691 resultados para Romantic Relationships
his paper bridges the gap between the buyer-supplier literature and the definition of competitive advantage as value creation found in the strategic management literature. This study proposes and tests an integrative definition of the relational value that is created and appropriated in a dyad
Romantic love constitutes a central value in the social imaginary of modern societies and with reflexes in today s society. This is because the romantic expectation of realization of love appears, in the majority of cases, as a guarantee of completeness and happiness of individuals. However, the ideal of romantic love imposes a series of demands and character roles that are not easy, in modern age, to be brought about into practice by the ones in love. And, it is in this sense that possible conflicts appear between the romantic proposition and the practical reality of contemporary love. Consequently, the possibility of suffering from love emerges because of these propositions. Initiating from these presumptions, this paper aims to study the contemporary forms of representation and expression of love and of the suffering because of love, through the course of love in the life of some men and women, residents of Natal/RN, that live and/or have lived emotional-sexual relationships, observing the relationship that can be established between suffering from love and the ideal romantic love
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Maize seeds developed at different portions of the ear of two hybrids (one, a large seeded, and the other a small seeded hybrid) were compared as to physical positions, morphological, and physiological characteristics viewing to gain information to be used during seed conditioning. The number of positions in the ear were 10, starting at the proximal and ending at the distal end. For the sake of simplification, the data were combined to refer to seeds of the proximal, the central and the distal sectors of an ear. Measurements made of the seeds as to shape (length, width, and thickness) and as to size (1,000 seeds weight) indicated that the round seeds growing at the distal sector are significantly smaller (mainly when thickness is considered) and lighter than those growing at the proximal sector. on the other hand, determinations of the physiological quality indicated that the round-proximal and the central seeds are equivalent and both significantly superior to the round-distal ones, Considering these significant differences as to size, shape, and physiological quality, a proposition of suppressing part of the round-distal from the totallity of the round seeds during the operations of seed conditioning is made.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dados de 79.884 animais da raça Nelore foram utilizados para estimar parâmetros genéticos e avaliar as relações entre os escores de conformação, precocidade e musculatura obtidos à desmama e ao sobreano e o peso das fêmeas à idade adulta. Utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita, em análise multicaracterísticas, com modelo que incluiu os efeitos genéticos aditivos direto e residual, como aleatórios, e os efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e, como covariáveis, a idade do animal à pesagem e a idade da mãe ao parto (exceto para o peso das fêmeas à idade adulta). Os grupos contemporâneos à desmama foram definidos pelas variáveis: sexo, rebanho, ano e mês de nascimento, grupo de manejo ao nascimento e à desmama. Na definição de grupo contemporâneo ao sobreano também foi incluída a variável grupo de manejo ao sobreano. Para o peso das fêmeas à idade adulta, o grupo de contemporâneos foi composto por rebanho, ano de nascimento, grupo de manejo ao sobreano, ano e estação da pesagem. Os efeitos genético materno e de ambiente permanente materno também foram incluídos no modelo para análise dos escores de conformação, precocidade e musculatura à desmama. As estimativas de herdabilidade direta obtidas foram 0,18 ± 0,02 para o escore de conformação; 0,21 ± 0,01 para o escore de precocidade; 0,22 ± 0,01 para o escore de musculatura à desmama e 0,24 ± 0,01 para o escore de conformação; 0,27 ± 0,01 para o escore de precocidade; e 0,26 ± 0,01 para o escore de musculatura ao sobreano e 0,42 ± 0,02 para o peso das fêmeas à idade adulta. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre os escores visuais medidos à desmama e ao sobreano foram positivas, variando de média a alta magnitude (0,56 ± 0,03 a 0,85 ± 0,01). Por outro lado, as correlações genéticas estimadas entre os escores visuais e o peso das fêmeas à idade adulta foram positivas e moderadas, variando de 0,21 ± 0,03 a 0,35 ± 0,03. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a seleção de animais com maiores escores visuais, principalmente ao sobreano, deve promover aumento do peso das fêmeas à idade adulta.
The objectives of the current study were to investigate the additive genetic associations between heifer pregnancy at 16 months of age (HP16) and age at first calving (AFC) with weight gain from birth to weaning (WG), yearling weight (YW) and mature weight (MW), in order to verify the possibility of using the traits measured directly in females as selection criteria for the genetic improvement of sexual precocity in Nelore cattle. (Co)variance components were estimated by Bayesian inference using a linear animal model for AFC, WG, YW and MW and a nonlinear (threshold) animal model for HP16. The posterior means of direct heritability estimates were: 0.45 +/- 0.02; 0.10 +/- 0.01; 023 +/- 0.02; 0.36 +/- 0.01 and 0.39 +/- 0.04, for HP16, AFC, WG, YW and MW, respectively. Maternal heritability estimate for WG was 0.07 +/- 0.01. Genetic correlations estimated between HP16 and WG, YW and MW were 0.19 +/- 0.04; 0.25 +/- 0.06 and 0.14 +/- 0.05, respectively. The genetic correlations of AFC with WG, YW and MW were low to moderate and negative, with values of -0.18 +/- 0.06; -0.22 +/- 0.05 and -0.12 +/- 0.05, respectively. The high heritability estimated for HP16 suggests that this trait seem to be a better selection criterion for females sexual precocity than AFC. Long-term selection for animals that are heavier at young ages tends to improve the heifers sexual precocity evaluated by HP16 or AFC. Predicted breeding values for HP16 can be used to select bulls and it can lead to an improvement in sexual precocity. The inclusion of HP16 in a selection index will result in small or no response for females mature weight. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High amylose cross-linked to different degrees with sodium trimetaphosphate by varying base strength (2% or 4%) and contact time (0.5-4 h) was evaluated as non-compacted systems for sodium diclophenac controlled release. The physical properties and the performance of these products for sodium diclophenac controlled release from non-compacted systems were related to the structures generated at each cross-linking degree. For samples at 2% until 2 h the swelling ability, G' and eta* values increased with the cross-linking degree, because the longer polymer chains became progressively more entangled and linked. This increases water uptake and holding, favoring the swelling and resulting in systems with higher viscosities. Additionally, the increase of cross-linking degree should contribute for a more elastic structure. The shorter chains with more inter-linkages formed at higher cross-linking degrees (2%4h and 4%) make water caption and holding difficult, decreasing the swelling, viscosity and elasticity. For 2% samples, the longer drug release time exhibited for 2%4h sample indicates that the increase of swelling and viscosity contribute for a more sustained drug release, but the mesh size of the polymeric network seems to be determinant for the attachment of drug molecules. For the 4% samples, smaller meshes size should determine less sustained release of drug. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mate choice is a component of sexual selection. Trying to understand the patterns of this process, several studies have emphasized the adaptive value of sexual differences and their influence on the assessment of the market value. The pattern for adults presented on the scientific literature, which is based on the preference for certain characteristics, shows that men search a partner who shows high value of fecundity and fertility, thus looking for partners with the ability of being pregnant and nursing their offspring. On the other hand, women look for partners with high socioeconomic status, which is strongly associated with the ability to protect and provide resources for them and their offspring. Surprisingly, there is few works that investigated the mate choice patterns during the beginning of the period of sexual differentiation on the morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. The aim of this study was to investigate mate choice patterns in adolescence in order to describe their preferences and contribute to the understanding of human reproductive behavior. Took part of this research 1,232 students from educational institutions of Natal, Brazil, and visitors to the Scientific, Technological and Cultural Fair UFRN. In the Experimental Study 1, we applied a questionnaire to evaluate the importance of certain characteristics, assessed the degree of romantic involvement and real and ideal partners age preference. In the Experimental Study 2, we did a survey of characteristics considered relevant and evaluate the importance of these characteristics in mate choice. The Experimental Study 3 brought an investigation of mate choice patterns based on self-assessment of adolescents, evaluating ideal partner for a short-term and long-term relationships and actual partner. We found that adolescents are motivated to live romantic experiences. We also observed a preference for partners of similar age to that described for adults. Finally, we found similarities and differences in the preferences for characteristics in real and ideal partners in relation to the adult pattern. In addition, we observed high similarity on the self-assessment and assessment of real and ideal partners. We suggest that in the mate choice, adolescents are similar to young adults in some aspects but not all. Our results show the relevance of the reproductive behavior investigation in this human developmental period and reinforce that further studies should contribute to the understanding of human behavior in terms of ontogenetic development and their evolutionary history.
Several studies have found different patterns of preferences to men and women for short term and long term relationship romantic partners. It is known that the preferences vary with the sex of individuals, the expected involvement level of the relationship and according to the perceptions that subjects have about themselves. In the present study, we investigate whether the preferences typically founded for sexes are also founded between Brazilian undergraduate students. We also investigated if the individuals choose partners in accord of the sex preferences and if the ideal preferences are really expressed in real choices. For these investigations, 370 undergraduate students described profiles of an ideal partner for a short-term and a long-term relationship, through the joint evaluation of nine characteristics. Each ideal s profile has been described over three simulations, in which the amount of points available to be invested were limited and gradually reduced. After the descriptions of these profiles, the participants described the current or previous partner (if they were not in a relationship) and performed a self-assessment with the same characteristics used in the description of preferences. Overall, the results obtained in several countries were observed in Brazil. For short-term relationships men prioritize physical attributes and women value physical and personal attributes. For long-term, personal traits gained in importance on masculine preferences and women emphasized personal traits and the partner disposition to acquire resources. We also identified similar preferences profiles for both sexes and that the romantic preferences reflect similarities with the own individual s characteristics, in addition to the typical sexual preferences expected for the Parental Investment Theory. When evaluated their real partners, men considerate them more physically attractive than themselves but less intelligent, good humorous and ambi tion/willing to work. Women, in turn, described their partners as good as them. Finally, we observed equivalence between characteristics of the subjects and those of its partners, this effect being more pronounced among men. The last partners were described only as less sincere. The interpretation of the most part of our results was possible from evolutionist s and socio-cultural s explanations and was discussed under the two perspectives. We conclude this study stressing that the traditional romantic preferences occur in Brazil and that the sex, the kind of relationship and the vision that people have about their own characteristics affect the preferences, which are expressed in the real partner choices
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is believed to dispose carriers to gastric cancer by inducing chronic inflammation. The inflammatory processes may result in the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that damage DNA. In this study, we investigated the relationships between DNA damage in the gastric mucosa and cogA, vocA, and iceA genotypes of H. pylori. The study was conducted with biopsies from the gastric antrum and corpus of 98 H. pylori-infected and 26 uninfected control patients. H. pylori genotypes were determined by PCR and DNA damage was measured in gastric mucosal cells by the Comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis). All patients were nonsmokers, not abusing alcohol, and not using prescription or recreational drugs. Levels of DNA damage were significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in the H. pylori-infected patients than in uninfected patients. In comparison with the level of DNA damage in the uninfected controls, the extent of DNA damage in both the antrum (OR = 8.45; 95% Cl 2.33-37.72) and the corpus (OR 6.55; 95% Cl 2.52-17.72) was related to infection by cagA(+)/vocAs1m1 and iceA1 strains. The results indicate that the genotype of H. pylori is related to the amount of DNA damage in the gastric mucosa. These genotypes could serve as biomarkers for the risk of extensive DNA damage and possibly gastric cancer. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.