805 resultados para Sandstone climbing
Cerebellar Purkinje neurons receive two major excitatory inputs, the climbing fibers (CFs) and parallel fibers (PFs). Simultaneous, repeated activation of CFs and PFs results in the long-term depression (LTD) of the amplitude of PF-evoked synaptic currents. To induce LTD, activation of CFs may be substituted with depolarization of the Purkinje neuron to turn on voltage-activated calcium channels and increase the intracellular calcium concentration. The role of PFs in the induction of LTD, however, is less clear. PFs activate glutamate metabotropic receptors that increase phosphoinositide turnover and elevate cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). It has been proposed that calcium release from intracellular stores via InsP3 receptors may be important in the induction of LTD. We studied the role of InsP3 in the induction of LTD by photolytic release of InsP3 from its biologically inactive “caged” precursor in voltage-clamped Purkinje neurons in acutely prepared cerebellar slices. We find that InsP3-evoked calcium release is as effective in LTD induction as activation of PFs. InsP3-induced LTD was prevented by calcium chelator 1,2-bis(2-amino phenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid. LTD produced either by repeated activation of PFs combined with depolarization (PF+ΔV), or by InsP3 combined with depolarization (InsP3+ΔV) saturated at ≈50%. Maximal LTD induced by PF+ΔV could not be further increased by InsP3+ΔV and vice versa, which suggests that both protocols for induction of LTD share a common path. In addition to inducing LTD, photo-release of InsP3+ΔV resulted in the rebound potentiation of inhibitory synaptic currents. In the presence of heparin, an InsP3 receptor antagonist, repeated activation of PF+ΔV failed to induce LTD, suggesting that InsP3 receptors play an important role in LTD induction under physiological conditions.
By evoking changes in climbing fiber activity, movement errors are thought to modify synapses from parallel fibers onto Purkinje cells (pf*Pkj) so as to improve subsequent motor performance. Theoretical arguments suggest there is an intrinsic tradeoff, however, between motor adaptation and long-term storage. Assuming a baseline rate of motor errors is always present, then repeated performance of any learned movement will generate a series of climbing fiber-mediated corrections. By reshuffling the synaptic weights responsible for any given movement, such corrections will degrade the memories for other learned movements stored in overlapping sets of synapses. The present paper shows that long-term storage can be accomplished by a second site of plasticity at synapses from parallel fibers onto stellate/basket interneurons (pf*St/Bk). Plasticity at pf*St/Bk synapses can be insulated from ongoing fluctuations in climbing fiber activity by assuming that changes in pf*St/Bk synapses occur only after changes in pf*Pkj synapses have built up to a threshold level. Although climbing fiber-dependent plasticity at pf*Pkj synapses allows for the exploration of novel motor strategies in response to changing environmental conditions, plasticity at pf*St/Bk synapses transfers successful strategies to stable long-term storage. To quantify this hypothesis, both sites of plasticity are incorporated into a dynamical model of the cerebellar cortex and its interactions with the inferior olive. When used to simulate idealized motor conditioning trials, the model predicts that plasticity develops first at pf*Pkj synapses, but with additional training is transferred to pf*St/Bk synapses for long-term storage.
Illite is a general term for the dioctahedral mica-like clay mineral common in sedimentary rocks, especially shales. Illite is of interest to the petroleum industry because it can provide a K-Ar isotope date that constrains the timing of basin heating events. It is critical to establish that hydrocarbon formation and migration occurred after the formation of the trap (anticline, etc.) that is to hold the oil. Illite also may precipitate in the pores of sandstone reservoirs, impeding fluid flow. Illite in shales is a mixture of detrital mica and its weathering products with diagenetic illite formed by reaction with pore fluids during burial. K-Ar ages are apparent ages of mixtures of detrital and diagenetic end members, and what we need are the ages of the end members themselves. This paper describes a methodology, based on mineralogy and crystallography, for interpreting the K-Ar ages from illites in sedimentary rocks and for estimating the ages of the end members.
Aeolian dust (windblown silt and clay) is an important component in arid-land ecosystems because it may contribute to soil formation and furnish essential nutrients. Few geologic surfaces, however, have been characterized with respect to dust-accumulation history and resultant nutrient enrichment. We have developed a combination of methods to identify the presence of aeolian dust in arid regions and to evaluate the roles of this dust in ecosystem processes. Unconsolidated sandy sediment on isolated surfaces in the Canyonlands region of the Colorado Plateau differs greatly in mineralogical and chemical composition from associated bedrock, mainly aeolian sandstone. Detrital magnetite in the surficial deposits produces moderately high values of magnetic susceptibility, but magnetite is absent in nearby bedrock. A component of the surficial deposits must be aeolian to account for the abundance of magnetite, which formed originally in far-distant igneous rocks. Particle-size analysis suggests that the aeolian dust component is typically as much as 20–30%. Dust inputs have enriched the sediments in many elements, including P, Mg, Na, K, and Mo, as well as Ca, at sites where bedrock lacks calcite cement. Soil-surface biologic crusts are effective dust traps that apparently record a change in dust sources over the past several decades. Some of the recently fallen dust may result from human disturbance of land surfaces that are far from the Canyonlands, such as the Mojave Desert. Some land-use practices in the study area have the potential to deplete soil fertility by means of wind-erosion removal of aeolian silt.
Temporal and spatial changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were examined in dendrites and somata of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by combining whole-cell patch-clamp recording and fast confocal laser-scanning microscopy. In cells loaded via the patch pipette with the high-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-1 (Kd approximately 220 nM), a single synaptic climbing fiber response, a so-called complex spike, resulted in a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i that showed distinct differences among various subcellular compartments. With conventional imaging, the Ca2+ signals were prominent in the dendrites and almost absent in the soma. Confocal recordings from the somatic region, however, revealed steep transient increases in [Ca2+]i that were confined to a submembrane shell of 2- to 3-microns thickness. In the central parts of the soma [Ca2+]i increases were much slower and had smaller amplitudes. The kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [Ca2+]i were analyzed in more detail by using the fast, low-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-5N (Kd approximately 17 microM). We found that brief depolarizing pulses produced [Ca2+]i increases in a narrow somatic submembrane shell that resembled those seen in the dendrites. These results provide direct experimental evidence that the surface-to-volume ratio is a critical determinant of the spatiotemporal pattern of Ca2+ signals evoked by synaptic activity in neurons.
Objetivo: Determinar a responsividade do domínio subir e descer escada da escala de avaliação funcional em distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), no período de um ano. Método: Participaram do estudo 26 pacientes com DMD. A análise utilizou o Tamanho do Efeito (ES) e a Média Padronizada de Resposta (SRM). Resultados: Atividade de subir escada: o ES mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,26; 0,35; 0,13; 0,17), baixa a moderada em 6 meses (0,58, 0,48; 0,33), moderada em 9 meses (0,70; 0,68) e alta em 1 ano (0,88). A análise com SRM mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,29; 0,38; 0,18 e 0,19), baixa a moderada em intervalos de 6 meses (0,59 e 0,51, 0,36), moderada em 9 meses (0,74 e 0,70) e alta em 1 ano (0,89). Atividade de descer escada: O ES apresentou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de avaliação de 3 meses (0,16; 0,25; 0,09; 0,08) e 6 meses (0,48; 0,35; 0,18), baixa a moderada em 9 meses (0,59, 0,44) e moderada em 1 ano (0,71). Análise com SRM mostrou responsividade baixa nos intervalos de 3 meses (0,25; 0,35; 0,12 e 0,09) e 6 meses (0,47; 0,38 e 0,21), moderada a baixa em 9 meses (0,62, 0,49) e moderada em 1 ano (0,74). Conclusão: A avaliação da atividade de subir escada, por meio da FES-DMD-D3, deve ser realizada em intervalos a partir de 9 meses, pois a responsividade é de moderada a alta. A avaliação do descer escadas deve ser realizada anualmente, pois houve responsividade moderada somente a partir de 12 meses
Sandstone petrography and mudstone mineralogy and geochemistry of Triassic mudstones and sandstones from continental redbeds of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) provide useful information on provenance, palaeoclimate and geodynamics during the early stages of the Pangea break-up, and on their diagenetic evolution. The sandstones are quartzarenites to sub-litharenites, with minor lithic fragments and rare feldspars. The mudstone samples show a PAAS like elemental distribution. The samples likely record recycling processes from their metasedimentary basement rocks that significantly affected the weathering indices, and monitors cumulative effects, including a first cycle of weathering at the source rocks. Sandstone composition and chemical–mineralogical features of mudstones record a provenance derived from continental block and recycled orogen that were weathered under warm and episodically wet climate. Source areas were located towards the east of the present-day Malaguide outcrops, and were formed by fairly silicic rock types, made up mainly of Palaezoic metasedimentary rocks, similar to those of the Paleozoic underlying series, with subordinate contributions from magmatic–metamorphic sources, and a rare supply from mafic metavolcanic rocks. Clay-mineral distribution of mudstones is dominated by illite and illite/smectite mixed-layer that result from differences in provenance, weathering, and burial/temperature history. Illite crystallinity values, illitization of kaolinite, occurrence of typical authigenic minerals and apatite fission-track studies, coupled with a subsidence analysis of the whole Malaguide succession suggest burial depths of at least 4–6 km with temperatures of 140–160 °C, typical of the burial diagenetic stage, and confirm the Middle Miocene exhumation of the Betic Internal Domain tectonic stack topped by the Malaguide Complex.
The origin of the Numidian Formation (latest Oligocene to middle Miocene), characterized by ultra-mature quartzose arenites with abundant well-rounded frosted quartz grains, remains controversial. This formation, sedimented in the external domain of the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, displays three characteristic stratigraphic members with marked longitudinal (proximal–distal) and transverse (along-chain) variations with palaeogeographical importance. The origin of the Numidian supply is related to the outward tectogenetic propagation when a forebulge evolved in the African foreland, leading to the erosion of African cratonic areas rich in quartzose arenites (Nubian Sandstone-like). The ages of the Numidian Formation checked by Betic, Maghrebian and Southern Apennine data suggest a timing for the accretionary orogenic wedge, earlier in the Betic-Rifian Arc (after middle Burdigalian), later in the Algerian-Tunisian Tell (after late Burdigalian) and afterwards in Sicily and the Southern Apennines (after Langhian). A geodynamic evolutionary model for the central-western Mediterranean is proposed.
Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.
El particionado hardware/software es una tarea fundamental en el co-diseño de sistemas embebidos. En ella se decide, teniendo en cuenta las métricas de diseño, qué componentes se ejecutarán en un procesador de propósito general (software) y cuáles en un hardware específico. En los últimos años se han propuesto diversas soluciones al problema del particionado dirigidas por algoritmos metaheurísticos. Sin embargo, debido a la diversidad de modelos y métricas utilizadas, la elección del algoritmo más apropiado sigue siendo un problema abierto. En este trabajo se presenta una comparación de seis algoritmos metaheurísticos: Búsqueda aleatoria (Random search), Búsqueda tabú (Tabu search), Recocido simulado (Simulated annealing), Escalador de colinas estocástico (Stochastic hill climbing), Algoritmo genético (Genetic algorithm) y Estrategia evolutiva (Evolution strategy). El modelo utilizado en la comparación está dirigido a minimizar el área ocupada y el tiempo de ejecución, las restricciones del modelo son consideradas como penalizaciones para incluir en el espacio de búsqueda otras soluciones. Los resultados muestran que los algoritmos Escalador de colinas estocástico y Estrategia evolutiva son los que mejores resultados obtienen en general, seguidos por el Algoritmo genético.
Estudios estratigráficos y sedimentológicos de afloramiento y el análisis paleoecológico y bioestratigráfico mediante foraminíferos, han permitido realizar una reinterpretación sedimentaria de las unidades de margas y areniscas miocenas del sector nororiental de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir. El relleno sedimentario ha sido dividido en cuatro unidades litoestratigráficas (I-IV), todas ellas depositadas durante el Tortoniense, entre 10 y 7.89 Ma, aproximadamente. La Unidad I (Tortoniense antiguo no basal) está fomada por arenas y calizas de algas, y es interpretada como una unidad transgresiva y expansiva sobre el basamento que evoluciona desde ambientes marinos someros a rampa de carbonatos tipo rhodalgal. La Unidad II (Tortoniense inferior, biozona MMi11: entre 10 y 9.54 Ma) está caracterizada por una alternancia rítmica de margas arcillosas y silíceas, depositadas en ambientes pelágicos y profundos de aguas frías-eutróficas, si bien con repetidos cambios en la estratificación y distribución de nutrientes en la columna de agua. Esta unidad registra una importante somerización en su parte superior, dando paso gradual a la Unidad III. La Unidad III (Tortoniense inferior, biozonaMMi11: desde 9.54 Ma) está dominada por areniscas, aunque lateralmente aparecen brechas intraformacionales con estratos contorsionados. Está nutrida por deltas desde la costa y se interpreta como el depósito de bancos arenosos movilizados por la acción de corrientes mareales y el oleaje de tormentas en rampas. La Unidad IV (Tortoniense superior, biozona MMi12: desde 8.35 Ma) está representada por margas pelágicas similares a las de la Unidad II, de la que difiere por la presencia de intercalaciones arenosas genéticamente relacionadas con procesos mareales y de tormentas.
This work focuses on a Messinian shallow-marine terrigenous unit, termed the La Virgen Formation, which forms part of the sedimentary infill of the Bajo Segura Basin (Betic margin of the western Mediterranean). This formation was deposited during a high sea level phase prior to the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Stratigraphically, it comprises a prograding stack of sandstone lithosomes alternating with marly intervals (1st-order cyclicity). These lithosomes are characterized by a homoclinal geometry that tapers distally, and interfinger with pelagic sediments rich in planktonic and benthic microfauna (Torremendo Formation). An analysis of sedimentary facies of each lithosome reveals a repetitive succession of sandy storm beds (tempestites), occasionally amalgamated, which are separated by thin marly layers (2nd-order cyclicity). Each storm bed contains internal erosional surfaces (3rd-order cyclicity) that delimit sets of laminae. Two categories of storm beds have been differentiated. The first one includes layers formed below storm wave base (SWB), characterized by traction structures associated to unidirectional flows (scoured base, planar lamination, and parting lineation). The second category consists of layers deposited above the SWB which display typical high regime oscillatory flow structures (swaley and hummocky cross lamination). In both cases, the ichnological record is characterized by an oligotypic association of Ophiomorpha nodosa, which can be interpreted as the result of allochthonous tracemakers (crustaceans) transported during storm events together with the sediment. The benthic microfauna in the marly intervals that separate the sandstone lithosomes (1st-order cyclicity) indicates that the storm ebb surges were deposited at depths ranging from those of inner shelf settings (with Elphidium spp. and Cibicides lobatulus) to those of outer shelf (with Valvulineria complanata and Uvigerina cylindrica). At the distal end of the sandstone lithosomes, the planktonic microfauna is characterized by a high content of taxa indicative of warm-oligotrophic waters (Globigerinoides obliquus and Globigerinoides bulloideus). In contrast, in the marly intervals, the microfauna is dominated by species typical of cold-eutrophic waters (Globigerina and Neogloboquadrina). This alternation of planktic foraminiferal assemblages is interpreted as being the expression of climatic cycles, in which every episode of progradation of tempestite-dominated lithosomes corresponds to maximum insolation and warm waters, whereas episodes of marly deposition correspond to minimal insolation and cold waters. The 1st-order cyclicity recorded in the La Virgen Formation, in a context of terrigenous storm-dominated shelf, corresponds to sapropel/homogeneous marl cycles formed in a pelagic basin (Torremendo Fm). These cycles in pelagic sediments are commonplace throughout the Mediterranean during the Messinian and reflect precession orbital changes: repeated periods of maximum insolation – minimum precession (sapropels) and minimal insolation – maximum precession (homogeneous marls). The fact that the example of terrigenous unit studied herein is coetaneous with the well-developed reef complexes in the Mediterranean basins points out the importance of sediment supply in the formation of large-scale sandy lithosomes. This is a crucial aspect to understanding reservoir genesis as well as lateral stratigraphic relationships with potential seal and/or source rocks.
La partición hardware/software es una etapa clave dentro del proceso de co-diseño de los sistemas embebidos. En esta etapa se decide qué componentes serán implementados como co-procesadores de hardware y qué componentes serán implementados en un procesador de propósito general. La decisión es tomada a partir de la exploración del espacio de diseño, evaluando un conjunto de posibles soluciones para establecer cuál de estas es la que mejor balance logra entre todas las métricas de diseño. Para explorar el espacio de soluciones, la mayoría de las propuestas, utilizan algoritmos metaheurísticos; destacándose los Algoritmos Genéticos, Recocido Simulado. Esta decisión, en muchos casos, no es tomada a partir de análisis comparativos que involucren a varios algoritmos sobre un mismo problema. En este trabajo se presenta la aplicación de los algoritmos: Escalador de Colinas Estocástico y Escalador de Colinas Estocástico con Reinicio, para resolver el problema de la partición hardware/software. Para validar el empleo de estos algoritmos se presenta la aplicación de este algoritmo sobre un caso de estudio, en particular la partición hardware/software de un codificador JPEG. En todos los experimentos es posible apreciar que ambos algoritmos alcanzan soluciones comparables con las obtenidas por los algoritmos utilizados con más frecuencia.
Interdisciplinary studies combining field data (geological and tectonic mapping, lithostratigraphic reconstructions, lithofacies characterization, correlations and sampling) and laboratory analyses (biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, clay mineralogy and sandstone petrography) of eight Senonian-Paleogene successions from the Sierra de La Pila and Sierra de El Carche areas (Murcia province, SE Spain) belonging to the External Betic Zone are presented. Field evidence of tectonic activity (slumps, olistostromes, syn-genetic folds, lateral variability, changes in thicknesses, para- and unconformity boundaries, stratigraphic gaps, shallowing upward trends to emersion, etc.) was found in several Paleogene intervals. The results enable a better reconstruction of the stratigraphic architecture and chronostratigraphy of the Paleogene record, highlighting in particular: facies evolution, discontinuities, depositional sequences (Middle-Upper Maastrichtian, Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene, Oligocene-Lower Aquitanian), environmental evolution (homogeneous conditions during the Late Cretaceous and successive realm diversification from platform to slope to basin) and correlations, along the Prebetic to Subbetic transition, which is a key sector to understand the northeastward variations of the South Iberian margin. A conclusive paleogeographic and geodynamic evolutionary model for the study area is proposed, hypothesizing that Paleogene compressive tectonics affected the eastern External Betic Zone. In addition, correlations with successions from the western External Betic Zone evidenced asynchronous deformation from east to west along the internalmost External Betic Zone. Moreover, a comparison with the external Tunisian Tell enables the recognition of similar sedimentarytectonic events, imposing new constraints in the Paleogene geodynamic reconstruction throughout the western Tethys.
The studied Cenozoic sedimentary successions consist of deposits from continental/shallow-water to deep-marine environments of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera) outcropping in the Sierra Espuña area (SE Spain). The aim of this study is to characterize the composition, source area(s) provenance and weathering processes of these sedimentary successions from the pre-orogenic (Paleocene-Early Oligocene) to the syn-orogenic (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene) stage using petrological and geochemical methodologies. The studied sandstones are mainly quartzolithic with abundant metamorphic and sedimentary lithic fragments. In particular, the composition of samples from the pre-orogenic cycle is mainly carbonate with important siliciclastic components that occur within the medium to fine grained arenites. The composition of samples from the syn-orogenic cycle is characterized by a sharp change from carbonate to siliciclastic terms. Thus, the composition of the overall sandstone samples is very heterogeneous and suggests a source area mainly characterized by the Malaguide basement and lower units of the Internal Betic Zone, that partially compose the Mesomediterranean Microplate. The geochemical proxies suggest a provenance mainly from felsic source area with a minor supply from mafic rocks in some samples of the syn-orogenic stage. Furthermore, palaeoweathering indices indicate low to moderate weathering conditions for the sources. The Cenozoic sedimentary successions of the Malaguide Complex played an important role in the geodynamic evolution of the Betic Cordillera that represents the key tectonic element of the western domains of the Mesomediterranean Microplate.