913 resultados para Public policy.


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El treball que es presenta a continuació consisteix en una anàlisi teòrica sobre el concepte d'apoderament juvenil partint d'una aproximació al context actual i les relacions de poder que condicionen la construcció social de la joventut. L'anàlisi es basa en la relació del concepte d'apoderament amb els processos de transformació social així com de qüestionament de les estructures de poder existents avui. D'altra banda, es realitza una reflexió sobre l'ús del terme des de l'àmbit de les ciències socials, específicament des de les polítiques públiques de joventut


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L’existència d’espais per a joves sovint ha vingut donada per a fomentar la participació dels i les joves a través de la seva organització. Tot i així, la complexitat que pren aquesta ha portat a diferents formes de concebre i organitzar aquests espais, i per tant, diferents formes de dotar aquest foment de la participació. L’autogestió sovint ha estat una vessant poc impulsada des de les polítiques públiques de joventut, sense tenir-ne en compte els beneficis que aquesta pot aportar pel foment de la participació social per a representar un espai de poder decisió i veu directe pels i les mateixes joves


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This paper presents a technology roadmap applied to renewable raw materials as a basis for public policy and strategies in Brazil. The roadmap, developed by Braskem professionals and academic experts, intends to be a basis of discussion and common language creation regarding the possible utilization of renewable raw materials for biofuel and chemical production in Brazil. Following this perspective, the roadmap is presented to public debate and contribution from the stakeholders. The paper describes the roadmap construction and presents the main implications for policy and strategy goals. An analysis of the innovation dynamics in renewable raw materials is developed as an outcome of the roadmap.


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Currently, public policy has encouraged innovation in universities and also transference of technology to the industry. Another important stage to be considered would be the registration or filing of a patent and the economical viability study. Government programs, such as the innovation incentive program, among others, should facilitate popularization and promote interest by industry. In this work we described the steps, from the conception of the idea to the scale up going through its interest by the industry. The case study is about the glycerol conversion utilizing modified niobia as catalysts.


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In recent years, public policy has been offering subsidized credit for machine purchase to family farmers. However, there is no methodological procedure to select a suitable tractor for these farmers' situation. In this way, we aimed to develop a selection model for smallholder farmers from Pelotas city region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Building a multicriteria model to aid decisions is divided into three main stages: structuring stage (identifying stakeholders, decisional context and model creation), evaluation stage (stakeholder preference quantification) and recommendation stage (choice selection). The Multicriteria method is able to identify and value the criteria used in tractor selection by regional family farmers. Six main evaluation areas were identified: operational cost (weight 0.20), purchase cost (weight 0.22), maintainability (weight 0.10), tractor capacity (weight 0.26), ergonomics (weight 0.14) and safety (weight 0.08). The best-rated tractor model (14.7 kW rated power) also was the one purchased by 53.3% of local families.


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The emergence of the idea of multiculturalism in Swedish public discourse and social science in the latter half of the 1960s and introduction of official multiculturalism in 1975 constituted a major intellectual and political shift in the post-war history of Sweden. The ambition of the 1975 immigrant and minority policy to enable the preservation of ethno-cultural minorities and to create a positive attitude towards the new multicultural society among the majority population was also incorporated into Swedish cultural, educational and media policies. The rejection of assimilationism and the new commitment to ethno-cultural diversity, the multicultural moment, has earned Sweden a place on the list of the early adopters of official multiculturalism, together with Canada and Australia. This compilation thesis examines the origins and early post-war history of the idea of multiculturalism as well as the interplay between idea and politics in the shift from a public ideal of homogeneity to an ideal of multiculturalism in Sweden. It does so from a range of conceptual, comparative, transnational, and biographical perspectives. The thesis consists of an introduction (Part I) and four previously published studies (Part II). The primary research result of the thesis concerns the agency involved in the break-through and formal establishment of the idea of multiculturalism in Sweden. Actors such as ethnic activists, experts and officials were instrumental in the introduction and establishment of multiculturalism in Sweden, as they also had been in Canada and in Australia. These actors have, however, not previously been recognized and analysed as significant idea-makers and political agents in the case of Sweden. The intertwined connections between activists, social scientists, linguists, and officials facilitated the transfer of the idea of multiculturalism from a publically contested idea to public policy via the way of The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, academia and the Royal Commission of Immigration. The thesis furthermore shows that the political success of the idea of multiculturalism, such as it was within the limits of the universalist social democratic welfare state, was dependent on whom the claims-makers were, the status and positions they held, and the way the idea of multiculturalism was conceptualised and used. It was also dependent on the migratory context of labour immigration in the 1960s and 1970s and on whose behalf the advocates of multiculturalism made their claims. The majority of the labour immigrants were Finnish citizens from the former eastern half of the kingdom of Sweden who were net contributors to the Swedish welfare state. This facilitated the recognition of their ethno-cultural difference, and, following the logic of universalism, the ethno-cultural difference of other minority groups in Sweden. The historical significance of the multicultural moment is still evident in the contemporary immigration and integration policies of Sweden. The affirmation of diversity continues to set Sweden apart from the rest of Europe, now more so than in the 1970s, even though the migratory context has changed radically in the last 40 years.


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The present investigation looks into the attitudes toward death in Paul’s authentic letters, and puts them in relation to modern theories of psychological coping. Drawing on psychologically-oriented hermeneutic theory, and theories about psychological coping in particular, I argue that each case of psychological coping must be understood in its historical situation as strategies emanating from a specific person’s subjective appraisal (cf. Pargament, Lazarus and Folkman). Paul’s letters frequently refer to persecution and violent death. To aid in psychological coping is often integral to the purpose of the letters, which makes the perspective of psychological coping akin to their genre. In the course of a tentatively assumed chronological order of 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, and Philemon, Paul moves from the perception of Jesus dying for the faithful to the understanding of dying with Jesus. His coping strategies concerning death are gradually transformed from conservative and deferring coping styles, to a more self-directing coping style, to collaborative and transformative coping styles, and finally to a new sense of deferring coping style in prison. The last case of deferring coping carries the traits of generosity and flexibility even in the face of death, which is in contrast to his previous letters. Through his correspondence, we see Paul’s attitude toward death transformed from denial to reaction, to processing, to acceptance (cf. Lindemann, Kübler-Ross, Bowlby, Parkes, among others). His strategies also shift in accordance with these understandings. Denial is accompanied by diversion, threat by aggression, processing by rumination, and acceptance by joy. The study shows the hermeneutic benefits of reading Paul’s letters as the rhetorically framed expressions of a person in a particular historical situation. The letters open small windows through which we can glimpse the coping process of a person of antiquity. In adopting the method of psychological exegesis, the study shows that the variety of attitudes toward death in Paul’s letters makes sense from the perspective of psychological coping. The psychological aspect of these letters is an underexamined richness that can extend into areas of contemporary individual and group identity, and from there to public policy and ethics.


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Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) was originally developed to diagnose embryo-related genetic abnormalities for couples who present a high risk of a specific inherited disorder. Because this technology involves embryo selection, the medical, bioethical, and legal implications of the technique have been debated, particularly when it is used to select features that are not related to serious diseases. Although several initiatives have attempted to achieve regulatory harmonization, the diversity of healthcare services available and the presence of cultural differences have hampered attempts to achieve this goal. Thus, in different countries, the provision of PGD and regulatory frameworks reflect the perceptions of scientific groups, legislators, and society regarding this technology. In Brazil, several texts have been analyzed by the National Congress to regulate the use of assisted reproduction technologies. Legislative debates, however, are not conclusive, and limited information has been published on how PGD is specifically regulated. The country requires the development of new regulatory standards to ensure adequate access to this technology and to guarantee its safe practice. This study examined official documents published on PGD regulation in Brazil and demonstrated how little direct oversight of PGD currently exists. It provides relevant information to encourage reflection on a particular regulation model in a Brazilian context, and should serve as part of the basis to enable further reform of the clinical practice of PGD in the country.


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World Kidney Day 2016 focuses on kidney disease in childhood and the antecedents of adult kidney disease that can begin in earliest childhood. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in childhood differs from that in adults, in that the largest diagnostic group among children includes congenital anomalies and inherited disorders, with glomerulopathies and kidney disease as a consequence of diabetes being relatively uncommon. In addition, many children with acute kidney injury will ultimately develop sequelae that may lead to hypertension and CKD in later childhood or in adult life. Children born early or who are small-for-date newborns have relatively increased risk for the development of CKD later in life. Persons with a high-risk birth and early childhood history should be watched closely in order to help detect early signs of kidney disease in time to provide effective prevention or treatment. Successful therapy is feasible for advanced CKD in childhood; there is evidence that children fare better than adults, if they receive kidney replacement therapy including dialysis and transplantation, although only a minority of children may require this ultimate intervention. Because there are disparities in access to care, effort is needed so that children with kidney disease, wherever they live, may be treated effectively, irrespective of their geographic or economic circumstances. Our hope is that the World Kidney Day will inform the general public, policy makers and caregivers about the needs and possibilities surrounding kidney disease in childhood.


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The Brazilian federal judiciary offers an interesting riddle to scholars of judicial politics and policy change. While the courts have played a major policy role over the past two decades, constraining and altering federal policy across a range of subjects, the court system has simultaneously been labeled "dysfunctional." This paper investigates this riddle: a system plagued by major systemic flaws in its day-to-day operations, which nonetheless still manages to exert a powerful influence on public policy in Brazil. I adopt a new institutional perspective, focusing on how the institutional and normative structure within which judges and other legal actors operate affects policy outcomes.


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This paper discusses the role of the political and institutional factors in the contemporary theories on the growth of government expenditures. Based on a comparative analysis of studies produced in the two last decades on the field of political economy, the analysis attempts to deal with the main assumptions, the types of explanation, and the causal status of political and institutional variables provided by these theories. The theories are classified according to the type of explanation and the causal primacy of different political and institutional variables in each model.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa arvioin Turun kaupungin ympäristönsuojelutoimiston vuosina 1995–2000 toteuttamien projektien yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. Projektit ovat: muovijätteen kierrättämiseen keskittynyt KAPULA, ilmanlaadun seurannan kehittämiseen luotu City Simulator, eri sektorien väliseen ympäristöyhteistyöhön kannustanut Green Know-How Turku, Hirvensalon kaavoituksen tulevaisuutta valottanut ICTULA sekä kansainvälinen sähköautoprojekti EVD-POST. Kaikki viisi projektia on toteutettu yhteistyönä, ja osallistujina niissä on ollut ympäristönsuojelutoimiston lisäksi niin Turun alueen kuntia, yrityksiä kuin eurooppalaisia kaupunkejakin. Tutkielmassa arvioin projektien yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta julkishallinnollisesta näkökulmasta. Tässä tapauksessa yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus merkitsee muun muassa sitä, miten ympäristönsuojelutoimisto on vastannut sille asetettuihin tavoitteisiin ja miten toiminta on vastannut siihen kohdistuvia yhteiskunnallisia tarpeita. Tutkimukseni perusteella tarpeet ovat muodostuneet 1990-luvun Suomen talouslaman, 1980- ja 1990-lukujen globaalin ja EU:n ympäristöpolitiikan sekä 1990-luvun kaupunkistrategioiden ja ympäristönsuojeluohjelman kautta. Projektien arviointiin hyödynnän tavoitelähtöistä metodia Evert Vedungin Public Policy and Program Evaluation sekä Huey-Tsyh Chenin Theory-Driven Evaluations -teoksia. Metodilla tarkennan tavoitteiden, toimenpiteiden ja lopputulemien suhdetta. Sen lisäksi käytän Ray Pawsonin ja Nick Tilleyn Realistic Evaluation -kirjan realistista arviointitapaa, jolla tutkin kontekstin ja tehtyjen toimenpiteiden vaikutusta projekteissa. Projektien arvioinnin jälkeen kokoan yhteen päätelmiä projektien yhteiskunnallisesta vaikuttavuudesta ja pohdin syitä siihen, miksi projektit eroavat vaikuttavuudeltaan. Tutkielman johtopäätöksinä on, että projektit eroavat yhteiskunnalliselta vaikuttavuudeltaan lähtökohtien ja hyväksyttävyyden johdosta esimerkiksi lainsäädännön ja ympäristöpolitiikan vuoksi. Kyse on osaksi myös siitä, että joissain projekteissa tavoitteet on asetettu epärealistisiksi suhteessa niiden toteutumiseen. Projekteihin kohdistuvat ulkoiset tarpeet, toimintaympäristö ja realistiset tavoitteet eivät kuitenkaan ehdottomasti takaa yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. Myös yhteistyöprojektien toteuttajien ominaisuudet eli sisäiset tekijät vaikuttavat yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden ilmenemiseen.


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This paper aims to be a very preliminary effort to contribute to a better understanding of the interaction among innovation, competition and intellectual property policies from an evolutionary-developmental perspective. As such, it seeks to build a more coherent framework within which the discussions of both institution building and policy design for development can proceed. In order to accomplish that, the paper introduces the concept of "Knowledge Governance" as an alternative analytical and policy-oriented approach, and suggests that from a public policy/public interest perspective, and within an evolutionary framework, it is a better way to address the problems concerning the production, appropriability and diffusion of knowledge. In doing so, it also intends contribute to broaden the ongoing discussions on the "New Developmentalism".


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa arvioin Turun kaupungin ympäristönsuojelutoimiston vuosina 1995–2000 toteuttamien projektien yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. Projektit ovat: muovijätteen kierrättämiseen keskittynyt KAPULA, ilmanlaadun seurannan kehittämiseen luotu City Simulator, eri sektorien väliseen ympäristöyhteistyöhön kannustanut Green Know-How Turku, Hirvensalon kaavoituksen tulevaisuutta valottanut ICTULA sekä kansainvälinen sähköautoprojekti EVD-POST. Kaikki viisi projektia on toteutettu yhteistyönä, ja osallistujina niissä on ollut ympäristönsuojelutoimiston lisäksi niin Turun alueen kuntia, yrityksiä kuin eurooppalaisia kaupunkejakin. Tutkielmassa arvioin projektien yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta julkishallinnollisesta näkökulmasta. Tässä tapauksessa yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus merkitsee muun muassa sitä, miten ympäristönsuojelutoimisto on vastannut sille asetettuihin tavoitteisiin ja miten toiminta on vastannut siihen kohdistuvia yhteiskunnallisia tarpeita. Tutkimukseni perusteella tarpeet ovat muodostuneet 1990-luvun Suomen talouslaman, 1980- ja 1990-lukujen globaalin ja EU:n ympäristöpolitiikan sekä 1990-luvun kaupunkistrategioiden ja ympäristönsuojeluohjelman kautta. Projektien arviointiin hyödynnän tavoitelähtöistä metodia Evert Vedungin Public Policy and Program Evaluation sekä Huey-Tsyh Chenin Theory-Driven Evaluations -teoksia. Metodilla tarkennan tavoitteiden, toimenpiteiden ja lopputulemien suhdetta. Sen lisäksi käytän Ray Pawsonin ja Nick Tilleyn Realistic Evaluation -kirjan realistista arviointitapaa, jolla tutkin kontekstin ja tehtyjen toimenpiteiden vaikutusta projekteissa. Projektien arvioinnin jälkeen kokoan yhteen päätelmiä projektien yhteiskunnallisesta vaikuttavuudesta ja pohdin syitä siihen, miksi projektit eroavat vaikuttavuudeltaan. Tutkielman johtopäätöksinä on, että projektit eroavat yhteiskunnalliselta vaikuttavuudeltaan lähtökohtien ja hyväksyttävyyden johdosta esimerkiksi lainsäädännön ja ympäristöpolitiikan vuoksi. Kyse on osaksi myös siitä, että joissain projekteissa tavoitteet on asetettu epärealistisiksi suhteessa niiden toteutumiseen. Projekteihin kohdistuvat ulkoiset tarpeet, toimintaympäristö ja realistiset tavoitteet eivät kuitenkaan ehdottomasti takaa yhteiskunnallista vaikuttavuutta. Myös yhteistyöprojektien toteuttajien ominaisuudet eli sisäiset tekijät vaikuttavat yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden ilmenemiseen.