839 resultados para Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Rio Negro - AM


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This study aims to assess the evolution of the environmental debate, starting by the contextualization of its first appearance, and perform a theoretical and methodological analysis of its ramifications, especially regarding the two main lines of thought in economics: environmental economics and ecological economics. Once confirmed the incompatibility of economic growth per se with the environmental limits, the degrowth proposal will be presented, its theoretical basis and especially the means by which its creators aim to promote a economic, politic and social restructuring. Finally, the challenges regarding the degrowth implementation on both the developed Northern economies and the third-world or emerging Southern countries will be exposed


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From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air


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O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a ascensão da China nos últimos anos e o impacto ambiental gerado por esse processo. Tal análise abordou os conceitos de desenvolvimento e desenvolvimento sustentável desde sua origem até a atualidade. Com foco no país objeto deste trabalho foram apresentadas as suas fontes de crescimento através de um panorama histórico-econômico e dados econômicos do período estudado de 1978 até 2012. Além disso, foi abordado de que maneira o processo acelerado de crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico do país afetou o meio ambiente, como resultado do processo de industrialização, das políticas de abertura a investimentos estrangeiros, entre outros fatores. Outra análise de destaque deste trabalho é o sobre o tamanho da população do país, sua demanda energética e indicadores ambientais que mostram a situação da China no que diz respeito ao meio ambiente e sustentabilidade. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta medidas e políticas propostas e adotadas pelo governo para proteger o meio ambiente e torná-lo sustentável. Verificou-se que o crescimento chinês esteve associado a forte poluição e degradação ambiental


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Beekeeping is recognized as promoter of assumptions and dimensions of sustainable development, supported by the triple bottle line – economic viability, social relevance and environmental prudence. Historically, it is strongly related with the central state of São Paulo. This work has as main objective to identify the profile of beekeeping in the this region, based on four municipalities (Araraquara, Descalvado, Rio Claro and São Carlos) in order to determine the main difficulties faced by beekeepersfor the sustainable development, pointing alternative interventions able to soften the effects of difficulties. It was used two different and complementary methodological strategies. The first one was a search with the databases (SEADE and IBGE) to obtain secondary data and quantitative regarding beekeeping in the region. The second one, it wasthrough field research with the beekeepers. The survey found that beekeeping in the region, presents an essentially familial and hereditary. Was also noticed the damage caused in the production, by limiting access to the region’s bee pastures and use of pesticides. In processing, it was found the extremely precarious conditions. At the institutional level, it was found the relative weakness of the beekeepers cooperatives, and the lack of support from local governments to consolidate activity.


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The territorial approach of development took an important place in the public politics of the State, also guiding the actions originated from different organizations of the society. The territorial focus, infl uenced by the analysis related to the industrial districts, is highlighted as a specifi c form to dealing with process and situations spatially delimited. In Brazil, the Secretary of Territorial Development, linked to the Ministry of Agrarian Development, since 2003, has adopted it strategically through the Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT). In 2008, had occurs the implantation of the Programa Territórios da Cidadania, a part of the PRONAT and of the rural development politic directed to the dynamization of the depressed territories constituted by small counties that cover rural and urban areas and activities, overcoming the focus on the rural world. The analysis of the assumptions underlying to the adoption of this strategy on the politic of the rural development in Brazil made through the study of the constitution of the Território Integração Norte Pioneiro (PR), which indicates that the focus of this politic falls more on the effectiveness of the decentralization than the concretization, and implementation, of the social management.


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In this article we present the plants used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has important biological and cultural diversities including more than twenty indigenous ethnic groups and a strong history in traditional medicine. The aims of this study are to survey information in the Baniwa, Baré, Desana, Piratapuia, Tariana, Tukano, Tuyuca, Yanomami ethnic communities and among caboclos (mixed-ethnicity) on: a) plant species used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms; b) dosage forms and c) distribution of these anti-malarial plants in the Amazon. Information was obtained through classical ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological methods from interviews with 146 informants in Santa Isabel municipality on the upper Negro River, Brazil. Fifty-five mainly native neotropical plant species from 34 families were in use. The detailed uses of these plants were documented. The result was 187 records (64.4%) of plants for the specific treatment of malaria, 51 records (17.5%) of plants used in the treatment of liver problems and 28 records (9.6%) of plants used in the control of fevers associated with malaria. Other uses described were blood fortification ('dar sangue'), headache and prophylaxis. Most of the therapeutic preparations were decoctions and infusions based on stem bark, root bark and leaves. These were administered by mouth. In some cases, remedies were prepared with up to three different plant species. Also, plants were used together with other ingredients such as insects, mammals, gunpowder and milk. This is the first study on the anti-malarial plants from this region of the Amazon. Aspidosperma spp. and Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke were the most cited species in the communities surveyed. These species have experimental proof supporting their anti-malarial efficacy. The dosage of the therapeutic preparations depends on the kind of plant, quantity of plant material available, the patient's age (children and adults) and the local expert. The treatment time varies from a single dose to up to several weeks. Most anti-malarial plants are domesticated or grow spontaneously. They are grown in home gardens, open areas near the communities, clearings and secondary forests, and wild species grow in areas of seasonally flooded wetlands and terra firme (solid ground) forest, in some cases in locations that are hard to access. Traditional knowledge of plants was found to be falling into disuse presumably as a consequence of the local official health services that treat malaria in the communities using commercial drugs. Despite this, some species are used in the prevention of this disease and also in the recovery after using conventional anti-malarial drugs.


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Due to the huge impact negative on the environmental caused by the civil construction, the university plays a majorital role in the proposal of studies and projects that aim the sustainable building. Nowadays, it has been noted the great demand for projects which contain a systemic focus in the tripod of the sustainable development, that is to say, more and more the consumers are demanding that the final result of a project contemplate the social, economic and environmental areas. According to the National Industry Confederation (CNI) and the Brazilian Chamber of the Industry and the Construction (CBIS), the goal for 2020 is that the constructions have an environmental performance 20% higher in comparison to the actual one, starting with an index defined by many indicators, such as: water consumption, energy, residues generation and social-environmental performance of the bought products. In this case, the theme of the project comes around the adequation of scholar institutions to the sustainable construction through simple changes of tecnologies and habits aiming the growth of the environmental eficiency of the enterprise and, consequently, the improve of sustainable practices inside the institution. Once the change is proposed, it will be furnished datas liable of reproduction for the adequation of others scholar institutions, according to it's necessity or interest. After the realization of the studies, it was possible to notice that the environmental performance of a scholar institution can be improved through the implantation of tecnologies of fast return in the investment, such as: flow reducers, rain water reuse system, green roof, retrofit of lamps and execution of a photovoltaic system. Besides the fast return of investment, the monthly economy of the applied tecnologies combined can reach 75% when compared to the actual spending with water and electric energy


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Planning and sustainable management of water resources require actions that focuses on life quality, recovery and preservation of natural resources. As such, a municipality must have tools which empower the government with the right to exercise such actions, for example, the Master Plan and Sector Plans. To develop municipal plans which will guide the development of the city and provide information for establishment of public policies, it is of the utmost importance that they are designed based on primary and safe data. In view of these considerations, this study aimed at formulating environmental indicators by using a Geographic Information System – GIS. The environmental diagnosis based on the gvGIS was used as database, which made the process to be agile and accurate. The watershed of Lençóis River – SP was the study area. It has a good database from the Environmental Diagnosis of the watershed of Lençóis River, which was created through funds from the State Funds for Water Resources – FEHIDRO. The borrower was the Service of Water Supply and Sewage of Lençóis Paulista – SAAELP. Based on the diagnosis, the indicators were formulated concerning land use and occupation as well as water resources. The results were considered satisfactory and showed that the methodology used in this study is of great importance to evaluate water resources, as it provides a reliable basis for the decision-making process seeking environmental compliance and sustainable development. By using environmental indicators, the sustainability of an area as a whole can be analyzed, and the parts as well, i.e., it is possible to identify which sector is experiencing significant problems and take actions to solve them.


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The objective of the present work is the construction of percentual indexes of sustainable development "Status" - PIDSD (%) aiming to order and classify the rural settlements, considering agricultural, socioeconomic and environmental aspects, in order to diagnose their sustainable reality. This way, we considered multivariate statistical procedure to establish analytical descriptors - indexes - like the principal components technique (CP). The CP technique was used in a matrix formed by 47 variables observed in 50 rural settlements, distributed in seven different regions of the state of Mato Grosso, obtained from diagnostics, provided by "Mato-Grossense" Enterprise of Research, Assistance and Rural Extension S/A - EMPAER - MT, in order to obtain the indexes used in the construction of PIDSD (%). The settlements with higher PIDSD (%) were considered "higher potential" or "higher sustainable" in relation to the analyzed variables, making the establishment of assistance strategies and cooperation possible, allowing the government and civil society in general, to improve those with worse results ("lower potential" or "lower sustainable"), and search for ways to strengthen and multiply the results of the "higher potential" settlements. Vale do Seringal settlement had the best conditions in relation to the variables, mainly those of higher weigh and was considered the one with "higher potential". São Sebastião had the worst conditions and was considered "lower potential".


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O objetivo do desenvolvimento sustentável vem sendo buscado no Brasil desde a década de 1980, por ocasião da promulgação da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Lei n. 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981). De lá para cá, e após a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento, também conhecida como ECO-92, Rio-92, Cúpula ou Cimeira da Terra, diversas políticas ambientais têm sido elaboradas sobre temas, desdes os mais tradicionais e clássicos (recursos florestais, recursos hídricos), até os mais recentes (resíduos sólidos, remueração de serviços ambientais). Este trabalho se propõe a apontar, descrever, sistematizar e selecionar alguns dos principais parâmetros que devem ser considerados, dentro de uma leitura predominantemente econômica, para efeitos de se avaliar e monitorar as políticas públicas na área ambiental. Como hipótese principal, defende-se que é possível indicar critérios que possam orientar a avaliação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas ambientais por parte dos distintos segmentos da sociedade e segundo diversos interesses específicos. Pretende-se utilizar o método indutivo para fins de se estabelecer uma conclusão que confirme ou afaste a hipótese principal deste trabalho. Foram identificados, ao final, alguns dos principais parâmetros que poderiam auxiliar, os segmentos da sociedade direta ou indiretamente envolvidos em determinado tema ambiental, a discutir, avaliar e monitorar os instrumentos de comando e controle, econômicos e outros consoante propostos para a implantação de um política pública ambiental.


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The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents


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O Desenvolvimento Sustentável tem sido pauta de diversos encontros globais que tentam solucionar as crises ambientais que vêm ocorrendo nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre os impasses identificados na concepção de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e o modelo de desenvolvimento econômico capitalista tal como está configurado pelos princípios do neoliberalismo. Partimos da hipótese da inviabilidade do Desenvolvimento Sustentável em um sistema capitalista neoliberal. Utilizamos como metodologia de análise a cartografia, por meio da qual desenhamos as paisagens emergentes na dinâmica do poder ao indicar os limites do modelo de desenvolvimento econômico. Contrapomos as deficiências do modelo de desenvolvimento econômico com as premissas do que poderiam caracterizar o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Desenvolvemos algumas reflexões acerca da sociedade de consumo e seus impactos na natureza. Apresenta-se as linhas de pensamento ecológico que discutem as maneiras de solucionar os problemas ambientais. Exercícios educacionais podem ser usados para a formação do compromisso de cada sujeito com a construção da comunidade. Refletir apenas nas contradições sociais não resolverá completamente a pressão exercida sobre os recursos naturais. A natureza não pode ser vista como um simples objeto estático que só se realiza a partir do trabalho humano, sua dinâmica deve ser considerada em sua totalidade. A sociedade não pode continuar a desenvolver meios de produção que aumentam a exploração da natureza. Uma nova estrutura social deve ser pensada, indo além das concepções marxistas e naturalistas, que promova justiça social e ambiental


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Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance


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The civil construction sector in Brazil is, simultaneously, a necessity that drives the economy and an evil that degrades the environment. Simple choices adopted in an enterprise can make big difference in harm caused by constructive practices, minimizing its harmful to the environment and making it sustainable. These choices, however, involve the use of materials and techniques often unknown by the builders, since the construction industry is very traditional. Even worse, the eco-friendly materials and sustainable techniques also face another obstacle to its use: the prejudice. Builders and customers prefer traditional methods to sustain belief that they present lower quality and higher price. This work raises awareness of the urgency with traditional methods must be overridden, showing practical and simple ways for this replacement, as well as confirm the quality equal to or even higher in the use of alternative materials and techniques, without addition in cost. Thus, the benefits are generated for all parties involved, from builders to residents