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Due to the ease of modification of electronic structure upon analyte adsorption, semiconductors have been the preferred materials as chemical sensors. At reduced dimension, however, the sensitivity of semiconductor-based sensors deteriorates significantly due to passivation, and often by increased band gap caused by quantum confinement. Using first-principles density functional theory combined with Boltzmann transport calculations, we demonstrate semiconductor-like sensitivity toward chemical species in ultrathin gold nanowires (AuNWs). The sensing mechanism is governed by the modification of the electronic structure of the AuNW as well as scattering of the charge carriers by analyte adsorption. Most importantly, the sensitivity exhibits a linear relationship with the electron affinities of the respective analytes. Based on this relationship, we propose an empirical parameter, which can predict an analyte-specific sensitivity of a AuNW, rendering them as effective sensors for a wide range of chemical an alytes.


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Ultra-small crystals of undoped and Eu-doped gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) were synthesised by a simple, rapid microwave-assisted route, using benzyl alcohol as the reaction solvent. XRD, XPS and TEM analysis reveal that the as-prepared powder material consists of nearly monodisperse Gd2O3 nanocrystals with an average diameter of 5.2 nm. The nanocrystals show good magnetic behaviour and exhibit a larger reduction in relaxation time of water protons than the standard Gd-DTPA complex currently used in MRI imaging. Cytotoxicity studies (both concentration- and time-dependent) of the Gd2O3 nanocrystals show no adverse effect on cell viability, evidencing their high biological compatibility. Finally, Eu:Gd2O3 nanocrystals were prepared by a similar route and the red luminescence of Eu3+ activator ions was used to study the cell permeability of the nanocrystals. Red fluorescence from Eu3+ ions observed by fluorescence microscopy shows that the nanocrystals (Gd2O3 and Eu:Gd2O3) can permeate not only the cell membrane but can also enter the cell nucleus, rendering them candidate materials not only for MRI imaging but also for drug delivery when tagged or functionalized with specific drug molecules.


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The anti-icing properties of hydrophilic, hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces/coatings were evaluated using a custom-built apparatus based on zero-degree cone test method. The ice-adhesion reduction factor (ARF) of these coatings has been evaluated using bare aluminium alloy as a reference. The wettability of the surfaces was evaluated by measuring water contact angle (WCA) and sliding angle. It was found that the ice-adhesion strength (tau) on silicone based hydrophobic surfaces was similar to 43 times lower than compared to bare polished aluminium alloy indicating excellent anti-icing property of these coatings. Superhydrophobic coatings displayed poor anti-icing property in spite of their high water repellence. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope reveal that Silicone based hydrophobic coatings exhibited smooth surface whereas the superhydrophobic coatings had a rough surface consisting of microscale bumps and protrusions superimposed with nanospheres. Both surface roughness and surface energy play a major role on the ice-adhesion strength of the coatings. The 3D surface roughness profiles of the coatings also indicated the same trend of roughness. An attempt is made to correlate the observed ice-adhesion strength of different surfaces with their wettability and surface roughness. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.


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Electronically nonadiabatic decomposition mechanisms of dimethylnitramine (DMNA) in presence of zinc metal clusters are explored. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculation is employed for DMNA-Zn and ONIOM (Our own N-layered integrated molecular orbital and molecular mechanics) methodology is coupled with CASSCF methodology for DMNA-Zn-10 cluster. Present computational results show that DMNA-Zn clusters undergo electronically nonadiabatic reactions, rendering nitro-nitrite isomerization followed by NO elimination. The overall reactions are also found to be highly exothermic in nature. This is the first report on electronically nonadiabatic decomposition pathways of DMNA-Zn-n neutral clusters. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A comprehensive experimental study has been made on angular sand to investigate various aspects of mechanical behavior. A hollow cylinder torsion testing apparatus is used in this program to apply a range of stress conditions on this angular quartzitic fine sand under monotonic drained shear. The effect of the magnitude and inclination of the principal stresses on an element of sand is studied through these experiments. This magnitude and inclination of the principal stresses are presented as an ``ensemble measure of fabric in sands''. This ensemble measure of fabric in the sands evolves through the shearing process, and reaches the final state, which indeed has a unique fabric. The sand shows significant variation in strength with changing inclination of the principal stresses. The locus of the final stress state in principal stress space is also mapped from these series of experiments. Additional aspects of non-coaxiality, a benchmarking exercise with a few constitutive models is presented here. This experimental approach albeit indirect shows that a unique state which is dependent on the fabric, density and confining stress exists. This suite of experiments provides a well-controlled data set for a clear understanding on the mechanical behavior of sands.


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Rifampicin (Rif) is a first line drug used for tuberculosis treatment. However, the emergence of drug resistant strains has necessitated synthesis and testing of newer analogs of Rif. Mycobacterium smegmatis is often used as a surrogate for M. tuberculosis. However, the presence of an ADP ribosyltransferase (Arr) in M. smegmatis inactivates Rif, rendering it impractical for screening of Rif analogs or other compounds when used in conjunction with them (Rif/Rif analogs). Rifampicin is also used in studying the role of various DNA repair enzymes by analyzing mutations in RpoB (a subunit of RNA polymerase) causing Rif resistance. These analyses use high concentrations of Rif when M. smegmatis is used as model. Here, we have generated M. smegmatis strains by deleting arr (Delta arr). The M. smegmatis Delta arr strains show minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for Rif which is similar to that for M. tuberculosis. The MICs for isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, ciprofloxacin and streptomycin were essentially unaltered for M. smegmatis Delta arr. The growth profiles and mutation spectrum of Delta arr and, Delta arr combined with Delta udgB (udgB encodes a DNA repair enzyme that excises uracil) strains were similar to their counterparts wild-type for arr. However, the mutation spectrum of Delta fpg Delta arr strain differed somewhat from that of the Delta fpg strain (fpg encodes a DNA repair enzyme that excises 8-oxo-G). Our studies suggest M. smegmatis Delta arr strain as an ideal model system in drug testing and mutation spectrum determination in DNA repair studies.


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An experimental assessment of Li2MnO3 has been conducted, in conjunction with related Mn(IV) oxides, to investigate its red colour and photoluminescence. Optical absorption spectra revealed strong band gap absorption, with a sharp edge at similar to 610 nm and a transparent region between similar to 610 and similar to 650 nm, giving rise to the red colour of this compound. Octahedral Mn(IV) ligand field transitions have been observed in the excitation spectra of Li2MnO3, corresponding both to Mn(IV) at ideal sites and displaced in Li sites in the rock salt-based layered structure of Li2MnO3. Optical excitation at ligand field transition energies produces tunable emission in the red-yellow-green region, rendering Li2MnO3 a unique Mn(IV) oxide. The honeycomb-ordered LiMn6] units in its structure are probably the origin of both the absorption and the photoluminescent properties of Li2MnO3.


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Two-component systems (TCSs), which contain paired sensor kinase and response regulator proteins, form the primary apparatus for sensing and responding to environmental cues in bacteria. TCSs are thought to be highly specific, displaying minimal cross-talk, primarily due to the co-evolution of the participating proteins. To assess the level of cross-talk between the TCSs of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we mapped the complete interactome of the M. tuberculosis TCSs using phosphotransfer profiling. Surprisingly, we found extensive crosstalk among the M. tuberculosis TCSs, significantly more than that in the TCSs in Escherichia coli or Caulobacter crescentus, thereby offering an alternate to specificity paradigm in TCS signalling. Nearly half of the interactions we detected were significant novel cross-interactions, unravelling a potentially complex signalling landscape. We classified the TCSs into specific `one-to-one' and promiscuous `one-to-many' and `many-to-one' circuits. Using mathematical modelling, we deduced that the promiscuous signalling observed can explain several currently confounding observations about M. tuberculosis TCSs. Our findings suggest an alternative paradigm of bacterial signalling with significant cross-talk between TCSs yielding potentially complex signalling landscapes.


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A method to weakly correct the solutions of stochastically driven nonlinear dynamical systems, herein numerically approximated through the Eule-Maruyama (EM) time-marching map, is proposed. An essential feature of the method is a change of measures that aims at rendering the EM-approximated solution measurable with respect to the filtration generated by an appropriately defined error process. Using Ito's formula and adopting a Monte Carlo (MC) setup, it is shown that the correction term may be additively applied to the realizations of the numerically integrated trajectories. Numerical evidence, presently gathered via applications of the proposed method to a few nonlinear mechanical oscillators and a semi-discrete form of a 1-D Burger's equation, lends credence to the remarkably improved numerical accuracy of the corrected solutions even with relatively large time step sizes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the recent past, many studies have been carried out on the determination of coefficient of consolidation (c(v)) from the time (t)-deformation (d) data obtained from conventional consolidation tests. Several researchers have also proposed different curve fitting procedures for determining cv from the t-d data. It is anticipated that the cv values obtained from the t-d data may be influenced by initial and secondary compressions. Nevertheless, the pore water pressure data measured during the consolidation process will be independent of initial and secondary compressions. In this study, the conventional Asaoka (1978) method is extended to evaluate cv and end-of-primary (EOP) consolidation from the pore water pressure data measured from laboratory experiments. Laboratory experiments were carried out on the modified one-dimensional consolidation apparatus on different remoulded clay samples measuring pore water pressure during the consolidation process. The cv and EOP computed from the proposed approach have been compared with the results of the t-d data and found to be in good agreement.


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The opposing catalytic activities of topoisomerase I (TopoI/relaxase) and DNA gyrase (supercoiling enzyme) ensure homeostatic maintenance of bacterial chromosome supercoiling. Earlier studies in Es-cherichia coli suggested that the alteration in DNA supercoiling affects the DNA gyrase and TopoI expression. Although, the role of DNA elements around the promoters were proposed in regulation of gyrase, the molecular mechanism of supercoiling mediated control of TopoI expression is not yet understood. Here, we describe the regulation of TopoI expression from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobac-terium smegmatis by a mechanism termed Supercoiling Sensitive Transcription (SST). In both the organisms, topoI promoter(s) exhibited reduced activity in response to chromosome relaxation suggesting that SST is intrinsic to topoI promoter(s). We elucidate the role of promoter architecture and high transcriptional activity of upstream genes in topoI regulation. Analysis of the promoter(s) revealed the presence of suboptimal spacing between the -35 and -10 elements, rendering them supercoiling sensitive. Accordingly, upon chromosome relaxation, RNA polymerase occupancy was decreased on the topoI promoter region implicating the role of DNA topology in SST of topoI. We propose that negative supercoiling induced DNA twisting/writhing align the -35 and -10 elements to facilitate the optimal transcription of topoI.


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The advent of nanotechnology has necessitated a better understanding of how material microstructure changes at the atomic level would affect the macroscopic properties that control the performance. Such a challenge has uncovered many phenomena that were not previously understood and taken for granted. Among them are the basic foundation of dislocation theories which are now known to be inadequate. Simplifying assumptions invoked at the macroscale may not be applicable at the micro- and/or nanoscale. There are implications of scaling hierrachy associated with in-homegeneity and nonequilibrium. of physical systems. What is taken to be homogeneous and equilibrium at the macroscale may not be so when the physical size of the material is reduced to microns. These fundamental issues cannot be dispensed at will for the sake of convenience because they could alter the outcome of predictions. Even more unsatisfying is the lack of consistency in modeling physical systems. This could translate to the inability for identifying the relevant manufacturing parameters and rendering the end product unpractical because of high cost. Advanced composite and ceramic materials are cases in point. Discussed are potential pitfalls for applying models at both the atomic and continuum levels. No encouragement is made to unravel the truth of nature. Let it be partiuclates, a smooth continuum or a combination of both. The present trend of development in scaling tends to seek for different characteristic lengths of material microstructures with or without the influence of time effects. Much will be learned from atomistic simulation models to show how results could differ as boundary conditions and scales are changed. Quantum mechanics, continuum and cosmological models provide evidence that no general approach is in sight. Of immediate interest is perhaps the establishment of greater precision in terminology so as to better communicate results involving multiscale physical events.


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The performance of a small high-speed liquid jet apparatus is described. Water jets with velocities from 200 to 700 m/s were obtained by firing a deformable lead slug from an air rifle into a stainless steel nozzle containing water sealed with a rubber diaphragm. Nozzle devices using the impact extrusion (IE) and cumulation (CU) methods were designed to generate the jets. The effect of the nozzle diameter and the downstream distance on the jet velocity is examined. The injection sequences are visualized using both shadowgraphy and schlieren photography. The difference between the IE and CU methods of jet generation is found.