Rauigkeit des Substrats. Dies beeinflusste Schichtdicke und -morphologie sowie die Art des Schichtwachstums und veränderte die Detektionseffizienz in Alpha-Messungen bis zu 15%. Nur homogene, ebene Schichten, die aus DMF auf glatten Substraten abgeschieden wurden, eignen sich optimal als Alpha-Quelle. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse erlauben die optimierte Herstellung nuklearer Targets durch MP. Künftige Anwendungen beinhalten insbesondere die Herstellung von Targets für neutroneninduzierte Spaltexperimente und untergrundarmeAlpha-Messungen sehr kleiner Aktivitäten.


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Il progetto di tesi riguarda principalmente la progettazione di moderni sistemi wireless, come 5G o WiGig, operanti a onde millimetriche, attraverso lo studio di una tecnica avanzata detta Beamforming, che, grazie all'utilizzo di antenne direttive e compatte, permette di superare limiti di link budget dovuti alle alte frequenze e introdurre inoltre diversità spaziale alla comunicazione. L'obiettivo principale del lavoro è stato quello di valutare, tramite simulazioni numeriche, le prestazioni di alcuni diversi schemi di Beamforming integrando come tool di supporto un programma di Ray Tracing capace di fornire le principali informazioni riguardo al canale radio. Con esso infatti è possibile sia effettuare un assessment generale del Beamforming stesso, ma anche formulare i presupposti per innovative soluzioni, chiamate RayTracing-assisted- Beamforming, decisamente promettenti per futuri sviluppi così come confermato dai risultati.


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Das Gebiet der drahtlosen Kommunikationsanwendungen befindet sich in einem permanenten Entwicklungsprozess (Mobilfunkstandards: GSM/UMTS/LTE/5G, glo-bale Navigationssatellitensysteme (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) zu immer höheren Datenraten und zunehmender Miniaturisierung, woraus ein hoher Bedarf für neue, optimierte Hochfrequenzmaterialien resultiert. Diese Entwicklung zeigt sich besonders in den letzten Jahren in der zunehmenden Entwicklung und Anzahl von Smartphones, welche verschiedene Technologien mit unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfrequenzen innerhalb eines Geräts kombinieren (data: 1G-4G, GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth). Die für zukünftige Technologien (z.B. 5G) benötigte Performance-steigerung kann durch die Verwendung von auf MIMO basierenden Antennensystemen realisiert werden (multiple-input & multiple-output, gesteuerte Kombination von mehreren Antennen) für welche auf dielectric Loading basierende Technologien als eine der vielversprechendsten Implementierungslösungen angesehen werden. rnDas Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer geeigneten paraelektrischen Glaskeramik ($varepsilon_{r}$ > 20, $Qf$ > 5000 GHz, |$tau_f$| < 20 ppm/K; im GHz Frequenzbe-reich) im $mathrm{La_{2}O_{3}}$-$mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{SiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{B_{2}O_{3}}$-System für auf dielectric Loading basierende Mobilfunkkommunikationstechnologien als Alternative zu existierenden kommerziell genutzten Sinterkeramiken. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf der Frage, wie die makroskopi-schen dielektrischen Eigenschaften der Glaskeramik mit ihrer Mikrostruktur korreliert bzw. modifiziert werden können. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dielektrischen Materialanforderungen durch das untersuchte System erfüllt werden und dass auf Glaskeramik basierende Dielektrika weitere vorteilhafte nichtelektro-nische Eigenschaften gegenüber gesinterten Keramiken besitzen, womit dielektrische Glaskeramiken durchaus als geeignete Alternative angesehen werden können. rnEin stabiles Grünglas mit minimalen Glasbildneranteil wurde entwickelt und die chemische Zusammensetzung bezüglich Entglasung und Redoxinstabilitäten optimiert. Geeignete Dotierungen für dielektrisch verlustarme $mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-haltige Glaskeramiken wurden identifiziert.rnDer Einfluss der Schmelzbedingungen auf die Keimbildung wurde untersucht und der Keramisierungsprozess auf einen maximalen Anteil der gewünschten Kristallphasen optimiert um optimale dielektrische Eigenschaften zu erhalten. Die mikroskopische Struktur der Glaskeramiken wurde analysiert und ihr Einfluss auf die makroskopischen dielektrischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Die Hochfrequenzverlustmechanismen wurden untersucht und Antennen-Prototypenserien wurden analysiert um die Eignung von auf Glaskeramik basierenden Dielektrika für die Verwendung in dielectric Loading Anwendungen zu zeigen.


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Novel single step synthetic procedure for hydrophobically modified alkali soluble latexes (HASE) via a miniemulsion-analogous method is presented. This facile method simplifies the copolymerization of the monomers with basically “opposite” character in terms of their hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature, which represent one of the main challenges in water based systems. Considered systems do not represent classical miniemulsions due to a high content of water soluble monomers. However, the polymerization mechanism was found to be rather similar to miniemulsion polymerization process.rnThe influence of the different factors on the system stability has been investigated. The copolymerization behavior studies typically showed strong composition drifts during copolymerization. It was found that the copolymer composition drift can be suppressed via changing the initial monomer ratio.rnThe neutralization behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated via potentiometric titration. The rheological behavior of the obtained systems as a function of the different parameters, such as pH, composition (ultrahydrophobe content) and additive type and content has also been investigated.rnDetailed investigation of the storage and loss moduli, damping factor and the crossover frequencies of the samples showed that at the initial stages of the neutralization the systems show microgel-like behavior.rnThe dependence of the rheological properties on the content and the type of the ultrahydrophobe showed that the tuning of the mechanical properties can be easily achieved via minor (few percent) but significant changes in the content of the latter. Besides, changing the hydrophobicity of the ultrahydrophobe via increasing the carbon chain length represents another simple method for achieving the same results.rnThe influence of amphiphilic additives (especially alcohols) on the rheological behavior of the obtained systems has been studied. An analogy was made between micellation of surfactants and the formation of hydrophobic domains between hydrophobic groups of the polymer side chain.rnDilution induced viscosity reduction was investigated in different systems, without or with different amounts or types of the amphiphilic additive. Possibility of the controlled response to dilution was explored. It was concluded that the sensitivity towards dilution can be reduced, and in extreme cases even the increase of the dynamic modulus can be observed, which is of high importance for the setting behavior of the adhesive material.rnIn the last part of this work, the adhesive behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated on different substrates (polypropylene and glass) for the standard labeling paper. Wet tack and setting behavior was studied and the trends for possible applications have been evaluated.rnThe novel synthetic procedure, investigation of rheological properties and the possibility of the tuning via additives, investigated in this work create a firm background for the development of the HASE based adhesives as well as rheology modifiers with vast variety of possible applications due to ease of tuning the mechanical and rheological properties of the systems.


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Con questa tesi di laurea si muovono i primi passi di una ricerca applicata finalizzata alla costruzione-deposizione di materiale da parte di sciami di mini-robot dal comportamento indipendente che si coordinano tramite segnali lasciati e rilevati nell’ambiente in cui si muovono. Lo sviluppo di tecniche di progettazione e fabbricazione digitale ha prodotto un aumento nel grado di interconnessione tra tecnologia e design, dunque, di nuove possibilità tettoniche. Le relazioni tettoniche tradizionali stanno infatti subendo una trasformazione radicale, potendo essere esplicitamente informate e dunque mediate attraverso gli strumenti digitali dall’ideazione alla produzione. Questa mediazione informata del contenuto tettonico (che opera costantemente) è distintivo di un approccio material-based alla progettazione che aumenta l’integrazione tra struttura, materia e forma entro le tecnologie di fabbricazione (R.Oxman). Dei numerosi processi di fabbricazione per l’architettura che si servono di tecnologia robotica, pochi sono capaci di superare la logica gerarchica, rigida e lineare-sequenziale che serve di fatto agli obiettivi di automazione ed ottimizzazione. La distribuzione di forme di intelligenza semplificata ad un numero elevato di unità robot è quindi qui proposta come alternativa al modello appena descritto. Incorporando semplici decisioni di carattere architettonico negli agenti-robot che costituiscono il sistema distribuito di entità autonome, la loro interazione e le decisioni prese individualmente producono comportamento collettivo e l’integrazione delle suddette relazioni tettoniche. Nello sviluppo del progetto, si è fatto così riferimento a modelli comportamentali collettivi (di sciame) osservabili in specie comunitarie che organizzano strutture materiali -come termiti e vespe- ed in organismi semplici -come le muffe cellulari della specie Physarum polycephalum. Per queste specie biologiche il processo di costruzione non dipende da un ‘piano generale’ ma è guidato esclusivamente da azioni dei singoli individui che comunicano lasciando tracce chimiche nell’ambiente e modificano il loro comportamento rilevando le tracce lasciate dagli altri individui. A questo scopo, oltre alle simulazioni in digitale, è stato indispensabile sviluppare dei prototipi funzionali di tipo fisico, ovvero la realizzazione di mini-robot dal movimento indipendente, in grado di coordinarsi tra loro tramite segnali lasciati nell’ambiente e capaci di depositare materiale.


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Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.


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OBJECTIVES: We sought to compare the diagnostic performance of screen-film radiography, storage-phosphor radiography, and a flat-panel detector system in detecting forearm fractures and to classify distal radius fractures according to the Müller-AO and Frykman classifications compared with the true extent, depicted by anatomic preparation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 71 cadaver arms were fractured in a material testing machine creating different fractures of the radius and ulna as well as of the carpal bones. Radiographs of the complete forearm were evaluated by 3 radiologists, and anatomic preparation was used as standard of reference in a receiver operating curve analysis. RESULTS: The highest diagnostic performance was obtained for the detection of distal radius fractures with area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) values of 0.959 for screen-film radiography, 0.966 for storage-phosphor radiography, and 0.971 for the flat-panel detector system (P > 0.05). Exact classification was slightly better for the Frykman (kappa values of 0.457-0.478) compared with the Müller-AO classification (kappa values of 0.404-0.447), but agreement can be considered as moderate for both classifications. CONCLUSIONS: The 3 imaging systems showed a comparable diagnostic performance in detecting forearm fractures. A high diagnostic performance was demonstrated for distal radius fractures and conventional radiography can be routinely performed for fracture detection. However, compared with anatomic preparation, depiction of the true extent of distal radius fractures was limited and the severity of distal radius fractures tends to be underestimated.


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OBJECTIVE: The standard heart-lung machine is a major trigger of systemic inflammatory response and the morbidity attributed to conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC) is still significant. Reduction of blood-artificial surface contact and reduction of priming volume are principal aims in minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) cardiopulmonary bypass systems. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the literature and to present our experience with the MECC-smart suction system. METHODS AND RESULTS: At our institution, 1799 patients underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, 1372 with a MECC-smart suction system and 427 with CECC. All in-hospital data were assessed and the results were compared between the 2 groups. Patient characteristics and the distribution of EuroSCORE risk profile in our collective were similar between both groups. Average age in the MECC collective was 67.5 +/- 11.4 years and average EuroSCORE was 5.0 +/- 1.5. Average number of distal anastomoses was similar to the average number encountered in patients undergoing CABG surgery with CECC (3.3 +/- 1.0 for MECC versus 3.2 +/- 1.1 for CECC; P = ns). Myocardial protection is superior in MECC patients with lower postoperative maximal cTnI values (11.0 +/- 10.8 micromol/L for MECC versus 24.7 +/- 25.3 micromol/L for CECC; P < .05). Postoperative recovery was faster in patients operated on with the MECC-smart suction system and discharge from the hospital was earlier than for CECC patients (7.4 +/- 1.9 days for MECC versus 8.8 +/- 3.8 days for CECC; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The MECC-smart suction system is a safe perfusion technique for CABG surgery. In patients operated on with this system, the clinical outcome seems to be better than in patients operated on with CECC. This promising and less damaging perfusion technology has the potential to replace CECC systems in CABG surgery.


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Reliable data transfer is one of the most difficult tasks to be accomplished in multihop wireless networks. Traditional transport protocols like TCP face severe performance degradation over multihop networks given the noisy nature of wireless media as well as unstable connectivity conditions in place. The success of TCP in wired networks motivates its extension to wireless networks. A crucial challenge faced by TCP over these networks is how to operate smoothly with the 802.11 wireless MAC protocol which also implements a retransmission mechanism at link level in addition to short RTS/CTS control frames for avoiding collisions. These features render TCP acknowledgments (ACK) transmission quite costly. Data and ACK packets cause similar medium access overheads despite the much smaller size of the ACKs. In this paper, we further evaluate our dynamic adaptive strategy for reducing ACK-induced overhead and consequent collisions. Our approach resembles the sender side's congestion control. The receiver is self-adaptive by delaying more ACKs under nonconstrained channels and less otherwise. This improves not only throughput but also power consumption. Simulation evaluations exhibit significant improvement in several scenarios


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This thesis develops an effective modeling and simulation procedure for a specific thermal energy storage system commonly used and recommended for various applications (such as an auxiliary energy storage system for solar heating based Rankine cycle power plant). This thermal energy storage system transfers heat from a hot fluid (termed as heat transfer fluid - HTF) flowing in a tube to the surrounding phase change material (PCM). Through unsteady melting or freezing process, the PCM absorbs or releases thermal energy in the form of latent heat. Both scientific and engineering information is obtained by the proposed first-principle based modeling and simulation procedure. On the scientific side, the approach accurately tracks the moving melt-front (modeled as a sharp liquid-solid interface) and provides all necessary information about the time-varying heat-flow rates, temperature profiles, stored thermal energy, etc. On the engineering side, the proposed approach is unique in its ability to accurately solve – both individually and collectively – all the conjugate unsteady heat transfer problems for each of the components of the thermal storage system. This yields critical system level information on the various time-varying effectiveness and efficiency parameters for the thermal storage system.


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The remarkable advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology over the last two decades allow one to manipulate individuals atoms, molecules and nanostructures, make it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers, and enhance the nano-bio fusion in tackling biological and medical problems. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. Despite the continuing efforts based on conventional methods, they are likely to reach the fundamental limit of miniaturization in the next decade, when feature lengths shrink below 100 nm. On the one hand, quantum mechanical efforts of the underlying material structure dominate device characteristics. On the other hand, one faces the technical difficulty in fabricating uniform devices. This has posed a great challenge for both the scientific and the technical communities. The proposal of using a single or a few organic molecules in electronic devices has not only opened an alternative way of miniaturization in electronics, but also brought up brand-new concepts and physical working mechanisms in electronic devices. This thesis work stands as one of the efforts in understanding and building of electronic functional units at the molecular and atomic levels. We have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, ranging from molecular wires, spin valves/switches, diodes, transistors, and sensors. More specifically, we have observed significant magnetoresistive effect in a spin-valve structure where the non-magnetic spacer sandwiched between two magnetic conducting materials is replaced by a self-assembled monolayer of organic molecules or a single molecule (like a carbon fullerene). The diode behavior in donor(D)-bridge(B)-acceptor(A) type of single molecules is then discussed and a unimolecular transistor is designed. Lastly, we have proposed and primarily tested the idea of using functionalized electrodes for rapid nanopore DNA sequencing. In these studies, the fundamental roles of molecules and molecule-electrode interfaces on quantum electron transport have been investigated based on first-principles calculations of the electronic structure. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The flexibility and tailorability of the properties of molecules have opened great opportunity in a purpose-driven design of electronic devices from the bottom up. The results that we gained from this work have helped in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.


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Civil infrastructure provides essential services for the development of both society and economy. It is very important to manage systems efficiently to ensure sound performance. However, there are challenges in information extraction from available data, which also necessitates the establishment of methodologies and frameworks to assist stakeholders in the decision making process. This research proposes methodologies to evaluate systems performance by maximizing the use of available information, in an effort to build and maintain sustainable systems. Under the guidance of problem formulation from a holistic view proposed by Mukherjee and Muga, this research specifically investigates problem solving methods that measure and analyze metrics to support decision making. Failures are inevitable in system management. A methodology is developed to describe arrival pattern of failures in order to assist engineers in failure rescues and budget prioritization especially when funding is limited. It reveals that blockage arrivals are not totally random. Smaller meaningful subsets show good random behavior. Additional overtime failure rate is analyzed by applying existing reliability models and non-parametric approaches. A scheme is further proposed to depict rates over the lifetime of a given facility system. Further analysis of sub-data sets is also performed with the discussion of context reduction. Infrastructure condition is another important indicator of systems performance. The challenges in predicting facility condition are the transition probability estimates and model sensitivity analysis. Methods are proposed to estimate transition probabilities by investigating long term behavior of the model and the relationship between transition rates and probabilities. To integrate heterogeneities, model sensitivity is performed for the application of non-homogeneous Markov chains model. Scenarios are investigated by assuming transition probabilities follow a Weibull regressed function and fall within an interval estimate. For each scenario, multiple cases are simulated using a Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that variations on the outputs are sensitive to the probability regression. While for the interval estimate, outputs have similar variations to the inputs. Life cycle cost analysis and life cycle assessment of a sewer system are performed comparing three different pipe types, which are reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and non-reinforced concrete pipe (NRCP), and vitrified clay pipe (VCP). Life cycle cost analysis is performed for material extraction, construction and rehabilitation phases. In the rehabilitation phase, Markov chains model is applied in the support of rehabilitation strategy. In the life cycle assessment, the Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA) tools are used in estimating environmental emissions for all three phases. Emissions are then compared quantitatively among alternatives to support decision making.


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With the development and capabilities of the Smart Home system, people today are entering an era in which household appliances are no longer just controlled by people, but also operated by a Smart System. This results in a more efficient, convenient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly living environment. A critical part of the Smart Home system is Home Automation, which means that there is a Micro-Controller Unit (MCU) to control all the household appliances and schedule their operating times. This reduces electricity bills by shifting amounts of power consumption from the on-peak hour consumption to the off-peak hour consumption, in terms of different “hour price”. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for scheduling multi-user power consumption and implement it on an FPGA board, using it as the MCU. This algorithm for discrete power level tasks scheduling is based on dynamic programming, which could find a scheduling solution close to the optimal one. We chose FPGA as our system’s controller because FPGA has low complexity, parallel processing capability, a large amount of I/O interface for further development and is programmable on both software and hardware. In conclusion, it costs little time running on FPGA board and the solution obtained is good enough for the consumers.