747 resultados para SENSORIMOTOR STRIATUM


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After a penetrating lesion in the central nervous system, astrocytes enlarge, divide, and participate in creating an environment that adversely affects neuronal regeneration. We have recently shown that the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) partially inhibits the division of early postnatal rat astrocytes in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrate that addition of N-CAM, the third immunoglobulin-like domain of N-CAM, or a synthetic decapeptide corresponding to a putative homophilic binding site in N-CAM partially inhibits astrocyte proliferation after a stab lesion in the adult rat brain. Animals were lesioned in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, or striatum with a Hamilton syringe and needle at defined stereotaxic positions. On one side, the lesions were concomitantly infused with N-CAM or with one of the N-CAM-related molecules. As a control, a peptide of the same composition as the N-CAM decapeptide but of random sequence was infused on the contralateral side of the brain. We consistently found that the population of dividing astrocytes was significantly smaller on the side in which N-CAM or one of the N-CAM-related molecules was infused than on the opposite side. The inhibition was greatest in the cortical lesion sites (approximately 50%) and was less pronounced in the hippocampus (approximately 25%) and striatum (approximately 20%). Two weeks after the lesion, the cerebral cortical sites infused with N-CAM continued to exhibit a significantly smaller population of dividing astrocytes than the sites on the opposite side. When N-CAM and basic fibroblast growth factor, which is known to stimulate astrocyte division in vitro, were coinfused into cortical lesion sites, astrocyte proliferation was still inhibited. These results suggest the hypothesis that, by reducing glial proliferation, N-CAM or its peptides may help create an environment that is more suitable for neuronal regeneration.


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We have molecularly cloned a calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) from a rat striatal cDNA library. Rat CaSR displays 92% overall homology to its bovine counterpart with seven putative transmembrane domains characteristic of the superfamily of guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and significant homology with the metabotropic glutamate receptors. Northern blot analysis reveals two transcripts in thyroid, kidney, lung, ileum, and pituitary. In brain highest regional expression of the RNA occurs in the hypothalamus and the corpus striatum. Immunohistochemistry reveals discrete punctate localizations throughout the brain that appear to be associated with nerve terminals. No staining is evident in cell bodies of neurons or glia. Cerebral arteries display an intense network of CaSR immunoreactive fibers associated with vessel innervation. CaSR on nerve terminal membranes may regulate neurotransmitter disposition in response to Ca2+ levels in the synaptic space.


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Three studies investigated the relation between symbolic gestures and words, aiming at discover the neural basis and behavioural features of the lexical semantic processing and integration of the two communicative signals. The first study aimed at determining whether elaboration of communicative signals (symbolic gestures and words) is always accompanied by integration with each other and, if present, this integration can be considered in support of the existence of a same control mechanism. Experiment 1 aimed at determining whether and how gesture is integrated with word. Participants were administered with a semantic priming paradigm with a lexical decision task and pronounced a target word, which was preceded by a meaningful or meaningless prime gesture. When meaningful, the gesture could be either congruent or incongruent with word meaning. Duration of prime presentation (100, 250, 400 ms) randomly varied. Voice spectra, lip kinematics, and time to response were recorded and analyzed. Formant 1 of voice spectra, and mean velocity in lip kinematics increased when the prime was meaningful and congruent with the word, as compared to meaningless gesture. In other words, parameters of voice and movement were magnified by congruence, but this occurred only when prime duration was 250 ms. Time to response to meaningful gesture was shorter in the condition of congruence compared to incongruence. Experiment 2 aimed at determining whether the mechanism of integration of a prime word with a target word is similar to that of a prime gesture with a target word. Formant 1 of the target word increased when word prime was meaningful and congruent, as compared to meaningless congruent prime. Increase was, however, present for whatever prime word duration. In the second study, experiment 3 aimed at determining whether symbolic prime gesture comprehension makes use of motor simulation. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was delivered to left primary motor cortex 100, 250, 500 ms after prime gesture presentation. Motor Evoked Potential of First Dorsal Interosseus increased when stimulation occurred 100 ms post-stimulus. Thus, gesture was understood within 100ms and integrated with the target word within 250 ms. Experiment 4 excluded any hand motor simulation in order to comprehend prime word. The effect of the prior presentation of a symbolic gesture on congruent target word processing was investigated in study 3. In experiment 5, symbolic gestures were presented as primes, followed by semantically congruent target word or pseudowords. In this case, lexical-semantic decision was accompanied by a motor simulation at 100ms after the onset of the verbal stimuli. Summing up, the same type of integration with a word was present for both prime gesture and word. It was probably subsequent to understanding of the signal, which used motor simulation for gesture and direct access to semantics for words. However, gesture and words could be understood at the same motor level through simulation if words were preceded by an adequate gestural context. Results are discussed in the prospective of a continuum between transitive actions and emblems, in parallelism with language; the grounded/symbolic content of the different signals evidences relation between sensorimotor and linguistic systems, which could interact at different levels.


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Response inhibition is the ability to suppress inadequate but automatically activated, prepotent or ongoing response tendencies. In the framework of motor inhibition, two distinct operating strategies have been described: “proactive” and “reactive” control modes. In the proactive modality, inhibition is recruited in advance by predictive signals, and actively maintained before its enactment. Conversely, in the reactive control mode, inhibition is phasically enacted after the detection of the inhibitory signal. To date, ample evidence points to a core cerebral network for reactive inhibition comprising the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the basal ganglia (BG). Moreover, fMRI studies showed that cerebral activations during proactive and reactive inhibition largely overlap. These findings suggest that at least part of the neural network for reactive inhibition is recruited in advance, priming cortical regions in preparation for the upcoming inhibition. So far, proactive and reactive inhibitory mechanisms have been investigated during tasks in which the requested response to be stopped or withheld was an “overt” action execution (AE) (i.e., a movement effectively performed). Nevertheless, inhibitory mechanisms are also relevant for motor control during “covert actions” (i.e., potential motor acts not overtly performed), such as motor imagery (MI). MI is the conscious, voluntary mental rehearsal of action representations without any overt movement. Previous studies revealed a substantial overlap of activated motor-related brain networks in premotor, parietal and subcortical regions during overtly executed and imagined movements. Notwithstanding this evidence for a shared set of cerebral regions involved in encoding actions, whether or not those actions are effectively executed, the neural bases of motor inhibition during MI, preventing covert action from being overtly performed, in spite of the activation of the motor system, remain to be fully clarified. Taking into account this background, we performed a high density EEG study evaluating cerebral mechanisms and their related sources elicited during two types of cued Go/NoGo task, requiring the execution or withholding of an overt (Go) or a covert (MI) action, respectively. The EEG analyses were performed in two steps, with different aims: 1) Analysis of the “response phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, for the evaluation of reactive inhibitory control of overt and covert actions. 2) Analysis of the “preparatory phase” of the cued overt and covert Go/NoGo EEG datasets, focusing on cerebral activities time-locked to the preparatory signals, for the evaluation of proactive inhibitory mechanisms and their related neural sources. For these purposes, a spatiotemporal analysis of the scalp electric fields was applied on the EEG data recorded during the overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks. The spatiotemporal approach provide an objective definition of time windows for source analysis, relying on the statistical proof that the electric fields are different and thus generated by different neural sources. The analysis of the “response phase” revealed that key nodes of the inhibitory circuit, underpinning inhibition of the overt movement during the NoGo response, were also activated during the MI enactment. In both cases, inhibition relied on the activation of pre-SMA and rIFG, but with different temporal patterns of activation in accord with the intended “covert” or “overt” modality of motor performance. During the NoGo condition, the pre-SMA and rIFG were sequentially activated, pointing to an early decisional role of pre-SMA and to a later role of rIFG in the enactment of inhibitory control of the overt action. Conversely, a concomitant activation of pre-SMA and rIFG emerged during the imagined motor response. This latter finding suggested that an inhibitory mechanism (likely underpinned by the rIFG), could be prewired into a prepared “covert modality” of motor response, as an intrinsic component of the MI enactment. This mechanism would allow the rehearsal of the imagined motor representations, without any overt movement. The analyses of the “preparatory phase”, confirmed in both overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks the priming of cerebral regions pertaining to putative inhibitory network, reactively triggered in the following response phase. Nonetheless, differences in the preparatory strategies between the two tasks emerged, depending on the intended “overt” or “covert” modality of the possible incoming motor response. During the preparation of the overt Go/NoGo task, the cue primed the possible overt response programs in motor and premotor cortex. At the same time, through preactivation of a pre-SMA-related decisional mechanism, it triggered a parallel preparation for the successful response selection and/or inhibition during the subsequent response phase. Conversely, the preparatory strategy for the covert Go/NoGo task was centred on the goal-oriented priming of an inhibitory mechanism related to the rIFG that, being tuned to the instructed covert modality of the motor performance and instantiated during the subsequent MI enactment, allowed the imagined response to remain a potential motor act. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrate a substantial overlap of cerebral networks activated during proactive recruitment and subsequent reactive enactment of motor inhibition in both overt and covert actions. At the same time, our data show that preparatory cues predisposed ab initio a different organization of the cerebral areas (in particular of the pre-SMA and rIFG) involved with sensorimotor transformations and motor inhibitory control for executed and imagined actions. During the preparatory phases of our cued overt and covert Go/NoGo tasks, the different adopted strategies were tuned to the “how” of the motor performance, reflecting the intended overt and covert modality of the possible incoming action.


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A teoria de Jean Piaget sobre o desenvolvimento da inteligência tem sido utilizada na área de inteligência computacional como inspiração para a proposição de modelos de agentes cognitivos. Embora os modelos propostos implementem aspectos básicos importantes da teoria de Piaget, como a estrutura do esquema cognitivo, não consideram o problema da fundamentação simbólica e, portanto, não se preocupam com os aspectos da teoria que levam à aquisição autônoma da semântica básica para a organização cognitiva do mundo externo, como é o caso da aquisição da noção de objeto. Neste trabalho apresentamos um modelo computacional de esquema cognitivo inspirado na teoria de Piaget sobre a inteligência sensório-motora que se desenvolve autonomamente construindo mecanismos por meio de princípios computacionais pautados pelo problema da fundamentação simbólica. O modelo de esquema proposto tem como base a classificação de situações sensório-motoras utilizadas para a percepção, captação e armazenamento das relações causais determiníscas de menor granularidade. Estas causalidades são então expandidas espaço-temporalmente por estruturas mais complexas que se utilizam das anteriores e que também são projetadas de forma a possibilitar que outras estruturas computacionais autônomas mais complexas se utilizem delas. O modelo proposto é implementado por uma rede neural artificial feed-forward cujos elementos da camada de saída se auto-organizam para gerar um grafo sensóriomotor objetivado. Alguns mecanismos computacionais já existentes na área de inteligência computacional foram modificados para se enquadrarem aos paradigmas de semântica nula e do desenvolvimento mental autônomo, tomados como base para lidar com o problema da fundamentação simbólica. O grafo sensório-motor auto-organizável que implementa um modelo de esquema inspirado na teoria de Piaget proposto neste trabalho, conjuntamente com os princípios computacionais utilizados para sua concepção caminha na direção da busca pelo desenvolvimento cognitivo artificial autônomo da noção de objeto.


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Introdução: Embora alterações estruturais cerebrais na esquizofrenia venham sendo repetidamente demonstradas em estudos de ressonância magnética (RM), ainda permanece incerto se tais alterações são estáticas ou progressivas. Enquanto estudos longitudinais são tradicionalmente utilizados na avaliação da questão da progressão, estudos transversais de neuroimagem comparando diretamente pacientes com esquizofrenia crônica e de primeiro episódio a controles saudáveis têm sido bastante raros até o presente. Com o recente interesse em meganálises combinando dados multicêntricos de RM visando-se a maior poder estatístico, o presente estudo multicêntrico de morfometria baseada no voxel (VBM) foi realizado para avaliar os padrões de alterações estruturais cerebrais segundo os diferentes estágios da doença, bem como para avaliar quais (se alguma) dessas alterações se correlacionariam especificamente a moderadores clínicos potenciais, tais como exposição cumulativa a antipsicóticos, tempo de doença e gravidade da doença. Métodos: Selecionou-se uma ampla amostra de pacientes com esquizofrenia (161, sendo 99 crônicos e 62 de primeiro episódio) e controles (151) a partir de quatro estudos prévios de RM (1,5T) realizados na mesma região do Brasil. O processamento e análise das imagens foi realizado usando-se o software Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) com emprego do algoritmo DARTEL (diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated Lie algebra). Os efeitos de grupo sobre os volumes regionais de substância cinzenta (SC) foram analisados através de comparações voxel-a-voxel por análises de covariância em modelos lineares gerais, inserindo-se, em todas as análises, o volume total de SC, protocolo do scanner, idade e sexo como variáveis de confusão. Por fim, foram realizadas análises de correlação entre os aludidos moderadores clínicos potenciais e os volumes cerebrais globais e regionais. Resultados: Os pacientes com esquizofrenia de primeiro episódio apresentaram reduções volumétricas sutis em comparação aos controles, em um circuito neural circunscrito e identificável apenas em análises SVC (small volume correction) [p < 0.05, com correção family-wise error (FWE)], incluindo a ínsula, estruturas têmporo-límbicas e corpo estriado. Os pacientes crônicos, por outro lado, apresentaram um padrão de alterações extensas comparativamente aos controles, envolvendo os córtices frontais orbitais, superiores e inferiores bilateralmente, córtex frontal médio direito, ambos os córtices cingulados anteriores, ambas as ínsulas, e os córtices temporais superior e médio direitos (p < 0.05, análises whole-brain com correção FWE). Foram encontradas correlações negativas significantes entre exposição cumulativa a antipsicóticos e volumes globais de SC e substância branca nos pacientes com esquizofrenia, embora as correlações com reduções regionais não tenham sido significantes. Detectaram-se, ainda, correlações negativas significantes entre tempo de doença e volumes regionais relativos da ínsula esquerda, córtex cingulado anterior direito e córtices pré-frontais dorsolaterais nas análises SVC para os grupos conjuntos (esquizofrenia crônica e de primeiro episódio). Conclusão: Os achados supracitados indicam que: a) as alterações estruturais associadas com o diagnóstico de esquizofrenia são mais disseminadas na forma crônica em comparação à de primeiro episódio; b) reduções volumétricas regionais em áreas específicas do cérebro podem variar em função do tempo de doença; c) a exposição cumulativa a antipsicóticos associou-se a alterações volumétricas globais, e não regionais


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Stroke is a prevalent disorder with immense socioeconomic impact. A variety of chronic neurological deficits result from stroke. In particular, sensorimotor deficits are a significant barrier to achieving post-stroke independence. Unfortunately, the majority of pre-clinical studies that show improved outcomes in animal stroke models have failed in clinical trials. Pre-clinical studies using non-human primate (NHP) stroke models prior to initiating human trials are a potential step to improving translation from animal studies to clinical trials. Robotic assessment tools represent a quantitative, reliable, and reproducible means to assess reaching behaviour following stroke in both humans and NHPs. We investigated the use of robotic technology to assess sensorimotor impairments in NHPs following middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Two cynomolgus macaques underwent transient MCAO for 90 minutes. Approximately 1.5 years following the procedure these NHPs and two non-stroke control monkeys were trained in a reaching task with both arms in the KINARM exoskeleton. This robot permits elbow and shoulder movements in the horizontal plane. The task required NHPs to make reaching movements from a centrally positioned start target to 1 of 8 peripheral targets uniformly distributed around the first target. We analyzed four movement parameters: reaction time, movement time (MT), initial direction error (IDE), and number of speed maxima to characterize sensorimotor deficiencies. We hypothesized reduced performance in these attributes during a neurobehavioural task with the paretic limb of NHPs following MCAO compared to controls. Reaching movements in the non-affected limbs of control and experimental NHPs showed bell-shaped velocity profiles. In contrast, the reaching movements with the affected limbs were highly variable. We found distinctive patterns in MT, IDE, and number of speed peaks between control and experimental monkeys and between limbs of NHPs with MCAO. NHPs with MCAO demonstrated more speed peaks, longer MTs, and greater IDE in their paretic limb compared to controls. These initial results qualitatively match human stroke subjects’ performance, suggesting that robotic neurobehavioural assessment in NHPs with stroke is feasible and could have translational relevance in subsequent human studies. Further studies will be necessary to replicate and expand on these preliminary findings.


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Stroke is a leading cause of death and permanent disability worldwide, affecting millions of individuals. Traditional clinical scores for assessment of stroke-related impairments are inherently subjective and limited by inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, as well as floor and ceiling effects. In contrast, robotic technologies provide objective, highly repeatable tools for quantification of neurological impairments following stroke. KINARM is an exoskeleton robotic device that provides objective, reliable tools for assessment of sensorimotor, proprioceptive and cognitive brain function by means of a battery of behavioral tasks. As such, KINARM is particularly useful for assessment of neurological impairments following stroke. This thesis introduces a computational framework for assessment of neurological impairments using the data provided by KINARM. This is done by achieving two main objectives. First, to investigate how robotic measurements can be used to estimate current and future abilities to perform daily activities for subjects with stroke. We are able to predict clinical scores related to activities of daily living at present and future time points using a set of robotic biomarkers. The findings of this analysis provide a proof of principle that robotic evaluation can be an effective tool for clinical decision support and target-based rehabilitation therapy. The second main objective of this thesis is to address the emerging problem of long assessment time, which can potentially lead to fatigue when assessing subjects with stroke. To address this issue, we examine two time reduction strategies. The first strategy focuses on task selection, whereby KINARM tasks are arranged in a hierarchical structure so that an earlier task in the assessment procedure can be used to decide whether or not subsequent tasks should be performed. The second strategy focuses on time reduction on the longest two individual KINARM tasks. Both reduction strategies are shown to provide significant time savings, ranging from 30% to 90% using task selection and 50% using individual task reductions, thereby establishing a framework for reduction of assessment time on a broader set of KINARM tasks. All in all, findings of this thesis establish an improved platform for diagnosis and prognosis of stroke using robot-based biomarkers.


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Different features of sensorimotor function and behaviour were studied in murine cerebral malaria (CM) and malaria without cerebral involvement (non-CM) applying the primary screen of the SHIRPA protocol. Histopathological analysis of distinct brain regions was performed and the relative size of haemorrhages and plugging of blood cells to brain vasculature was analysed. Animals suffering from CM develop a wide range of behavioural and functional alterations in the progressive course of the disease with a statistically significant impairment in all functional categories assessed 36 h prior to death when compared with control animals. Early functional indicators of cerebral phenotype are impairments in reflex and sensory system and in neuropsychiatric state. Deterioration in function is paralleled by the degree of histopathological changes with a statistically significant correlation between the SHIRPA score of CM animals and the mean size of brain haemorrhage. Furthermore, image analysis yielded that the relative area of the brain lesions was significantly larger in the forebrain and brainstem compared with the other regions of interest. Our results indicate that assessment of sensory and motor tasks by the SHIRPA primary screen is appropriate for the early in vivo discrimination of cerebral involvement in experimental murine malaria. Our findings also suggest a correlation between the degree of functional impairment and the size of the brain lesions as indicated by parenchymal haemorrhage. Applying the SHIRPA protocol in the functional characterization of animals suffering from CM might prove useful in the preclinical assessment of new antimalarial and potential neuroprotective therapies.


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The presence of abundant age-diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 913B (Leg 151), Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 338 (Leg 38) and ODP Hole 643A (Leg 104) has enabled the development of a new biostratigraphy for the Eocene-Oligocene interval in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. This development is important because the calcareous microfossils usually used for biostratigraphy in this age interval are generally absent in high latitude sediments as a result of dissolution. In parallel with this biostratigraphic analysis, we developed a magnetic reversal stratigraphy for these Norwegian-Greenland Sea sequences. This has allowed independent age determination and has enabled the dinocyst biostratigraphy to be firmly tied into the global geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS). The relatively high resolution of this study has enabled identification of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages that have affinities with those from the North Sea and the North Atlantic, which allows regional correlation. Correlation of each site with the GPTS has also allowed comparison of the stratigraphic record preserved in each drill-hole. Hole 913B is the most complete and is the best-preserved record of the Eocene and Oligocene in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes, and can serve as a reference section for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of this age interval.


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Presented are physical and biological data for the region extending from the Barents Sea to the Kara Sea during 158 scientific cruises for the period 1913-1999. Maps with the temporal distribution of physical and biological variables of the Barents and Kara Seas are presented, with proposed quality control criteria for phytoplankton and zooplankton data. Changes in the plankton community structure between the 1930s, 1950s, and 1990s are discussed. Multiple tables of Arctic Seas phytoplankton and zooplankton species are presented, containing ecological and geographic characteristics for each species, and images of live cells for the dominant phytoplankton species.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79 recovered Cretaceous nannofossils at two localities, Sites 545 and 547. Species diversity of the Cretaceous coccoliths is high, and the assemblages range in age from early Valanginian-early Hauterivian to latest Maestrichtian. Site 545 and portions of Site 547 can be combined to form a composite section ranging from the upper Aptian-lower Albian to the middle to upper Cenomanian. As defined by nannofossil events, this section represents a complete record of sedimentary deposition. The interval appears to be the most extensive and complete Cretaceous section yet drilled off the Northwest African margin. The Campanian and Maestrichtian sediments found at Site 547 (Hole 547A) are the youngest Cretaceous strata found on the Northwest African margin. Like the middle Cretaceous sections, the uppermost Maestrichtian of this interval also represents a complete record of sedimentation.


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Quantitative data on lower marine Phycomycetes (fungi) found in the upwelling waters off the West African coast during cruises No. 13 (1968), 19 (1970), 36 (1975) and 44 (1977) of R.V. "Meteor" are reported. The distribution of the total fungi numbers is presented and, as far as possible, the evaluation of the material up to species level is given. Several provisionally named forms and groups of morphologically related, undescribed fungi are included. A correlation between the number of fungi in sediments and the water depth and distance from the coast line is postulated. There are typical distributions of the lower marine fungi in water bodies and sediments. Different values within replicates of the stations in different years show that there is a sequence in development of fungal populations induced by changes in the water bodies. Surface water far from the coast has low numbers of fungi; numbers increase to a maximum nearer to the coast. In the vicinity of the coast the values decrease. The numbers of fungi in the deep sediments are low below 1,200 m. However, there are isolated areas of higher fungal activities, indicated by some deeper grab samples. During two cruises, the "overlying water" in the grab samples was investigated. It was evident that the numbers of fungi lost by stirring of the sediment when the grab was brought up to the surface were small, relatively and absolutely. The seamount "Josephine Bank" has been investigated for the first time with respect to lower marine fungi; the populations are low in the sediments, but one sample of the surface water had a higher number than the water in the surroundings. In some hydrographic series there was a peculiar depth distribution. An increase occurred at a depth greater than 1,000 m. The results are discussed and some correlations to the aging of the fungal populations in the water masses are constructed.