999 resultados para Psychophysical approach
Endometriosis is a chronic condition affecting 10 to15% of women in childbearing age. Understanding the impact of this disease on women’s well-being is still a challenge, namely to intervene. Pain is the most current and troublesome symptom. Although medical treatments for pain relief are effective, recurrence rate remains significant, calling for a better understanding and development of new approaches for pain management. A group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for management of associated co-morbidities is suggested, paying special attention to Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP). CBT design can be grounded on information collected from focus groups and a one-group exploratory trial. Evaluation of therapy effectiveness is possible to be performed by comparing group CBT to Usual Care (UC) and Support Group (SG) in a randomized controlled trial. Research in this area could represent an important step in providing a solution to the management of endometriosis and, to the best of our knowledge, the first national psychological approach for its understanding and treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To report the hemodynamic and functional responses obtained with clinical optimization guided by hemodynamic parameters in patients with severe and refractory heart failure. METHODS: Invasive hemodynamic monitoring using right heart catheterization aimed to reach low filling pressures and peripheral resistance. Frequent adjustments of intravenous diuretics and vasodilators were performed according to the hemodynamic measurements. RESULTS: We assessed 19 patients (age = 48±12 years and ejection fraction = 21±5%) with severe heart failure. The intravenous use of diuretics and vasodilators reduced by 12 mm Hg (relative reduction of 43%) pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (P<0.001), with a concomitant increment of 6 mL per beat in stroke volume (relative increment of 24%, P<0.001). We observed significant associations between pulmonary artery occlusion pressure and mean pulmonary artery pressure (r=0.76; P<0.001) and central venous pressure (r=0.63; P<0.001). After clinical optimization, improvement in functional class occurred (P< 0.001), with a tendency towards improvement in ejection fraction and no impairment to renal function. CONCLUSION: Optimization guided by hemodynamic parameters in patients with refractory heart failure provides a significant improvement in the hemodynamic profile with concomitant improvement in functional class. This study emphasizes that adjustments in blood volume result in imme-diate benefits for patients with severe heart failure.
PhD in Sciences Specialty in Physics
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Engenharia de Estruturas).
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the use, prior to the procedure, of injectable diltiazem to prevent complications. METHODS: Between September 2000 and July 2001, 50 patients underwent transradial coronary angiography and were randomized to receive placebo (GI) or diltiazem (GII) through a catheter inserted into the radial artery. All patients received isosorbide mononitrate. Ultrasound analyses of the radial artery were performed before examination, 30 minutes afterwards, and 7 days afterwards to evaluate the flow, the diameter, and the artery output. RESULTS: The radial artery diameter of GI was 2.4± 0.5 mm before the procedure and 2.3±0.5 mm after 30 minutes (NS), whereas in GII the diameter was 2.2±0.3 mm before the examination and 2.5±0.4 mm 30 minutes after it (P<0.001). Radial artery output in group 1 was 7.3±5.l2 mL/min before the examination and 6.1±3.5 mL/min 30 minutes after the examination (NS), and GII had an increase of 5.9±2.5 mL/min before examination to 9.05± 7.78 mL/min after the examination (P=0.04). Complications (spasm, occlusion, and partial obstruction) occurred in 4 patients (17.4%) in GI and did not occur in GII (P=0.04). CONCLUSION: The study suggests a decrease in vascular complications through the transradial access for coronary angiography with the use of diltiazem as an antispasmodic drug, resulting in the significant increase in the diameter of the radial artery and radial artery output.
El proyecto que se propone es continuación de investigaciones relacionadas con dos géneros de nematodos fitófagos de interés para cultivos hortícolas (Nacobbus y Meloidogyne) y plantas aromáticas (Meloidogyne) en la Provincia de Córdoba. Hasta el momento, los conocimientos sobre estos parásitos son limitados, de allí la justificación del tema propuesto. Se realizarán muestreos de los citados cultivos, desarrollados a campo y bajo cubierta, para identificar poblaciones de esos nematodos perjudiciales. Se caracterizará morfológicamente poblaciones de N. aberrans con el objeto de consolidar criterios que permitan su reconocimiento. Se llevarán a cabo estudios de relaciones nematodo-hospedador poniendo énfasis en aspectos para los cuales no existen antecedentes en el país. Por un lado, se evaluará el grado de susceptibilidad de diferentes cultivares de pimiento a la agresión de poblaciones de N. aberrans de reconocida patogenicidad para el cultivo. Por otro, se estudiará el efecto de la colonización de micorrizas arbusculares en raíces de tomate y pimiento, como agente que brindaría resistencia al ataque de N. aberrans. Cabe hacer notar que con respecto a la interacción del complejo representado por N. aberrans-planta-micorrizas no ha sido publicada información alguna a nivel mundial. La importancia del proyecto reside en la posibilidad de obtener datos originales, transferibles al sector de producción agrícola. Al mismo tiempo, contribuirá a definir estrategias alternativas de manejo de problemas ocasionados por nematodos fitófagos, basadas en aspectos biológicos y no en la utilización sistemática de agroquímicos contaminantes.
The recreational needs of young people with.disabilities in Sligo county were examined using an emancipatory approach that provided an accurate reflection on the perspectives of the disabled young people. The aim of this study included a comparison of access to and attitudes towards leisure activities as between disabled and non-disabled young people in the Sligo area. The hypothesis set out by the researcher was the expectation that findings would include a degree of disadvantage in access and participation in leisure activities for young people with disabilities vis a vis their counterparts. The way in which this was tested was by focus groups and interviews. This hypothesis was adequately proven along with an in-depth range of recommendations for improvement that were made by participants. The study’s emancipatory research methods ensured that the voice of the participants was heard regarding their recreational needs and the disabling barriers that needed to be removed.
The research described in this thesis has been developed as a part of the Reliability and Field Data Management for Multi-component Products (REFIDAM) Project. This project was founded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and Thermo King Europe. The project aimed to develop a system in order to manage the information required for reliability assessment and improvement of multi-component products, by establishing information flows within the company and information exchange with fleet users.
Monitoring, object-orientation, real-time, execution-time, scheduling
Microstrip antenna, Wideband antennas, high gain antennas, Microstrip filters, DGS filters , low-pass filter, band-pass filter
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Wirtschaftswiss., Diss., 2014