967 resultados para Real systems


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Factories of the Future will be distinguished by intelligent machines, automation, human factors integration and knowledge management. Modelling and simulation is recognised as a key enabling technology essential to economic, social and environmental sustainability of future manufacturing systems. This talk will explore the history, recent achievements and directions in modelling and simulation for 21st century factories and supply chains. A systems science approach is employed, from stakeholder engagement through participative modelling to self-tuning and self-assembling simulations. Our contributions lower the cost of the application of modelling and simulation to manufacturing processes, enabling real time planning, dynamic risk analysis, dashboards and 3D visualisation. This realisation of the virtual factory integrates human factors and decisions into the core technology platform. The implications to future manufacturing enterprises are explored through a series of case studies from aerospace, mining and small and medium manufacturing enterprises.


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For children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), the real-time coupling between frontal executive function and online motor control has not been explored despite reported deficits in each domain. The aim of the present study was to investigate how children with DCD enlist online control under task constraints that compel the need for inhibitory control. A total of 129 school children were sampled from mainstream primary schools. Forty-two children who met research criteria for DCD were compared with 87 typically developing controls on a modified double-jump reaching task. Children within each skill group were divided into three age bands: younger (6-7 years), mid-aged (8-9), and older (10-12). Online control was compared between groups as a function of trial type (non-jump, jump, anti-jump). Overall, results showed that while movement times were similar between skill groups under simple task constraints (non-jump), on perturbation (or jump) trials the DCD group were significantly slower than controls and corrected trajectories later. Critically, the DCD group was further disadvantaged by anti-jump trials where inhibitory control was required; however, this effect reduced with age. While coupling online control and executive systems is not well developed in younger and mid-aged children, there is evidence of age-appropriate coupling in older children. Longitudinal data are needed to clarify this intriguing finding. The theoretical and applied implications of these results are discussed.


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This paper presents a comparison of applying different clustering algorithms on a point cloud constructed from the depth maps captured by a RGBD camera such as Microsoft Kinect. The depth sensor is capable of returning images, where each pixel represents the distance to its corresponding point not the RGB data. This is considered as the real novelty of the RGBD camera in computer vision compared to the common video-based and stereo-based products. Depth sensors captures depth data without using markers, 2D to 3D-transition or determining feature points. The captured depth map then cluster the 3D depth points into different clusters to determine the different limbs of the human-body. The 3D points clustering is achieved by different clustering techniques. Our Experiments show good performance and results in using clustering to determine different human-body limbs.


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In our previous investigations, two Similarity Reasoning (SR)-based frameworks for tackling real-world problems have been proposed. In both frameworks, SR is used to deduce unknown fuzzy rules based on similarity of the given and unknown fuzzy rules for building a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). In this paper, we further extend our previous findings by developing (1) a multi-objective evolutionary model for fuzzy rule selection; and (2) an evidential function to facilitate the use of both frameworks. The Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms-p (NSGA-p) is adopted for fuzzy rule selection, in accordance with the Pareto optimal criterion. Besides that, two new evidential functions are developed, whereby given fuzzy rules are considered as evidence. Simulated and benchmark examples are included to demonstrate the applicability of these suggestions. Positive results were obtained.


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Reduced order multi-functional observer design for multi-input multi-utput (MIMO) linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with constant delayed inputs is studied. This research is useful in the input estimation of LTI systems with actuator delay, as well as system monitoring and fault detection of these systems. Two approaches for designing an asymptotically stable functional observer for the system are proposed: delay-dependent and delay-free. The delay-dependent observer is infinite-dimensional, while the delay-free structure is finite-dimensional. Moreover, since the delay-free observer does not require any information on the time delay, it is more practical in real applications. However, the delay-dependent observer contains less restrictive assumptions and covers more variety of systems. The proposed observer design schemes are novel, simple to implement, and have improved numerical features compared to some of the other available approaches to design (unknown-input) functional observers. In addition, the proposed observers usually possess lower order than ordinary Luenberger observers, and the design schemes do not need the observability or detectability requirements of the system. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of an asymptoticobserver in each scenario are explored. The extensions of the proposed observers to systems with multiple delayed-inputs are also discussed. Several numerical examples and simulation results are employed to support our theories.


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The nonlinear, noisy and outlier characteristics of electroencephalography (EEG) signals inspire the employment of fuzzy logic due to its power to handle uncertainty. This paper introduces an approach to classify motor imagery EEG signals using an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) in a combination with wavelet transformation. Wavelet coefficients are ranked based on the statistics of the receiver operating characteristic curve criterion. The most informative coefficients serve as inputs to the IT2FLS for the classification task. Two benchmark datasets, named Ia and Ib, downloaded from the brain-computer interface (BCI) competition II, are employed for the experiments. Classification performance is evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and F-measure. Widely-used classifiers, including feedforward neural network, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbours, AdaBoost and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, are also implemented for comparisons. The wavelet-IT2FLS method considerably dominates the comparable classifiers on both datasets, and outperforms the best performance on the Ia and Ib datasets reported in the BCI competition II by 1.40% and 2.27% respectively. The proposed approach yields great accuracy and requires low computational cost, which can be applied to a real-time BCI system for motor imagery data analysis.


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As the new millennium approaches, we are living in a society that is increasingly dependent upon information technology. However, whilst technology can deliver a number of benefits, it also introduces new vulnerabilities that can be exploited by persons with the necessary technical skills. Hackers represent a well-known threat in this respect and are responsible for a significant degree of disruption and damage to information systems. However, they are not the only criminal element that has to be taken into consideration. Evidence suggests that technology is increasingly seen as potential tool for terrorist organizations. This is leading to the emergence of a new threat in the form of 'cyber terrorists', who attack technological infrastructures such as the Internet in order to help further their cause. The paper discusses the problems posed by these groups and considers the nature of the responses necessary to preserve the future security of our society.


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At BMC Obesity, the Policies, Socio-economic Aspects, and Health Systems Research Section provides an opportunity to submit research focussed on what we need to know to support implementation of obesity policies most likely to achieve substantial, sustainable and equitable reductions in the prevalence of obesity globally. Here, we present the aims and objectives of this section, hearing from each of the Associate Editors in turn. The ambition of the Policies, Socio-economic Aspects, and Health Systems Research Section is to foster innovative research combining scientific quality with real world experience. We envisage this will include research addressing the structural drivers of obesity, solution oriented research, research addressing socio-economic inequalities in obesity and obesity prevention in low and middle income countries. We look forward to stimulating research to advance both the methods and substance required to drive uptake of effective and equitable obesity reduction policies globally.


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Tagging recommender systems allow Internet users to annotate resources with personalized tags. The connection among users, resources and these annotations, often called a folksonomy, permits users the freedom to explore tags, and to obtain recommendations. Releasing these tagging datasets accelerates both commercial and research work on recommender systems. However, tagging recommender systems has been confronted with serious privacy concerns because adversaries may re-identify a user and her/his sensitive information from the tagging dataset using a little background information. Recently, several private techniques have been proposed to address the problem, but most of them lack a strict privacy notion, and can hardly resist the number of possible attacks. This paper proposes an private releasing algorithm to perturb users' profile in a strict privacy notion, differential privacy, with the goal of preserving a user's identity in a tagging dataset. The algorithm includes three privacy-preserving operations: Private Tag Clustering is used to shrink the randomized domain and Private Tag Selection is then applied to find the most suitable replacement tags for the original tags. To hide the numbers of tags, the third operation, Weight Perturbation, finally adds Laplace noise to the weight of tags. We present extensive experimental results on two real world datasets, De.licio.us and Bibsonomy. While the personalization algorithm is successful in both cases, our results further suggest the private releasing algorithm can successfully retain the utility of the datasets while preserving users' identity.


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Tagging recommender systems provide users the freedom to explore tags and obtain recommendations. The releasing and sharing of these tagging datasets will accelerate both commercial and research work on recommender systems. However, releasing the original tagging datasets is usually confronted with serious privacy concerns, because adversaries may re-identify a user and her/his sensitive information from tagging datasets with only a little background information. Recently, several privacy techniques have been proposed to address the problem, but most of these lack a strict privacy notion, and rarely prevent individuals being re-identified from the dataset. This paper proposes a privacy- preserving tag release algorithm, PriTop. This algorithm is designed to satisfy differential privacy, a strict privacy notion with the goal of protecting users in a tagging dataset. The proposed PriTop algorithm includes three privacy-preserving operations: Private topic model generation structures the uncontrolled tags; private weight perturbation adds Laplace noise into the weights to hide the numbers of tags; while private tag selection finally finds the most suitable replacement tags for the original tags, so the exact tags can be hidden. We present extensive experimental results on four real-world datasets, Delicious, MovieLens, Last.fm and BibSonomy. While the recommendation algorithm is successful in all the cases, our results further suggest the proposed PriTop algorithm can successfully retain the utility of the datasets while preserving privacy.


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Hybrid storage systems that consist of flash-based solid state drives (SSDs) and traditional disks are now widely used. In hybrid storage systems, there exists a two-level cache hierarchy that regard dynamic random access memory (DRAM) as the first level cache and SSD as the second level cache for disk storage. However, this two-level cache hierarchy typically uses independent cache replacement policies for each level, which makes cache resource management inefficient and reduces system performance. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive multi-level cache (AMC) replacement algorithm in hybrid storage systems. The AMC algorithm adaptively adjusts cache blocks between DRAM and SSD cache levels using an integrated solution. AMC uses combined selective promote and demote operations to dynamically determine the level in which the blocks are to be cached. In this manner, the AMC algorithm achieves multi-level cache exclusiveness and makes cache resource management more efficient. By using real-life storage traces, our evaluation shows the proposed algorithm improves hybrid multi-level cache performance and also increases the SSD lifetime compared with traditional multi-level cache replacement algorithms.


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As clouds have been deployed widely in various fields, the reliability and availability of clouds become the major concern of cloud service providers and users. Thereby, fault tolerance in clouds receives a great deal of attention in both industry and academia, especially for real-time applications due to their safety critical nature. Large amounts of researches have been conducted to realize fault tolerance in distributed systems, among which fault-tolerant scheduling plays a significant role. However, few researches on the fault-tolerant scheduling study the virtualization and the elasticity, two key features of clouds, sufficiently. To address this issue, this paper presents a fault-tolerant mechanism which extends the primary-backup model to incorporate the features of clouds. Meanwhile, for the first time, we propose an elastic resource provisioning mechanism in the fault-tolerant context to improve the resource utilization. On the basis of the fault-tolerant mechanism and the elastic resource provisioning mechanism, we design novel fault-tolerant elastic scheduling algorithms for real-time tasks in clouds named FESTAL, aiming at achieving both fault tolerance and high resource utilization in clouds. Extensive experiments injecting with random synthetic workloads as well as the workload from the latest version of the Google cloud tracelogs are conducted by CloudSim to compare FESTAL with three baseline algorithms, i.e., Non-M igration-FESTAL (NMFESTAL), Non-Overlapping-FESTAL (NOFESTAL), and Elastic First Fit (EFF). The experimental results demonstrate that FESTAL is able to effectively enhance the performance of virtualized clouds.


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The manufacturing sector has gone through tremendous change in the last decade. We have witnessed the transformation from stand alone, manual processes to smart and integrated systems, from hand written reports to interactive computer-based dashboards. Future integrated factories will operate as a system of systems through intelligent machines, human factors integration, and integrated supply chains. To effectively operate and manage these emerging enterprises, a systems science approach is required. Modelling and simulation is recognised as a key enabling technology, with application from stakeholder engagement and knowledge elicitation to operational decision support through self-tuning and self-assembling simulations. Our research has led to the introduction of effective modelling and simulation methods and tools to enable real time planning, dynamic risk analysis and effective visualisation for production processes, resources and systems. This paper discusses industrial applicable concepts for real-time simulation and decision support, and the implications to future integrated factories, or factories of the future, are explored through relevant case studies from aerospace manufacturing to mining and materials processing enterprises.


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In space-based networks, the data relay satellites can assist low-earth-orbit satellites in relaying data to other satellites or the ground station and improve the real time system throughput. To take full advantage of transmission resource of the cooperative relays, this paper proposes a multiple access and resource allocation strategy, in which relays can receive and transmit simultaneously according to channel characteristics of space-based systems. Based on the queueing theoretic formulation, the stability of the proposed protocol is analyzed and the maximum stable throughput region is derived, which would provide the appropriate guidance for the design of the system optimal control. Simulation results exhibit multiple factors that affect the stable throughput and verify the theoretical analysis.


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Drinking water utilities in urban areas are focused on finding smart solutions facing new challenges in their real-time operation because of limited water resources, intensive energy requirements, a growing population, a costly and ageing infrastructure, increasingly stringent regulations, and increased attention towards the environmental impact of water use. Such challenges force water managers to monitor and control not only water supply and distribution, but also consumer demand. This paper presents and discusses novel methodologies and procedures towards an integrated water resource management system based on advanced ICT technologies of automation and telecommunications for largely improving the efficiency of drinking water networks (DWN) in terms of water use, energy consumption, water loss minimization, and water quality guarantees. In particular, the paper addresses the first results of the European project EFFINET (FP7-ICT2011-8-318556) devoted to the monitoring and control of the DWN in Barcelona (Spain). Results are split in two levels according to different management objectives: (i) the monitoring level is concerned with all the aspects involved in the observation of the current state of a system and the detection/diagnosis of abnormal situations. It is achieved through sensors and communications technology, together with mathematical models; (ii) the control level is concerned with computing the best suitable and admissible control strategies for network actuators as to optimize a given set of operational goals related to the performance of the overall system. This level covers the network control (optimal management of water and energy) and the demand management (smart metering, efficient supply). The consideration of the Barcelona DWN as the case study will allow to prove the general applicability of the proposed integrated ICT solutions and their effectiveness in the management of DWN, with considerable savings of electricity costs and reduced water loss while ensuring the high European standards of water quality to citizens.