693 resultados para Romantic idealism


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Uma transcrição musical consiste numa composição adaptada de uma obra original para outra instrumentação, que não a inicialmente definida pelo compositor. Nestas, o conteúdo original tende a permanecer o mais fiel possível (De Vente, 2005). A partir do século XIX esta prática tornou-se corrente e prolífica. Atualmente, o uso de transcrições é bastante comum, especialmente quando destinado a instrumentos musicais com uma história recente devido à sua falta de repertório canónico. Um instrumento característico deste último grupo é o saxofone para o qual se tem transcrito uma grande quantidade de obras com especial ênfase nos períodos barroco e romântico. Nesta monografia detalho uma abordagem metodológica à transcrição musical que visa expandir o repertório para saxofone para além dos períodos barroco e romântico, assim como instrumentações e desafios diversos no processo de adaptação tais como: adaptar obras polifónicas para um instrumento monofónico, transcrever gestos técnicos e específicos de um instrumento de corda e criar continuidades sonoras típicas do uso do pedal no piano no saxofone. O processo de transcrição descrito nesta monografia impõe uma metamorfose timbrica às obras originais e oferece ao ouvinte uma perspectiva diferente sobre o conteúdo musical assim como questiona conceitos de autenticidade e autoria. Quatro composições que seguem a atual proposta de transcrição são apresentadas e documentadas. De ressaltar a diversidade de escolhas do repertório transcrito em termos de estilo, e instrumentação que se traduzem num grande desafio na adaptação ao saxofone, entre estas: Dream, John Cage, Chaccone em Sol menor, Tomaso Vitali, Fratres, Arvo Pärt e o Inverno das Quatro Estações, Antonio Vivaldi.


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Compte rendu de la présentation de la pièce « Count Basil » de Joanna Baillie montée par la compagnie Horizon Theatre lors du Congrès 2004 de la North American society for the study of romanticism (NASSR).


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The nineteenth-century Romantic era saw the development and expansion of many vocal and instrumental forms that had originated in the Classical era. In particular, the German lied and French mélodie matured as art forms, and they found a kind of equilibrium between piano and vocal lines. Similarly, the nineteenth-century piano quartet came into its own as a form of true chamber music in which all instruments participated equally in the texture. Composers such as Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, and Gabriel Fauré offer particularly successful examples of both art song and piano quartets that represent these genres at their highest level of artistic complexity. Their works have become the cornerstones of the modern collaborative pianist’s repertoire. My dissertation explored both the art songs and the piano quartets of these three composers and studied the different skills needed by a pianist performing both types of works. This project included the following art song cycles: Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe, Gabriel Fauré’s Poème d’un Jour, and Johannes Brahms’ Zigeunerlieder. I also performed Schumann’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 47, Fauré’s Piano Quartet in C minor, Op. 15, and Brahms’ Piano Quartet in G minor, Op. 25. My collaborators included: Zachariah Matteson, violin and viola; Kristin Bakkegard, violin; Molly Jones, cello; Geoffrey Manyin, cello; Karl Mitze, viola; Emily Riggs, soprano, and Matthew Hill, tenor. This repertoire was presented over the course of three recitals on February 13, 2015, December 11, 2015, March 25, 2016 at the University of Maryland’s Gildenhorn Recital Hall. These recitals can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).


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Cette thèse propose l’émergence d’une poésie de l’entre deux dans la littérature expérimentale, en suivant ses développements du milieu du vingtième siècle jusqu'au début du vingt-et-unième. Cette notion d’entre-deux poétique se fonde sur une théorie du neutre (Barthes, Blanchot) comme ce qui se situe au delà ou entre l'opposition et la médiation. Le premier chapitre retrace le concept de monotonie dans la théorie esthétique depuis la période romantique où il est vu comme l'antithèse de la variabilité ou tension poétique, jusqu’à l’émergence de l’art conceptuel au vingtième siècle où il se déploie sans interruption. Ce chapitre examine alors la relation de la monotonie à la mélancolie à travers l’analyse de « The Anatomy of Monotony », poème de Wallace Stevens tiré du recueil Harmonium et l’œuvre poétique alphabet de Inger Christensen. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la réalisation d’une poésie de l’entre-deux à travers une analyse de quatre œuvres poétiques qui revisitent l’usage de l’index du livre paratextuel: l’index au long poème “A” de Louis Zukofsky, « Index to Shelley's Death » d’Alan Halsey qui apparait à la fin de l’oeuvre The Text of Shelley's Death, Cinema of the Present de Lisa Robertson, et l’oeuvre multimédia Via de Carolyn Bergvall. Le troisième chapitre retrace la politique de neutralité dans la théorie de la traduction. Face à la logique oppositionnelle de l’original contre la traduction, il propose hypothétiquement la réalisation d’une troisième texte ou « l’entre-deux », qui sert aussi à perturber les récits familiers de l’appropriation, l’absorption et l’assimilation qui effacent la différence du sujet de l’écrit. Il examine l’oeuvre hybride Secession with Insecession de Chus Pato et Erin Moure comme un exemple de poésie de l’entre-deux. A la fois pour Maurice Blanchot et Roland Barthes, le neutre représente un troisième terme potentiel qui défie le paradigme de la pensée oppositionnelle. Pour Blanchot, le neutre est la différence amenée au point de l’indifférence et de l’opacité de la transparence tandis que le désire de Barthes pour le neutre est une utopie lyrique qui se situe au-delà des contraintes de but et de marquage. La conclusion examine comment le neutre correspond au conditions de liberté gouvernant le principe de créativité de la poésie comme l’acte de faire sans intention ni raison.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as etapas do percurso artístico do compositor portuense Ciríaco de Cardoso (1846 – 1900) e os discursos em torno de uma das suas obras mais célebres: O burro do Sr. Alcaide (1891). No primeiro capítulo procurou-se identificar e discutir os critérios que estiveram na base das opções profissionais tomadas por Ciríaco. O decurso da sua carreira leva a crer que possuía uma noção profunda das atividades que, no espaço lusófono, apresentavam maior potencial de aquisição quer de capital económico, quer de capital simbólico. É por isso que, mobilizando recursos das suas redes de sociabilidade, circula por instituições no Porto e em Lisboa mas, também, pelo lucrativo mercado teatral do Rio de Janeiro, assim como em Paris. Concentra-se no popular teatro musical – principal fonte de sustento – em paralelo com a atividade concertística e operática – forma de distinção atendendo à competitividade no mercado musico-teatral. Percebe também que a maximização do seu poder simbólico depende da legitimação alcançada pela sua associação às elites socioculturais locais, pelo que fomenta o estabelecimento de sociabilidades que se estendem inclusive às casas reais portuguesa e brasileira. Paradoxalmente, as edes mais próximas de Ciríaco estavam vinculadas a um idealismo republicano, relacionamento que exponencial proliferação de discursos dessa índole pelos media lusófonos (sobretudo a partir do tricentenário camoniano de 1880) e, por outro, pela aparente inexistência de registos que associem inequivocamente o artista ao ativismo republicano. Não obstante, é provável que Ciríaco de Cardoso tenha explorado o filão antimonárquico na programação da temporada de 1891 do Teatro da Avenida. O segundo capítulo explora a produção de O burro do Sr. Alcaide, através da análise da sua estrutura e das relações da obra com a realidade portuguesa da última década do século XIX. Embora respeite o modelo da opereta francesa, apresenta também características que poderão levar a que seja interpretada como transmissora de uma portugalidade idealizada, em linha com o nacionalismo português do último quartel do século. A ação decorre em Lisboa, cenário de interação entre personagens-tipo e caricaturas de personalidades concretas da elite sociopolítica portuguesa. Através de referências ao sebastianismo, satiriza-se o comportamento dessas elites, assim como as instituições da monarquia constitucional e a prevalência de uma visão messiânica dos governantes por parte da sociedade em geral. Faz-se a apologia da ruralidade através de tópicos musicais e de quadros onde se constrói uma imagem da música tradicional, correspondendo a uma idealização da nação – notada e enfatizada na receção pela crítica. Utiliza também outros tópicos pertencentes à paisagem sonora do público burguês, completando a expressão da urbanidade de um país onde essas duas realidades não eram ainda completamente dissociáveis. Contudo, ao não propor alterações efetivas à hierarquia da sociedade portuguesa finissecular, o desfecho da obra leva a concluir que esta terá consistido numa forma de propaganda o que, por um lado, explica o seu mediatismo e, por outro, vincula os seus autores – mais ou menos conscientes disso – às lutas políticas em curso aquando do ano da sua estreia.


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In this dissertation I explore “The Woman Question” in the discourse of Iranian male authors. A pro-modernity group, they placed women’s issues at the heart of their discourse. This dissertation follows the trajectory of the representation of “The Woman Question” as it is reflected in the male discourse over the course of a century. It discusses the production of a literature that was anchored in the idea of reform and concerned itself with issues pertaining to women. These men challenged lifelong patriarchal notions such as veiling, polygamy, gender segregation, and arranged marriages, as well as traditional roles of women and gender relations. This study is defined under the rubrics of “The Woman Question” and “The New Woman,” which I have borrowed from the Victorian and Edwardian debates of similar issues as they provide clearer delineations. Drawing upon debates on sexuality, and gender, this dissertation illustrates the way these men championed women was both progressive and regressive. This study argues that the desire for women’s liberation was couched in male ideology of gender relations. It further illustrates that the advancement of “The Woman Question,” due to its continuous and yet gradual shifting concurrent with each author’s nuanced perception of women’s issues, went through discernible stages that I refer to as observation, causation, remedy, and confusion. The analytical framework for this project is anchored in the “why” and the “how” of the Iranian male authors’ writings on women in addition to “what” was written. This dissertation examines four narrative texts—two in prose and two in poetry—entitled: “Lankaran’s Vizier,” “The Black Shroud,” “‘Arefnameh,” and “Fetneh” written respectively by Akhundzadeh, ‘Eshqi, Iraj Mirza, and Dashti. Chapter one outlines the historical background, methodology, theoretical framework, and literature review. The following chapters examine, the advocacy for companionate marriage and romantic love, women and nationalistic cause, veiling and unveiling, and the emerging figure of the New Iranian Woman as morally depraved.


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La presente investigación muestra un acercamiento y estudio breve sobre la historia de la viola, evolución, importancia, características y géneros escritos para dicho instrumento. Este trabajo tiene además como objetivo realizar un análisis estructural de dos obras para viola. En el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha elegido partituras pertenecientes a dos períodos de la Historia de la Música: El Romántico (Sonata en Dm Mijaíl Glinka) y el Siglo XX y (Pasacaglia de Rebecca Clarke) puesto que tienen gran importancia por ser considerados como los periodos donde la viola toma mayor auge y relevancia. En particular, este análisis facilita la base y el sustento técnico-teórico necesario para el estudio y abordaje de las obras mencionadas. Además de lograr una proximidad a las exigencias planteadas por el compositor. Para la elaboración del proyecto se aplicaron métodos de la investigación científica del nivel teórico como: el analítico- sintético, inductivo- deductivo, el histórico lógico y del nivel empírico. La tesis cuenta con una introducción donde se presenta el diseño teórico y se explica la metodología utilizada; tres capítulos destinados al desarrollo de la investigación y un complemento donde se realiza una comparación con el enunciado de Pitágoras, conclusiones y recomendaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE: LA VIOLA, ANÁLISIS ESTRUCTURAL, ANÁLISIS INTERPRETATIVO, SONATA, PASACCAGLIA, FILOSOFÍA


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Despite a current emphasis in Romantic scholarship on intersubjectivity, this study suggests that we still have much to learn about how theories of intersubjectivity operate in Romantic-era writings that focus on the family—the most common vehicle for exploring relationships during the period. By investigating how sympathy, intimacy, and fidelity are treated in the works of Mary Hays, Felicia Hemans, and Mary Shelley, this dissertation discovers the presence of an “ethics of refusal” within women’s Romantic-era texts. Texts that promote an ethics of refusal, I argue, almost advocate for a particular mode of relating within a given model of the family as the key to more equitable social relations, but, then, they ultimately refuse to support any particular model. Although drawn towards models of relating that, at first, seem to offer explicit pathways towards a more ethical society, texts that promote an ethics of refusal ultimately reject any program of reform. Such rejection is not unaccountable, but stems from anxieties about appearing to dictate what is best for others when others are, in reality, other than the self. In this dissertation, I draw from feminist literary critiques that focus on ethics; genre-focused literary critiques; and studies of sympathy, intimacy, and fidelity that investigate modes of relating within the context of literary works and reader-textual relations. Psychoanalytic theory also plays an important role within my third chapter on Mary Shelley’s novel Falkner. Scholarship that investigates the dialectical nature of Romantic-era literature informs my entire project. Through theorizing and studying an ethics of refusal, we can more fully understand how intersubjective modes functioned in Romantic literature and discover a Romanticism uniquely committed to attempting to turn dialectical reasoning into a social practice.


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What the dissertation proposes is a reading of Romanticism through its symbols, through the elements that literally shape it and how they are repeated, transformed and reinterpreted according to their new environments; the thesis proposes a kind of semiotic, hermeneutic braid, to account for the evolution and literary influences of these symbols in America: a metaphorical corkscrew. It must be emphasized that this is, above all, an English dissertation and its main theme is British Romanticism, from its origins in the late eighteenth century. It́s not my intention to propose a thesis that exposes or discusses the Romantic Movement; that has been done already and, in some cases, quite unfortunately; but the fact is that the critical literature on the subject overflows the libraries. I do not care for a thesis that is limited to establish a relationship between the English Romantic movement and the movement in the United States or Latin American countries. Although it will be necessary to resort to certain philosophical approaches, I do not care pose a thesis that focuses on the philosophical Romanticism (such as the German one). Finally, I do not wish to propose a thesis that is dedicated to establish the implications of a political Romanticism as it was lived mainly in the Bolivarian countries...


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Relation-inferred self-efficacy (RISE), a relatively new concept, is defined as a target individual’s beliefs about how an observer, often a relationship partner, perceives the target’s ability to perform certain actions successfully. Along with self-efficacy (i.e., one’s beliefs about his or her own ability) and other-efficacy (i.e., one’s beliefs about his or her partner’s ability), RISE makes up a three part system of interrelated efficacy beliefs known as the relational efficacy model (Lent & Lopez, 2002). Previous research has shown this model to be helpful in understanding how relational dyads, including coach-athlete, advisor-advisee, and romantic partners, contribute to the development of self-efficacy beliefs. The clinical supervision dyad (i.e., supervisor-supervisee), is another context in which relational efficacy beliefs may play an important role. This study investigated the relationship between counseling self-efficacy, RISE, and other-efficacy within the context of clinical supervision. Specifically, it examined whether supervisee perceptions about how their supervisor sees their counseling ability (RISE) related to how supervisees see their own counseling ability (counseling self-efficacy), and what moderates this relationship. The study also sought to discover the degree to which RISE mediated the relationship between supervisor working alliance and counseling self-efficacy. Data were collected from 240 graduate students who were currently enrolled in counseling related fields, working with at least one client, and receiving regular supervision. Results demonstrated that years of experience and RISE predicted counseling self-efficacy and that the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy was, as expected, moderated by other-efficacy. Contrary to expectations, however, counseling experience and level of client difficulty did not moderate the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy. These findings suggest that the relationship between RISE and counseling self-efficacy was stronger when supervisees saw their supervisors as capable therapists. Furthermore, RISE was found to fully mediate the relationship between supervisor working alliance and counseling self-efficacy. Future research directions and implications for training and supervision are discussed.


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O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o quanto o chamado idealismo italiano de Croce e Gentile é, em verdade, dependente da concepção religiosa italiana. Para tanto, nos deteremos, na primeira parte do nosso trabalho, principalmente numa análise das teses de Maurizio Viroli. Já no segundo parte do nosso artigo nos deteremos na análise dessa temática dentro do conceito de religião da liberdade em Croce. Assim, após tal inventário, teceremos nossas conclusões. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Antropologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, 2016.


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Este estudo debruça-se sobre as experiências relacionais na infância, com as figuras significativas, dimensões e estilos de vinculação amorosa no adulto, de acordo com a Teoria das Relações de Objeto e a Teoria da Vinculação. Participaram 187 estudantes da Universidade de Évora, 109 mulheres e 78 homens. As idades variaram entre os 18 e os 43 anos (M= 22,82; DP= 4,20). Aplicou-se o Protocolo de Avaliação dos Marcadores do Desenvolvimento na Psicopatologia (PAMaDeP, Soares, Rangel-Henriques, Neves e Pinho, 1999) e a versão portuguesa (Ramos, Leal & Maroco, 2006) do Parental Bonding lnstrument (PBI) referente às experiências na infância. Para avaliar a vinculação amorosa foi usada a versão portuguesa (Fonseca, Martins, Soares, Carvalho, Tereno e Carvalho, 2005) do Reciprocai Attachment Questionnaire, (RAQ) e do Loving and Working (L&W, Fonseca, Soares & Martins, 2006). Os resultados são discutidos de um ponto de vista desenvolvimentista, particularmente segundo a perspetiva da Teoria da Vinculação. ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the relational experiences in childhood, with significant figures, dimensions and styles of romantic attachment in adults, according with Object Relations Theory and Attachment Theory Teoria da Vinculação. 187 students from Universidade de Évora had participate, 109 women and 78 men. Ages are ranged from 18 to 43 years (M=22,82; DP=4,20). We used the Protocolo de Avaliação dos Marcadores do Desenvolvimento na Psicopatologia (PAMaDeP, Soares, Rangel-Henriques, Neves e Pinho, 1999) and the Portuguese version (Ramos, Leal & Maroco, 2006) of the Parental Bonding lnstrument (PBI) for the childhood experiments. ln order to avaliate the romantic attachment used the Portuguese version (Fonseca, Martins, Soares, Carvalho, Tereno, e Carvalho, 2005) from the Reciprocal Attachment Questionnaire (RAQ) and from Loving and Working (L&W, Fonseca, Soares & Martins, 2006). The results are discussed from a developmental point of view, particularly from the perspective of Attachment Theory.


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This dissertation analyses, through a theoretical framework and a critical approach, letters of Cuban writers Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and Juana Borrero. While love letters have captured the interest of some scholars, such as Claudio Guillén, Cintio Vitier and Alexander Roselló Selimov, the conflict that the analysis of non-literary texts poses has prevented further research in this field. Therefore, I propose a systematic method of analysis encompassing but not limited to evaluating letters based on their purpose, intent, interpretation, and temporal and spatial composition; analyzing the perspective and function of epistolary entities, and examining the textual signs that distinguish the epistolary forms from the literary forms. With this analytical tool, I examine a selection of letters of Gómez de Avellaneda and demonstrate that the writer displaces her identify from the autobiographic self to the epistolary self, in order to manipulate the perspective of her addressee. Caught between the Neoclassical way of thinking and the Romantic aesthetics, her assertive discourse, also reflected in her epistolary work, contributed to the incursion of women writers into the social and professional life of the nineteen century. Following the same method of investigation, an analysis of letters written by Borrero proves that, by building a world of delusion, hallucination and fantasy the writer brings to prose what first generation of female modernistas had done in poetry. In both cases, my focus is on the strategies that turn these letters into instruments of power, process that transformed the love-letter paradigm and forever renovated the women epistolary genre. This dissertation further explores the possibility of initiating a cycle in the study of personal letters to uncover a forgotten genre, mission that might build a bridge to embrace the new forms of written communication that scholars have already begun to explore in contemporary literature.


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OF TAFFETA AND SOIL is a collection of poetry unified through images of Argentinean and Floridian soil, flora, and fauna, and by themes of geographic and emotional dislocation, memory, and the quest for home. These images are brought forth in lyrical poems that question the growth and settling of a romantic partnership, domestic turmoil and resolution, and the constant tension between self and community. Mostly written in free verse, the collection also utilizes forms such as prose poem, haiku, and sonnet, for more formal unity. Section one chronicles and explores a romantic relationship through attraction, passion, disappointment, and self-awareness. Section two is a long poem that centers on the speaker’s continuous struggle to come to terms with her present adult life while still remembering and idealizing a homeland. Finally, the collection ends with two sections that work toward self-acceptance, forgiveness, and evolution via community, family, travel and nature.