689 resultados para Rape Kits
La reciente crisis en la Argentina no sólo puso de manifiesto un deterioro macroeconómico de magnitud, sino que además trajo aparejado el incremento de personas que padecen hambre y la profundización de los problemas socioeconómicos y nutricionales de los estratos en situación de pobreza. Bahía Blanca no estuvo ajena a esta situación, por lo que surgieron numerosos comedores comunitarios con el fin de dar una respuesta inmediata a esta problemática. Pasado el momento más álgido de la crisis, el Gobierno Municipal de Bahía Blanca puso en marcha el programa "Volviendo a casa". Este trabajo tiene como propósito no sólo presentar el programa "Volviendo a casa" como una política pública innovadora, sino también exponer su metodología de evaluación. La propuesta de este programa se basa en la asignación directa a las familias de mayor vulnerabilidad de módulos alimentarios (víveres frescos y secos), kits de limpieza, mobiliario elemental, entre otras cosas. En forma paralela, se realizan educación alimentaria y talleres de fortalecimiento familiar, con el objetivo de reestablecer sus derechos y mejorar el nivel nutricional de los individuos y sus vínculos familiares. La evaluación se desarrollará en forma conjunta entre el Gobierno Municipal y la Universidad Nacional del Sur. Se trata de una investigación exploratoria descriptiva que a través de técnicas cualitativas (grupos focales) revelará la sustentabilidad del programa. En la sección 1 presentamos la metodología cualitativa como una vía de evaluación de programas. En la sección 2 se describe cómo se desarrolló la crisis en Bahía Blanca y a continuación se presenta el Programa "Volviendo a Casa". En la sección 4 se exponen los resultados preliminares de la primera actividad evaluativa del Programa desarrollada. Por último, en las consideraciones finales se vierten las primeras ideas sobre algunos de los aspectos principales del programa
BACKGROUND: KRAS mutation testing is required to select patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) to receive anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibodies, but the optimal KRAS mutation test method is uncertain. METHODS: We conducted a two-site comparison of two commercial KRAS mutation kits - the cobas KRAS Mutation Test and the Qiagen therascreen KRAS Kit - and Sanger sequencing. A panel of 120 CRC specimens was tested with all three methods. The agreement between the cobas test and each of the other methods was assessed. Specimens with discordant results were subjected to quantitative massively parallel pyrosequencing (MPP). DNA blends were tested to determine detection rates at 5% mutant alleles. RESULTS: Reproducibility of the cobas test between sites was 98%. Six mutations were detected by cobas that were not detected by Sanger, and five were confirmed by MPP. The cobas test detected eight mutations which were not detected by the therascreen test, and seven were confirmed by MPP. Detection rates with 5% mutant DNA blends were 100% for the cobas and therascreen tests and 19% for Sanger. CONCLUSION: The cobas test was reproducible between sites, and detected several mutations that were not detected by the therascreen test or Sanger. Sanger sequencing had poor sensitivity for low levels of mutation.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Oomycete diseases cause significant losses across a broad range of crop and aquaculture commodities worldwide. These losses can be greatly reduced by disease management practices steered by accurate and early diagnoses of pathogen presence. Determinations of disease potential can help guide optimal crop rotation regimes, varietal selections, targeted control measures, harvest timings and crop post-harvest handling. Pathogen detection prior to infection can also reduce the incidence of disease epidemics. Classical methods for the isolation of oomycete pathogens are normally deployed only after disease symptom appearance. These processes are often-time consuming, relying on culturing the putative pathogen(s) and the availability of expert taxonomic skills for accurate identification; a situation that frequently results in either delayed application, or routine ‘blanket’ over-application of control measures. Increasing concerns about pesticides in the environment and the food chain, removal or restriction of their usage combined with rising costs have focussed interest in the development and improvement of disease management systems. To be effective, these require timely, accurate and preferably quantitatve diagnoses. A wide range of rapid diagnostic tools, from point of care immunodiagnostic kits to next generation nucleotide sequencing have potential application in oomycete disease management. Here we review currently-available as well as promising new technologies in the context of commercial agricultural production systems, considering the impacts of specific biotic and abiotic and other important factors such as speed and ease of access to information and cost effectiveness
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Artefatos educacionais com memória cinética Topobo: uma abordagem para o currículo dos anos iniciais
Este artigo apresenta o lúdico como uma forma de trabalhar conteúdos na escola, mostrando de forma introdutória a importância desta atividade. Após é apresentado o kit Topobo, uma ferramenta de uso pedagógico desenvolvido no laboratório de mídias do MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) o qual é comercializado em caixas com diferentes quantidades de peças, onde o professor pode explorar conteúdos de forma lúdica. A partir disto, é mostrada uma metodologia para auxiliar o professor a trabalhar com robótica educacional em sala de aula, e por fim conclui com algumas percepções do uso de um kit Topobo comercial de 100 peças.
New psychoactive substances (NPSs) have appeared on the recreational drug market at an unprecedented rate in recent years. Many are not new drugs but failed products of the pharmaceutical industry. The speed and variety of drugs entering the market poses a new complex challenge for the forensic toxicology community. The detection of these substances in biological matrices can be difficult as the exact compounds of interest may not be known. Many NPS are sold under the same brand name and therefore users themselves may not know what substances they have ingested. The majority of analytical methods for the detection of NPSs tend to focus on a specific class of compounds rather than a wide variety. In response to this, a robust and sensitive method was developed for the analysis of various NPS by solid phase extraction (SPE) with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). Sample preparation and derivatisation were optimised testing a range of SPE cartridges and derivatising agents, as well as derivatisation incubation time and temperature. The final gas chromatography mass spectrometry method was validated in accordance with SWGTOX 2013 guidelines over a wide concentration range for both blood and urine for 23 and 25 analytes respectively. This included the validation of 8 NBOMe compounds in blood and 10 NBOMe compounds in urine. This GC-MS method was then applied to 8 authentic samples with concentrations compared to those originally identified by NMS laboratories. The rapid influx of NPSs has resulted in the re-analysis of samples and thus, the stability of these substances is crucial information. The stability of mephedrone was investigated, examining the effect that storage temperatures and preservatives had on analyte stability daily for 1 week and then weekly for 10 weeks. Several laboratories identified NPSs use through the cross-reactivity of these substances with existing screening protocols such as ELISA. The application of Immunalysis ketamine, methamphetamine and amphetamine ELISA kits for the detection of NPS was evaluated. The aim of this work was to determine if any cross-reactivity from NPS substances was observed, and to determine whether these existing kits would identify NPS use within biological samples. The cross- reactivity of methoxetamine, 3-MeO-PCE and 3-MeO-PCP for different commercially point of care test (POCT) was also assessed for urine. One of the newest groups of compounds to appear on the NPS market is the NBOMe series. These drugs pose a serious threat to public health due to their high potency, with fatalities already reported in the literature. These compounds are falsely marketed as LSD which increases the chance of adverse effects due to the potency differences between these 2 substances. A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was validated in accordance with SWGTOX 2013 guidelines for the detection for 25B, 25C and 25I-NBOMe in urine and hair. Long-Evans rats were administered 25B-, 25C- and 25I-NBOMe at doses ranging from 30-300 µg/kg over a period of 10 days. Tail flick tests were then carried out on the rats in order to determine whether any analgesic effects were observed as a result of dosing. Rats were also shaved prior to their first dose and reshaved after the 10-day period. Hair was separated by colour (black and white) and analysed using the validated LC-MS/MS method, assessing the impact hair colour has on the incorporation of these drugs. Urine was collected from the rats, analysed using the validated LC-MS/MS method and screened for potential metabolites using both LC-MS/MS and quadrupole time of flight (QToF) instrumentation.
Cyberbullying is gaining increasing media attention. Victims may be reluctant to report such bullying due to the perception by others that these victims somehow play a role in their own victimization. This perception, often referred to as victim blame, has been commonly researched in child sexual abuse, rape and hate crime cases, but it has not really been examined in cases of cyberbullying. To assess victim blame, 241 participants were recruited and asked to read a scenario of cyberbullying that involved either a 14-year-old or a 20-year old victim. Perpetrator gender and victim gender were also manipulated. It was found that perceptions regarding the scenario were influenced by the gender of the perpetrator and the age of the victim. This was particularly the case when perceptions of the seriousness of the crime and the necessity for legal action were assessed.
Cette thèse a pour objet de comprendre la question du mariage forcé vécu par des femmes immigrantes vivant au Québec et, les réponses politiques, législatives et sociales qu’on y apporte. De façon plus spécifique, il s’agit de mettre à jour la diversité des situations et des significations que recouvre la notion de mariage forcé pour tenter d’en dégager des éléments de définition et de compréhension. La thèse vise également à identifier les conséquences spécifiques qui découlent d’un mariage forcé pour les femmes immigrantes vivant au Québec, et enfin, d’analyser les réponses politiques, législatives et sociales visant le mariage forcé au Canada et au Québec afin de prévenir, dépister et d’en protéger ses victimes en contexte interculturel. S’appuyant sur un corpus de dix entrevues avec des femmes immigrantes vivant, ayant vécu ou menacées d’un mariage forcé et de dix-huit informateurs clés intervenant auprès d’elles et provenant de différents milieux de pratique (police, justice, santé services sociaux et communautaires), une analyse intersectionnelle a permis de révéler toute la complexité des mariages forcés due notamment aux interrelations entre des systèmes d’oppression et des vulnérabilités multiples. La recension des écrits et nos résultats indiquent que certains éléments caractérisent les mariages forcés. Premièrement, la préservation de l’honneur patriarcal qui problématise et contrôle le comportement des femmes en ce qui à trait notamment à leur vie sexuelle, mais aussi sociale. Deuxièmement, le fait que le mariage forcé soit un moyen de poursuivre des intérêts plus souvent collectifs qu’individuels. Dimension collective qui devra nécessairement être prise en considération lors des solutions à apporter à cette problématique. Troisièmement, le rôle des femmes (mères, belles-mères et autres femmes de la communauté culturelle d’appartenance) dans l’arrangement des mariages, mais également dans la surveillance et le contrôle de tous les faits et gestes des autres femmes. i Quatrièmement, le potentiel d’agresseurs multiples, y compris la communauté elle-même, dans les actes de violence commis avant, pendant et, le cas échéant, après le mariage. Une autre dimension qui devra elle aussi être prise en compte lors de l’inter- vention. Cinquièmement, le potentiel d’exploitation sexuelle (viol conjugal, grossesses forcées), physique (mauvais traitements, blessures), psychologique (pressions, manipulations) ou encore économique (travail forcé, privation d’autonomie financière). L’ensemble de ces résultats a permis de cerner certains besoins liés à l’intervention, en terme de prévention, de dépistage et de protection des victimes de mariage forcé.
Archived specimens are highly valuable sources of DNA for retrospective genetic/genomic analysis. However, often limited effort has been made to evaluate and optimize extraction methods, which may be crucial for downstream applications. Here, we assessed and optimized the usefulness of abundant archived skeletal material from sharks as a source of DNA for temporal genomic studies. Six different methods for DNA extraction, encompassing two different commercial kits and three different protocols, were applied to material, so-called bio-swarf, from contemporary and archived jaws and vertebrae of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier). Protocols were compared for DNA yield and quality using a qPCR approach. For jaw swarf, all methods provided relatively high DNA yield and quality, while large differences in yield between protocols were observed for vertebrae. Similar results were obtained from samples of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Application of the optimized methods to 38 museum and private angler trophy specimens dating back to 1912 yielded sufficient DNA for downstream genomic analysis for 68% of the samples. No clear relationships between age of samples, DNA quality and quantity were observed, likely reflecting different preparation and storage methods for the trophies. Trial sequencing of DNA capture genomic libraries using 20 000 baits revealed that a significant proportion of captured sequences were derived from tiger sharks. This study demonstrates that archived shark jaws and vertebrae are potential high-yield sources of DNA for genomic-scale analysis. It also highlights that even for similar tissue types, a careful evaluation of extraction protocols can vastly improve DNA yield.
In recent years, sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from marine algae have emerged as an important class of natural biopolymers with potential pharmacology applications. Among these, SP isolated from the cell walls of red algae have been study due to their anticoagulant,antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities. In the present study, three sulfated polysaccharides fractions denominated F1.5v, F2.0v and F3.0v were obtained from seaweed G. caudate by proteolysis followed to acetone fractionation. Gel electrophoresis using 0.05 M 1,3-diaminopropane-acetate buffer, pH 9,0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue, showed the presence of SP in all fractions. The chemical analysis demonstrated that all the fractions are composed mainly of galactose. These compounds were evaluated in anticoagulant, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities. In anticoagulant activity evaluated through aPTT and PT tests, no one fractions presented anticoagulant activity at tested concentrations (0.1 mg/mL; 1.0 mg/mL; 2.0 mg/mL).The antioxidant activities of the three fractions were evaluated by the following in vitro systems: Total antioxidant capacity, superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging, ferrous chelating activity and reducing power. The fractions were found to have different levels of antioxidant activity in the systems tested. F1.5v shows the highest activity, especially in the ferrous chelating system, with 70% of ferrous inhibiting at 1.0 mg.mL-1. Finally, all the fractions showed dose-dependent antiproliferative activity against HeLa cells. The fractions F1.5v and F2.0v presented the highest antiproliferative activity at 2.0 mg/mL with 42.7% and 37.0% of inhibition, respectively. Ours results suggests that the sulfated polysaccharides from seaweed G. caudata are promising compounds in antioxidant and/or antitumor therapy
This paper outlines the key findings from a recent study of statutory service responses to young people with learning disabilities who show sexually inappropriate or abusive behaviours, with a particular focus on the involvement of criminal justice agencies. The study found that although inappropriate sexual behaviours were commonplace in special schools, and that serious acts of abuse including rape had sometimes occurred, education, welfare and criminal justice agencies struggled to work together effectively. In particular, staff often had difficulty in determining the point at which a sexually inappropriate behaviour warranted intervention. This problem was frequently compounded by a lack of appropriate therapeutic services. In many cases this meant that no intervention was made until the young person committed a sexual offence and the victim reported this to the police. As a consequence, young people with learning disabilities are being registered as sex offenders. The paper concludes by addressing some of the policy and practice implications of the study’s findings, particularly those which relate to criminal justice.
Objetivos: Listar las variables imprescindibles en los cuadros de mando integrales para abarcar todas las áreas básicas de trabajo en una Unidad de Radiofarmacia hospitalaria, cuya adecuada gestión puede ser clave para optimizar los recursos disponibles. En segundo lugar, enumerar los beneficios que redundan en la práctica de trabajo diario tras su integración. Métodos: Revisión de la bibliografía publicada sobre cuadros de mando integrales, seleccionando las variables para que el radiofarmacéutico asuma un papel activo en la mejora de su área de trabajo. Se utilizan programas construídos en Microsoft Access para la gestión integral. Se administran en varios módulos toda la información desde la prescripción y citación de los pacientes (asignándoles un código) hasta que se les realiza la exploración. Se recogen también variables como: fecha y hora límites de tramitación de radiofármaco al proveedor; fecha prueba médica; gestión de eluciones de generadores y kits fríos; turnos de trabajo del personal; registro de incidencias tipificadas y de datos de recepción, marcaje, control de calidad y dispensación de cada radiofármaco (asegurando la trazabilidad); detección de desviaciones entre actividad calibrada y medida; la actividad dispensada y la disponible a tiempo real; gestión de eliminación de residuos radiactivos, de existencias y caducidades; fechas de próximas revisiones de equipos; archivado de PNT; sistemas conversores de unidades y registro de informes clínicos. Resultados: Los programas especializados gestionan la información que se maneja en la Unidad de Radiofarmacia, facilitando tomar decisiones coste-efectivas. Los parámetros analizados son: número de preparaciones elaboradas y actividad manejada; posibles incidencias en cualquiera de los procesos cotidianos; porcentaje de resolución satisfactoria sin que derive en falta de disponibilidad; correcta trazabilidad de los radiofármacos; porcentaje de controles de calidad satisfactorios; evolución en el consumo por tipo de radiofármaco, etc. La mejora en la gestión de pedidos asegura la presencia del radiofármaco necesario para cada exploración. Conclusiones: Estos nuevos cuadros de mando integrales son útiles para optimizar pedidos y radiofármacos, asegurar trazabilidad, gestionar inventario, informes clínicos, residuos radiactivos y para evaluar la eficiencia de la Unidad de radiofarmacia, permitiendo la integración de estos datos con otros softwares de gestión sanitaria. Esta metodología puede aplicarse en Centros Sanitarios de Atención Primaria para enfocar al personal en sus funciones asistenciales y operativas.