993 resultados para Relation parents-enfants


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BACKGROUND: The activity of melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive ganglion retinal cells (ipRGC) can be assessed by a means of pupil responses to bright blue (appr.480 nm) light. Due to age related factors in the eye, particularly, structural changes of the lens, less light reaches retina. The aim of this study was to examine how age and in vivo measured lens transmission of blue light might affect pupil light responses, in particular, mediated by the ipRGC. METHODS: Consensual pupil responses were explored in 44 healthy subjects aged between 26 and 68 years. A pupil response was recorded to a continuous 20 s light stimulus of 660 nm (red) or 470 nm (blue) both at 300 cd/m2 intensity (14.9 and 14.8 log photons/cm2/s, respectively). Additional recordings were performed using four 470 nm stimulus intensities of 3, 30, 100 and 300 cd/m2. The baseline pupil size was measured in darkness and results were adjusted for the baseline pupil and gender. The main outcome parameters were maximal and sustained pupil contraction amplitudes and the postillumination response assessed as area under the curve (AUC) over two time-windows: early (0-10 s after light termination) and late (10-30 s after light termination). Lens transmission was measured with an ocular fluorometer. RESULTS: The sustained pupil contraction and the early poststimulus AUC correlated positively with age (p=0.02, p=0.0014, respectively) for the blue light stimulus condition only.The maximal pupil contraction amplitude did not correlate to age either for bright blue or red light stimulus conditions.Lens transmission decreased linearly with age (p<0.0001). The pupil response was stable or increased with decreasing transmission, though only significantly for the early poststimulus AUC to 300 cd/m2 light (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Age did not reduce, but rather enhance pupil responses mediated by ipRGC. The age related decrease of blue light transmission led to similar results, however, the effect of age was greater on these pupil responses than that of the lens transmission. Thus there must be other age related factors such as lens scatter and/or adaptive processes influencing the ipRGC mediated pupil response enhancement observed with advancing age.


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Le rétinoblastome (Rb) est une tumeur provenant des cellules rétiniennes progénitrices des photorécepteurs. C'est la tumeur pédiatrique maligne la plus fréquente avec une incidence par naissance évaluée entre 1/15Ό00 et 1/20Ό00. Les enfants atteints de Rb sont diagnostiqué dans leur grande majorité avant l'âge de 4 ans, soit le temps nécessaire à la différentiation et à la maturation des photorécepteurs et donc à la disparition de la cellule d'origine du Rb. La survie du patient, la sauvegarde oculaire et le pronostic visuel restent excellents pour autant que le traitement ne soit pas différé. Dans sa variante non héréditaire (60%) le Rb est toujours unilatéral et sporadique. Le Rb héréditaire de transmission dominante autosomique (40%), se décline sous toutes les formes, familiale (10%) ou sporadique (30%), que l'atteinte soit unilatérale ou bilatérale. La majorité des mutations causales sont uniques et distribuées de façon aléatoire sur la totalité du gène RB1 sans région prédisposante. La détection de ces mutations est couteuse et chronophage, tout en présentant un taux de détection relativement bas; surtout dans les cas de Rb sporadiques unilatéraux. Dans le but d'identifier les patients présentant un risque réel de développer un Rb, et de réduire le nombre d'examens sous narcose requis pour le dépistage de la maladie chez les sujets à risque, nous avons développé une stratégie sensible, rapide, efficace et peu couteuse basée sur une analyse de l'haplotype intragénique. Cet algorithme prend en compte a) la perte d'hétérozygotie intratumorale du gène RB1, b) l'origine paternelle préférentielle des nouvelles mutations germinales et c) un risque a priori dérivé des données empiriques de Vogel. Pendant la période allant de janvier 1994 à décembre 2006, nous avons comparé l'apparition de nouveau Rb parmi la fratrie et la descendance de patient atteints au nombre de nouveaux cas attendus calculé par notre algorithme. 134 familles ont été étudiées. L'analyse moléculaire a été effectuée chez 570 personnes dont 99 patients âgés de moins de 4 ans et donc à risque de développer un Rb. Parmi cette cohorte, nous avons observé l'apparition d'un cas de Rb, alors que les risques cumulés a posteriori calculé par notre algorithme prédisait l'apparition de 1.77 nouveau cas. Dans cette étude, nous avons pu valider notre algorithme prédisant la récurrence de Rb chez les parents de 1er degré de patients atteints. Cet outil devrait grandement faciliter le conseil génétique ainsi que le suivi des patients à risque de développer un Rb, surtout dans les cas ou le séquençage direct du gène RB1 n'est pas disponible ou est resté non informatif. - Purpose: Most RBI mutations are unique and distributed throughout the RBI gene. Their detection can be time-consuming and the yield especially low in cases of conservatively-treated sporadic unilateral retinoblas-toma (Rb) patients. In order to identify patients with true risk of developing Rb, and to reduce the number of unnecessary examinations under anesthesia in all other cases, we developed a universal sensitive, efficient and cost-effective strategy based on intragenic haplotype analysis. Methods: This algorithm allows the calculation of the a posteriori risk of developing Rb and takes into account (a) RBI loss of heterozygosity in tumors, (b) preferential paternal origin of new germline mutations, (c) a priori risk derived from empirical data by Vogel, and (d) disease penetrance of 90% in most cases. We report the occurrence of Rb in first degree relatives of patients with sporadic Rb who visited the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, from January 1994 to December 2006 compared to expected new cases of Rb using our algorithm. Results: A total of 134 families with sporadic Rb were enrolled; testing was performed in 570 individuals and 99 patients younger than 4 years old were identified. We observed one new case of Rb. Using our algorithm, the cumulated total a posteriori risk of recurrence was 1.77. Conclusions: This is the first time that linkage analysis has been validated to monitor the risk of recurrence in sporadic Rb. This should be a useful tool in genetic counseling, especially when direct RBI screening for mutations leaves a negative result or is unavailable.


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CONTEXT: Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is caused by defective GnRH secretion or action resulting in absent or incomplete pubertal development and infertility. Most women with IHH ovulate with physiological GnRH replacement, implicating GnRH deficiency as the etiology. However, a subset does not respond normally, suggesting the presence of defects at the pituitary or ovary. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to unmask pituitary or ovarian defects in IHH women using a physiological regimen of GnRH replacement, relating these responses to genes known to cause IHH. DESIGN, SETTING, AND SUBJECTS: This study is a retrospective analysis of 37 IHH women treated with iv pulsatile GnRH (75 ng/kg per bolus). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum gonadotropin and sex steroid levels were measured, and 14 genes implicated in IHH were sequenced. RESULTS: During their first cycle of GnRH replacement, normal cycles were recreated in 60% (22 of 37) of IHH women. Thirty percent of women (12 of 37) demonstrated an attenuated gonadotropin response, indicating pituitary resistance, and 10% (3 of 37) exhibited an exaggerated FSH response, consistent with ovarian resistance. Mutations in CHD7, FGFR1, KAL1, TAC3, and TACR3 were documented in IHH women with normal cycles, whereas mutations were identified in GNRHR, PROKR2, and FGFR1 in those with pituitary resistance. Women with ovarian resistance were mutation negative. CONCLUSIONS: Although physiological replacement with GnRH recreates normal menstrual cycle dynamics in most IHH women, hypogonadotropic responses in the first week of treatment identify a subset of women with pituitary dysfunction, only some of whom have mutations in GNRHR. IHH women with hypergonadotropic responses to GnRH replacement, consistent with an additional ovarian defect, did not have mutations in genes known to cause IHH, similar to our findings in a subset of IHH men with evidence of an additional testicular defect.


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La clinique des enfants soldats bouscule l'approche psychanalytique classique par sa nouveauté et les adaptations qu'elle nécessite. Il sera question de penser ce bouleversement, en rappelant brièvement que les enjeux autour de la clinique du trauma sont discutés dès la naissance de la psychanalyse, mais également de s'interroger sur la nécessité de réinscrire ces thérapies dans une perspective anthropologique et historique plus large, guidés par des études récentes dans le monde francophone.


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BACKGROUND: Although colon cancer (CC) with microsatellite instability (MSI) has a more favorable prognosis than microsatellite stable (MSS) CC, the impact varies according to clinicopathological parameters. We studied how MSI status affects prognosis in a trial-based cohort of stage II and III CC patients treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/leucovorin or FOLFIRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tissue specimens of 1254 patients were tested for 10 different loci and were classified as MSI-high (MSI-H) when three or more loci were unstable and MSS otherwise. Study end points were overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS). RESULTS: In stage II, RFS and OS were better for patients with MSI-H than with MSS CC [hazard ratio (HR) 0.26, 95% CI 0.10-0.65, P = 0.004 and 0.16, 95% CI 0.04-0.64, P = 0.01). In stage III, RFS was slightly better for patients with MSI-H CC (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.46-0.99, P = 0.04), but the difference was not statistically significant for OS (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.44-1.09, P = 0.11). Outcomes for patients with MSI-H CC were not different between the two treatment arms. RFS was better for patients with MSI-H than with MSS CC in the right and left colon, whereas for OS this was significant only in the right colon. For patients with KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CC, but not for double wild-type patients, RFS and OS were significantly better when the tumors were also MSI-H. An interaction test was statistically significant for KRAS and MSI status (P = 0.005), but not for BRAF status (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that for patients with stage II CC but less so for those with stage III MSI-H is strongly prognostic for RFS and OS. In the presence of 5-FU treatment, stage II patients with MSI-H tumors maintain their survival advantage in comparison with MSS patients and adding irinotecan has no added benefit. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: NCT00026273.


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The physical integrity of bednets is a concern of national malaria control programs, as it is a key factor in determining the rate of replacement of bednets. It is largely assumed that increased numbers of holes will result in a loss of protection of sleepers from potentially infective bites. Experimental hut studies are valuable in understanding mosquito behaviour indoors, particularly as it relates to blood feeding and mortality. This review summarises findings from experimental hut studies, focusing on two issues: (i) the effect of different numbers or sizes of holes in bednets and (ii) feeding behaviour and mortality with holed nets as compared with unholed nets. As might be expected, increasing numbers and area of holes resulted in increased blood feeding by mosquitoes on sleepers. However, the presence of holes did not generally have a large effect on the mortality of mosquitoes. Successfully entering a holed mosquito net does not necessarily mean that mosquitoes spend less time in contact with the net, which could explain the lack in differences in mortality. Further behavioural studies are necessary to understand mosquito behaviour around nets and the importance of holed nets on malaria transmission.


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La thèse montre le développement parallèle, entre le XIXe et le début du XXe siècle, de la prise en charge sociale et médicale des personnes ayant des infirmités corporelles en Suisse romande. Au cours de cette période, qui fait suite à l'avènement de la médecine clinique, bon nombre de personnes atteintes de maladie chronique, déformations osseuses, paralysie ou « infirmités de l'âge » sont déclarées incurables ou infirmes et chassées des hôpitaux, au profit des cas cliniques guérissables. Elles sont alors « récupérées », d'une part, par des institutions philanthropiques émanant de milieux ecclésiastiques ou médicaux, parfois conservateurs. D'autre part, dans les cantons romands institués au début du siècle suite à la Révolution helvétique, un certain nombre de lois viennent renforcer le pouvoir des nouveaux gouvernements autonomes, imposant notamment leurs objectifs institutionnels dans les domaines de la santé et de l'assistance. La seconde moitié du siècle voit aussi l'avènement de l'Etat progressiste promu par les radicaux ainsi que de la médecine universitaire dite moderne, favorisant l'essor d'institutions privées puis publiques visant la curabilité et l'éducation des personnes atteintes de déficiences physiques, principalement les enfants. La rencontre entre charité privée et assistance publique en matière de prise en charge sociale et médicale de l'infirmité est alors souvent complémentaire, parfois aussi conflictuelle, reflétant les enjeux sociaux, économiques, politiques et culturels qui se jouent autour des conceptions du corps individuel, mais aussi du corps social.La thèse examine donc, dans une première partie intitulée « L'assistance des infirmes et des incurables : lois et institutions d'une nouvelle problématique sociale », les constructions institutionnelles et normatives du secours organisé dans les différents cantons romands par les pouvoirs publics et la philanthropie, où s'expriment médecins, politiques et théologiens sur les catégories d'individus déclarés incurables et infirmes. En interrogeant le passage de l'incurabilité à la curabilité, la seconde partie de la thèse, intitulée « La médecine de la scoliose au pied bot : développement de thérapies techniques et physiques autour du corps infirme », se centre ensuite sur l'histoire médicale ayant trait au corps handicapé, prenant comme terrain d'investigation les cantons de Vaud et de Genève du fait du rayonnement et de l'essor des Hôpitaux cantonaux et des Facultés de médecine dans ces deux régions au cours du XIXe siècle. Tout en s'intéressant aux diverses affections concernées, la scoliose et le pied bot, considérés comme des affections orthopédiques typiques du XIXe siècle, constituent une sorte de fil rouge heuristique qui traverse le siècle, permettant de comprendre l'histoire médicale du corps infirme dans ses multiples dimensions : l'essor d'institutions et de disciplines médicales, les développements techniques, les théories et les pratiques des divers champs médicaux tels que l'orthopédie, la chirurgie et certaines thérapies physiques (hydrothérapie, massage, gymnastique médicale, mécanothérapie) ; une interrogation portant sur les rapports sociaux de sexe ainsi que sur les rapports de classe permet d'affiner l'analyse. L'ensemble de la thèse est en outre ponctuée d'exemples de parcours de vie de personnes dites infirmes, incurables, ou désignées comme « cas orthopédiques », soit par l'évocation des « experts » sociaux et médicaux, soit, plus rarement, par les témoignages des principaux concernés. L'examen de l'ensemble de ces processus vise à l'élaboration d'une histoire inédite de la prise en charge sociale et médicale du corps handicapé en Suisse romande au cours du « long » XIXe siècle, participant aussi à l'histoire socioculturelle des représentations du handicap corporel.


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BACKGROUND The diagnosis of infant cerebral palsy (ICP) is a traumatic event that can provoke multiple effects and changes in the family. The aim of the study is to discover the difficulties that parents face in the process of parenting, especially in the initial period following diagnosis. METHODS A qualitative study was carried out through semi-structured interviews. Sixteen mothers and fathers whose children were diagnosed with cerebral palsy participated in the study. Data analysis was performed with Atlas.ti 6.2 software following a strategy of open coding. RESULTS The reception of the diagnosis is perceived as an unexpected event that makes parents change expectations and hopes related to their children. The mode of relation with the child with ICP is different from that with other children as parents are more focused on the possibility of improvement and the future evolution of their child. Changes in different aspects of the lives of these parents are shown, such as demands on time, their economic and labour situation, as well as the relationship of the couple. CONCLUSIONS In providing care for children with cerebral palsy it is necessary to take the problems of the parents into account, especially in the initial period after diagnosis. The process of parenting a child with cerebral palsy entails many changes in the family so a global perspective is needed to organize interventions.