714 resultados para Pluralismo jurídico
rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6º), in addition broadening spreading’s private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.
This search addresses the public policies that directly or indirectly corroborate for the implementation of the Brazilian Law number 10.639/2003 in Federal University of Uberlândia and it analyzes the affirmative actions in this context. The study aims to answer some questions such as: Why we have found difficulties in implementing the Law 10.639/2003 and its correlate legislation in the institutions responsible for teachers formation, particularly in the courses of History, Visual Arts, Portuguese Language and Literature and Education teachers? We started from the hypothesis that implementing the Law 10.639/2003 is considered by popular movements that fight for the emancipation of black population and for its rights consider such actions as a form of eradicating racial and ethnic prejudice which are still present in our society. The methodology is based on case study, which allows the triangulation to other methodological approaches such as qualitative analysis and bibliographic search. The investigation instruments were: I. Bibliographic sources including books, papers, periodic and so one; II. Documental sources: specific legislation on the theme (Brazilian Federal Law 10.639/2003, Resolution CNE/CP 1/2004 and others; III. Oral sources obtained from semi structured interviews with coordinators of the selected Graduation courses. Critical multicuturalism according to McLaren (1999) allowed us to approach our research object in order to understand its plural characteristics, specially reading the different aspects that permeate the relationship between culture and identity, cultural differences and power relationship in modern society. In the study, we did not perceive the involvement of the Higher Education professionals in order to implement Law 10.639/2003. The problem perceived for implementing the law and its pedagogical normative legal framework is the personal and institutional attitude, because every subject involved in it has a direct responsibility. We cannot believe that the institutions may claim lack of knowledge and research in the area as impediments to implementing the disciplines and the pedagogical contents concerning to the Law nor contracting researcher experts and scholars on this topic to compose the frames of the University.
I. Marco tradicional de protección de las patentes en Europa: fragmentación. II. Unión Europea: cooperación reforzada en materia de patentes. III. Acuerdo sobre el Tribunal Unificado de Patentes y fundamentos del “paquete de patentes”. IV. Protección uniforme: evolución del modelo previo. V. Caracterización de las reglas sobre ley aplicable y aplicación de las legislaciones nacionales. VI. Conclusión.
La polémica acerca del hiyab como símbolo de identidad de la mujer musulmana ha irrumpido en nuestra sociedad occidental. Si bien visiblemente no es más que una prenda, el ocultamiento del cabello, el cuello, y en algunas ocasiones el rostro y el cuerpo hacen que su uso no deje indiferente y su significado exceda más allá de lo puramente religioso. El presente trabajo constará de dos partes: La primera, tratará de entender la naturaleza de esta prenda, estudiando su procedencia, sus tipos y el significado que para las mujeres musulmanas tiene portarlo. La segunda, se centrará en el debate público y político que en muchos países de Europa, entre ellos España, viene provocando su uso y las consecuencias que una eventual prohibición o limitación del mismo tendría.
Programa de doctorado: Últimas Tendencias Político-Criminales: Las Reformas del Código Penal de 1995. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Programa de doctorado: La decisión jurídica: hechos y normas en la argumentación del derecho. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Programa de doctorado: Nuevas perspectivas en la Ciencia Jurídica
Un año después de su promulgación, entró a regir el 6 de agosto del año en curso la Ley 472 de 1998 sobre protección de los derechos colectivos, dando paso, así sea con injustificado retardo, a la consolidación de lo que la doctrina jurídica en Colombia denomina "trípode del garantismo constitucional", sobre el cual, dada su importancia, vigencia y actualidad (puesto que no es tema exclusivo de juristas), bien vale la pena hacer algunas breves reflexiones desde el punto de vista del binomio inescindible "comunidad-empresa". Como que una primera "pata" la conforma la acción de tutela (Art. 86 de la C.P. y Decretos 2591 y 306 de 1991); una segunda, la acción de cumplimiento (Art. 87 de la C.P. y Ley 393 de 1997); y una tercera, las acciones *Class action, en el sistema jurídico anglosajón populares y de grupo (Art. 88 de la C.P. y Ley 472 de 1998, objeto de este comentario).