895 resultados para Prótese de palato
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Permanent teeth impaction is highly prevalent among brazilian people. Its etiology is related to local and general factors association. Permanent teeth retention compromises dental occlusion and when anterior teeth are involved, it also brings esthetics impairments which lead to psychological disturbance. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to solve not only occlusal problems but also psychological aspects. Orthodontic traction of impacted teeth can be conducted by using fixed or removable appliances. Although it depends on patient compliance the use of removable appliances provides an anchorage based on the teeth and the palate reducing undesirable side effects. This paper describes the case of a fourteen years old female patient whose right maxillary central incisor was adequately tractioned with a removable orthodontic appliance. Removable orthodontic devices were used at first to reposition teeth in maxillary anterior area what provided adequate space to allow the placement of the impacted incisor and after were also used to traction and position this tooth. The procedure described seemed to be effective, non expensive and a viable treatment to be performed even on the scope of public health services, extending orthodontic treatment to a higher number of patients.
A má oclusão de Classe II é originária de vários fatores etiológicos e uma das características mais comum desta má oclusão é a retrusão mandibular3, por esse motivo, os aparelhos de avanço mandibular são eleitos para o tratamento e correção desta má oclusão. Um destes aparelhos é o Herbst, que apresenta várias formas de ancoragens na sua confecção10. Tradicionalmente, as bandas eram o sistema de ancoragem mais usado, no entanto, pela alta frequência de quebras as mesmas foram substituídas por esplinte metálico12. Esse aparelho quando confeccionado de cromo cobalto pelo método da prótese parcial removível, apresenta como desvantagens a quantidade de passos laboratoriais e a possível contração do metal, podendo ocasionar a má adaptação da estrutura metálica à boca do paciente. Dessa forma, este artigo apresenta um novo método de confecção do aparelho de Herbst esplinte metálico fundido com uso da Duralay e liga níquel cromo. Esse método diminui os passos laboratoriais, proporciona maior resistência à tração e minimiza a contração da estrutura metálica, pois a resina química Duralay proporciona menor expansão do que a cera2.
Patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor must have in your planning functional and aesthetic considerations, important to the success of the treatment, regardless of whether the choice of treatment is closing or opening and maintenance of space for rehabilitation with prosthesis. This choice will depend on factors such as skeletal and tooth structure and profile. Children and adolescents are the group of individuals most exposed to trauma and fracture of the maxillary lateral incisor due to the activities they perform. Proper diagnosis and good treatment are essential to the success of the treatment. This article aims to report a case of agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor along with the involvement of a root fracture of the maxillary central incisor. The orthodontic treatment was successfully finished with a favorable prognosis for the fractured incisor to stay in a esthetic and functional position.
This study ev aluated oral health indic ators by determining the pr evalence of dental c aries, periodontal diseases, prosthetic conditions and need in pr egnant women; identifi ed self-perceived oral health status and evaluated association bet ween variables. A clinical examination was performed in fi fty pregnant women assisted in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic-FOAr-UNESP using traditional oral health indicators: DMFT, C ommunity Periodontal Index ( CPI) and pr osthetic c onditions. A semi-struc tured questionnair e was applied to identify oral health perception and to collect sociodemographic variables. For data analysis, pregnant women were allocated in three groups according to their oral health perception (good, fair, poor) and compared according to clinical variables by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. DMFT was high, all of them showed periodontal changes, most do not use and do not r equire any type of prosthesis; 36% considered their oral appearance as good. There was signifi cant diff erence between groups for the DMFT index and prosthetic need. It may be concluded that despite dental caries experience of pregnant women was found to be high, the prosthetic need have been detected in most of them and the presence of calculus was observed in all the volunteers, the majority considered their oral health status satisfactory.
Immediate functioning of osseointegrated implants has been widely employed in edentulous patients due to its safety and high predictability. However, viability and success of immediate-loaded implants is defined by factors such as number of implants, distribution and splinting, as well as reduction of oblique loads and excessive occlusal contacts. The indirect composite resin-modified glass enable building of a highly aesthetic prosthesis, combining satisfactory resistance and better force dissipation on occlusal loading. This article describes a resin composite, mandibular fixed prosthesis on osseointegrated implants in immediate function.
Jaws atrophy represents a great challenge to Implantology regarding rehabilitation of edentulous areas. This paper reports an extreme mandibular atrophy with only 9mm of height between the mental foramina. In these situations, treatment options include bone augmentation techniques, transmandibular, or short dental implants. It is well accepted that bone grafts to improve height do not have good predictability. Besides, osteogenic distraction is associated with a great patient discomfort and transmandibular implants are related with high failure rates. Also, surgical-prosthetic rehabilitations with short dental implants had been associated to good success rates. The purpose of this clinical case is to report a severe mandibular atrophy, successfully treated with four short dental implants between mental foramina for implant-supported prosthesis.
Several periodontal procedures have been described in the literature to correct mucogingival alterations or to achieve root coverage. The epithelized free gingival graft is a well established periodontal surgery to increase the width of keratinized gingiva with good stability in the long term follow up. However, this procedure is not commonly used in aesthetic areas since the grafted tissue presents differences of color and contrast. The free connective tissue graft emerges as a viable option to increase attached gingiva in areas where aesthetics results are required. The removal of an epithelized free gingival graft from the hard palate region creates a sore and raw surgical wound that slowly repairs, while the connective tissue graft produces only a line of incision that can be easily sutured promoting a more confortable outcome for the patient. This paper aims to report a case where a free connective tissue graft was used to increase the width of attached gingiva in a tooth with gingival recession. This technique presented satisfactory esthetics results, with a better contrast and color matching with the surrounding tissues.
Introduction: Adult patients are more prone to periodontal disease mainly caused by poor plaque control. In these patients, orthodontic movement is not contraindicated, but it is necessary to evaluate their periodontal status so that we can establish the appropriate treatment plan. Objective: The objective of this article is to describe and discuss the clinical cases of severely periodontally compromised individuals in need of oral rehabilitation. Methods: The study consisted of orthodontic treatment of two cases with periodontal involvement. After clinical and radiographic examinations, the cases were analyzed by a multidisciplinary team of Orthodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics, in order to provide the patient with the best possible esthetic, functional and stability outcomes. Periodontal treatment consisted of supra and subgingival scaling prior to orthodontic treatment, and regular maintenance performed on a quarterly basis throughout orthodontic movement. Activation was carried out every 45 to 50 days, with light forces. Retention remains to the present day, even after completion of the rehabilitation. Conclusion: Multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation treatment yields satisfactory results. The interaction between Orthodontics and Periodontics reveals that patients with reduced, but healthy periodontium, can receive orthodontic treatment as long as the forces applied do not exceed patient's biological limits.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)