975 resultados para Reservas de divisas
Petroleum is a complex combination of various classes of hydrocarbons, with paraffinic, naphtenic and aromatic compounds being those more commonly found in its composition. The recent changes in the world scenario, the large reserves of heavy oils and also the lack of new discoveries of large petroleum fields are indications that, in the near future, the oil recovery by conventional methods will be limited. In order to increase the efficiency of the extraction process, enhanced recovery methods are cited in applications where conventional techniques have proven to be little effective. The injection of surfactant solutions as an enhanced recovery method is advantageous in that surfactants are able to reduce the interfacial tensions between water and oil, thus augmenting the displacement efficiency and, as a consequence, increasing the recovery factor. This work aims to investigate the effects of some parameters that influence the surfactant behavior in solution, namely the type of surfactant, the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the surface and interface tensions between fluids. Seawater solutions containing the surfactants PAN, PHN and PJN have been prepared for presenting lower interfacial tensions with petroleum and higher stability under increasing temperature and salinity. They were examined in an experimental apparatus designed to assess the recovery factor. Botucatu (Brazil) sandstone plug samples were submitted to assay steps comprising saturation with seawater and petroleum, conventional recovery with seawater and enhanced recovery with surfactant solutions. The plugs had porosity between 29.6 and 32.0%, with average effective permeability to water of 83 mD. The PJN surfactant, at a concentration 1000% above CMC in water, had a higher recovery factor, causing the original oil in place to be recovered by an extra 20.97%, after conventional recovery with seawater
With the increasing industrialization of the planet caused by globalization, it has become increasingly common to search for highly resistant and durable materials for many diverse branches of activities. Thus, production and demand for materials that meet these requirements have constantly increased with time. In view of this, stainless steel is presented as one of the materials which are suitable applications, due to many features that are interesting for several segments of the industry. Concerns of oil companies over heavy oil reservoirs have grown steadily for the last decades. Rheological properties of these oils impair their transport in conventional flow systems. This problem has created the need to develop technologies to improve flow and transport, reducing operation costs so as to enable oil production in the reservoir. Therefore, surfactant-based chemical systems are proposed to optimize transport conditions, effected by reduction of interfacial tensions, thereby enhancing the flow of oil in ducts and reducing load losses by friction. In order to examine such interactions, a study on the wettability of metallic surfaces has been undertaken, represented by measuring of contact angle of surfactant solutions onto flat plates of 304 stainless steel. Aqueous solutions of KCl, surfactants and mixtures of surfactants, with linear and aromatic hydrocarbon chain and ethoxylation degrees ranging between 20 to 100, have been tested. The wettability was assessed by means of a DSA 100 krüss goniometer. The influence of roughness on the wettability was also investigated by machining and polished the stainless steel plates with sandpapers of references ranging between 100 of 1200. The results showed that sanding and polishing plates result in decrease of wettability. As for the solutions, they have provided better wettability of the stainless steel than the KCl solutions tested. It was also been concluded that surfactant mixtures is an option to be considered, since they promote interactions that generate satisfactory contact angles for a good wettability on the stainless steel plate. Another conclusion refers to the influence of the ethoxylation degree of the nonionic surfactant molecules on wettability. It has been observed that contact angles decrease with decreasing ethoxylation degrees. This leads us to conclude that molecules with higher ethoxylation degree, being more hydrophobic, decrease the interaction of water with the ducts, thereby reducing friction and improving the flow
The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the Macro System of Regional Water Distribution Natal North (RNN) and Southern Regional Natal (RNS), covering 35% and 65% respectively of the Natal-RN City. The terms of the quality and quantity of water (surface and groundwater) were also evaluated in order to adjust the parameters that contribute to proper distribution and control in water reserves. The methodology of the work took place from collecting volumetric data of production capacity and distribution of the two treatment plants for Regional as well as the flow rates of wells. Yet the quantitative capacity of reservation, distribution and consumption of the main reservoirs, population numbers and consumption of members neighborhoods were collected. Data were tabulated and used in computational simulator EPANET to diagnose possible through the water balance, the offers and demands on the water supply system in the neighborhoods of the capital, linking them to specific distribution points. We also evaluated the wells in the levels of nitrate in water consumed. As a result it was found that some neighborhoods in the South Regional Natal, was ranked as critical supply situation: City of Hope, Lagoa Nova and Nova Descoberta, where demand exceeds supply. While in most Northern Regional Natal present deficiency in the supply system as: Lagoa Azul, the Parque dos Coqueiros, igapó, Amarante and Salinas. The rates of nitrate in the city were significant, but manageable with corrective and preventive measures. The averages were 12 mg /l-N in Candelária, 10 mg/l-N in Lagoa Nova, 9 mg/l-N in Satelite, 20 mg/l-N in Gramore and 15 mg/l-N in N. Sra. Apresentação. Therefore proper distribution of water abstracted and implementation of quality control ensures the supply required by the system, associated with preservation of Water Resources of the Metropolitan Region of Natal
The frailty in the elderly is characterized by decreased physiological reserves, and is associated with increased risk of disability and high vulnerability to morbidity and mortality. This study is part of a multicentric project on Frailty in Elderly Brazilians (REDE FIBRA). Aims: to investigate characteristics, prevalence and associated factors related to frailty. Metodology: We interviewed 391 elderly patients aged 65 years, selected randomly. Data collection was performed using a multidimensional questionnaire containing information about socio-demographic and clinical variables. To characterize the frail elderly, was considered the phenotype proposed by Fried. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis (χ ²) and binary logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of frailty was 17.1%. In the final model of multivariate analysis, was obtained as factors associated with frailty: advanced chronological age (p <0.001), have comorbidity (p <0.035), show dependence on performing basic activities of daily living (p <0.010) and instrumental (p <0.003) and have poor perception of health status (p <0030). Conclusions: The factors associated with frailty suggest a predictive model helping to understand the syndrome, guiding actions that minimize adverse effects on the aging process
Comportamentos socialmente habilidosos promovem o desenvolvimento, ao passo que problemas de comportamento dificultam o acesso a novas contingências de reforçamento, facilitadoras da aquisição de repertórios de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa investiga avaliações maternas de repertórios socialmente desejados e indesejados de crianças que, segundo o professor, apresentam problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães de 24 crianças indicadas pelo professor como tendo problemas de comportamento e mães de 24 crianças indicadas como tendo comportamentos socialmente desejados. O Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Desejados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter foram aplicados nas residências das participantes. Os resultados indicaram mais problemas de comportamento externalizante no grupo previamente indicado como tendo problemas; os grupos não diferiram quanto a comportamentos desejados. em ambos os grupos, as crianças obtiveram altos escores de comportamentos socialmente desejados, apontando reservas comportamentais. Também em ambos foram identificadas crianças que poderiam ser beneficiadas com programas para a promoção de interações sociais mais equilibradas, prevenindo problemas de comportamento.
A inserção das crianças de zero a 18 meses em creches poderá estimular o seu desenvolvimento motor e perceptocognitivo, podendo essa fase ser considerada a primeira da educação inclusiva. Objetivou-se verificar as concepções das profissionais do berçário relativas à inserção da criança com necessidades especiais na rotina de atividades desenvolvidas. Foram entrevistadas sete berçaristas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Bauru. Os dados, organizados segundo categorias analíticas: conceitos relativos ao processo de inclusão, benefícios para a criança e diferenças entre as crianças nessa faixa etária, foram submetidos à análise qualitativa. Os resultados mostraram que a inclusão de crianças com necessidades especiais é vista com reservas, explicitando ideias preconcebidas sobre a deficiência. Eles se justificam pela falta de conhecimento do desenvolvimento infantil e dos fatores que o envolvem, bem como pelo fato de os profissionais vincularem suas atividades às experiências pessoais.
The current environmental crisis demands transformations in the relations among society, nature and development, considering sustainability. In this context, an important theme is replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Moringa oleifera Lam. is a species that can be used as a raw material to produce biodiesel. Besides, it is a multiple purposes plant, which can be used also in water treatment. Thus, the aims of this work were to analyze the anatomical adaptations found in the stem and in the leaf and the seed s oil stores of M. oleifera., to investigate chemical characteristics of M. oleifera s seed oil, considering biodiesel production, and to evaluate the coagulation activity of these seeds in water treatment. Semipermanent histological laminas were made and it follows that the stem has thick cuticle, stomata whose cells guard are below the epidermis line, hollow medulla, druses and tector trichomes as adaptations to climate and soil conditions in which the species is found and the leaf is dorsiventral and it has thick cuticle, tector trichomes and druses. The seed has great reserves of oil. These features favor the use of Moringa oleifera Lam. as a raw material to produce biodiesel in Brazil s Northeast semiarid region. Chemical analysis were made through oil solvent extraction using mechanic stirrer. The oil was analyzed in UV spectrophotometer. A transesterification was made and biodiesel was analyzed in gas chromatography. Oil yield was high and good quality biodiesel was obtained. To evaluate seeds coagulantion activity, coagulation and flocculation essays in jartest were made, using seed extract to treat raw water. Seeds were efficient in cogulation process to treat water. So, they can be used in rudimentary systems or as a raw material to coagulant proteins extraction, as an alternative to traditional coagulants. M. oleifera has characteristics that favor its use to biodiesel production and water treatment
The creation of Extractive Reserves (RESEX s) emerges from the resistence movement of the forest people and represents an alternative administration of the naturel resources in the from of Conservation Units (UC). From the institutional point of view the RESEX s are UC s of direct use belong of the Brazilian State, which concedes the right of use to resident families through a legal concession, uhich in based an the principle of coadministration between state and community. The use of these areas is based on the paradigm of sustainable development. In the Extractive Reserve of Rio Cajari over time there has been an experience of confliting interests between the big capital and the local population, which led to noticiable changes of lifestyle of the rural extrativist. In this sense the essay Extractive Reserve of Rio Cajari: various aspects of land use and awnership in southem Amapa , wants to analyse the nuances in which the land grabbing happened and how it affected the day to day of life its in habitants
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da glutamina no turnover do carbono do tecido adiposo de leitões. Quarenta leitões foram desmamados aos 21 dias e distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em dois tratamentos: T1, dieta de plantas C3, sem suplementação de glutamina; e T2, dieta de plantas C3, suplementada com 1% de glutamina. Nos dias 0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 29 e 46 pós-desmame, dois leitões por tratamento foram abatidos; amostras de tecido adiposo foram coletadas e analisadas quanto à composição isotópica, e foi mensurada a substituição do carbono em função do tempo. Na primeira semana pós-desmame, não houve alteração dos valores isotópicos, pois os animais nessa fase usam suas reservas corporais de gordura. Após esse período, o tecido adiposo começou a incorporar o sinal isotópico da ração, o que indica início da deposição de gordura corporal. Nos animais que se alimentaram com suplemento de glutamina, a incorporação do carbono da ração no tecido adiposo foi mais rápida. As reservas de gordura corporal, adquiridas durante o aleitamento, exercem importante papel na manutenção dos animais por aproximadamente uma semana pós-desmame, e a glutamina auxilia na retomada de deposição de gordura corporal após esse período.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
É apresentada uma análise dos possíveis impactos que a diminuição da vegetação nativa, notadamente das florestas ripárias, pode causar sobre a ictiofauna. Três conjuntos de aspectos funcionais primordiais desempenhados pelas florestas ripárias são discutidos: transferência de energia solar ao ambiente aquático, interceptação de nutrientes e sedimentos que adentram nos rios e trocas de material orgânico entre o sistema terrestre e aquático. Conclui-se que qualquer alteração que se traduza em mais perdas de vegetação nativa, seja em áreas de preservação permanente ou em reservas legais, pode gerar perdas de espécies, homogeneização faunística e diminuição de biomassa íctica.
El desarrollo acelerado del polo cerámico de Santa Gertrudes (provincia de São Paulo) en la década de 90, fue causado principalmente por la localización privilegiada de la materia prima asociada al desarrollo tecnológico, las grandes reservas, el acceso fácil por autopistas que facilitan la distribución de los productos y la proximidad de los grandes centros consumidores. Este desarrollo facilitó que este Polo tuviera un boom en el inicio de 2007 en la fase de madurez con una producción de 367 millones de metros cuadrados, transformándose así en el mayor polo cerámico de las Américas. de acuerdo con los estudios geológicos realizados en este trabajo, las rocas de la Formación Corumbataí, origen de la materia prima usada en el polo cerámico, fueron clasificadas en cinco litofacies: maciza, laminada, intercalada I, intercalada II y alterada. Estas litofacies, por sus características mineralógicas y químicas, fueron consideradas arcillas illíticas con porcentaje medio de fundentes. Tomando como referencia las Normas para baldosas cerámicas, las características cerámicas obtenidas en el laboratorio demostraron que la mayoría de la materia prima es compatible con el grupo BIIb (Absorción de agua entre 6 y 10%).