765 resultados para Practice-led Research
Os custos elevados de aquisição de conhecimento, a intensificação da concorrência e a necessidade de aproximação do consumidor vêm estimulando empresas a buscar formas alternativas de aumentar seu potencial de inovação pela integração de usuários. No entanto, a literatura e o senso comum convergem ao afirmar que nem todo usuário está habilitado a trazer conhecimentos que sustentem a vantagem competitiva das inovações. Nesse contexto, emerge a figura do lead user que, por definição, é capaz de sentir necessidades de produtos e serviços ainda não expressos por usuários regulares. Esses conhecimentos, quando adequadamente absorvidos, trazem benefícios expressivos às empresas que os incorporam ao DNP. Sabendo que as formas de incorporação de usuários apresentam variações, este estudo se destina a entender como empresas de diferentes setores absorvem conhecimentos de lead users por diferentes práticas de integração. Para tanto, foi escolhido o método de estudo de casos múltiplos incorporados, observados em três multinacionais de grande porte: Natura, Whirlpool e Microsoft (Bing). Ao todo foram avalidados cinco modos de integração distintos, escolhidos a partir de duas formações: individual (conhecimentos isolados de usuários distintos) e coletivo (conhecimentos articulados em discussões em grupo), analisados pelos métodos de indução analítica com síntese cruzada de dados. Os resultados mostraram que as categorias teóricas utilizadas para observação inicial do fenômenol: parâmetro de identificação e técnica de seleção (aquisição); mecanismo de interação (assimilação); mecanismos de socialização (transformação) e sistema de formalização (exploração) apoiaram parcialmente o entendimento das atividades do processo e, por esta razão, precisaram se complementadas pelas categorias emergentes: criação de contexto, motivação (aquisição); estímulos, parâmetro de observação, interpretação (assimilação); definição de papéis, coordenação de processos, combinação de conhecimento (transformação) e gestão do conhecimento (exploração), coletadas na fase empírica Essa complementação aumentou a robustez do modelo inicial e mostrou como a absorção de conhecimentos pode ser avaliada pelas dimensões absortivas. No entanto, as análises intra e intercasos que se seguiram, mostraram que esse entendimento era insuficiente para explicar a capacidade de absorção por diferentes práticas, uma vez que o fenômeno é influenciado por fatores contextuais associados tanto à prática de integração quanto ao modo como cada empresa se organiza para inovar (tipo de acesso ao colaborador). As reflexões teóricas realizadas a partir desses resultados permitiram contribuir com a teoria existente de duas formas: I) pelo entendimento estendido das atividades de absorção necessárias para incorporação de conhecimentos de lead users e III) pela proposição de um modelo conceitual amplo que abarcou diferentes práticas de integração considerando também os antecedentes de inovação, as atividades absortivas e os fatores adjuntos, inerentes a cada prática. Esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir para o conhecimento teórico sobre inovação e motivar reflexões que possam ser úteis para gerentes e executivos interessados em aprimorar suas práticas e processos de captação de conhecimentos de lead users.
The purpose of the current paper is to present an integrative definition of coaching effectiveness and expertise that is both specific and conceptually grounded in the coaching, teaching, positive psychology, and athletes' development literature. The article is organized into six sections. The first section is used to situate the proposed definition in the predominant conceptual models of coaching. The second, third, and fourth sections provide detailed discussion about each of the three components of the proposed definition of coaching effectiveness: (a) coaches' knowledge, (b) athletes' outcomes, and (c) coaching contexts. The proposed definition is presented in the fifth section along with a clarification of common terminology and guiding postulates. The final section includes implications for practice and research.
The integration of mathematics and science in secondary schools in the 21st century continues to be an important topic of practice and research. The purpose of my research study, which builds on studies by Frykholm and Glasson (2005) and Berlin and White (2010), is to explore the potential constraints and benefits of integrating mathematics and science in Ontario secondary schools based on the perspectives of in-service and pre-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds. A qualitative and quantitative research design with an exploratory approach was used. The qualitative data was collected from a sample of 12 in-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds recruited from two school boards in Eastern Ontario. The quantitative and some qualitative data was collected from a sample of 81 pre-service teachers from the Queen’s University Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the in-service teachers while a survey and a focus group was conducted with the pre-service teachers. Once the data was collected, the qualitative data were abductively analyzed. For the quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics (one-way ANOVAs and Pearson Chi Square analyses) were calculated to examine perspectives of teachers regardless of teaching background and to compare groups of teachers based on teaching background. The findings of this study suggest that in-service and pre-service teachers have a positive attitude towards the integration of math and science and view it as valuable to student learning and success. The pre-service teachers viewed the integration as easy and did not express concerns to this integration. On the other hand, the in-service teachers highlighted concerns and challenges such as resources, scheduling, and time constraints. My results illustrate when teachers perceive it is valuable to integrate math and science and which aspects of the classroom benefit best from the integration. Furthermore, the results highlight barriers and possible solutions to better the integration of math and science. In addition to the benefits and constraints of integration, my results illustrate why some teachers may opt out of integrating math and science and the different strategies teachers have incorporated to integrate math and science in their classroom.
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Research conducted in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Chicago, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice.
Aim. To review systematically qualitative studies, which were found during a literature search for a Cochrane systematic review of the use of family centred care in children's hospitals. Background. Family centred care has become a cornerstone of paediatric practice, however, its effectiveness is not known. No single definition exists, rather a list of elements that constitute family centred care. However, it is recognized to involve the parents in care planning for a child in health services. A new definition is presented here. Methods. The papers were found in wide range of databases, by hand searching and by contacting the authors where necessary, using terms given in detail in the protocol in the Cochrane Library, in 2004. Qualitative studies could not be used for statistical analysis, but are still important to the review and so are described separately in this paper. Results. Negotiation between staff and families, perceptions held by both parents and staff roles influenced the delivery of family centred care. A sub-theme of cost of family centred care to families and staffs was discovered and this included both financial and emotional costs. Conclusion. Further research is needed to generate evidence about family centred care in situations arising from modern models of care in which family centred care is thought to be an inherent part, but which leave families with the care of sick children with little or no support. Relevance to clinical practice. Family centred care is said to be used widely in practice. More research is needed to ensure that is it being implemented correctly.
Previous research on computers and graphics calculators in mathematics education has examined effects on curriculum content and students’ mathematical achievement and attitudes while less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers’ professional learning in specific classroom and school environments. This observation is critical in the current context of educational policy making, where it is assumed – often incorrectly – that supplying schools with hardware and software will increase teachers’ use of technology and encourage more innovative teaching approaches. This paper reports on a research program that aimed to develop better understanding of how and under what conditions Australian secondary school mathematics teachers learn to effectively integrate technology into their practice. The research adapted Valsiner’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Free Movement and Zone of Promoted Action to devise a theoretical framework for analysing relationships between factors influencing teachers’ use of technology in mathematics classrooms. This paper illustrates how the framework may be used by analysing case studies of a novice teacher and an experienced teacher in different school settings.
Users of safety-critical systems are expected to effectively control or monitor complex systems, with errors potentially leading to catastrophe. For such systems, safety is of paramount importance and must be designed into the human-machine interface. While many case studies show how inadequate design practice led to poor safety and usability, concrete guidance on good design practices is scarce. The paper argues that the pattern language paradigm, widely used in the software design community, is a suitable means of documenting appropriate design strategies. We discuss how typical usability-related properties (e.g., flexibility) need some adjustment to be used for assessing safety-critical systems, and document a pattern language, based on corresponding "safety-usability" principles
O presente trabalho investiga a formação e a atuação das professoras indígenas da Escola Estadual Indígena Tupi-Guarani Ywy Pyaú, localizada no município de Peruíbe, Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que assume a perspectiva narrativa na medida em que recorram à história oral dos sujeitos envolvidos, contemplando aspectos significativos para a sua formação profissional que venham ajudar a compreender sua prática cotidiana. a presente pesquisa evidencia que apesar do aporte legal emanado a partir de 1988, o direito à educação escolar indígena - específica e diferenciada - ainda não está garantido. Através das entrevistas e nas visitas efetuadas na escola da aldeia Piaçagüera pude observar a existência de demandas que merecem e necessitam de soluções eficazes e urgentes por parte do poder público, pois se constituem em entraves significativos para a consecução do projeto político pedagógico das escolas indígenas. Além disso, a condição do professor indígena como portador da tradição do grupo e ao mesmo tempo como representante do saber instituído coloca paradoxos à formação e ao exercício da profissão docente. Estas questões devem ser equacionadas a partir da visão dos povos indígenas numa perspectiva de autonomia e respeito à diversidade.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as principais razões pelas quais as empresas públicas paulistas utilizam coaching e mentoring como práticas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. No ano de 2009, foi instituído pelo governador do Estado de São Paulo, o decreto nº 53.963 que instituiu a Política de Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação para as empresas públicas. Kuniyoshi e Santos (2007) realizaram uma pesquisa, na qual identificaram práticas e iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento adotadas por algumas empresas, dentre elas, coaching e mentoring. As práticas são processos que necessitam de investimento não somente financeiro, mas de tempo e pessoas adequadas, por serem processos mais complexos, instigam a investigação de ações no contexto organizacional de empresas públicas. Este estudo busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos na área pública. O método utilizado neste estudo de abordagem qualitativa é do tipo exploratória. O objeto desta pesquisa foram as empresas públicas paulistas, que, atualmente, somam 21. Foi realizado estudo de caso, com entrevista e análise documental em duas destas empresas, A Sabesp, empresa do segmento de saneamento de água e esgoto, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de coaching e, o Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT), referência nacional em metrologia, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de mentoring. Uma vez que não existem práticas exclusivas à Gestão do Conhecimento, e o sucesso de uma prática está relacionado ao contexto na qual está inserida. No caso da Sabesp, a prática de coaching é utilizada como uma das atividades dentro de dois programas, visando desenvolver o capital humano como força competitiva. O IPT teve como objetivo da aplicação do programa de mentoring, especificamente, o compartilhar conhecimento tácito. Foi constatado que as práticas de coaching e mentoring podem ser utilizadas como recurso capaz de tornar a empresa singular perante as demais, mesmo empresas públicas não tendo foco em competitividade, mas utilizam o conhecimento de forma estratégica para melhorar a qualidade de atendimento à sociedade.
Purpose - This paper aims to demonstrate the need for an improved understanding of the opportunities offered by privacy online. This is contextualized in the case of supermarket purchases of food in particular, often described as an intimate and personal choice. In the case of grocery shopping, the "intimacy" may be at the household level between members or/and between e-grocers' food offerings, and their other "non-food" related services Design/methodology/approach - This paper draws upon social practice theory research, retailing and consumer behaviour in order to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the value of positive privacy. The research uses 39 in-depth interviews of e-grocery shoppers in the area of Portsmouth (UK). Findings - This paper suggests a framework for embedded elements of positive privacy into retailing strategy as a driver for growth in the e-grocery sector. Three meta-themes requiring different approaches to privacy are uncovered. Positive privacy is dynamic and contextual at the consumer/household levels as well as for product/e-grocery brands. Research limitations/implications - This paper advocates the building of long-term sustainable relationship through sharing, offering, and exchange of information rather than pure technological chasing of data. Originality/value - A consumer centred bottom-up approach is employed demonstrating the value of two-way dialogues with consumers on sensitive issues. E-grocery is used as an illustration that involves regular re-purchase of a basket of staple goods over a long period of time where privacy becomes a latent long-term concern. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Communication in Forensic Contexts provides in-depth coverage of the complex area of communication in forensic situations. Drawing on expertise from forensic psychology, linguistics and law enforcement worldwide, the text bridges the gap between these fields in a definitive guide to best practice. • Offers best practice for understanding and improving communication in forensic contexts, including interviewing of victims, witnesses and suspects, discourse in courtrooms, and discourse via interpreters • Bridges the knowledge gaps between forensic psychology, forensic linguistics and law enforcement, with chapters written by teams bringing together expertise from each field • Published in collaboration with the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group, dedicated to furthering evidence-based practice and practice-based research amongst researchers and practitioners • International, cross-disciplinary team includes contributors from North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, and from psychology, linguistics and forensic practice
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to develop a performance measurement model for service operations using the analytic hierarchy process approach. Design/methodology/approach - The study reviews current relevant literature on performance measurement and develops a model for performance measurement. The model is then applied to the intensive care units (ICUs) of three different hospitals in developing nations. Six focus group discussions were undertaken, involving experts from the specific area under investigation, in order to develop an understandable performance measurement model that was both quantitative and hierarchical. Findings - A combination of outcome, structure and process-based factors were used as a foundation for the model. The analyses of the links between them were used to reveal the relative importance of each and their associated sub factors. It was considered to be an effective quantitative tool by the stakeholders. Research limitations/implications - This research only applies the model to ICUs in healthcare services. Practical implications - Performance measurement is an important area within the operations management field. Although numerous models are routinely being deployed both in practice and research, there is always room for improvement. The present study proposes a hierarchical quantitative approach, which considers both subjective and objective performance criteria. Originality/value - This paper develops a hierarchical quantitative model for service performance measurement. It considers success factors with respect to outcomes, structure and processes with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders based upon the analytic hierarchy process approach. The unique model is applied to the ICUs of hospitals in order to demonstrate its effectiveness. The unique application provides a comparative international study of service performance measurement in ICUs of hospitals in three different countries. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
For many decades, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been widely known for being a reliable oil exporter. This fact, however, has not exempted it from facing significant domestic energy challenges. One of the most pressing of these challenges involves bridging the widening electricity supply-demand gap where, currently, the demand is growing at a very fast rate. One crucial means to address this challenge is through delivering power supply projects with maximum efficiency. Project delivery delay, however, is not uncommon in this highly capital-intensive industry, indicating electricity supplies are not coping with the demand increases. To provide a deeper insight into the challenges of project implementation and efficient practice, this research adopts a pragmatic approach by triangulating literature, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The research was conducted in the Saudi Arabian power supply industry – Western Operating Area. A total of 105 usable questionnaires were collected, and 28 recorded, semi-structured interviews were conducted, analysed and synthesised to produce a conceptual model of what constitutes the project implementation challenges in the investigated industry. This was achieved by conducting a comprehensive ranking analysis applied to all 58 identified and surveyed factors which, according to project practitioners in the investigated industry, contribute to project delay. 28 of these project delay factors were selected as the "most important" ones. Factor Analysis was employed to structure these 28 most important project delay factors into the following meaningful set of 7 project implementation challenges: Saudi Electricity Company's contractual commitments, Saudi Electricity Company's communication and coordination effectiveness, contractors' project planning and project control effectiveness, consultant-related aspects, manpower challenges and material uncertainties, Saudi Electricity Company's tendering system, and lack of project requirements clarity. The study has implications for industry policy in that it provides a coherent assessment of the key project stakeholders' central problems. From this analysis, pragmatic recommendations are proposed that, if enacted, will minimise the significance of the identified problems on future project outcomes, thus helping to ensure the electricity supply-demand gap is diminished.