965 resultados para Pseudo-pelger-huet Anomaly


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The momentum anomaly has been widely documented in the literature. However, there are still many issues where there is no consensus and puzzles left unexplained. One is that strategies based on momentum present a level of risk that is inconsistent with the diversification that it offers. Moreover, recent studies indicate that this risk is variable over time and mostly strategy-specific. This work project hypothesises and proves that this evidence is explained by the portfolio constitution of the momentum strategy over time, namely the covariance and correlation between companies in the top and down deciles and across them.


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Introduction This study aimed to evaluate whether a low platelet count is a good surrogate marker of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS) in a rural area of Brazil. A small district in southeastern Brazil, with a population of 1,543 individuals and a 23% prevalence of schistosomiasis, was selected for this investigation. Methods In July 2012, 384 volunteers were subjected to clinical, ultrasonography (US), and laboratory examinations, including stool sample analysis. The HSS patients were classified into four groups: Group 1 consisted of patients with a spleen >13cm and liver fibrosis; Group 2 consisted of patients with a palpable spleen and spleen>13cm measured by US; Group 3 consisted of patients with a spleen >13cm measured by US; and Group 4 consisted of patients with a palpable spleen. Results Eight patients were in Group 1 (2.1%), twenty-one were in Group 2 (5.5%), eight were in Group 3 (2.1%), and eighteen were in Group 4 (4.7%). A significant difference in the mean platelet counts was observed between the patients with and without HSS (p<0.01). Based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (platelet count <143,000/mm3), the sensitivity was greater than 92% in all groups, and the specificity varied from 44.4% to 75%. Conclusions We concluded that in endemic areas, thrombocytopenia demonstrates good sensitivity for detecting HSS and may be used as a screening tool to identify patients with HSS.


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Grande parte dos resíduos de biomassa gerados na indústria agro-alimentar encontram-se subvalorizados. Como tal, é fundamental desenvolver processos capazes de converter esses resíduos em produtos de valor acrescentado. Por outro lado, os compostos farmacêuticos são considerados contaminantes emergentes das águas residuais e com efeitos nocivos para a saúde humana e dos animais. Tendo em conta este enquadramento, resíduos industriais de processamento de batata, foram convertidos em biocarvão activado e utilizados como adsorventes do fármaco Diclofenac, em fase líquida. Os resíduos de biomassa, maioritariamente casca de batata, foram submetidos a caracterização química e a análise termogravimétrica. O biocarvão foi obtido por activação química dos resíduos de biomassa com K2CO3 a 700ºC durante 1 hora, em atmosfera de azoto. Seguidamente foi submetido a caracterização textural e química. O biocarvão (CRB) foi aplicado à remoção de diclofenac sódico (DCF), em fase aquosa, e o seu desempenho foi comparado com o de um carvão activado comercial (GAC). Ambos os carvões, apresentaram-se como materiais microporosos, mas o CRB revelou possuir uma extensa rede macroporosa que se reflectiu numa cinética de adsorção do DCF significativamente mais rápida que a do GAC. Concluiu-se que a cinética de adsorção do DCF com o biocarvão obedecia a um modelo de pseudo 2ªordem e a cinética do GAC se ajustava a um modelo de pseudo 1ª ordem. Apesar do GAC apresentar uma capacidade superior de adsorção no equilíbrio, a sua constante cinética foi inferior à do CRB. No estudo das isotérmicas de adsorção, observou-se que ambos os carvões seguiam o modelo de Langmuir. Apesar da maior capacidade de adsorção do carvão comercial, a constante de Langmuir para o carvão CRB apresentou-se acentuadamente superior, revelando maior afinidade do DCF com este carvão. Para além disso, a cinética superior do CRB representa uma vantagem para processos em que este parâmetro seja determinante.


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A presente dissertação apresenta o estudo de dois carbonizados, provenientes da gasificação (CG) e co-pirólise (CP) de resíduos da cultura e processamento de arroz, no processo de remoção de Cr3+ presente em meio líquido. Os materiais de partida – casca de arroz (CA) e polietileno (PE) – utilizados nos ensaios de gasificação e co-pirólise, e os carbonizados resultantes destes processos térmicos, foram caracterizados através de ensaios físicos, químicos e ecotoxicológicos. O elemento químico com maior concentração, em todos os materiais, foi o Si. Nenhum dos eluatos revelou ecotoxicidade. No estudo de remoção de Cr3+ com os dois carbonizados avaliaram-se os efeitos dos seguintes parâmetros: pH inicial da solução, massa de adsorvente, tempo de contacto e concentração inicial de Cr3+. O carbonizado que teve o melhor desempenho na remoção de Cr3+ foi o CG, com remoções de cerca de 100%, devido ao aumento de pH, que provocou a precipitação do Cr. A capacidade de adsorção deste carbonizado variou entre 12 e 26 mg Cr3+.mg-1 CG, para uma concentração inicial aproximada de Cr3+ de 50 mg.L-1, pH inicial de 5, tempo de contacto de 24 horas e razões L/S entre 800 e 1000 mL. g-1. Foram aplicados os modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira ordem e pseudo-segunda ordem, e as isotérmicas de Langmuir, Freundlich e Sips. Observou-se um melhor ajustamento da cinética de pseudo-segunda ordem para CG. No CP verificou-se que ambos os modelos cinéticos se ajustavam aos dados experimentais. No CG observou-se que as isotérmicas de Freundlich e Sips apresentaram os melhores ajustamentos. Foi realizado um estudo dos mecanismos de adsorção para o CG e verificou-se que a troca iónica foi o fenómeno predominante. A avaliação ecotoxicológica das soluções contendo Cr, antes e após o ensaio de adsorção, indicou que o CG promoveu uma redução acentuada da ecotoxicidade das soluções até um nível não detetável.


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AbstractDespite its infrequent occurrence, testicular schistosomiasis forming pseudo-tumors can be considered in the differential diagnosis of testicular tumors, especially in areas where the parasitic disease is endemic. In this report, we present a case of testicular schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni and mimicking a testicular neoplasm. We describe the patterns of a testicular nodule on ultrasonography and magnetic resonance images in a 46-year-old man. The nodule was removed after a pre-operative diagnosis of a non-malignant lesion. Histology demonstrated granulomas with epithelioid macrophages and eosinophils around S. mansoni eggs within a fibrous tissue that formed a nodular structure.


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Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. We studied 31 patients (18 males and 13 females) affected by this disorder regarding their clinical and genetic characteristics. The most frequent clinical findings were short stature (71%); craniofacial dysmorphisms, especially hypertelorism, ptosis, downslanting of the palpebral fissures; short or webbed neck (87%); cardiac anomalies (65%), and fetal pads in fingers and toes (70%). After studying the probands' first-degree relatives, we made the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome in more than one family member in three families. Therefore, the majority of our cases were sporadic.


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A torrefação é vista como um pré-tratamento térmico que introduz modificações na biomassa, ou em resíduos de biomassa, que facilitam o seu processamento mecânico e aumentam a sua estabilidade e densidade energética, potenciando, assim, uma valorização posterior. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o impacte da torrefação na gama de 200 a 350 ºC e tempos de residência entre 15 e 90 min nas propriedades da biomassa proveniente da herbácea Arundo donax L. e das palmeiras Phoenix canariensis, espécies muito abundantes em vários locais do país, tendo em vista a sua posterior valorização. A proliferação descontrolada do arundo e a praga do escaravelho das palmeiras leva a que estas espécies sejam alvo de frequentes operações de remoção. A sua estrutura altamente fibrosa dificulta e encarece estas operações, que acarretam custos significativos para as câmaras municipais, e não se conhecem medidas para a sua valorização material ou energética. A torrefação foi também aplicada a peletes de resíduos de pinheiro, na gama de 200 a 250 ºC e com tempos de residência de 30 e 60 min, para averiguar o seu impacte na qualidade desse biocombustível sólido. A torrefação permitiu obter peletes mais resistentes à biodegradação, devido à redução do teor de humidade para valores residuais, sem aumentar significativamente o seu teor de cinzas e sem afetar de forma relevante a sua durabilidade, o teor de finos ou a densidade aparente. Com a biomassa de arundo e de palmeira obtiveram-se produtos com maior poder calorífico e com melhor moabilidade. No entanto, a acentuada diminuição dos rendimentos mássico e energético e o elevado teor de cinzas constrangem a sua utilização como biocombustíveis sólidos. Desta forma, optou-se por testar a sua valorização como adsorventes do corante azul de metileno, bastante comum, por exemplo, na indústria têxtil, nos curtumes ou nas industrias do papel. Os estudos de adsorção revelaram maior afinidade pelo corante por parte da biomassa sujeita a torrefação mais ligeira, com eficiências de remoção muito próximas das do carvão ativado comercial, para concentrações iniciais de corante até 200 mg/L. As isotérmicas foram melhor ajustadas ao modelo de Langmuir, que revelou capacidades máximas de adsorção na monocamada entre 59,92 e 92,68 mg/g, tendo as curvas de cinética sido melhor descritas pelo modelo de pseudo-segunda ordem. A adsorção é bastante rápida nos primeiros minutos, essencialmente devido a atrações eletrostáticas, sendo inicialmente controlada pela difusão no filme e depois pela difusão nos poros. Os adsorventes revelaram seletividade por um corante catiónico e permitiram dessorção de corante, ao contrário do verificado com o carvão ativado comercial, o que é um aspeto da maior relevância tendo em mente a regeneração do adsorvente e a recuperação do corante.


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OBJECTIVE: Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, and bleeding diathesis is considered part of the clinical findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of hemostatic abnormalities in a group of Noonan syndrome patients. METHOD: We studied 30 patients with clinical diagnosis of Noonan syndrome regarding their hemostatic status consisting of bleeding time, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time tests, a platelet count, and a quantitative determination of factor XI. RESULTS: An abnormal laboratory result was observed in 9 patients (30%). Although coagulation-factor deficiencies, especially factor XI deficiency, were the most common hematological findings, we also observed abnormalities of platelet count and function in our screening. CONCLUSIONS: Hemostatic abnormalities are found with some frequency in Noonan syndrome patients (30% in our sample). Therefore, we emphasize the importance of a more extensive hematological investigation in these patients, especially prior to an invasive procedure, which is required with some frequency in this disorder.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the recent scientific research progress on homeopathy. METHODOLOGY: Homeopathy was evaluated in terms of its clinical research; in vitro research, and physical foundations. The Medline database was the main reference source for the present research, concerning data of approximately the last 10 years. Secondary references (not available in this database) were obtained by means of direct requests to authors listed in the primary references. RESULTS: Clinical studies and in vitro research indicate the inefficacy of homeopathy. Some few studies with positive results are questionable because of problems with the quality and lack of appropriate experimental controls in these studies. The most recent meta-analyses on the topic yielded negative results. One of the few previous meta-analyses with positive results had serious publication bias problems, and its results were later substantially reconsidered by the main authors. The sparse in vitro homeopathic research with positive results has not been replicated by independent researchers, had serious methodological flaws, or when replicated, did not confirm the initial positive results. A plausible mechanism for homeopathic action is still nonexistent, and its formulation, by now, seems highly unlikely. CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the recent scientific research on homeopathy, it can be concluded that ample evidence exists to show that the homeopathic therapy is not scientifically justifiable.


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Since the financial crisis, risk based portfolio allocations have gained a great deal in popularity. This increase in popularity is primarily due to the fact that they make no assumptions as to the expected return of the assets in the portfolio. These portfolios implicitly put risk management at the heart of asset allocation and thus their recent appeal. This paper will serve as a comparison of four well-known risk based portfolio allocation methods; minimum variance, maximum diversification, inverse volatility and equally weighted risk contribution. Empirical backtests will be performed throughout rising interest rate periods from 1953 to 2015. Additionally, I will compare these portfolios to more simple allocation methods, such as equally weighted and a 60/40 asset-allocation mix. This paper will help to answer the question if these portfolios can survive in a rising interest rate environment.


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Ship tracking systems allow Maritime Organizations that are concerned with the Safety at Sea to obtain information on the current location and route of merchant vessels. Thanks to Space technology in recent years the geographical coverage of the ship tracking platforms has increased significantly, from radar based near-shore traffic monitoring towards a worldwide picture of the maritime traffic situation. The long-range tracking systems currently in operations allow the storage of ship position data over many years: a valuable source of knowledge about the shipping routes between different ocean regions. The outcome of this Master project is a software prototype for the estimation of the most operated shipping route between any two geographical locations. The analysis is based on the historical ship positions acquired with long-range tracking systems. The proposed approach makes use of a Genetic Algorithm applied on a training set of relevant ship positions extracted from the long-term storage tracking database of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The analysis of some representative shipping routes is presented and the quality of the results and their operational applications are assessed by a Maritime Safety expert.


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During the last decade Mongolia’s region was characterized by a rapid increase of both severity and frequency of drought events, leading to pasture reduction. Drought monitoring and assessment plays an important role in the region’s early warning systems as a way to mitigate the negative impacts in social, economic and environmental sectors. Nowadays it is possible to access information related to the hydrologic cycle through remote sensing, which provides a continuous monitoring of variables over very large areas where the weather stations are sparse. The present thesis aimed to explore the possibility of using NDVI as a potential drought indicator by studying anomaly patterns and correlations with other two climate variables, LST and precipitation. The study covered the growing season (March to September) of a fifteen year period, between 2000 and 2014, for Bayankhongor province in southwest Mongolia. The datasets used were MODIS NDVI, LST and TRMM Precipitation, which processing and analysis was supported by QGIS software and Python programming language. Monthly anomaly correlations between NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation were generated as well as temporal correlations for the growing season for known drought years (2001, 2002 and 2009). The results show that the three variables follow a seasonal pattern expected for a northern hemisphere region, with occurrence of the rainy season in the summer months. The values of both NDVI and precipitation are remarkably low while LST values are high, which is explained by the region’s climate and ecosystems. The NDVI average, generally, reached higher values with high precipitation values and low LST values. The year of 2001 was the driest year of the time-series, while 2003 was the wet year with healthier vegetation. Monthly correlations registered weak results with low significance, with exception of NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation correlations for June, July and August of 2002. The temporal correlations for the growing season also revealed weak results. The overall relationship between the variables anomalies showed weak correlation results with low significance, which suggests that an accurate answer for predicting drought using the relation between NDVI, LST and Precipitation cannot be given. Additional research should take place in order to achieve more conclusive results. However the NDVI anomaly images show that NDVI is a suitable drought index for Bayankhongor province.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Informática


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The most severe drought in tropical South America during the 20th century occurred in 1926. This extreme El Nino year is further documented anecdotally, in an update of the river stage observations at Manaus, and in annual rainfall records. The annual rainfall anomaly is an east-west dipole over tropical South America, with drought to the west over the Amazon basin whose discharge is documented at Manaus, and with a surplus to the east and including the Nordeste region of Brazil. Speculations about a role for aerosol in aggravating the drought are discussed.


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Various differential cross-sections are measured in top-quark pair (tt¯) events produced in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7 TeV at the LHC with the ATLAS detector. These differential cross-sections are presented in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1. The differential cross-sections are presented in terms of kinematic variables of a top-quark proxy referred to as the pseudo-top-quark whose dependence on theoretical models is minimal. The pseudo-top-quark can be defined in terms of either reconstructed detector objects or stable particles in an analogous way. The measurements are performed on tt¯ events in the lepton+jets channel, requiring exactly one charged lepton and at least four jets with at least two of them tagged as originating from a b-quark. The hadronic and leptonic pseudo-top-quarks are defined via the leptonic or hadronic decay mode of the W boson produced by the top-quark decay in events with a single charged lepton.The cross-section is measured as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of both the hadronic and leptonic pseudo-top-quark as well as the transverse momentum, rapidity and invariant mass of the pseudo-top-quark pair system. The measurements are corrected for detector effects and are presented within a kinematic range that closely matches the detector acceptance. Differential cross-section measurements of the pseudo-top-quark variables are compared with several Monte Carlo models that implement next-to-leading order or leading-order multi-leg matrix-element calculations.