728 resultados para Regenerative
A regenerative all-optical grooming switch for interconnecting 130 Gbit/s on-off keying (OOK) metro/core ring and 43 Gbit/s-OOK metro/access ring networks with switching functionality in time, space, and wavelength domains is demonstrated. Key functionalities of the switch are traffic aggregation with time-slot interchanging functionality, optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) demultiplexing, and multi-wavelength 2R regeneration. Laboratory and field demonstrations show the excellent performance of the new concept with error-free signal transmission and Q-factors above 20 dB.
We demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, regeneration of a 42.66-Gb/s differential phase-shift keyed signal using a dual-pump nondegenerate four-wave-mixing-based fiber-optic parametric amplifier. The regenerative performance of the subsystem is characterized in terms of bit-error rate against narrowband and wideband introduced noise. While a strong receiver sensitivity improvement, up to 20 dB, is noticed against narrowband noise, against quasi-random (wideband) noise we observe a regeneration of 2.7 dB.
In this paper we propose a 2R regeneration scheme based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) and optical filtering. We numerically investigate wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) operation at a channel bit rate of 40 Gbit/s. In distinction to our previous work, we focus here on the regenerative characteristics and signal quality after a single transmission section, whose length is varied from 200 to 1000 km. © 2003 IEEE.
Scaffolds derived from processed tissues offer viable alternatives to synthetic polymers as biological scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Tissue-derived scaffolds provide an extracellular matrix (ECM) as the starting material for wound healing and the functional reconstruction of tissues, offering a potentially valuable approach for the replacement of damaged or missing tissues. Additionally, acellular tissue may provide a natural microenvironment for host-cell migration and the induction of stem cell differentiation to contribute to tissue regeneration. There are a number of processing methods that aim to stabilize and provide an immunologically inert tissue scaffold. Furthermore, these tissue-processing methods can often be applied to xenogenic transplants because the essential components of the ECM are often maintained between species. In this study, we applied several tissue-processing protocols to the cornea in order to obtain a decellularized cornea matrix that maintained the clarity and mechanical properties of the native tissue. Histology, mechanical testing and electron microscopy techniques were used to assess the cell extraction process and the organization of the remaining ECM. In vitro cell seeding experiments confirmed the processed corneas’ biocompatibility.
This paper examines recent progress in the use of semiconductor optical amplifiers for phase sensitive signal processing functions, a discussion of the world's first multi-wavelength regenerative wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers for BPSK signals. OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest © 2013 OSA.
Since Shannon derived the seminal formula for the capacity of the additive linear white Gaussian noise channel, it has commonly been interpreted as the ultimate limit of error-free information transmission rate. However, the capacity above the corresponding linear channel limit can be achieved when noise is suppressed using nonlinear elements; that is, the regenerative function not available in linear systems. Regeneration is a fundamental concept that extends from biology to optical communications. All-optical regeneration of coherent signal has attracted particular attention. Surprisingly, the quantitative impact of regeneration on the Shannon capacity has remained unstudied. Here we propose a new method of designing regenerative transmission systems with capacity that is higher than the corresponding linear channel, and illustrate it by proposing application of the Fourier transform for efficient regeneration of multilevel multidimensional signals. The regenerative Shannon limit -the upper bound of regeneration efficiency -is derived. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
The exponentially increasing demand on operational data rate has been met with technological advances in telecommunication systems such as advanced multilevel and multidimensional modulation formats, fast signal processing, and research into new different media for signal transmission. Since the current communication channels are essentially nonlinear, estimation of the Shannon capacity for modern nonlinear communication channels is required. This PhD research project has targeted the study of the capacity limits of different nonlinear communication channels with a view to enable a significant enhancement in the data rate of the currently deployed fiber networks. In the current study, a theoretical framework for calculating the Shannon capacity of nonlinear regenerative channels has been developed and illustrated on the example of the proposed here regenerative Fourier transform (RFT). Moreover, the maximum gain in Shannon capacity due to regeneration (that is, the Shannon capacity of a system with ideal regenerators – the upper bound on capacity for all regenerative schemes) is calculated analytically. Thus, we derived a regenerative limit to which the capacity of any regenerative system can be compared, as analogue of the seminal linear Shannon limit. A general optimization scheme (regenerative mapping) has been introduced and demonstrated on systems with different regenerative elements: phase sensitive amplifiers and the proposed here multilevel regenerative schemes: the regenerative Fourier transform and the coupled nonlinear loop mirror.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a promising cell population for cell therapy and regenerative medicine applications. However, how variations in glucose are perceived by MSC pool is still unclear. Since, glucose metabolism is cell type and tissue dependent, this must be considered when MSCs are derived from alternative sources such as the heart. The zinc finger transcription factor Egr-1 is an important early response gene, likely to play a key role in the glucose-induced response. Our aim was to investigate how short-term changes in in vitro glucose concentrations affect multipotent cardiac tissue-derived MSCs (cMSCs) in a mouse model of Egr-1 KO (Egr-1-/-). Results showed that loss of Egr-1 does not significantly influence cMSC proliferation. In contrast, responses to glucose variations were observed in wt but not in Egr-1 -/- cMSCs by clonogenic assay. Phenotype analysis by RT-PCR showed that cMSCs Egr-1-/- lost the ability to regulate the glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 and, as expected, the Egr-1 target genes VEGF, TGFβ-1, and p300. Acetylated protein levels of H3 histone were impaired in Egr-1-/- compared to wt cMSCs. We propose that Egr-1 acts as immediate glucose biological sensor in cMSCs after a short period of stimuli, likely inducing epigenetic modifications. © 2014 Daniela Bastianelli et al.
Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is important to normal development. However, the function of the different RA receptors (RARs)-RARα, RARβ, and RARγ-is as yet unclear. We have used wild-type and transgenic zebrafish to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with an RARγ-specific agonist reduced somite formation and axial length, which was associated with a loss of hoxb13a expression and less-clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist also disrupted formation of tissues arising from cranial neural crest, including cranial bones and anterior neural ganglia. There was a loss of Sox 9-immunopositive neural crest stem/progenitor cells in the same anterior regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by RARγ agonist treatment. However, there was no loss of Tbx-5-immunopositive lateral plate mesodermal stem/progenitor cells and the block was reversed by agonist washout or by cotreatment with an RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment, which was associated with a loss of canonical Wnt signaling. This regenerative response was restored by agonist washout or cotreatment with the RARγ antagonist. These findings suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its nonligated state.
Myocardial infarction results in loss of cardiac muscle and deficiency in cardiac performance. Likewise, peripheral artery disease can result in critical limb ischemia leading to reduced mobility, non-healing ulcers, gangrene and amputation. Both of these common conditions diminish quality of life and enhance risk of mortality. Successful advances in treatment have led to more people surviving incidences of myocardial infarction or living with peripheral artery disease. However, the current treatments are inadequate in repairing ischemic tissue. Over the last 5 years, a vast number of patents have been submitted concerning the use of stem cells, which correlates with the exponential growth in stem cell publications. Exploiting stem cell therapy offers a real potential in replacing ischemic tissue with functional cells. In this paper, we review recent patents concerning stem cell therapy that have the potential to provide or potentiate novel treatment for ischemic cardiovascular disease. In addition, we evaluate the promise of the inventions by describing some clinical trials that are currently taking place, as well as considering how current research on ischemic cardiovascular disease may change the patent landscape in the future.
Cell-based therapies have the potential to make a large contribution toward currently unmet patient need and thus effective manufacture of these products is essential. Many challenges must be overcome before this can become a reality and a better definition of the manufacturing requirements for cell-based products must be obtained. The aim of this study is to inform industry and academia of current cell-based therapy clinical development and to identify gaps in their manufacturing requirements. A total of 1342 active cell-based therapy clinical trials have been identified and characterized based on cell type, target indication and trial phase. Multiple technologies have been assessed for the manufacture of these cell types in order to facilitate product translation and future process development.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) stimulate angiogenesis within a wound environment and this effect is mediated through paracrine interactions with the endothelial cells present. Here we report that human MSC-conditioned medium (n=3 donors) significantly increased EaHy-926 endothelial cell adhesion and cell migration, but that this stimulatory effect was markedly donor-dependent. MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry demonstrated that whilst collagen type I and fibronectin were secreted by all of the MSC cultures, the small leucine rich proteoglycan, decorin was secreted only by the MSC culture that was least effective upon EaHy-926 cells. These individual extracellular matrix components were then tested as culture substrata. EaHy-926 cell adherence was greatest on fibronectin-coated surfaces with least adherence on decorin-coated surfaces. Scratch wound assays were used to examine cell migration. EaHy-926 cell scratch wound closure was quickest on substrates of fibronectin and slowest on decorin. However, EaHy-926 cell migration was stimulated by the addition of MSC-conditioned medium irrespective of the types of culture substrates. These data suggest that whilst the MSC secretome may generally be considered angiogenic, the composition of the secretome is variable and this variation probably contributes to donor-donor differences in activity. Hence, screening and optimizing MSC secretomes will improve the clinical effectiveness of pro-angiogenic MSC-based therapies.
We present a methodology for simultaneous optimization of modulation format and regenerative transformations in nonlinear communication channels. We derived analytically the maximum regenerative Shannon capacity, towards which any regenerative channel tends at high SNR and large number of regenerators.
Марусия Н. Славчова-Божкова - В настоящата работа се обобщава една гранична теорема за докритичен многомерен разклоняващ се процес, зависещ от възрастта на частиците с два типа имиграция. Целта е да се обобщи аналогичен резултат в едномерния случай като се прилагат “coupling” метода, теория на възстановяването и регенериращи процеси.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 60K25 (primary); 60F05, 37A50 (secondary)