980 resultados para Procédé tandem


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Bombinakinin M (DLPKINRKGP-bradykinin) is a bradykinin-related peptide purified from skin secretions of the frog Bombina maxima. As previously reported, its biosynthesis is characterized by a tandem repeats with various copy numbers of the peptide and sometimes co-expressed with other structure-function distinguishable peptides. At present study, two novel cDNAs encoding bombinakinin M and its variants were cloned from a cDNA library from the skin of the frog. The encoded two precursor proteins are common in that each contains three repeats of a novel 16-amino acid peptide unit and one copy of kinestatin at their N- and C-terminal parts, respectively. They differ in that the first precursor contains two copies of bombinakinin M and the second one contains one copy of a novel bombinakinin M variant. Bombinakinin M was found to elicit concentration-dependent contractile effects on guinea pig ileum, with an EC50 value of 4 nM that is four times higher than that of bradykinin (1 nM). Interestingly, the synthetic peptide (DYTIRTRLH-amide), as deduced from the 16-amino acid peptide repeats in the newly cloned cDNAs, possessed weak inhibitory activity on the contractile effects of bombinakinin M, but not on that of bradykinin. Furthermore, the newly identified bombinakinin M variant (DLSKMSFLHG-Ile(1)-bradykinin), did not show contractile activity on guinea pig ileum, but showed potentiation effect on the myotropic activity of bradykinin. In a molar raito of 1:58, it augmented the activity of bradykinin up to two-fold. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amphibian skin secretions are rich in antimicrobial peptides acting as important components of innate defense system against invading microorganisms. A novel type of peptide, designated as maximin S, was deduced by random sequencing of 793 clones from a constructed Bombina maxima skin cDNA library. The putative primary structures of maximin S peptides can be grouped into five species, in which maximin S I has 14 amino acid residues and the rest of maximin S peptides (S2-S5) all have 18 amino acid residues. Unlike most of the amphibian antimicrobial peptides so far identified, the newly characterized four maximin S precursors are composed of maximin S I and different combinations of tandem repeated maximin S2-S5 linked by internal peptides. Except maximin S I, the predicted secondary structures of maximin S2-S5 show a similar amphipathic alpha-helical structure. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis of partially isolated skin secretions of the toad indicates that most of the deduced maximin S peptides are expressed. Two deduced maximin S peptides (S1, S4) were synthesized and their antimicrobial activities were tested. Maximin S4 only had an antibiotic activity against mycoplasma and had no antibacterial or antifungal activity toward tested strains. Maximin S1 had no activity under the same conditions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Arabidopsis genome contains a highly complex and abundant population of small RNAs, and many of the endogenous siRNAs are dependent on RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase 2 (RDR2) for their biogenesis. By analyzing an rdr2 loss-of-function mutant using two different parallel sequencing technologies, MPSS and 454, we characterized the complement of miRNAs expressed in Arabidopsis inflorescence to considerable depth. Nearly all known miRNAs were enriched in this mutant and we identified 13 new miRNAs, all of which were relatively low abundance and constitute new families. Trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs) were even more highly enriched. Computational and gel blot analyses suggested that the minimal number of miRNAs in Arabidopsis is approximately 155. The size profile of small RNAs in rdr2 reflected enrichment of 21-nt miRNAs and other classes of siRNAs like ta-siRNAs, and a significant reduction in 24-nt heterochromatic siRNAs. Other classes of small RNAs were found to be RDR2-independent, particularly those derived from long inverted repeats and a subset of tandem repeats. The small RNA populations in other Arabidopsis small RNA biogenesis mutants were also examined; a dcl2/3/4 triple mutant showed a similar pattern to rdr2, whereas dcl1-7 and rdr6 showed reductions in miRNAs and ta-siRNAs consistent with their activities in the biogenesis of these types of small RNAs. Deep sequencing of mutants provides a genetic approach for the dissection and characterization of diverse small RNA populations and the identification of low abundance miRNAs.


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An association of the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene located on chromosome 11p15.5 and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been demonstrated and replicated by multiple investigators. A specific allele [the 7-repeat of a 48-bp variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in exon 3] has been proposed as an etiological factor in attentional deficits manifested in some children diagnosed with this disorder. In the current study, we evaluated ADHD subgroups defined by the presence or absence of the 7-repeat allele of the DRD4 gene, using neuropsychological tests with reaction time measures designed to probe attentional networks with neuroanatomical foci in D4-rich brain regions. Despite the same severity of symptoms on parent and teacher ratings for the ADHD subgroups, the average reaction times of the 7-present subgroup showed normal speed and variability of response whereas the average reaction times of the 7-absent subgroup showed the expected abnormalities (slow and variable responses). This was opposite the primary prediction of the study. The 7-present subgroup seemed to be free of some of the neuropsychological abnormalities thought to characterize ADHD.


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Associations have been reported of the seven-repeat (7R) allele of the human dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene with both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the personality trait of novelty seeking. This polymorphism occurs in a 48-bp tandem repea


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The diversity and evolution of bitter taste perception in mammals is not well understood. Recent discoveries of bitter taste receptor (T2R) genes provide an opportunity for a genetic approach to this question. We here report the identification of 10 and 30 putative T2R genes from the draft human and mouse genome sequences, respectively, in addition to the 23 and 6 previously known T2R genes from the two species. A phylogenetic analysis of the T2R genes suggests that they can be classified into three main groups, which are designated A, B, and C. Interestingly, while the one-to-one gene orthology between the human and mouse is common to group B and C genes, group A genes show a pattern of species- or lineage-specific duplication. It is possible that group B and C genes are necessary for detecting bitter tastants common to both humans and mice, whereas group A genes are used for species-specific bitter tastants. The analysis also reveals that phylogenetically closely related T2R genes are close in their chromosomal locations, demonstrating tandem gene duplication as the primary source of new T2Rs. For closely related paralogous genes, a rate of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution significantly higher than the rate of synonymous substitution was observed in the extracellular regions of T2Rs, which are presumably involved in tastant-binding. This suggests the role of positive selection in the diversification of newly duplicated T2R genes. Because many natural poisonous substances are bitter, we conjecture that the mammalian T2R genes are under diversifying selection for the ability to recognize a diverse array of poisons that the organisms may encounter in exploring new habitats and diets.


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Background: Polymorphisms of CLEC4M have been associated with predisposition for infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). DC-SIGNR, a C-type lectin encoded by CLEC4M, is a receptor for the virus. A variable number tandem


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Aim: To study the pharmacokinetics of sifuvirtide, a novel anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) peptide, in monkeys and to compare the inhibitory concentrations of sifuvirtide and enfuvirtide on HIV-1-infected-cell fusion. Methods: Monkeys received 1.2 mg/kg iv or sc of sifuvirtide. An on-line solid-phase extraction procedure combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SPELC/MS/MS) was established and applied to determine the concentration of sifuvirtide in monkey plasma. A four-I-127 iodinated peptide was used as an internal standard. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) of sifuvirtide on cell fusion was determined by co-cultivation assay. Results: The assay was validated with good precision and accuracy. The calibration curve for sifuvirtide in plasma was linear over a range of 4.88-5000 mu g/L, with correlation coefficients above 0.9923. After iv or sc administration, the observed peak concentrations of sifuvirtide were 10626 +/- 2886 mu g/L and 528 +/- 191 mu g/L, and the terminal elimination half-lives (T,12) were 6.3 +/- 0.9 h and 5.5 +/- 1.0 h, respectively. After sc, T-max was 0.25-2 h, and the absolute bioavailability was 49% +/- 13%. Sifuvirtide inhibited the syncytium formation between HIV-1 chronically infected cells and uninfected cells with an IC50 of 0.33 mu g/L. Conclusion: An on-line SPE-LC/MS/MS approach was established for peptide pharmacokinetic studies. Sifuvirtide was rapidly absorbed subcutaneously into the blood circulation. The T-1/2 of sifuvirtide was remarkably longer than that of its analog, enfuvirtide, reported in healthy monkeys and it conferred a long-term plasma concentration level which was higher than its IC50 in vitro.


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Using next-generation sequencing technology alone, we have successfully generated and assembled a draft sequence of the giant panda genome. The assembled contigs (2.25 gigabases (Gb)) cover approximately 94% of the whole genome, and the remaining gaps (0.05 Gb) seem to contain carnivore-specific repeats and tandem repeats. Comparisons with the dog and human showed that the panda genome has a lower divergence rate. The assessment of panda genes potentially underlying some of its unique traits indicated that its bamboo diet might be more dependent on its gut microbiome than its own genetic composition. We also identified more than 2.7 million heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the diploid genome. Our data and analyses provide a foundation for promoting mammalian genetic research, and demonstrate the feasibility for using next-generation sequencing technologies for accurate, cost-effective and rapid de novo assembly of large eukaryotic genomes.


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Experience-dependent long-lasting increases in excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus are believed to underlie certain types of memory(1-3). Whereas stimulation of hippocampal pathways in freely moving rats can readily elicit a long-term potentiation (LTP) of transmission that may last for weeks, previous studies have failed to detect persistent increases in synaptic efficacy after hippocampus-mediated learning(4-6). As changes in synaptic efficacy are contingent on the history of plasticity at the synapses(7), we have examined the effect of experience-dependent hippocampal activation on transmission after the induction of LTP, We show that exploration of a new, non-stressful environment rapidly induces a complete and persistent reversal of the expression of high-frequency stimulation-induced early-phase LTP in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, without affecting baseline transmission in a control pathway. LTP expression is not affected by exploration of familiar environments. We found that spatial exploration affected LTP within a defined time window because neither the induction of LTP nor the maintenance of long-established LTP was blocked. The discovery of a novelty-induced reversal of LTP expression provides strong evidence that extensive long-lasting decreases in synaptic efficacy may act in tandem with enhancements at selected synapses to allow the detection and storage of new information by the hippocampus.


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The hippocampus, being sensitive to stress and glucocorticoids, plays significant roles in certain types of learning and memory. Therefore, the hippocampus is probably involved in the increasing drug use, drug seeking, and relapse caused by stress. We have studied the effect of stress with morphine on synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in vivo and on a delayed-escape paradigm of the Morris water maze. Our results reveal that acute stress enables long-term depression (LTD) induction by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) but acute morphine causes synaptic potentiation. Remarkably, exposure to an acute stressor reverses the effect of morphine from synaptic potentiation ( similar to 20%) to synaptic depression ( similar to 40%), precluding further LTD induction by LFS. The synaptic depression caused by stress with morphine is blocked either by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 or by the NMDA-receptor antagonist D-APV. Chronic morphine attenuates the ability of acute morphine to cause synaptic potentiation, and stress to enable LTD induction, but not the ability of stress in tandem with morphine to cause synaptic depression. Furthermore, corticosterone with morphine during the initial phase of drug use promotes later delayed-escape behavior, as indicated by the morphine-reinforced longer latencies to escape, leading to persistent morphine-seeking after withdrawal. These results suggest that hippocampal synaptic plasticity may play a significant role in the effects of stress or glucocorticoids on opiate addiction.


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Preliminary lifetime values have been measured for a number of near-yrast states in the odd-A transitional nuclei 107Cd and 103Pd. The reaction used to populate the nuclei of interest was 98Mo( 12C,3nxα)107Cd, 103Pd, with the beam delivered by the tandem accelerator of the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Our experiment was aimed at the investigation of collective excitations built on the unnatural parity, ν h11/2 orbital, specifically by measuring the B(E2) values of decays from the excited levels built on this intrinsic structure, using the Doppler Recoil Distance Method. We report lifetimes and associated transition probabilities for decays from the 15/2- and the 19/2- states in 107Cd and the first measurement of the 15/2- state in 103Pd. These results suggest that neither a simple rotational or vibrational interpretation is sufficient to explain the observed structures. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We describe our work on developing a speech recognition system for multi-genre media archives. The high diversity of the data makes this a challenging recognition task, which may benefit from systems trained on a combination of in-domain and out-of-domain data. Working with tandem HMMs, we present Multi-level Adaptive Networks (MLAN), a novel technique for incorporating information from out-of-domain posterior features using deep neural networks. We show that it provides a substantial reduction in WER over other systems, with relative WER reductions of 15% over a PLP baseline, 9% over in-domain tandem features and 8% over the best out-of-domain tandem features. © 2012 IEEE.


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An investigation into the potential for reducing road damage by optimising the design of heavy vehicle suspensions is described. In the first part of the paper two simple mathematical models are used to study the optimisation of conventional passive suspensions. Simple modifications are made to the steel spring suspension of a tandem axle trailer and it is found experimentally that RMS dynamic tyre forces can be reduced by 15% and theoretical road damage by 5.2%. A mathematical model of an air-sprung articulated vehicle is validated, and its suspension is optimised according to the simple models. This vehicle generates about 9% less damage than the leaf-sprung vehicle in the unmodified state and it is predicted that, for the operating conditions examined, the road damage caused by this vehicle can be reduced by a further 5.4%. Finally, it is shown experimentally that computer-controlled semi-active dampers have the potential to reduce road damage by a further 5-6%, compared to an air suspension with optimum passive damping. © Copyright 1994 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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To investigate whether vortex generators can be an effective form of passive flow control an experimental investigation has been conducted in a small-scale wind tunnel. With specific emphasis on supersonic inlet applications flow separation was initiated using a combined terminal shock wave and subsonic diffuser: a configuration that has been developed as a part of a program to produce a more inlet-relevant flowfield in a small-scale wind tunnel than previous studies. When flow control was initially introduced little overall flow improvement was obtained as the losses tended to be redistributed instead of removed. It became apparent that there existed a strong coupling between the center-span flow and the corner flows. As a consequence, only when flow control was applied to both the corner flows and center-span flow was a significant flow improvement obtained. When corner suction and center-span vortex generators were employed in tandem separation was much reduced and wall-pressure and stagnation pressure were notably improved. As a result, when applied appropriately, it is thought that vortex generators do have the potential to reduce the dependence on boundary-layer bleed for the purpose of separation suppression. Copyright © 2012 by Neil Titchener and Holger Babinsky. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.