926 resultados para Photocatalytic filters
Catalunya és un dels territoris on hi ha hagut més auge del sector de la cervesa artesana, i són molt nombroses les microcerveseries i les botigues especialitzades on es poden trobar els recursos materials necessaris, a més de ser centres difusió de coneixements relacionats. Així, doncs, aquest projecte està emmarcat en un context que permet el desenvolupament de tècniques d’elaboració de cervesa artesana. Aquest projecte es basa en la construcció d’un equip amb materials reutilitzats i amb un pressupost limitat que permet reproduir a petita escala els processos d’elaboració que es duen a terme en les microcerveseries artesanes actuals. El projecte s’ha assentat sobre la comprensió dels fonaments teòrics i pràctics del procés d’elaboració de cervesa, i amb l’experiència inicial d’elaboració de cervesa amb un equip bàsic de tipus homebrewer. Per minimintzar costos els tancs s’han construït a partir de barrils de cervesa i les parts sobrants s’han aprofitat per a altres elements. S’han emprat elements quotidians com una olla a pressió i s’ha construït un sistema regulador de pressió (per al tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric construït) en lloc d’adquirir-lo. S’ha posat l’èmfasi en minimitzar la necessitat de manipulació manual durant l’elaboració. Per tant, s’han instal·lat els components de l’equip formant un circuit tancat amb sistema de bombeig, i s’ha incorporat un sistema que permet el control i la lectura de les temperatures de cada procés. Altres elements són el sistema de filtres amb mecanisme de tub en forma d’ela (que permet l’extracció del most dels tanc de maceració i de cocció d’una manera efectiva i sense necessitat de manipulació) i el sistema de dutxa (que permet automatitzar el procés de rentat i filtrat). Un element que distingeix aquest equip d’altres equips emprats en algunes microcerveseries artesanes és el tanc de fermentació cilindrocònic isobàric amb vàlvula controladora de pressió, que permet prescindir de la doble fermentació en ampolla, ja que permet aprofitar el gas carbònic produït durant la fermentació per la carbonatació de la cervesa. Es pot concloure que gràcies a les seves característiques, l’equip permet realitzar successives elaboracions obtenint el mateix producte amb les mateixes característiques organolèptiques, principalement gràcies a la cambra de fermentació, que permet realitzar les etapes de fermentació, maduració i clarificació controlant la temperatura desitjada; al tanc de maceració amb aïllament, que permet realitzar el procés a temperatura constant sense pèrdues tèrmiques i al sistema de control de temperatura de totes les etapes. L’únic inconvenient és que, degut a la manca pressupostària, ha estat impossible l’adquisició d’un sistema d’embotellament isobàric que permeti realitzar l’embotellament sense pèrdues del gas carbònic. Per tant, el producte final pot embotellar-se amb una lleugera pèrdua de gas o es pot emmagatzemar en el mateix fermentador cilindrocònic per al seu consum directe, a l’estil d’alguns brewpubs.
The contribution of the industrial activities to the environmental contamination phenomena is evident. Great efforts are dedicated to the establishment of methodologies which permits an adequate treatment of the produced effluents, as a manner of minimizing the environmental impact of these wastes. The methodologies based on photocatalytic processes are very promise alternatives, because permits degradation of a great number of chemical substances of high toxic potential, without the use of other chemicals. The present work is an overview about the principal environmental aspects related with the paper and cellulose industry and the main alternatives employed for the reduction of environmental impact produced for its residues. The principal results of the photocatalytic treatment of this kind of effluents using metallic semiconductors is also showed.
Twenty domestic commercial filters, in order to determine the percentual retention of color, turbidity, dry residue, bicarbonates, carbonates, total hardness, nitrogens, iron, chlorides, fluorides, and residual chlorine (parameters of food legislation) and sulphides in thirteen water samples proceeding from springs, wells, rivers, lakes, drinking patterns and standards, before and after purification were evaluated. The results showed that purifiers presented adequate retention for nitrates (74.8 ± 16.2 %) and residual chlorine (74.0 ± 11.2) and medium retention for sulphides (61.7 ± 11.3); while porcelain plus activated carbon filters presented adequate retention for color (90.0 ± 19.7), turbidity (76.4 ± 18.4) and iron (83.5 ± 15.1). Therefore the retention of carbonates, bicarbonates, total hardness, chlorides, dry residue, fluorides, ammonium nitrogens and nitrites was less than 10%, and the values of pH didn't show significant variation, for all the filters studied.
An adaptation of the Raman experiment is presented as a very convenient, simple and easily made demonstration about inelastic light scattering. The procedure involves an overhead projector, a rectangular and transparent cell, complementary filters and solvent. Alternatively a spectrofluorimeter can he used to evaluate how weak Raman scattering is.
In this paper is presented electrochemical evidences of the influence of the light on the electrochemical behavior of nickel electrode in diluted sulfuric acid. The current densities related with the electrooxidation of the metal decreases when the electrode is under illumination. The corrosion potential, Ecorr , shift to a more positive value in this condition. This effect was observed with polychromatic light and with different wavelength glass filters such as 700 nm and 520 nm. It was observed that increasing the temperature of the solution, the current densities related with cathodic and anodic processes, increases instead of decreases. The activation energy related with the electrooxidation of the electrode was higher under illumination than in the dark. It is suggested that this behavior may be related or with a photo-inhibition effect either with dessorption of adsorbed water involved in the electrooxidation mechanism.
This paper proposes a pose-based algorithm to solve the full SLAM problem for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), navigating in an unknown and possibly unstructured environment. The technique incorporate probabilistic scan matching with range scans gathered from a mechanical scanning imaging sonar (MSIS) and the robot dead-reckoning displacements estimated from a Doppler velocity log (DVL) and a motion reference unit (MRU). The proposed method utilizes two extended Kalman filters (EKF). The first, estimates the local path travelled by the robot while grabbing the scan as well as its uncertainty and provides position estimates for correcting the distortions that the vehicle motion produces in the acoustic images. The second is an augment state EKF that estimates and keeps the registered scans poses. The raw data from the sensors are processed and fused in-line. No priory structural information or initial pose are considered. The algorithm has been tested on an AUV guided along a 600 m path within a marina environment, showing the viability of the proposed approach
Teräksen raaka-ainekustannusten jyrkkä nousu pakottaa prosessiteollisuuden etsimään vaihtoehtoisia rakennemateriaaleja, joiden ominaisuudet ovat vähintään terästä vastaavia. Prosessiteollisuudessa joudutaan käyttämään runsaasti kemikaaleja kestäviä laitteita, jolloin rakennemateriaaliksi sopiva on haponkestävä teräs. Laitteiden kokojen kasvusta seuraa niiden kokonaispainojen kasvu aiheuttaen haasteita niitä kantaville perustuksille. Komposiitti on yksi varteenotettava vaihtoehto haponkestävän teräksen korvaajaksi, sillä komposiitin ominaisuus/painosuhde on terästä parempi. Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää Washers & Filters – tuoteperheeseen kuuluvien laitteiden, DD-pesurin (Drum Displacer) ja GF- suotimen (GasFree Filter), rakenteista löytyvien osien mahdollisuutta korvata komposiitilla. Työn pohjaksi on käsitelty komposiittien ominaisuuksia, tyyppejä ja valmistusmenetelmiä sekä perehdytty sellupesureiden toimintaprosessiin. Tältä pohjalta löytyi valintakriteerien avulla rakenteita, joita olisi mahdollista korvata komposiitilla.
A sequential system for fractionation by ultrafiltration (SSFU) equipped with advanced membranes filters (molecular size cut-off: 5, 10, 30, 50 and 100 kDalton) of the polyethersulfone type was developed for analytical fractionation of humic substances (HS) extracted from aquatic systems or soils. The device consists of five membrane filters (Sartocon® Micro) operated by a multi-channel peristaltic pump, enabling an easy handling, working in a closed system and with simple collection of the six obtained fractions (F1>100; F2: 100-50; F3: 50-30; F4:30-10; F5: 10-5 and F6 <5 kDalton). Then, the HS sample (250 mL solution 1.0 mg/mL, pH 5.0 to 6.0) to be fractionated is pumped by pump through the series of membrane filters with a tangential flow of 85 mL/min, initial pressure 0.2 to 0.3 bar and permeation flux through the membranes of 0.8 to 1.4 mL/min. The overall time for fractionation and cleaning of the device is about 10 h and 25 mL of each fraction is obtained.
Estudo comparativo sobre filtragem de sinais instrumentais usando transformadas de Fourier e Wavelet
A comparative study of the Fourier (FT) and the wavelet transforms (WT) for instrumental signal denoising is presented. The basic principles of wavelet theory are described in a succinct and simplified manner. For illustration, FT and WT are used to filter UV-VIS and plasma emission spectra using MATLAB software for computation. Results show that FT and WT filters are comparable when the signal does not display sharp peaks (UV-VIS spectra), but the WT yields a better filtering when the filling factor of the signal is small (plasma spectra), since it causes low peak distortion.
The abatement of recalcitrant lignin macromolecules from effluents of pulp and paper industry was investigated by combined process. Flocculation and coagulation with aluminum sulfate and natural polyelectrolytes extracted from cactus Cereus peruvianus were used in the first step. After separation of solid residues by filtration, the photochemical methods using TiO2 as catalyst were employed for photocatalytic degradation of lignin compounds from solution. The abatement of lignin compounds after flocculation and coagulation was 46%, and after the overall process, the pollutants reduction observed were 66%. The remaining organic compounds may be removed by any biological treatment.
In Europe, the safety evaluation of cosmetics is based on the safety evaluation of each individual ingredient. Article 3 of the Cosmetics Regulation specifies that a cosmetic product made available on the market is to be safe for human health when used normally or under reasonably foreseeable conditions. For substances that cause some concern with respect to human health (e.g. colorants, preservatives, UV-filters), safety is evaluated at the Commission level by a scientific committee, presently called the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS). According to the Cosmetics Regulations, in the EU, the marketing of cosmetics products and their ingredients that have been tested on animals for most of their human health effects, including acute toxicity, is prohibited. Nevertheless, any study dating from before this prohibition took effect is accepted for the safety assessment of cosmetics ingredients. The in vitro methods reported in the dossiers summited to the SCCS are here evaluated from the published reports issued by the scientific committee of the Directorate General of Health and Consumers (DG SANCO); responsible for the safety of cosmetics ingredients. The number of studies submitted to the SCCS that do not involve animals is still low and in general the safety of cosmetics ingredients is based on in vivo studies performed before the prohibition.
This article suggests a sequence of experiments on the preparation, analysis and some photochemical aspects of potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) trihydrate. The sequence of experiments could be carried out in four or five 4-hour laboratory periods. The new part of this article is related to the kinetics studies involving the ambient illumination as well as the use of the cellophane paper of different colors as light filters. The aspects such as quantum yield, light absorption and photochemical reactions are explored in order to illustrate the relationships between the exposure time, light intensity and wavelength range on the photochemical reactions.
The TiO2/UV photocatalytic reactor was investigated as an alternative system to inactivate airborne microorganisms. The experiments performed in the absence of the catalyst showed that direct photolysis was not efficient to destruct microorganisms, with only 30% of inactivation. Similar inactivation percentage was obtained using TiO2 in absence of UV radiation. The destruction of microorganisms present in a contaminated indoor atmosphere, using the combination of TiO2/UV was very efficient, reaching more than 98% of destruction.
The article describes some concrete problems that were encountered when writing a two-level model of Mari morphology. Mari is an agglutinative Finno-Ugric language spoken in Russia by about 600 000 people. The work was begun in the 1980s on the basis of K. Koskenniemi’s Two-Level Morphology (1983), but in the latest stage R. Beesley’s and L. Karttunen’s Finite State Morphology (2003) was used. Many of the problems described in the article concern the inexplicitness of the rules in Mari grammars and the lack of information about the exact distribution of some suffixes, e.g. enclitics. The Mari grammars usually give complete paradigms for a few unproblematic verb stems, whereas the difficult or unclear forms of certain verbs are only superficially discussed. Another example of phenomena that are poorly described in grammars is the way suffixes with an initial sibilant combine to stems ending in a sibilant. The help of informants and searches from electronic corpora were used to overcome such difficulties in the development of the two-level model of Mari. The variation of the order of plural markers, case suffixes and possessive suffixes is a typical feature of Mari. The morphotactic rules constructed for Mari declensional forms tend to be recursive and their productivity must be limited by some technical device, such as filters. In the present model, certain plural markers were treated like nouns. The positional and functional versatility of the possessive suffixes can be regarded as the most challenging phenomenon in attempts to formalize the Mari morphology. Cyrillic orthography, which was used in the model, also caused problems. For instance, a Cyrillic letter may represent a sequence of two sounds, the first being part of the word stem while the other belongs to a suffix. In some cases, letters for voiced consonants are also generalized to represent voiceless consonants. Such orthographical conventions distance a morphological model based on orthography from the actual (morpho)phonological processes in the language.
Streaming potential measurements for the surface charge characterisation of different filter media types and materials were used. The equipment was developed further so that measurements could be taken along the surfaces, and so that tubular membranes could also be measured. The streaming potential proved to be a very useful tool in the charge analysis of both clean and fouled filter media. Adsorption and fouling could be studied, as could flux, as functions of time. A module to determine the membrane potential was also constructed. The results collected from the experiments conducted with these devices were used in the study of the theory of streaming potential as an electrokinetic phenomenon. Several correction factors, which are derived to take into account the surface conductance and the electrokinetic flow in very narrow capillaries, were tested in practice. The surface materials were studied using FTIR and the results compared with those from the streaming potentials. FTIR analysis was also found to be a useful tool in the characterisation of filters, as well as in the fouling studies. Upon examination of the recorded spectra from different depths in a sample it was possible to determine the adsorption sites. The influence of an external electric field on the cross flow microflltration of a binary protein system was investigated using a membrane electroflltration apparatus. The results showed that a significant improvement could be achieved in membrane filtration by using the measured electrochemical properties to help adjust the process conditions.