907 resultados para Portable device
Preliminary studies have been performed to design a device for nuclear waste transmutation and hydrogen generation based on a gas-cooled pebble bed accelerator driven system, TADSEA (Transmutation Advanced Device for Sustainable Energy Application). In previous studies we have addressed the viability of an ADS Transmutation device that uses as fuel wastes from the existing LWR power plants, encapsulated in graphite in the form of pebble beds, cooled by helium which enables high temperatures (in the order of 1200 K), to generate hydrogen from water either by high temperature electrolysis or by thermochemical cycles. For designing this device several configurations were studied, including several reflectors thickness, to achieve the desired parameters, the transmutation of nuclear waste and the production of 100 MW of thermal power. In this paper new studies performed on deep burn in-core fuel management strategy for LWR waste are presented. The fuel cycle on TADSEA device has been analyzed based on both: driven and transmutation fuel that had been proposed by the General Atomic design of a gas turbine-modular helium reactor. The transmutation results of the three fuel management strategies, using driven, transmutation and standard LWR spent fuel were compared, and several parameters describing the neutron performance of TADSEA nuclear core as the fuel and moderator temperature reactivity coefficients and transmutation chain, are also presented
The main objective of this paper is to propose a model for helping logistics managers to choose the appropriate location points in order to situate the collection points for used portable batteries. The proposed model has two parts: a static part and a dynamic part. We can conclude that this model helps managers in the decision of locating/modifying collection points in two ways: to add new collection points to a reverse logistics network that needs more points or to delete collection points from a network that has more points than those recommended.
According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people suffer stroke worldwide each year, of these, 5 million die and 5 million are permanently disabled. Stroke is therefore a major cause of mortality world-wide. The majority of strokes are caused by a blood clot that occludes an artery in the brain, and although thrombolytic agents such as Alteplase are used to dissolve clots that arise in the arteries of the brain, there are limitations on the use of these thrombolytic agents. However over the past decade, other methods of treatment have been developed which include Thrombectomy Devices e.g. the 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device ('GP' TAD). Such devices may be used as an alternative to thrombolytics or in conjunction with them to extract blood clots in arteries such as the middle cerebral artery of the midbrain brain, and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) of the posterior aspect of the brain. In this paper, we mathematically model the removal of blood clots using the 'GP' TAD from selected arteries of the brain where blood clots may arise taking into account factors such as the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. Such mathematical modelling may have potential uses in predicting the pressures necessary to extract blood clots of given lengths, and masses from arteries in the Circle of Willis - posterior circulation of the brain
Purpose: In this work, we present the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device recently developed in the UK, called the 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Method: To obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to optimize the device, we have simulated the performance of the GPTAD analysing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model a range of diameters for the GPTAD considering different forces of adhesion of the blood clot to the artery wall, and different lengths of blood clot. In each case we determine the optimum pressure required to extract the blood clot from the artery using the GPTAD, which is attached at its proximal end to a suction pump. Result: We then compare the results of our mathematical modelling to measurements made in laboratory using plastic tube models of arteries of comparable diameter. We use abattoir porcine blood clots that are extracted using the GPTAD. The suction pressures required for such clot extraction in the plastic tube models compare favourably with those predicted by the mathematical modelling. Discussion & Conclusion: We conclude therefore that the mathematical modelling is a useful technique in predicting the performance of the GPTAD and may potentially be used in optimising the design of the device.
Advances in solid-state lighting have overcome common limitations on optical wireless such as power needs due to light dispersion. It's been recently proposed the modification of lamp's drivers to take advantages of its switching behaviour to include data links maintaining the illumination control they provide. In this paper, a remote access application using visible light communications is presented that provides wireless access to a remote computer using a touchscreen as user interface
Recently, we have presented some studies concerning the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device developed in the UK - GPTAD - which has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself, thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Based on the idea of a modification of the previous device, in this work, we present a model based in the use of stents like the SolitaireTM FR, which is in contact with the clot itself. In the case of such devices, the stent is self-expandable and the extraction of the blood clot is faciliatated by the stent, which must be inside the clot. Such stents are generally inserted in position by using the guidewire inserted into the catheter. This type of modeling could potentially be useful in showing how the blood clot is moved by the various different forces involved. The modelling has been undertaken by analyzing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model an artery and blood clot for range of forces for the guidewire. In each case we determine the interaction between blood clot, stent and artery.
An antenna which has been conceived as a portable system for satellite communications based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5 for small antennas, i.e., with a diameter lower than 50 wavelengths, is introduced. It is a planar and a compact structure with a size of 40×40×2 cm. The antenna is formed by an array of 256 printed elements covering a large bandwidth (14.7%) at X-Band with a VSWR of 1.4:1. The specification includes transmission (Tx) and reception (Rx) bands simultaneously. The printed antenna has a radiation pattern with a 3dB beamwidth of 5°, over a 31dBi gain, and a dual and an interchangeable circular polarization.
The use of the SenseWear™ armband (SWA), an objective monitor of physical activity, is a relatively new device used by researchers to measure energy expenditure. These monitors are practical, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use. The aim of the present study was to assess the validity of SWAs for the measurement of energy expenditure (EE) in circuit resistance training (CRT) at three different intensities in moderately active, healthy subjects. The study subjects (17 females, 12 males) undertook CRT at 30, 50 and 70% of the 15 repetition maximum for each exercise component wearing an SWA as well as an Oxycon Mobile (OM) portable metabolic system (a gold standard method for measuring EE). The EE rose as exercise intensity increased, but was underestimated by the SWAs. For women, Bland-Altman plots showed a bias of 1.13 ± 1.48 METs and 32.1 ± 34.0 kcal in favour of the OM system, while for men values of 2.33 ± 1.82 METs and 75.8 ± 50.8 kcal were recorded.
Nowadays the stress is a frequent problem in the society. The level of stress could be important in order to recognise health problems later. Electrocardiogram technics allows to supervise the heart condition and the detection of anomalies about the patient. Sometimes the data collection systems by sensors placed on the patient restrict his mobility. Therefore the elimination of wires is a good solution for this trouble. Then the Bluetooth protocol is chosen as way for transmitting and receive data between stations. There are three ECG sensors placed on the right hand, the left hand and the right leg. It is possible to measure the heart signal with this technique. Besides there is an extra sensor in order to measure the temperature of the patient. Depending of the value of these parameters is possible to recognise stress levels. All sensors are connected to a special box with a microcontroller which treat every signal. This module has a Bluetooth part that transmitts wireless the new digital signal to the receiver. This one will be a dongle connected to the computer by Serial Port. A program in the computer has been implemented in order to receive the Bluetooth Data sent from the box and saving the data in a file for subsequent activities. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio de parámetros como la temperatura corporal y las señales de electrocardiograma para el diagnóstico del estrés. Existen varios estudios que relacionan estos parámetros y sus niveles con posibles casos de estrés y ansiedad. Para este fin usamos unos sensores colocados en el brazo derecho, brazo izquierdo y pierna izquierda. Esto forma el Eindhoven Triangle, que es conocido por dar una señal de electrocardiograma. A su vez también tendremos un sensor de temperatura colocado en un dedo de la mano para medir los grados a los que está el cuerpo en ese momento y así poder detectar ciertas anomalías. Estos sensores están conectados a un modulo que trata las señales analógicas recogidas, las une, y digitaliza para que el modulo transmisor pueda enviar via Bluetooth los datos hacia un receptor colocado en un área cercana. En el módulo hay una electrónica que ayuda a resolver problemas importantes como ruido o interferencias. Este receptor está conectado a un ordenador en el cual he desarrollado una aplicación que implementa el protocolo HCI y cuya funcionalidad es recoger los datos recibidos. Este programa es capaz de crear y gestionar conexiones Bluetooth entre dispositivos. El programa está preparado para que si las conexiones se cortan, se traten en la medida de lo posible los datos recogidos. Los datos se interpretarán y guardarán en un fichero .bin para posteriores usos, como graficaciones y análisis de parámetros. El programa está enteramente hecho en lenguaje Java y tiene un mecanismo de eventos que se activa cada vez que hay datos en el receptor, los recoge y los procesa con el fin de darles un trato posteriormente. Se eligió el formato .bin para los ficheros debido a su pequeño tamaño, ya que aunque sean más laboriosos de usar es mucho más eficiente que un .txt, que en este caso podría ocupar varios megabytes.
This paper presents the development of a new parallel robot designed for helping with bone milling surgeries. The robot is a small modular wrist with 2 active degrees of freedom, and it is proposed to be used as an orientation device located at the end of a robotic arm designed for bone milling processes. A generic kinematic geometry is proposed for this device. This first article shows the developments on the workspace optimization and the analysis of the force field required to complete a reconstruction of the inferior jawbone. The singularities of the mechanism are analyzed, and the actuator selection is justified with the torque requirements and the study of the force space. The results obtained by the simulations allow building a first prototype using linear motors. Bone milling experiment video is shown as additional material.
We present a computing model based on the DNA strand displacement technique which performs Bayesian inference. The model will take single stranded DNA as input data, representing the presence or absence of a specific molecular signal (evidence). The program logic encodes the prior probability of a disease and the conditional probability of a signal given the disease playing with a set of different DNA complexes and their ratios. When the input and program molecules interact, they release a different pair of single stranded DNA species whose relative proportion represents the application of Bayes? Law: the conditional probability of the disease given the signal. The models presented in this paper can empower the application of probabilistic reasoning in genetic diagnosis in vitro.
Liquid crystal devices are being used in many non-display applications in order to construct small devices controlled by low voltage electronics without mechanical components. In this work, we present a novel liquid crystal device for laser beam steering. In this device the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules can be controlled. A change in the liquid crystal orientation results in a change of the refractive index. When a laser beam passes through the device, the beam will be deviated (Fig.1) and the device works a prism. The main difference between this device and a prism is that in the device the orientation profile of the liquid crystal molecules can be modified so that the laser beam can be deviated a required angle: the device is tuneable.
To perform advanced manipulation of remote environments such as grasping, more than one finger is required implying higher requirements for the control architecture. This paper presents the design and control of a modular 3-finger haptic device that can be used to interact with virtual scenarios or to teleoperate dexterous remote hands. In a modular haptic device, each module allows the interaction with a scenario by using a single finger; hence, multi-finger interaction can be achieved by adding more modules. Control requirements for a multifinger haptic device are analyzed and new hardware/software architecture for these kinds of devices is proposed. The software architecture described in this paper is distributed and the different modules communicate to allow the remote manipulation. Moreover, an application in which this haptic device is used to interact with a virtual scenario is shown.
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability in the United States, affecting over 795,000 people annually. In order to regain motor function of the upper body, patients are usually treated by regular sessions with a dedicated physical therapist. A cost-effective wearable upper body orthotics system that can be used at home to empower both the patients and physical therapists is described. The system is composed of a thin, compliant, lightweight, cost-effective soft orthotic device with an integrated cable actuation system that is worn over the upper body, an embedded limb position sensing system, an electric actuator package and controller. The proposed device is robust to misalignments that may occur during actuation of the compliant brace or when putting on the system. Through simulations and experimental evaluation, it was demonstrated i) that the soft orthotic cable-driven shoulder brace can be successfully actuated without the production of off-axis torques in the presence of misalignments and ii) that the proposed model can identify linear and angular misalignments online.
Photonics logic devices are currently finding applications in most of the fields where optical signals are employed. These areas range from optical communications to optical computing, covering as well as other applications in photonics sensing and metrology. Most of the proposed configurations with photonics logic devices are based on semiconductor laser structures with “on/off” behaviors, operating in an optical amplifier configuration. They are able to offer non-linear gain or bistable operation, being these properties the basis for their applications in these fields. Moreover, their large number of potential affecting parameters onto their behavior offers the possibility to choose the best solution for each case.