995 resultados para Printz, Johan, 1592-1663.


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This thesis examines the microeconomic consequences of the arrival of open source in the software market. Specifically, it analyzes three features of open source software by using specific models of industrial organization. Open source software is free, and may be modified or duplicated by anyone. The first paper studies the entry of an open source software in a closed source software market. Using a model of horizontal differentiation, the analysis considers a closed source firm's investment in the quality of its software. The introduction of open source on the market reduces the firm's investment in quality and increases the price of its software. Moreover, the entry of open source software may reduce consumer welfare. Post-entry by an open source software, the reduction in market share lowers the firm's incentive to invest in quality. The second paper features vertical differentiation to study a monopolist selling supporting product to its software. The study begins by contrasting the supply of support by an open source provider and a closed source vendor. The model shows that in both cases the levels of support offered are the same. In addition, consumer welfare is higher and profit lower under an open source software. Then, the paper considers the competition in the provision of support. Here, the supply of high level support is greater than under a monopolist. Finally, the monopolist adopts a dual licensing strategy to extract more surplus from developers interested in modifying open source software and redistributing the resulting product. This technique, when the developers place high value on the source code, generates more profit if the monopolist chooses to publish as open source rather than closed source. The last paper studies how a closed source firm is affected by the introduction of an open source benefiting from contributions by users. A vertical differentiation model is used, and reveals that, when contribution of users is present, the closed source vendor may lower its price to a level where it forces the open source out of the market. The firm's lower price not only increases demand for its software, but also induces consumers into switching from open to closed source software therefore reducing the contribution of users.


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A compact microstrip multiband antenna on a modified ground plane which can operate over the bands starting from 900 MHz to 5.35 GHz which includes the GSM (880-960) GPS (1568-1592 MHz), DCS (1710-1880 MHz), and PCS (1850- 1990 MHz). UMTS (1920-2170 MHz), IEEE 802.11 b/g (2400- 2484) and WLAN IEEE 802.11a band (5.15-5.35) is reported in this paper. The overall dimension of the antenna is 33 x 33 mm2 including the top patch with a dimension 22 x 22 mm2. The experimental results of the antenna are presented in this paper. The results confirm that the antenna exhibits wide band characteristics and covers 7 bands of operation


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Vielen Sensoren in mikroelektromechanische Systemen (MEMS) liegen Siliziummembranen zu Grunde. Die Membranen werden mit unterschiedlichen Verfahren hergestellt. Zum Teil kann man Opferschichten benutzen. Will man jedoch Membranen aus kristallinem Silizium, so muß man auf Ätzstopptechniken zurückgreifen. Eine gängige Methode verwendet vergrabene p^(+)-Schichten. Die sehr hohe Dotierung des Siliziums führt jedoch zu unüberwindbaren Problemen bei der Schaltkreisintegration. Die Verwendung von pn-Übergängen beim elektrochemischen Ätzen als Ätzstopp scheint eine aussichtsreiche Lösung. Die Dotierstoffkonzentrationen sind unkritisch, da sie die Elektronik nicht beeinflussen. Die Siliziummembranen lassen sich mit den üblichen Standard-IC-Prozessen herstellen. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, die physikalisch-chemische Erklärung des elektrochemischen Ätzstopps von Silizium in alkalischen Lösungen zu finden. Dabei sollten Effekte untersucht werden, die einen Einfluß auf das Ätzstoppverhalten haben, wozu insbesondere - die Verarmungszone unterhalb der p-Silizium/Elektrolyt-Phasengrenzfläche - sowie die Raumladungszone des in Sperrichtung geschalteten pn-Übergangs zählen. Ausgangspunkt sind die chemischen Ätzmechanismen des Siliziums respektive des Siliziumdioxids, wobei der Mechanismus des Siliziumätzens in alkalischen Lösungen und die elektrochemischen Effekte ausführlich beschrieben werden. Es zeigt sich ein starker Einfluß der Oberflächenelektronen im Leitungsband des Siliziums und der Hydroxidionen des Elektrolyten auf den Auflösungsmechanismus des Siliziums. Diese Erkenntnisse ermöglichen es, den mittels pn-Übergangs kontrollierten elektrochemischen Ätzstopp vollständig zu beschreiben. Es zeigte sich, daß die Dicke der Membran von den Dotierstoffkonzentrationen des p-Siliziumsubstrats und der n-Siliziumschicht, der Tiefe der n-Dotierung, der Temperatur im Ätzsystem und besonders von der anodischen Sperrspannung abhängig ist. Zur Verifizierung wurden Siliziummembrandicken mit Hilfe von IR-Ellipsometrie vermessen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde auch der es Einflusses von starken Dotierungen im Silizium auf dessen elastische Eigenschaften untersucht, im speziellen bei µm-dünnen Membranen, die mittels elektrochemischen Ätzstopps hergestellt wurden. Dabei wird auf den Einfluß der hohen Dotierstoffkonzentrationen ein besonderes Augenmerk gelegt. Der Youngsche Modul läßt sich bei einem Zugversuch durch Messung der Ausdehnung ermitteln. Für eine zerstörungsfreie Messung der sehr dünnen pn-Siliziummembranen wird die Dehnung berührungslos mit Hilfe des Laser-Speckle Extensometers gemessen. Laserakustische Oberflächenwellen wurden eingesetzt, um gezielt den Einfluß der unterschiedlich starken Dotierung mit Phosphor auf den Elastizitätsmodul zu ermitteln.


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Abstract: The paper describes an auditory interface using directional sound as a possible support for pilots during approach in an instrument landing scenario. Several ways of producing directional sounds are illustrated. One using speaker pairs and controlling power distribution between speakers is evaluated experimentally. Results show, that power alone is insufficient for positioning single isolated sound events, although discrimination in the horizontal plane performs better than in the vertical. Additional sound parameters to compensate for this are proposed.


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Due to growing land scarcity and lack of nutrient inputs, African farmers switched from shifting cultivation to continuous cropping and extended crop area by bringing fragile lands such as river banks and hill slopes into production. This accelerated soil fertility decline caused by erosion, harvesting and insufficient nutrient replenishment. We explored the feasibility to reduce nutrient depletion by increasing nutrient utilization efficiencies, while diversifying and increasing food production through the development of integrated aquaculture – agriculture (IAA). Considering the climatic conditions prevailing in Kenyan highlands, aquaculture production scenarios were ideotyped per agro-ecological zone. These aquaculture production scenarios were integrated into existing NUTrient MONitoring (NUTMON) farm survey data for the area. The nutrient balances and flows of the resulting IAA-systems were compared to present land use. The effects of IAA development on nutrient depletion and total food production were evaluated. With the development of IAA systems, nutrient depletion rates dropped by 23–35%, agricultural production increased by 2–26% and overall farm food production increased by 22–70%. The study demonstrates that from a bio-physical point of view, the development of IAA-systems in Africa is technically possible and could raise soil fertility and total farm production. Further studies that evaluate the economic feasibility and impacts on the livelihood of farming households are recommended.


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Guía elaborada desde la óptica educativa y la experiencia docente con el objetivo de servir de ayuda a las familias para que éstas sean capaces de reconocer las situaciones cotidianas que hacen díficil el proceso educativo, muchas veces por falta de información o formación específica. La guía selecciona una serie de temas a partir de los cuales ofrece consejos prácticos: estilos parentales, necesidad de una educación en valores, responsabilidad y ética social, información y prevención ante el riesgo de drogas, desarrollo de habilidades sociales, hábitos de estudio .


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Poner en contacto a los niños con la naturaleza trocando la clase de explicaciones dogmáticas y abstractas por la realidad sencilla y concreta, el mundo que nos rodea que, aunque limitado, ofrece multitud de sugerencias y situaciones que llevan a conocerlo mejor, basándose en experiencias y situaciones de la vida real. Intentar crear en los escolares hábitos y actitudes de amor y respeto a la naturaleza y de convivencia. Intentar que los alumnos empleen técnicas adecuadas de recogida de datos y ejemplares con vistas a su estudio (muestreo, dibujo...), observen y comprueben el deterioro que causan en la naturaleza diversas actividades y comportamientos irresponsables (incendios, basuras, humos, etc). La Ecología en la EGB. Poner en contacto a los niños con la naturaleza por medio de la observación y la descripción apoyadas en fichas y actividades que las estimulan, orientan y completan. Se procura que en el trabajo se aglutinen los contenidos de los distintos niveles de EGB, interviniendo en cada actividad las distintas disciplinas del proceso educativo. El trabajo se divide en el estudio del entorno, una salida al campo, estudio del itinerario, plano del lugar, las plantas, los arboles y arbustos, los insectos, los invertebrados, los vertebrados, la cadena alimenticia, las técnicas de medida y la contaminación. Con este trabajo se consiguió que los alumnos respondan con mayor interés, el quehacer escolar lo encuentran como una actividad más de su vida cotidiana, los alumnos con problemas de aprendizaje se insertan mejor dentro del contexto de la clase. Ven la naturaleza con ojos nuevos y científicos, la mayoría de los alumnos poseen aptitudes para la investigación, las cuales quedarían latentes en una clase desarrollada en el aula y la motivación es mucho mayor. Para el año siguiente se proyecta continuar con este trabajo, estudiando aspectos que no se han tratado, como son el suelo, el clima, etc., y que tienen gran importancia dentro de todo ecosistema. Por otra parte, configurar los contenidos del area de Ciencias Naturales mediante unidades temáticas, interrelacionándolos con las demás áreas, buscando la interdisciplinariedad.


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This paper presents an image-based rendering system using algebraic relations between different views of an object. The system uses pictures of an object taken from known positions. Given three such images it can generate "virtual'' ones as the object would look from any position near the ones that the two input images were taken from. The extrapolation from the example images can be up to about 60 degrees of rotation. The system is based on the trilinear constraints that bind any three view so fan object. As a side result, we propose two new methods for camera calibration. We developed and used one of them. We implemented the system and tested it on real images of objects and faces. We also show experimentally that even when only two images taken from unknown positions are given, the system can be used to render the object from other view points as long as we have a good estimate of the internal parameters of the camera used and we are able to find good correspondence between the example images. In addition, we present the relation between these algebraic constraints and a factorization method for shape and motion estimation. As a result we propose a method for motion estimation in the special case of orthographic projection.


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El text 'Sobre els pedants' del filòsof Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) serveix d'excusa perquè dos catedràtics de la UdG exposin conceptes i reflexions sobre la ciència i el coneixement