823 resultados para Pittston Strike


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While large-scale transverse drainages (TDs) such as those of the Susquehanna River above Harrisburg, PA, have been recognized since the 19th century, there have been no systematic surveys done of TDs since that of Ver Steeg's in 1930. Here, the results are presented of a topographic and statistical analysis of TDs in the Susquehanna River basin using Google Earth and associated overlays. 653 TDs were identified in the study area, 95% of which contain streams with discharges of less than 10 m3/s. TD depths ranged from a 23 m deep water gap near Blain, PA, to the 539 m deep gorge of the Juniata River through Jacks Mountain. Although TD depth tended to increase with stream size, many small streams were located in deep gaps, and eight streams with discharges of 10 m3/s or less were found in gorges whose depths matched or exceeded the deepest TD of the Susquehanna, the largest stream in the basin. Streams of less than 10 m3/s made up the majority of TDs regardless of the rock type capping the breached structure. Overall, TDs through sandstone-capped ridges were deeper than those topped by shales, and TDs in both sandstones and shales displayed a lognormal distribution of depths, which may be indicative of a preferred value. Stream flow direction was primarily perpendicular to local structural strike, with 47% of streams flowing NW and 53% flowing SE. 19% of the TDs were found to be in alignment with at least one other TD, with aligned segment lengths ranging from .5 to 14.8 km. The majority of TDs were in rocks of Paleozoic age. The techniques described here allow the frequency and distribution of TDs to be quantified so that they can be integrated into models of basin evolution.


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The monograph summarizes results of studies of hydrothermal fields on the ocean floor, hydrothermal plumes and metalliferous sediments. Hydrothermal ore manifestations formed in different geodynamic settings, with different character of volcanism in different facial conditions of deposition are described. Causes of non-uniformity of hydrothermal system functioning in different parts of the ocean and therefore variability of hydrothermal deposits are under consideration. On the base of found relationships of these irregularities with geodynamics, volcanism and sedimentation a new classification of hydrothermal processes and genetic models of hydrothermal ore formation in the ocean have been created. Regularities of hydrothermal sedimentary material dispersion in bottom waters are discussed.


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Results of detailed geomagnetic and geomorphological studies carried out by R/V Akvanavt together with data obtained by a side-scanning sonar and high-frequency profiles from a towed Zvuk-4 vehicle plus results of visual observations of deep-sea manned Pisces submersible have shown that the spreading axis is divided into segments, whose strike (330°) differs from the overall strike (310°) of the axial magnetic anomaly. In the study area segments are about 1 km long and transform displacements are 0.5 km. Calculations on a model have shown that spreading is asymmetric: during the Brunhes epoch accretion rate of the African Plate was 6 mm/yr and that of the Arabian Plate 7 mm/yr. Earlier it had been 9 and 11 mm/yr, respectively.


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In order to recognize the distribution of hydrothermal tracers south of the Azores, a series of cores has been sampled during the GEOFAR cruise. The distribution of the Mn concentrations shows that the hydrothermal influence is maximum within and to the north-west of the Lucky Strike segment. North of the East-Azores Fracture Zone the sediments are enriched in Ba which could be derived from different sources. The chemical composition of the interstitial water shows that water advection is limited. Mn, Cu, Ni fluxes evaluated in one site have increased during isotopic stages 4 and 2 and the deglaciation.


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The Proterozoic country rock at Ahlmannryggen consists of flat lying basaltic lo andesitic lava flows and sedimentary rocks intruded by dioritic sills (Borgmassivet Intrusives). The suites display a typical platform cover. K-Ar age determinations gave maximum ages of about 1200 Ma on the magmatic rocks. All these suites were intruded bv Proterozoic dikes dated also at about 1200 Ma. Localiy the Proterozoic rocks have a slaty cleavage grading into mylonitic texture which strike parallel to the Jutul Penck graben. Such tectonic structures were dated at 525 Ma using syntectonic white micas. Evidence of the break-up of Gondwana during the Early Jurassic/Triassic is given by dikes at Ahlmannryggen and lava flows, dikes and sills at Vestfjella. At Ahlmannryggen the initial rift phase is documented by the development of the Jutul Penck graben and the intrusion of the 200-250 Ma continental-tholeiitic dikes striking parallel to the graben axis. The lava flows, dikes and sills at Vestfjella represent a later stage of the Gondwana break-up at about 180 Ma that probably reflects the initial stage of the opening of the Weddell Sea.


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A detailed study of chemical composition of bottom sediments along a profile through the Northwest Pacific Basin has allowed to identify and describe four lithofacies types of bottom sediments. Distinguished types of sediments form a genetic series reflecting changing conditions of sedimentation from near-shore to central regions of the ocean. Along the strike of pelagic clays a gradual transition from ash containing clays to zeolite containing clays is established. Ash particles and zeolites have similar forms of occurrence. Together with other data it suggests that zeolites have been formed by diagenetic transformation of rhyolitic glass. Regular changes of CaCO3, amorphous SiO2, Fe and Mn contents in bottom sediments from the coast to the pelagic zone are shown.


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Results of studying isotopic composition of helium in underground fluids of the Baikal-Mongolian region during the last quarter of XX century are summarized. Determinations of 3He/4He ratio in 139 samples of gas phase from fluids, collected at 104 points of the Baikal rift zone and adjacent structures are given. 3He/4He values lie within the range from 1x10**-8 (typical for crustal radiogenic helium) to 1.1x10**-5 (close to typical MORB reservoir). Repeated sampling in some points during more than 20 years showed stability of helium isotopic composition in time in each of them at any level of 3He/4He values. There is no systematic differences of 3He/4He in samples from surface water sources and deeper intervals of boreholes in the same areas. Universal relationship between isotopic composition of helium and general composition of gas phase is absent either, but the minimum 3He/4He values occurred in methane gas of hydrocarbon deposits, whereas in nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases of helium composition varied (in the latter maximum 3He/4He values have been measured). According to N2/Ar_atm ratio nitrogen gases are atmospheric. In carbonic gas fN2/fNe ratio indicates presence of excessive (non-atmogenic) nitrogen, but the attitude CO2/3He differs from one in MORB. Comparison of helium isotopic composition with its concentration and composition of the main components of gas phase from fluids shows that it is formed under influence of fractionation of components with different solubility in the gas-water system and generation/consumption of reactive gases in the crust. Structural and tectonic elements of the region differ from the spectrum of 3He/4He values. At the pre-Riphean Siberian Platform the mean 3He/4He = (3.6+/-0.9)x10**- 8 is very close to radiogenic one. In the Paleozoic crust of Khangay 3He/4He = (16.3+/-4.6)x10**-8, and the most probable estimate is (12.3+/-2.9)x10**-8. In structures of the eastern flank of the Baikal rift zone (Khentei, Dauria) affected by the Mz-Kz activization 3He/4He values range from 4.4x10**-8 to 2.14x10**-6 (average 0.94x10**-6). Distribution of 3He/4He values across the strike of the Baikal rift zone indicates advective heat transfer from the mantle not only in the rift zone, but also much further to the east. In fluids of the Baikal rift zone range of 3He/4He values is the widest: from 4x10**-8 to 1.1x10**-5. Their variations along the strike of the rift zone are clearly patterned, namely, decrease of 3He/4He values in both directions from the Tunka depression. Accompanied by decrease in density of conductive heat flow and in size of rift basins, this trend indicates decrease in intensity of advective heat transfer from the mantle to peripheral segments of the rift zone. Comparing this trend with data on other continental rift zones and mid-ocean ridges leads to the conclusion about fundamental differences in mechanisms of interaction between the crust and the mantle in these environments.


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Focus of this study is the analysis of a local hydrogeological system in the subhumid outer tropics in the western African country of Benin. The aim was to characterize, qualify and quantify the hydrogeological and hydrological properties of the approx. 30 km2 big study area and to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model. This model should provide the basis for further studies on a regional scale. The main goal was to obtain the process knowledge of the hydrogeological system and to determine the process and the quantity of the groundwater recharge in the working area. According to the objectives, a broad hydrogeological approach was chosen. In a spacious network on the local scale TDR probes, suction cups and groundwater observation bores were installed. Also in a multidisciplinary cooperation with hydrology, geography, soil science, biology, meteorology and plant nutrition sciences, instruments like discharge gauging stations, tensiometers, lysimeter, climate stations, runoff plots and erosion pins were installed in the test site for the investigation of the relevant parameters of the hydrological cycle.


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Exhumed faults hosting hydrothermal systems provide direct insight into relationships between faulting and fluid flow, which in turn are valuable for making hydrogeological predictions in blind settings. The Grimsel Breccia Fault (Aar massif, Central Swiss Alps) is a late Neogene, exhumed dextral strike-slip fault with a maximum displacement of 25–45 m, and is associated with both fossil and active hydrothermal circulation. We mapped the fault system and modelled it in three dimensions, using the distinctive hydrothermal mineralisation as well as active thermal fluid discharge (the highest elevation documented in the Alps) to reveal the structural controls on fluid pathway extent and morphology. With progressive uplift and cooling, brittle deformation inherited the mylonitic shear zone network at Grimsel Pass; preconditioning fault geometry into segmented brittle reactivations of ductile shear zones and brittle inter-shear zone linkages. We describe ‘pipe’-like, vertically oriented fluid pathways: (1) within brittle fault linkage zones and (2) through alongstrike- restricted segments of formerly ductile shear zones reactivated by brittle deformation. In both cases, low-permeability mylonitic shear zones that escaped brittle reactivation provide important hydraulic seals. These observations show that fluid flow along brittle fault planes is not planar, but rather highly channelised into sub-vertical flow domains, with important implications for the exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy.


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The zip folder comprises a text file and a gzipped tar archive. 1) The text file contains individual genotype data for 90 SNPs, 9 microsatellites and the mitochondrial ND4 gene that were determined in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (genus Bathymodiolus). Mussel specimens are grouped according to the population (pop)/location from which they have been sampled (first column). The remaining columns contain the respective allele/haplotype codes for the different genetic loci (names in the header line). The data file is in CONVERT format and can be directly transformed into different input files for population genetic statistics. 2) The tar archive contains NetCDF files with larval dispersal probabilities for simulated annual larval releases between 1998 and 2007. For each simulated vent location (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, Vent 1-10) two NetCDF files are given, one for an assumed pelagic larval duration of 1 year and the other one for an assumed pelagic larval duration of 6 months (6m).