999 resultados para Rosa Maria


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of asymptomatic vertebral fractures on the quality of life in older women as part of the Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional study with a random sample of 180 women 65 years of age or older with or without vertebral fractures. The Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis was administered to all subjects. Anthropometric data were obtained by physical examination, and the body mass index was calculated. Lateral thoracic and lumbar spine X-ray scans were obtained to identify asymptomatic vertebral fractures using a semi-quantitative method. RESULTS: Women with asymptomatic vertebral fractures had lower total scores [61.4(15.3) vs. 67.1(14.2), p = 0.03] and worse physical function domain scores [69.5(20.1) vs. 77.3(17.1), p = 0.02] for the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis compared with women without fractures. The total score of this questionnaire was also worse in women classified as obese than in women classified as overweight or normal. High physical activity was related to a better total score for this questionnaire (p = 0.01). Likewise, lower physical function scores were observed in women with higher body mass index values (p<0.05) and lower physical activity levels (p,0.05). Generalized linear models with gamma distributions and logarithmic link functions, adjusted for age, showed that lower total scores and physical function domain scores for the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis were related to a high body mass index, lower physical activity, and the presence of vertebral fractures (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Vertebral fractures are associated with decreased quality of life mainly physical functioning in older community-dwelling women regardless of age, body mass index, and physical activity. Therefore, the results highlight the importance of preventing and controlling asymptomatic vertebral fractures to reduce their impact on quality of life among older women.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Nos últimos anos, identificamos um número crescente de pacientes com zumbido que também referiam percepções repetidas de sons complexos, como músicas e vozes. Tais fenômenos alucinatórios nos instigaram a estudar suas possíveis relações com o psiquismo destes pacientes. OBJETIVOS: avaliar se os fenômenos alucinatórios dos pacientes com zumbido têm relação com psicose e/ou depressão, além de esclarecer seu conteúdo e função no psiquismo. MÉTODO: Dez sujeitos (8 mulheres, idade média de 65,7 anos), selecionados por otorrinolaringologistas, foram avaliados pela mesma psicóloga por meio de entrevista semi-dirigida, Escala para Depressão de Hamilton e entrevistas psicanalíticas. RESULTADOS: Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou relação dos fenômenos auditivos com psicose, mas sim com aspectos depressivos. O discurso dos pacientes evidenciou que os fenômenos apresentam funções inconscientes na vida afetiva de cada um. A forte tendência à rememoração/repetição de fatos/situações desagradáveis foi marcante em todos os casos, tendendo a exacerbar o incômodo com o zumbido, com os fenômenos alucinatórios e a piorar aspectos depressivos. CONCLUSÕES: Há uma importante relação entre zumbido, fenômenos alucinatórios e depressão, sustentada na rememoração persistente de fatos/situações que causam sofrimentos psíquicos. O conhecimento destes achados representa mais um passo em direção à necessidade de particularizar o tratamento deste subgrupo de pacientes com zumbido, envolvendo equipe multidisciplinar. Prospectivo.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile of the enzymes creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in Wistar rats infected with 250 (GI, n = 24) or 1000 (GII, n = 24) Toxocara canis eggs. Animals were evaluated on days 7, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 180 post-infection (DPI). Only the GI rats showed an increase in CK and CK-MB, at 15 and 30 DPI, respectively. Anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies were detected by ELISA in infected animals. Despite of the presence of eosinophilic infiltrate in the heart of three infected animals, none larva was recovered from the organ neither by acid digestion nor by Baermann procedure. Eosinophilia was observed in both groups but there was no significant difference in the eosinophil counts between GI and GII (p = 0.2239). It is possible to consider that cardiac lesion is an eventual finding in murine model for toxocariasis.


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A experiência com a construção de um Repositório e uma Política Institucional de Acesso Aberto à Produção Técnico-Científica, Artística e Didática da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) é o desafio apresentado neste trabalho. Tendo em vista que a USP ocupa posição de liderança na América Latina conforme ranking internacional de produção científica, congrega 5.732 docentes e mais de 80 mil alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, e tem seu sistema de informação composto por 43 bibliotecas distribuídas em diferentes campi na capital e em diversas cidades do interior do estado de São Paulo, foram necessárias múltiplas e complexas estratégias para a mudança de paradigma e inserção no cenário atual do acesso aberto. Dentre elas, podem ser citadas a composição de grupo multiplicador composto de professores e bibliotecários, criação de espaço de referência cobrindo temas diversificados sobre o acesso aberto, workshop e palestras diversas realizadas em variados campi e bibliotecas, fórum aberto para discussão do acesso aberto na USP e elaboração de carta de intenções em fase de assinatura e endosso pela comunidade uspiana. Paralelo a essas atividades, que buscaram o envolvimento da comunidade, ocorreu também à implantação do repositório institucional a partir de projetos piloto em três unidades de ensino e pesquisa das áreas de exatas, biológicas e humanidades. Tais estratégias são descritas e demonstram o estágio de desenvolvimento do projeto e sua trajetória de implantação.


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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a potential life-threatening disease, which originates from inflammatory involvement of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. Serious complications eventuate and treatment is difficult. AP is classified in both interstitial edematous pancreatitis, which occurs in 70-80% of patients, and necrotizing pancreatitis, which occurs in 20-30% of patients. Diagnosis is based on the presence of two of the following criteria: abdominal pain, increased serum determination of amylase and/or lipase more than three times the reference value, and characteristic tomographic findings. Among the latter, there is the pancreatic and surrounding tissue damage as well as that related to distant organ involvement. This case report shows the fatal case of a male patient with a history of heavy alcoholic abuse admitted with the diagnosis of necrotizing pancreatitis. The authors call attention to the unusual tomographic findings; namely, a huge duodenal hematoma and a large hemoperitoneum, ischemic involvement of the spleen and kidneys, as well as pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis.


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A Chlamydophila abortus, anteriormente conhecida como Chlamydia psittaci sovovar 1, é uma bactéria Gram negativa, intracelular obrigatória. Esse micro-organismo é frequentemente encontrado em distúrbios reprodutivos em ovinos, bovinos e caprinos, sendo o aborto epizoótico dos bovinos e o aborto enzoótico dos ovinos e caprinos as manifestações mais importantes. Considerando-se o pouco material literário a respeito da clamidofilose no Brasil, a pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a presença de anticorpos fixadores de complemento anti-Chlamydophila abortus, correlacionando os resultados obtidos com achados no exame clínico e histórico dos animais, além de alterações nos índices zootécnicos, em especial na esfera reprodutiva, tais como alto índice de repetição de cio, número elevado de abortamentos, elevado número de natimortos, entre outros. Foram testadas para prova de fixação do complemento 220 amostras de soro de ovinos, de 26 propriedades, distribuídas em 19 municípios, com relato de manifestação reprodutiva, obtendo-se 19,55% (43/220) de testes positivos para Chlamydophila abortus, com ocorrência de foco constatada de 61,53%. No geral, a titulação de anticorpos encontrada foi baixa, com título não superior a 64. A frequência de manifestação reprodutiva mais observada foi o aborto, representando 65,12% (28/43) do número total de animais soropositivos, seguido de repetição de cio juntamente com nascimento de cordeiro fraco, com frequência de 6,98% (3/ 43) e, por fim, morte neonatal com 4,65% (2/43), sendo que não houve associação significativa entre animais que foram positivos ao teste e a esses fatores.


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Toxocariasis, caused most commonly by Toxocara canis, is an important cosmopolitan zoonosis. Paratenic hosts have been employed to provide knowledge regard to the transmission of toxocariasis. Transmammary transmission in murine experimentally infected was observed based on the recovery of larvae from the tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of transmammary transmission of Toxocara canis in rabbits by detecting larvae directly in milk. Seventeen sexually mature virgin white New Zealand female rabbits were divided into two groups. Twelve animals were orally inoculated with 1,000 T. canis embryonated eggs (infected group), and five animals remained uninfected (control group). One month following the infection, the females were mated. Manual collection of 500 ?L of milk from each rabbit was performed on days +7, +14 and +21 of lactation for three consecutive lactations. The recovery of larvae was determined via a centrifuge-sedimentation technique using ether and formalin solutions. ELISA test was run to confirm the production of anti-T. canis antibodies (IgG) by infected rabbits. The presence of larvae was observed in milk samples from 5 (41.7%) of the 12 infected rabbits. The total number of recovered larvae was 20, ranging from 1 to 4 larvae per lactation/rabbit. Larvae were recovered exclusively on days 7 and 14 of lactation. Recovery was verified in different lactations. No significant difference was observed with respect to the number of larvae either in the same lactation period or in different lactation periods. Anti-T. canis antibodies were detected in all infected rabbits. In conclusion, the presence of larvae in rabbit milk samples suggests the possibility of galactogenic transmission of T. canis in paratenic hosts. Moreover, the technique employed in this study allows for the recovery of larvae directly from milk.


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The durability of stone building materials is an issue of utmost importance in the field of monument conservation. In order to be able to preserve our built cultural heritage, the thorough knowledge of its constituent materials and the understanding of the processes that affect them are indispensable. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the durability of a special stone type, the crystalline stones, in correlation with their intrinsic characteristics, the petrophysical properties. The crystalline stones are differentiated from the cemented stones on the basis of textural features. Their most important specific property is the usually low, fissure-like porosity. Stone types of significant monumental importance, like the marble or granite belong to this group. The selected materials for this investigation, indeed, are a marble (Macael marble, Spain) and a granite (Silvestre Vilachán granite, Spain). In addition, an andesite (Szob andesite, Hungary) also of significant monumental importance was selected. This way a wide range of crystalline rocks is covered in terms of petrogenesis: stones of metamorphic, magmatic and volcanic origin, which can be of importance in terms of mineralogical, petrological or physical characteristics. After the detailed characterization of the petrophysical properties of the selected stones, their durability was assessed by means of artificial ageing. The applied ageing tests were: the salt crystallization, the frost resistance in pure water and in the presence of soluble salts, the salt mist and the action of SO2 in the presence of humidity. The research aimed at the understanding of the mechanisms of each weathering process and at finding the petrophysical properties most decisive in the degradation of these materials. Among the several weathering mechanisms, the most important ones were found to be the physical stress due to crystallization pressure of both salt and ice, the thermal fatigue due to cyclic temperature changes and the chemical reactions (mostly the acidic attack) between the mineral phases and the external fluids. The properties that fundamentally control the degradation processes, and thus the durability of stones were found to be: the mineralogical and chemical composition; the hydraulic properties especially the water uptake, the permeability and the drying; the void space structure, especially the void size and aperture size distribution and the connectivity of the porous space; and the thermal and mechanical properties. Because of the complexity of the processes and the high number of determining properties, no mechanisms or characteristics could be identified as typical for crystalline stones. The durability or alterability of each stone type must be assessed according to its properties and not according to the textural or petrophysical classification they belong to. Finally, a critical review of standardized methods is presented, based on which an attempt was made for recommendations of the most adequate methodology for the characterization and durability assessment of crystalline stones.


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This paper reports an LC-MS/MS method with positive electrospray ionization for the screening of commonly prescribed cardiovascular drugs in human plasma, including compounds with antihypertensive (57), antidiabetic (12), hypolipemiant (5), anticoagulant (2) and platelet anti-aggregation (2) effects. Sample treatment consisted of a simple protein precipitation with MeOH/0.1 M ZnSO₄ (4:1, v/v) solution after the addition of internal standard, followed by evaporation and reconstitution. Analytes separation was performed on a Polar-RP column (150 m x 2 mm, 4 μm) using a gradient elution of 15 min. The MS system was operated in MRM mode, monitoring one quantitation and one confirmation transition for each analyte. The recovery of the protein precipitation step ranged from 50 to 70% for most of the compounds, while some were considerably affected by matrix effects. Since several analytes fulfilled the linearity, accuracy and precision values required by the ICH guidelines, the method proved to be suitable for their quantitative analysis. The limits of quantitation varied from 0.38 to 9.1 μg/L and the limits of detection from 0.12 to 5.34 μg/L. The method showed to be suitable for the detection of plasma samples of patients under cardiovascular treatment with the studied drugs, and for 55 compounds reliable quantitative results could be obtained.


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Ziellos und gefühllos – so wäre unser Leben ohne Motivation und Emotion! Ziele geben unserem Leben Sinn und Struktur, sie treiben uns zu großen Anstrengungen und erstaunlichen Leistungen an. Sie richten unser Verhalten auf die Dinge aus, die uns wichtig sind. – Und was uns wichtig ist, wofür sich die ganze Anstrengung lohnt, das sagen uns unsere Emotionen. Die „Module“ Motivation und Emotion gehören somit zu den spannendsten Fächern der Psychologie und stellen wichtige Grundlageninformationen für die psychologischen Anwendungsfächer zur Verfügung. Dieses Lehrbuch beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen der Motivations- und Emotionspsychologie kompakt und verständlich.


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UNLABELLED OBJECTIVE; Virtual autopsy methods, such as postmortem CT and MRI, are increasingly being used in forensic medicine. Forensic investigators with little to no training in diagnostic radiology and medical laypeople such as state's attorneys often find it difficult to understand the anatomic orientation of axial postmortem CT images. We present a computer-assisted system that permits postmortem CT datasets to be quickly and intuitively resliced in real time at the body to narrow the gap between radiologic imaging and autopsy. CONCLUSION Our system is a potentially valuable tool for planning autopsies, showing findings to medical laypeople, and teaching CT anatomy, thus further closing the gap between radiology and forensic pathology.


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O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciaçao à Docência da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (PIBID-PED-UFOP) trabalha com formaçao inicial de professores, em parceria com escolas públicas de Mariana e Ouro Preto-MG- Brasil. Este texto tem o objetivo de analisar fatores que dificultam o trabalho com o conteúdo Danças nas aulas de Educaçao Física para o Ensino Médio. Foram analisadas 5 aulas de Educaçao Física escolar, ministradas em Mariana, em 2011, abrangendo 3 turmas do 1o ano do Ensino Médio. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram diário de campo e questionário. Os dados foram analisados a partir da triangulaçao dos dados obtidos nos instrumentos com a literatura. Os resultados mostram que a pouca aceitaçao do conteúdo Danças pelos alunos ocorre por fatores, como: timidez em vivenciar os movimentos próximos a alunos de outras turmas; alunos nao reconhecerem a dança como conteúdo da Educaçao Física; por ser a primeira vez que vivenciam a Dança na referida aula e escola; alguns alunos sentirem vergonha de seus corpos; alguns alunos criticarem a forma e movimentos dos corpos dos colegas durante a aula; meninos que se recusaram a realizar as atividades por acreditar que colocaria em risco sua masculinidade. Concluímos que a aula de Educaçao Física com o conteúdo Danças deve contemplar, além da vivência de práticas, a compreensao dos alunos sobre: relaçoes entre homens e mulheres na dança; a dança como conteúdo legítimo de ser trabalhado na Educaçao Física


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La ideología expresa y se reproduce en la sociedad a través del discurso; en esa dirección, el espíritu que guía este análisis es el concepto de ideología asociado al discurso y será utilizado en el sentido de noción general de creencias, ya que pretendemos encontrar en el discurso del drama Todas las historias son de amor, de Adolfo Torres, las marcas de ideología relacionadas con el género. Nuestro objetivo particular es examinar cuál es la idea que sobre la mujer se tiene y cómo aparece en la obra; por lo que aplicaremos la teoría de perspectiva de género para encontrar esos discursos del sistema patriarcal que la definen o la representan.