934 resultados para Permanent establishment
AIM To evaluate the performance of a pen‑type laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent 2190; LFpen, KaVo, Germany) and bitewing radiographs (BW) for approximal caries detection in permanent and primary teeth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 246 anterior approximal surfaces (102 permanent and 144 primary) were selected. Contact points were simulated using sound teeth. Two examiners assessed all approximal surfaces using LFpen and BW. The teeth were histologically assessed for the reference standard. Optimal cut‑off limits were calculated for LFpen for primary and permanent teeth. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Az) were calculated for D1 (enamel and dentin lesions) and D3 (dentin lesions) thresholds. The reproducibility was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cohen's weighted kappa values. RESULTS For permanent teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0- 27 (sound), 28- 33 (enamel caries) and >33 (dentin caries). For primary teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0- 7 (sound), 8- 32 (enamelcaries) and >32 (dentin caries). The LFpen presented higher sensitivity values than BW for primary teeth (0.58 vs. 0.32 at D1 and 0.80 vs. 0.47 at D3) and permanent teeth (0.80 vs. 0.57 at D1 and 0.94 vs. 0.51 at D3). Specificity did not show a significant difference between the methods. Rank correlations with histology were 0.59 and 0.83 (LFpen) and 0.36 and 0.70 (BW) for primary and permanent teeth, respectively, considering all lesions. ICC values for LFpen were 0.71 (inter) and 0.86 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.94 (inter) and 0.90/0.99 for primary teeth. Kappa values for BW were 0.69 (inter) and 0.68/0.90 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.64 (inter) and 0.89/0.89 for primary teeth. CONCLUSION LFpen presented better reproducibility for primary and permanent teeth and higher accuracy in detecting caries lesions at D1 threshold than BW for permanent teeth. LFpen should be used as an adjunct method for approximal caries detection.
Herbivory can affect plant community composition and diversity by removing biomass and reducing light competition. Herbivory may particularly benefit low growing species such as bryophytes, which are frequently limited by light competition. Gastropods are important herbivores of seed plants and cryptogams, furthermore, they can disperse propagules such as seeds and spores via endozoochory. However, whether gastropod herbivory can reduce the dominance of vascular plants and thereby promote the germination and establishment of endozoochorously dispersed bryophyte spores has never been tested experimentally. Moreover, it is unclear whether these possible interacting effects can influence bryophyte species richness. Here, we tested for endozoochorous spore dispersal by slugs, in combination with sowing of vascular plants, in a fully factorial common garden experiment. Enclosures contained either slugs previously fed with bryophyte sporophytes, control slugs, or no slugs. After 21 days the bryophyte cover was on average 2.8 times higher (3.9 versus 1.4) and after eight months the bryophyte species richness 2.6 times higher (5.8 versus 2.2) in enclosures containing slugs previously fed with bryophyte sporophytes than in the other treatments. Furthermore, after eight months high vascular plant cover reduced bryophyte diversity. On average enclosures without seed sowing harboured 1.6 times more bryophyte species than the ones with seed sowing (4.2 versus 2.6), indicating competitive effects of vascular plants on bryophytes. Our findings suggest that slugs are important dispersal vectors for bryophytes and that they can increase bryophyte populations and maintain bryophyte diversity by reducing the dominance of vascular plants.
Bericht über die EGPA Jahreskonferenz 2014: Permanent Study Group «Justice and Court Administration»
La forêt primaire de la région de Mandraka a été classée par le gouvernement en station forestière pour être conservée et restaurée. Suite à cette décision, tous prélèvements y sont interdits. Pourtant, aucune étude n’a évalué sa viabilité depuis cette restriction. Ce mémoire a ainsi comme objectif l’estimation de cette viabilité par le suivi permanent de l’état actuel de la forêt comprenant la végétation, la biodiversité et les pressions. La collecte de données y afférentes a eu recours à une étude bibliographique, à des enquêtes socio-économiques, à un inventaire des pressions, à un inventaire forestier et à une distance sampling. L’état a été évalué par l’analyse de ces composants. Cette recherche a fait ressortir que la forêt est soumise à des pressions anthropiques et biologiques : coupes illicites, collecte de Dioscorea sp., feux de forêt, envahissement des lianes. Ces pressions ont réduit la superficie de la forêt, modifié sa structure et celle de la faune : les régénérations naturelles sont abondantes, les arbres émergents et de diamètre supérieur à 40 cm sont rares, certaines essences floristiques et les lémuriens risquent de disparaître. Puis, les lianes remplacent successivement la forêt. Malgré ces pressions, la forêt a pu conserver certaines caractéristiques de son état originel : l’abondance élevée des tiges et la réduction de leur taille sur les crêtes, l’allure exponentielle de la structure totale, la présence des genres Tambourissa et Weinmannia. En outre, la forêt est encore riche en avifaune. Après analyse de viabilité, elle est classée comme un écosystème viable. Mais ces potentialités sont insuffisantes : il faut réduire les pressions et reconstituer la forêt pour une meilleure conservation de l’écosystème. A cet effet, la présente étude suggère l’aménagement, en premier lieu de la forêt par des interventions sylvicoles favorisant les régénérations comme l’enrichissement en placeaux, le délianage et en second lieu, celui de ses environs par des vulgarisations d’activités génératrices de revenu autres que l’exploitation des forêts naturelles telles l’agroforesterie, le reboisement, l’apiculture. Des patrouilles fréquentes et une délimitation de la station forestière s’avèrent aussi nécessaires.
Mandraka possède de nombreux écosystèmes, dominés surtout par les forêts. Cette zone est située sur la première falaise orientale malgache et affiche des reliefs accidentés (pentes supérieures à 60%). Elle est exposée à un régime climatique à forte influence orientale se traduisant par une humidité permanente et un régime cyclonique fréquent. Les paramètres stationnels sont ainsi rudes, or ils sont écologiquement très importants car plusieurs caractéristiques physionomiques et comportementales des espèces forestières en dépendent. Cette étude s'intéresse à la station forestière de Mandraka, particulièrement à l'arboretum. Ce dernier fût créé dans les années cinquante et est actuellement géré par le Département des Eaux et Forêts. Ce site est actuellement à vocation pédagogique et écotouristique. Son état écologique est inconnu jusqu'à maintenant, et depuis sa création, aucun système n'a été mis en place pour mesurer et suivre sa viabilité. D'où, l'intitulé de ce travail de mémoire : « Définition d'un état zéro et mise en place d'un système de suivi écologique permanent de l'arboretum de la station forestière de Mandraka ». Les objectifs étant de collecter des données concernant l'état écologique actuel du site, d'identifier des indicateurs de suivi pour mesurer sa viabilité, et d'inclure un système de suivi écologique permanent dans une proposition de plan d'aménagement pour l'arboretum. Le suivi est en effet un outil très important pour l'analyse des ressources forestières. Il permet de cadrer toutes les interventions. Les diverses analyses menées lors de cette étude ont révélé une viabilité moyenne de l'arboretum. Cela est induit par une qualité de peuplement moyennement stable, une mortalité élevée (plus de 14%), et un potentiel d'avenir très faible, voire inexistant (taux de régénération à 0%). L'envahissement de la forêt artificielle par les espèces autochtones constitue la pression la plus importante de cet arboretum vu qu'il se trouve au milieu des forêts naturelles. L'analyse sylvicole effectuée sur les deux types dendrologiques révèle que les peuplements de conifères présentent des caractéristiques sylvicoles plus favorables que les feuillus. Ce niveau moyen de viabilité de l'arboretum implique ainsi la proposition d'un plan d'aménagement pour l'améliorer; le suivi est une activité primordiale, d'où la proposition d'un plan de suivi permanent pour l'arboretum. A noter que malgré la considération du critère de représentativité pour l'échantillonnage, toutes les questions ne pourront être répondues du fait que plusieurs mosaïques de peuplements artificiels de différentes espèces constituent l'arboretum, et que chacune de ces espèces plantées ont leurs propres caractéristiques. La mise en place des plots permanents d'observation ne servira ainsi que de référence (Etat zéro), mais on propose de prévoir un suivi intégral ainsi que diverses interventions pour l'arboretum en général. Ce travail constitue ainsi une base de données pour l'arboretum et pour la station forestière de Mandraka, mais il ne représente qu'une des facettes à prendre en considération dans une finalité d'amélioration de la viabilité. L'élaboration de cartes thématiques et d'évolution spatio-temporelle à l'issue de SIG (Système d'Information Géographique) permettra d'enrichir les informations établies et admettra un suivi plus précis.
Understanding the genetic background of invading species can be crucial information clarifying why they become invasive. Intraspecific genetic admixture among lineages separated in the native ranges may promote the rate and extent of an invasion by substantially increasing standing genetic variation. Here we examine the genetic relationships among threespine stickleback that recently colonized Switzerland. This invasion results from several distinct genetic lineages that colonized multiple locations and have since undergone range expansions, where they coexist and admix in parts of their range. Using 17 microsatellites genotyped for 634 individuals collected from 17 Swiss and two non-Swiss European sites, we reconstruct the invasion of stickleback and investigate the potential and extent of admixture and hybridization among the colonizing lineages from a population genetic perspective. Specifically we test for an increase in standing genetic variation in populations where multiple lineages coexist. We find strong evidence of massive hybridization early on, followed by what appears to be recent increased genetic isolation and the formation of several new genetically distinguishable populations, consistent with a hybrid ‘superswarm’. This massive hybridization and population formation event(s) occurred over approximately 140 years and likely fuelled the successful invasion of a diverse range of habitats. The implications are that multiple colonizations coupled with hybridization can lead to the formation of new stable genetic populations potentially kick-starting speciation and adaptive radiation over a very short time.
All-sky Meteor Orbit System (AMOS) is a semi-autonomous video observatory for detection of transient events on the sky, mostly the meteors. Its hardware and software development and permanent placement on several locations in Slovakia allowed the establishment of Slovak Video Meteor Network (SVMN) monitoring meteor activity above the Central Europe. The data reduction, orbital determination and additional results from AMOS cameras–the SVMN database– as well as from observational expeditions on Canary Islands and in Canada provided dynamical and physical data for better understanding of mutual connections between parent bodies of asteroids and comets and their meteoroid streams. We present preliminary results on exceptional and rare meteor streams such as September ε Perseids (SPE) originated from unknown long periodic comet on a retrograde orbit, suspected asteroidal meteor stream of April α Comae Berenicids (ACO) in the orbit of meteorites Příbram and Neuschwanstein and newly observed meteor stream Camelopardalids (CAM) originated from Jupiter family comet 209P/Linear.
AIM To identify the ideal timing of first permanent molar extraction to reduce the future need for orthodontic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS A computerised database and subsequent manual search was performed using Medline database, Embase and Ovid, covering the period from January 1946 to February 2013. Two reviewers (JE and ME) extracted the data independently and evaluated if the studies matched the inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria were specification of the follow-up with clinical examination or analysis of models, specification of the chronological age or dental developmental stage at the time of extraction, no treatment in between, classification of the treatment result into perfect, good, average and poor. The search was limited to human studies and no language limitations were set. RESULTS The search strategy resulted in 18 full-text articles, of which 6 met the inclusion criteria. By pooling the data from maxillary sites, good to perfect clinical outcome was estimated in 72% (95% confidence interval 63%-82%). Extractions at the age of 8-10.5 years tended to show better spontaneous clinical outcomes compared to the other age groups. By pooling the data from mandibular sites, extractions performed at the age of 8-10.5 and 10.5-11.5 years showed significantly superior spontaneous clinical outcome with a probability of 50% and 59% likelihood, respectively, to achieve good to perfect clinical result (p<0.05) compared to the other age groups (<8 years of age: 34%, >11.5 years of age: 44%). CONCLUSION Prevention of complications after first permanent molars extractions is an important issue. The overall success rate of spontaneous clinical outcome for maxillary extraction of first permanent molars was superior to mandibular extraction. Extractions of mandibular first permanent molars should be performed between 8 and 11.5 years of age in order to achieve a good spontaneous clinical outcome. For the extraction in the maxilla, no firm conclusions concerning the ideal extraction timing could be drawn.
• Regeneration of the dominant ectomycorrhizal tree Microberlinia bisulcata in groves in Korup, Central Africa, is very poor. The hypothesis was tested that this species is more shade intolerant than other co-occurring species. • In two 1-yr trials, each with M. bisulcata and four other species at a nursery close to Korup, growth was measured under five PAR levels, with ± added P and ± watering in the dry season. In parallel experiments the effects of PAR with two R : FR ratios were investigated. • Increasing PAR had a consistent effect on the rates of increase in plant mass and on changes in the other variables. Doubling soil P, watering and halving the R : FR ratio had almost no effect. However, across species, mass at low PAR and relative growth rate related positively and negatively, respectively, to seed mass. • One contributing factor for the poor recruitment of M. bisulcata is therefore its low survival and slow growth at low PAR, due to its small seed size. The two codominant ectomycorrhizal grove species of Tetraberlinia, with larger seeds, were less affected by low PAR.
Three ectomycorrhizal legume trees, Microberlinia bisulcata, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. moreliana, form discrete groves in the southern part of Korup National Park, in southwest Cameroon and contribute c. 45–70% of stand basal area locally in a matrix of otherwise species-rich arbuscular mycorrhizal forest. A transplant experiment was performed to assess the importance of ectomycorrhizal infection associated with proximity to parents in seedling establishment of the grove-forming species. Nonectomycorrhizal seedlings of the three species were transplanted into plots of two forest types, one of high (HEM, within-grove) and one of very low (LEM, outside the grove) abundance of all three species as adult trees. For two species (T. moreliana and M. bisulcata) there was no difference in survival over 16 months, but for the third (T. bifoliolata) survival was best in HEM forest, and correlated with the basal area of adult trees of ectomycorrhizal species. Only one species (T. moreliana) increased in biomass over the experimental period; the others declined. There was no effect of forest type on overall growth of any species, but the survivors of two (T. moreliana and M. bisulcata) had heavier stems in the HEM forest. Differences in survival and growth of transplants between the three species were in accord with the ecology of the species as inferred from the frequency distributions of adult tree size in the forest. Seedlings became infected with ectomycorrhizas in both forest types; where there was a difference in extent of infection (T. moreliana) this was not related to survival or growth; and where there was a difference in survival (T. bifoliolata) this was not related to extent of infection. These results confirm that mycorrhizal inoculum associated with conspecific adults is neither a prerequisite nor a guarantee of seedling establishment, but indicates that in some circumstances there might be benefits of being close to parents. Further research is required to unravel the complexities of ectomycorrhizal community structure in this spatially and temporally heterogeneous forest, and to clarify the extent to which the various hosts share ectomycorrhizal partners.