855 resultados para Perception and action
Includes bibliography.
The year 1998 is shaping up to be a year of grand regional initiatives focusing on the setting up of regional integrated transport systems. The past six months have seen intense activity in Latin America and the Caribbean. It would seem that the public and private sectors have agreed to launch converging initiatives, each from its own perspectives. In Central America, a multimodal transport project is already under way, while a new transport master plan put forward by the Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) is being prepared; in South America, the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) and Latin American Railways Association (ALAF) have launched a prefeasability study concerning a plan for the sustainable development of transport; the second Summit of the Americas adopted a plan of action that now takes in the work of the Executive Committee of the Western Hemisphere Transport Initiative; and the private sector also held its regional meeting in São Paulo, Brazil, with Intermodal 98, the fourth in a series. These initiatives are taking shape around similar lines of thought and action; their backgrounds are similar, and they tend towards the same goal: taking action in the immediate environment with a view to expanding linkages with the global economy. The background is the observation that after several years of growth, transport infrastructure, equipment and services appear unable to satisfy the growing demand of international trade in the region. The goal is to implement the requisite reforms in the transport sector so as to meet the challenges posed by global competition. This issue of the Bulletin is devoted to news about recent initiatives and possible future developments.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
A ação política e a aparência como espaço de protagonismo e de fidedignidade da realidade são temas que perpassam o pensamento de Hannah Arendt. Seu pensamento é marcado pela ruptura provocada pelo totalitarismo e por sua busca incessante da percepção da realidade e de sua reconstrução. Procuro neste trabalho abordar essa ruptura e com ela as problemáticas em torno da ação política e da aparência em um espaço de comparticipação de atos e palavras. Começo pela ação política, sua definição e características que a tornam um conceito central não só para a política mas para a existência de um espaço que garanta a realidade do nosso mundo: a aparência. Este espaço é abordado num segundo momento, suas problemáticas também são abordadas pela visão de alguns comentadores. O totalitarismo, abordado no terceiro capítulo, representa exatamente a ameaça a este espaço e ação, pois pretende destituir o homem de seu lugar no mundo. O totalitarismo é um projeto de construção de um mundo fictício que não aceita rivalizar com a realidade do nosso mundo. A relação entre as obras Origens do Totalitarismo (2006) e A Condição Humana (2005a) torna-se clara quando notamos que os elementos principais que constituem a condição humana são negados pelos elementos que formam o domínio totalitário. Para atingir o objetivo deste trabalho recorri às seguintes obras de Hannah Arendt: A Condição Humana (2005a), Entre o Passado e o Futuro (2005b), ¿Qué es política? (1997), A Vida do Espírito (2000) e Origens do Totalitarismo (2006). Procuro realizar uma exposição da temática da ação e da aparência por estas obras, além de lançar mão de comentadores e críticos de Arendt. O presente trabalho procura explorar os conceitos de aparência e ação, desenvolvendo suas problemáticas e situando-as diante do quadro apresentado pelo totalitarismo de aniquilação da espontaneidade e uniformização das massas.
A queimadura corresponde ao quadro resultante da ação direta ou indireta do calor do fogo, de substâncias químicas ou da eletricidade sobre o organismo humano. Alguns estudos apontam as crianças como as maiores vítimas. Procedimentos inerentes ao processo de recuperação são reconhecidos como particularmente dolorosos. A frequência de procedimentos médicos invasivos, situação constante ao paciente vítima de queimadura, favorece a emissão de comportamentos concorrentes pela criança, bem como pode ocasionar a generalização do caráter aversivo do procedimento invasivo para estímulos presentes no ambiente, justificando estudos sobre a eficácia de intervenções neste contexto. A pesquisa foi dividida em dois estudos com objetivos específicos. Estudo 1 (n=5): caracterizar comportamentos de crianças vítimas de queimadura emitidos durante procedimento de curativo sem sedação em enfermaria e comparar a frequência de comportamentos concorrentes e não concorrentes emitidos por estas crianças em duas sessões consecutivas deste procedimento. Estudo 2 (n=2): analisar os efeitos do uso de instrução sobre a frequência de comportamentos concorrentes e não concorrentes em crianças vítimas de queimadura durante procedimento de curativo sem sedação em enfermaria. Participaram sete crianças (4 meninos e 3 meninas; 7 a 12 anos) vítimas de queimadura em área corporal inferior a 70% e seus acompanhantes, selecionados em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ). Como instrumentos, foram utilizados: (a) Protocolo de consulta à equipe de saúde; (b) Lista de Verificação Comportamental para crianças/adolescentes (CBCL 6-18anos); (c) Roteiro de entrevista com a criança; (d) Escala de observação comportamental OSBD (Observation Scale of Behavioral Distress); (e) Escala facial para avaliar a percepção de dor da criança (FACES); e (f) Manual de instrução sobre o procedimento de curativo. No Estudo 1, observou-se maior frequência de comportamentos concorrentes sobre os não concorrentes nas duas sessões de curativo. No Estudo 2, após o uso do Manual de instrução, observou-se redução estatisticamente significante na frequência do comportamento concorrente Choramingar (= 0,0447) e aumento significativo (= 0,0324) na frequência do comportamento não concorrente Auxiliar na execução do procedimento. Houve correlação significativa (p-valor = 0,0066) entre a frequência de comportamentos não concorrentes entre as crianças do Estudo 1 e as que participaram do Estudo 2, sugerindo que a intervenção, por meio de instruções, foi eficaz para aumentar a frequência de comportamentos não concorrentes nas crianças participantes do Estudo 2.
The violence staged by young people has often been subjected to scientific analysis. The way youths speak, in their role as aggressors or as victims, is examined to determine how they experience violence in a number of different spheres. Repeated group interviews are used to analyze how violence is explained and depicted within the family, at school and in the neighbourhood by two groups of young people (14-17 years old) attending the same school on the outskirts of Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brazil. One of the groups involved is identified by the school as violent, and the other, as non-violent. Discourse analysis leads to two conclusions. First, the different contexts of violence infuse a mistrust of institutions, the environment and personal relationships into the subjects' experience, forming a fabric that clouds future prospects. Second, the group of youths identified as violent have a more simplistic, pessimistic view of reality: They see the world in black and white, and they lay no stock in the possibility that violence can be avoided. Consequently, they use violence and understand violence as a defensive strategy that gives one identity. On the other hand, the group identified as nonviolent feels it possible to intervene in situations with nonviolent tools like words. For the young subjects, violence is a context that they assume; it cancels their ability to identify rules and institutions, but it does not generate an effective interaction strategy. Violence causes their social microcontext (in which action prevails over meaning or meaning equals action) to assume overblown dimensions. Any intervention strategy must take into account this indissoluble unity between meaning and action.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
The Ecolological Theory of Human Development proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner assumes that the activities and people involved in an evironment are essential to stimulate the aquisition of new abilities . Analyze the strategy of parent’s presence with their children in a swimming class for PWD during the teaching process. Also, verify the parent’s views on this experience and the participation of their child during practice. It is a qualitative and action-research. To collect data was utilized observation during to analyse the activities developed in a swimming class for PWD, on the presence of parents with their children. A semi-structured interview was used to analyse the perception parents after the experience of the classroom. Analysis of activities and the interview were based on the assumption of Bronfenbrenner (1996). It was found that 100% of the parents rated the positive experience of being with their children in the pool. We found that only 25% of parents reported that had entered the pool to play with their children. We emphasize that 75% had never entered in the water with their children, whether because of fear, lack of opportunity or not knowing how to swim. The proposal of parents’ participation in the swimming class with the PWD generated a favorable environment for development the activities. Parents identified the improvement, the potential and difficulties of PWD.
Compensatory Health Beliefs (CHB) are a common strategy used to reduce the cognitive discomfort that arises from participating in recognizably unhealthy behaviors. The current research examines relationships between CHB and other cognitive variables. Data was collected in two phases, using survey methodology. Study 1 explored relationships between the use of CHB, impulsiveness, and coping styles. Study 2 expanded the inquiry by exploring relationships to health perception and knowledge. Results revealed that participants who scored high on overall CHB were more likely to: engage in maladaptive coping strategies (r = .47, p < .01) [including avoidant coping styles (r = .38, p < .01) and unhealthy coping styles (r = .47, p < .01)], score higher on measures of impulsivity (r = .43, p < .01), be well-informed about their general health (r =-.21, p < .05), eat fast food more often ( r = p < .05), and consider it safe to smoke more frequently (r = .18, p < .05). Participants with lower CHB scores considered themselves more well-informed about their general health (r = -.21, p < .05), including understanding the minimum recommended amounts of physical activity needed to maintain health (r = -.35, p < .01 ), and knowing the health risks of stress ( r = -.19, p < .05). In addition, maladaptive coping was positively correlated with lack of general health knowledge (r = -.22 p < .01), less understanding of the risks of stress and alcohol (r = .20, p < .05), less knowledge of the recommended daily amounts of physical activity needed for health (r = -.26, p < .01), less frequent exercise (r = -.26, p < .01 ), and generally more unhealthy daily habits (r = -.26, p < .01). These findings contribute to a new area of investigation and may be useful to those who want to motivate behavior change.
New technology in the Freedom (R) speech processor for cochlear implants was developed to improve how incoming acoustic sound is processed; this applies not only for new users, but also for previous generations of cochlear implants. Aim: To identify the contribution of this technology - the Nucleus 22 (R) - on speech perception tests in silence and in noise, and on audiometric thresholds. Methods: A cross-sectional cohort study was undertaken. Seventeen patients were selected. The last map based on the Spectra (R) was revised and optimized before starting the tests. Troubleshooting was used to identify malfunction. To identify the contribution of the Freedom (R) technology for the Nucleus22 (R), auditory thresholds and speech perception tests were performed in free field in soundproof booths. Recorded monosyllables and sentences in silence and in noise (SNR = 0dB) were presented at 60 dBSPL. The nonparametric Wilcoxon test for paired data was used to compare groups. Results: Freedom (R) applied for the Nucleus22 (R) showed a statistically significant difference in all speech perception tests and audiometric thresholds. Conclusion: The reedom (R) technology improved the performance of speech perception and audiometric thresholds of patients with Nucleus 22 (R).
BACKGROUND: Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal peptide hormone (a 28-amino acid peptide) produced primarily by X/A cells in the oxyntic glands of the stomach fundus and cells lining the duodenum cavern. It suppresses insulin secretion and action and commands a significant role in regulating food intake. The aim of the present study was to show that modified laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (MLSG), in which a significant part of the gastric fundus and body of the stomach is removed up to 1 inch from the pylorus vein, may contribute to decreasing circulating ghrelin levels. METHODS: A study population consisting of 150 individuals was monitored after undergoing a MLSG, with individuals chosen based on a documented history of diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome, clinical results determining a body mass index (BMI) of 35 to 60 kg/m(2), peptide C level greater than 1, negative anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase, negative anti-insulin, and confirmed stability of drug/insulin treatment and glycosylated hemoglobin greater than 6.5% for at least 24 and 3 months, respectively, before enrollment. RESULTS: Twenty-four months after surgery, 150 patients (86.6%) presented with normal glycemic levels between 77 and 99 mg/dL. All patients improved average serum insulin levels by 9 mU/L and average glycosylated hemoglobin levels by 5.1% (normal range, 4%-6%). All patients tested negative for Helicobacter pylori and stopped using insulin, with 3 patients prescribed twice-daily use of an oral hypoglycemiant. In 14% of cases, patients experienced partial hair loss with low serum zinc levels and were prescribed oral zinc reposition and topical hair stimulants. The average weight loss recorded was 44.6% for patients with a BMI less than 45 kg/m(2) and 58% for patients with a BMI greater than 50 kg/m(2). CONCLUSIONS: The MLSG is a safe procedure with a low morbidity rate (2.7%) (4 cases of fistula and 2 of bleeding) and no surgical mortality in this study. This surgery can promote control of diabetes mellitus type 2 and aid the treatment of exogenous overweight and morbidly obese individuals. The results of this study show that only through resection of the ghrelin-producing gastric area can most obesity cases and diabetes type II conditions be reverted to nonobese and controlled diabetes. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The general aim of the thesis was to investigate how and to what extent the characteristics of action organization are reflected in language, and how they influence language processing and understanding. Even though a huge amount of research has been devoted to the study of the motor effects of language, this issue is very debated in literature. Namely, the majority of the studies have focused on low-level motor effects such as effector-relatedness of action, whereas only a few studies have started to systematically investigate how specific aspects of action organization are encoded and reflected in language. After a review of previous studies on the relationship between language comprehension and action (chapter 1) and a critical discussion of some of them (chapter 2), the thesis is composed by three experimental chapters, each devoted to a specific aspect of action organization. Chapter 3 presents a study designed with the aim to disentangle the effective time course of the involvement of the motor system during language processing. Three kinematics experiments were designed in order to determine whether and, at which stage of motor planning and execution effector-related action verbs influence actions executed with either the same or a different effector. Results demonstrate that the goal of an action can be linguistically re-activated, producing a modulation of the motor response. In chapter 4, a second study investigates the interplay between the role of motor perspective (agent) and the organization of action in motor chains. More specifically, this kinematics study aims at deepening how goal can be translated in language, using as stimuli simple sentences composed by a pronoun (I, You, He/She) and a verb. Results showed that the perspective activated by the pronoun You reflects the motor pattern of the “agent” combined with the chain structure of the verb. These data confirm an early involvement of the motor system in language processing, suggesting that it is specifically modulated by the activation of the agent’s perspective. In chapter 5, the issue of perspective is specifically investigated, focusing on its role in language comprehension. In particular, this study aimed at determining how a specific perspective (induced for example by a personal pronoun) modulates motor behaviour during and after language processing. A classical compatibility effect (the Action-sentence compatibility effect) has been used to this aim. In three behavioural experiments the authors investigated how the ACE is modulated by taking first or third person perspective. Results from these experiments showed that the ACE effect occurs only when a first-person perspective is activated by the sentences used as stimuli. Overall, the data from this thesis contributed to disentangle several aspects of how action organization is translated in language, and then reactivated during language processing. This constitutes a new contribution to the field, adding lacking information on how specific aspects such as goal and perspective are linguistically described. In addition, these studies offer a new point of view to understand the functional implications of the involvement of the motor system during language comprehension, specifically from the point of view of our social interactions.
The aim of the present thesis was to better understand the physiological role of the phytohormones jasmonates (JAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) during fruit ripening in prospect of a possible field application of JAs and ABA to improve fruit yield and quality. In particular, the effects of exogenous application of these substances at different fruit developmental stages and under different experimental conditions were evaluated. Some aspects of the water relations upon ABA treatment were also analysed. Three fruit species, peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch), golden (Actinidia chinensis) and green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), and several of their cvs, were used for the trials. Different experimental models were adopted: fruits in planta, detached fruit, detached branches with fruit, girdled branches and micropropagated plants. The work was structured into four sets of experiments as follows: (i) Pre-harvest methyl jasmonate (MJ) application was performed at S3/S4 transition under field conditions in Redhaven peach; ethylene production, ripening index, fruit quality and shelf-life were assessed showing that MJ-treated fruit were firmer and thus less ripe than controls as confirmed by the Index of Absorbance Difference (IAD), but exhibited a shorter shelf-life due to an increase in ethylene production. Moreover, the time course of the expression of ethylene-, auxin- and other ripening-related genes was determined. Ripening-related ACO1 and ACS1 transcript accumulation was inhibited though transiently by MJ, and gene expression of the ethylene receptor ETR2 and of the ethylene-related transcription factor ERF2 was also altered. The time course of the expression of several auxin-related genes was strongly affected by MJ suggesting an increase in auxin biosynthesis, altered auxin conjugation and release as well as perception and transport; the need for a correct ethylene/auxin balance during ripening was confirmed. (ii) Pre- and post-harvest ABA applications were carried out under field conditions in Flaminia and O’Henry peach and Stark Red Gold nectarine fruit; ethylene production, ripening index, fruit quality and shelf-life were assessed. Results show that pre-harvest ABA applications increase fruit size and skin color intensity. Also post-harvest ABA treatments alter ripening-related parameters; in particular, while ethylene production is impaired in ABA-treated fruit soluble solids concentration (SSC) is enhanced. Following field ABA applications stem water potential was modified since ABA-treated peach trees retain more water. (iii) Pre- and post-harvest ABA and PDJ treatments were carried out in both kiwifruit species under field conditions at different fruit developmental stages and in post-harvest. Ripening index, fruit quality, plant transpiration, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were assessed. Pre-harvest treatments enhance SSC in the two cvs and flesh color development in golden kiwifruit. Post-harvest applications of either ABA or ABA plus PDJ lead to increased SSC. In addition, ABA reduces gas exchanges in A. deliciosa. (iv) Spray, drench and dipping ABA treatments were performed in micropropagated peach plants and in peach and nectarine detached branches; plant water use and transpiration, biomass production and fruit dehydration were determined. In both plants and branches ABA significantly reduces water use and fruit dehydration. No negative effects on biomass production were detected. The present information, mainly arising from plant growth regulator application in a field environment, where plants have to cope with multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, may implement the perspectives for the use of these substances in the control of fruit ripening.