675 resultados para Police chiefs


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Following inspections in 2013 of all police forces, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary found that one-third of forces could not provide data on repeat victims of domestic abuse (DA) and concluded that in general there were ambiguities around the term ‘repeat victim’ and that there was a need for consistent and comparable statistics on DA. Using an analysis of police-recorded DA data from two forces, an argument is made for including both offences and non-crime incidents when identifying repeat victims of DA. Furthermore, for statistical purposes the counting period for repeat victimizations should be taken as a rolling 12 months from first recorded victimization. Examples are given of summary statistics that can be derived from these data down to Community Safety Partnership level. To reinforce the need to include both offences and incidents in analyses, repeat victim chronologies from policerecorded data are also used to briefly examine cases of escalation to homicide as an example of how they can offer new insights and greater scope for evaluating risk and effectiveness of interventions.


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The quarterly bulletins on crime statistics in England and Wales are compiled from two sets of data: crime survey and police-recorded crime. Whilst the former is considered to give the most reliable trends, the latter has a greater level detail for a fuller spectrum of crimes types. This paper explores the advantages and problems of analysing police-recorded data for the insights they contain. This is illustrated by examples from an analysis of domestic violence.


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Rape myths affect many aspects of the investigative and criminal justice systems. One such myth, the 'real rape' myth, states that most rapes involve a stranger using a weapon attacking a woman violently at night in an isolated, outdoor area, and that women sustain serious injuries from these attacks. The present study examined how often actual offences reported to a central UK police force over a two year period matched the 'real rape' myth. Out of 400 cases of rape reported, not a single incident was found with all the characteristics of the 'real rape' myth. The few stranger rapes that occurred had a strong link to night-time economy activities, such as the victim and offender both having visited pubs, bars, and clubs. By contrast, the majority of reported rape offences (280 cases, 70.7%) were committed by people known to the victim (e.g., domestic and acquaintance rapes), occurred inside a residence, with most victims sustaining no physical injuries from the attack. The benefits of these naturalistic findings from the field for educating people about the inaccuracy of rape myths are discussed.


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Is fairness in process and outcome a generalizable driver of police legitimacy? In many industrialized nations, studies have demonstrated that police legitimacy is largely a function of whether citizens perceive treatment as normatively fair and respectful. Questions remain whether this model holds in less-industrialized contexts, where corruption and security challenges favor instrumental preferences for effective crime control and prevention. Support for and against the normative model of legitimacy has been found in less-industrialized countries, yet few have simultaneously compared these models across multiple industrializing countries. Using a multilevel framework and data from respondents in 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (n~43,000), I find evidence for the presence of both instrumental and normative influences in shaping the perceptions of police legitimacy. More importantly, the internal consistency of legitimacy (defined as obligation to obey, moral alignment, and perceived legality of the police) varies considerably from country to country, suggesting that relationships between legality, morality, and obligation operate differently across contexts. Results are robust to a number of different modeling assumptions and alternative explanations. Overall, the results indicate that both fairness and effectiveness matter, not in all places, and in some cases contrary to theoretical expectations.


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Ao longo dos anos a Guarda Nacional Republicana tem vindo a desenvolver o seu modelo de investigação criminal. Alicerçado em três vertentes funcionais: operativa, criminalística e análise de informação criminal, este modelo visa garantir uma eficácia operacional da Guarda, no âmbito das competências que lhe são atribuídas enquanto Órgão de Polícia Criminal. Perspetivando uma evolução da investigação criminal exercida pelos Comandos Territoriais, assente numa avaliação da vertente de análise de informação criminal, surge a presente investigação, subordinada ao tema “A Importância da Análise de Informação Criminal para a Investigação: o Contributo dos NAIIC”. Com o objetivo de compreender qual o contributo que os Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal dos Comandos Territoriais conferem às investigações, apoiamo-nos num processo indutivo, que intenta generalizar os problemas observados nos vários Núcleos, para caracterizar a vertente de análise de informação criminal no dispositivo territorial. Visando uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos resultados, os métodos de recolha de dados explorados foram: dois inquéritos por questionário, um direcionado aos Chefes dos Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal e outro aos Chefes dos Núcleos de Investigação Criminal dos Comandos e Destacamentos Territoriais, assim como um inquérito por entrevista, realizado a cinco Oficiais da Guarda, com reconhecidos conhecimentos e experiência profissional nesta área. Conclui-se que os Núcleos de Análise de Informações e Informação Criminal têm contribuído para as investigações, enfatizando os aspetos relevantes de grandes volumes de informação, com vista a apoiar a ação dos investigadores. Todavia, foram observadas algumas limitações que importa suprimir, de forma a potenciar este contributo. Foram identificadas nestes Núcleos, insuficiências nos acessos à informação, lacunas nas ferramentas de análise, reduzido efetivo em determinados Comandos e algumas falhas de cooperação e coordenação, entre estes e os Núcleos de Investigação Criminal.


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Assistimos hodiernamente à automatização de procedimentos nas organizações, dado à inserção das novas tecnologias, e mais em concreto das ferramentas computacionais, no ambiente organizacional. Esta automatização permite a simplificação do processo de tomada de decisão, a manipulação de dados e lidar com o excesso de informação. No seu dia-a-dia, a Guarda Nacional Republicana enfrenta uma elevada diversidade e complexidade de ocorrências, que motiva a utilização de um sistema de informação que se constitua como primeira linha da Gestão das Ocorrências, permitindo ao comandante gerir criteriosamente os seus meios no processo de tomada de decisão. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo descrever de que forma pode o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação influenciar a tomada de decisão. Para tal foi realizado um estudo de caso, reunindo um grupo de sete Chefes de Sala de Situação, reunindo-os num painel de especialistas para aplicar o método de Delphi, visando inferir as potencialidades do sistema e as vulnerabilidades sentidas pelos operadores. Foram também aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos operadores do sistema no sentido de compreender a sua perceção de utilidade desta ferramenta na gestão de meios. A análise de resultados permitiu verificar que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação é uma importante ferramenta na gestão de ocorrências, ao fornecer informação necessária à tomada de decisão do comandante, embora possua imperfeições que necessitam de ser mitigadas, no sentido de serem exploradas as potencialidades na sua plenitude. Conclui-se com esta investigação que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação facilita a tomada de decisão ao fornecer informações acerca das ocorrências ativas na zona de ação da sua Unidade, bem como das patrulhas disponíveis. Este sistema, deve ser complementado com a utilização do Sistema de Informação de Gestão dos meios SIRESP, para que o comandante consiga percecionar a localização das patrulhas disponíveis. Desta forma, o comandante consegue tomar decisões de maneira mais sustentada, permitindo a rápida mobilização dos recursos policiais, visando a excelência operacional e o aumento de eficácia da ação policial.


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Background: Gatekeeper training for community facilitators, to identify and respond to those at risk of suicide, forms an important part of multi-level community-based suicide prevention programmes. Aims: This study examined the effects of gatekeeper training on attitudes, knowledge and confidence of police officers in dealing with persons at risk of suicide. Methods: A total of 828 police officers across three European regions participated in a 4-hour training programme which addressed the epidemiology of depression and suicidal behaviour, symptoms of depression, warning signs and risk factors associated with suicidal behaviour, motivating help-seeking behaviour, dealing with acute suicidal crisis and informing bereaved relatives. Participants completed internationally validated questionnaires assessing stigmatising attitudes, knowledge about depression and confidence in dealing with suicidal persons pre- and post-training. Results: There were significant differences among countries in terms of previous exposure to suicidal persons and extent of previous training. Post-training evaluation demonstrated significant improvements in stigmatising attitudes, knowledge and confidence in all three countries. Conclusion: The consistently positive effects of gatekeeper training of police officers across different regions support inclusion of this type of training as a fundamental part of multi-level community-based suicide prevention programmes and roll-out, nationally and internationally.


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Knowledge-Based Management Systems enable new ways to process and analyse knowledge to gain better insights to solve a problem and aid in decision making. In the police force such systems provide a solution for enhancing operations and improving client administration in terms of knowledge management. The main objectives of every police officer is to ensure the security of life and property, promote lawfulness, and avert and distinguish wrongdoing. The administration of knowledge and information is an essential part of policing, and the police ought to be proactive in directing both explicit and implicit knowledge, whilst adding to their abilities in knowledge sharing. In this paper the potential for a knowledge based system for the Mauritius police was analysed, and recommendations were also made, based on requirements captured from interviews with several long standing officers, and surveying of previous works in the area.


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Goncalo de Melo Bandeira Counter-Terrorism, State of Emergency and Human Rights. In the global cities, the fight against terrorism is a way forward. Prevention of terrorism is another possible way. There are legal systems where the prevailing idea is combating terrorism. Fight, because is possible: life imprisonment or informal death penalty or even torture. While other jurisdictions only follow the prevention of terrorist crime: the retribution and positive general prevention and the resocialization. There may be extreme cases also in restorative justice. The recent terrorist attacks in Paris on 11.13.2015 have shown to the different types of police several problems. Some of those are: the declaration of State of emergency and the consequent restriction of human rights as the privacy of human communication or the liberty of travel by local city citizens or foreign citizens or the public entertainment shows, the problem of money laundering and the restriction of the business as usual, the vicious circle of more isolation from some urban communities, v.g. muslims, and other citizens also; and, brevitatis causa, the criminological problem of the causes and consequences of terrorism.


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Since ethics is such a predominant subject of interest on one hand, and graduating from a two or three-year college police technology program is the first step towards a police career un Quebec on the other, this study will look at the ethics of an incoming cohort of students in a two or three-year college professional police technology program. One of the aims will be to develop a profile of young people wishing to pursue a career in policing.||Résumé : Dans un premier temps, étant donné que l'éthique est un sujet d'intérêt majeur et que, dans un deuxième temps, un diplôme en techniques policières dans un programme collégial de deux ou trois ans est un prérequis pour une carrière policière au Québec, cette étude se penchera sur l'éthique d'une cohorte d'étudiants d'un tel programme. Un des buts de cette étude sera de déterminer le profil des jeunes qui désirent poursuivre une carrière policière.