894 resultados para Public administration|Urban planning
A considerable portion of public lands in the United States is at risk of uncharacteristically severe wildfires due to a history of fire suppression. Wildfires already have detrimental impacts on the landscape and on communities in the wildland-urban interface (WUI) due to unnatural and overstocked forests. Strategies to mitigate wildfire risk include mechanical thinning and prescribed burning in areas with high wildfire risk. The material removed is often of little or no economic value. Woody biomass utilization (WBU) could offset the costs of hazardous fuel treatments if removed material could be used for wood products, heat, or electricity production. However, barriers due to transportation costs, removal costs, and physical constraints (such as steep slopes) hinder woody biomass utilization. Various federal and state policies attempt to overcome these barriers. WBU has the potential to aid in wildfire mitigation and meet growing state mandates for renewable energy. This research utilizes interview data from individuals involved with on-the-ground woody biomass removal and utilization to determine how federal and state policies influence woody biomass utilization. Results suggest that there is not one over-arching policy that hinders or promotes woody biomass utilization, but rather woody biomass utilization is hindered by organizational constraints related to time, cost, and quality of land management agencies’ actions. However, the use of stewardship contracting (a hybrid timber sale and service contract) shows promise for increased WBU, especially in states with favorable tax policies and renewable energy mandates. Policy recommendations to promote WBU include renewal of stewardship contracting legislations and a re-evaluation of land cover types suited for WBU. Potential future policies to consider include the indirect role of carbon dioxide emission reduction activities to promote wood energy and future impacts of air quality regulations.
Public participation is an important component of Michigan’s Part 632 Nonferrous Mining law and is identified by researchers as important to decision-making processes. The Kennecott Eagle Project, which is located near Marquette, Michigan, is the first mine permitted under Michigan’s new mining regulation, and this research examines how public participation is structured in regulations, how the permitting process occurred during the permitting of the Eagle Project, and how participants in the permitting process perceived their participation. To understand these issues, this research implemented a review of existing mining policy and public participation policy literature, examination of documents related to the Kennecott Eagle Project and completion of semi-structured, ethnographic interviews with participants in the decision-making process. Interviewees identified issues with the structure of participation, the technical nature of the permitting process, concerns about the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) handling of mine permitting, and trust among participants. This research found that the permitting of the Kennecott Eagle Mine progressed as structured by regulation and collected technical input on the mine permit application, but did not meet the expectations of some participants who opposed the project. Findings from this research indicated that current mining regulation in Michigan is resilient to public opposition, there is need for more transparency from the Michigan DEQ during the permitting process, and current participatory structures limit the opportunities for some stakeholder groups to influence decision-making.
Die aktuellen Entwicklungen der öffentlichen Aufgabenerfüllung und deren Finanzierung in zahlreichen Ländern werfen die Frage nach einer nachhalti-gen Staats- und Verwaltungsführung auf. Welche Aufgaben soll der Staat selbst erfüllen – und welche im staatlichen Verbund oder partnerschaftlich zusammen mit Privaten? Wie ist die Finanzierung unter Wahrung des Haus-haltgleichgewichts sicherzustellen? Nach welchen Modellen organisiert und führt der Staat seine Verwaltung? Und wie wird die Wirksamkeit und Effizi-enz der Aufgabenerfüllung im demokratischen Rechtsstaat überprüft? Die vorliegende Jubiläumsschrift zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des Kompetenz-zentrums für Public Management der Universität Bern vermittelt eine Über-sicht über das Schaffen des KPM, über dessen Umfeld sowie über aktuelle Forschungsprojekte und neue Forschungsfelder. Die Jubiläumsschrift ver-bindet Wissenschaft und Praxis der Public Governance aus einer nationalen und internationalen Perspektive. Und sie thematisiert den Mehrwert der verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Public Governance im Berufsalltag.