984 resultados para Parke, Davis


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<p>Let F = ( + <sup> 1</sup>) be the maximal real subfield of the cyclotomic field () where is a primitive qth root of unity and q is an odd rational prime. The numbers u<sub>1</sub>=-1, u<sub>k</sub>=(<sup>k</sup>-<sup>-k</sup>)/(-<sup>-1</sup>), k=2,,p, p=(q-1)/2, are units in F and are called the cyclotomic units. In this thesis the sign distribution of the conjugates in F of the cyclotomic units is studied.</p> <p>Let G(F/) denote the Galoi's group of F over , and let V denote the units in F. For each G(F/) and V define a mapping sgn<sub></sub>: VGF(2) by sgn<sub></sub>() = 1 iff () 0 and sgn<sub></sub>() = 0 iff () 0. Let {<sub>1</sub>, ... , <sub>p</sub>} be a fixed ordering of G(F/). The matrix M<sub>q</sub>=(sgn<sub>j</sub>(v<sub>i</sub>) ) , i, j = 1, ... , p is called the matrix of cyclotomic signatures. The rank of this matrix determines the sign distribution of the conjugates of the cyclotomic units. The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is associated with an ideal in the ring GF(2) [x] / (x<sup>p</sup>+ 1) in such a way that the rank of the matrix equals the GF(2)-dimension of the ideal. It is shown that if p = (q-1)/ 2 is a prime and if 2 is a primitive root mod p, then M<sub>q</sub> is non-singular. Also let p be arbitrary, let be a primitive root mod q and let L = {i | 0 i p-1, the least positive residue of defined by <sup>i</sup> mod q is greater than p}. Let H<sub>q</sub>(x) GF(2)[x] be defined by H<sub>q</sub>(x) = g. c. d. (( x<sup>i</sup>/I L) (x+1) + 1, x<sup>p</sup> + 1). It is shown that the rank of M<sub>q</sub> equals the difference p - degree H<sub>q</sub>(x).</p> <p>Further results are obtained by using the reciprocity theorem of class field theory. The reciprocity maps for a certain abelian extension of F and for the infinite primes in F are associated with the signs of conjugates. The product formula for the reciprocity maps is used to associate the signs of conjugates with the reciprocity maps at the primes which lie above (2). The case when (2) is a prime in F is studied in detail. Let T denote the group of totally positive units in F. Let U be the group generated by the cyclotomic units. Assume that (2) is a prime in F and that p is odd. Let F<sub>(2)</sub> denote the completion of F at (2) and let V<sub>(2)</sub> denote the units in F<sub>(2)</sub>. The following statements are shown to be equivalent. 1) The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is non-singular. 2) UT = U<sup>2</sup>. 3) UF<sup>2</sup><sub>(2)</sub> = U<sup>2</sup>. 4) V<sub>(2)</sub>/ V<sub>(2)</sub><sup>2</sup> = <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> V<sub>(2)</sub><sup>2</sup> <i>v</i><sub>p</sub> V<sub>(2)</sub><sup>2</sup> 3V<sub>(2)</sub><sup>2</sup>.</p> <p>The rank of M<sub>q</sub> was computed for 5q929 and the results appear in tables. On the basis of these results and additional calculations the following conjecture is made: If q and p = (q -1)/ 2 are both primes, then M<sub>q</sub> is non-singular. </p>


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<p>The thermal reaction between nitrogen dioxide and acetaldehyde in the gas phase was investigated at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was 1.00 0.03 order with respect to nitrogen dioxide and 1.00 0.07 order with respect to acetaldehyde. An initial second order rate constant of (8.596 0.189) x 10<sup>-3</sup> 1.mole<sup>-1</sup> sec<sup>-1</sup> was obtained at 22.0 0.1 C and a total pressure of one atmosphere. The activation energy of the reaction was 12,900 cal/mole in the temperature range between 22C and 122C. </p> <p>The products of the reaction were nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, methyl nitrite, nitromethane and a trace amount of trans-dimeric nitrosomethane. The addition of nitric oxide increased the rate of formation of nitromethane and decreased the rate of formation of methyl nitrite. There were no measurable surface effects due to the addition of glass wool or glass beads to the reactor.</p> <p>Reactants and products were analyzed by gas chromatography. A mechanism was proposed incorporating the principal features of the reaction.</p>


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Aurkibidea: - Hitzaurrea (Salvatore Aric). - Aurkezpena (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios eta Xabier Arana). - Mezu gakoak. - Milurteko Ekosistemen Ebaluazioa Bizkaian proiektua: sarrera, helburuak eta kontzeptu orokorrak. - Zer zerbitzu ematen dizkigute Bizkaiko ekosistemek? - Nola banatzen dira lurraldean ekosistemen zerbitzuak? - Zer joera izan dute Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuek azken hamarkadetan? - Azterketa-kasuak: Bilboaldeko ingurune berdea, Urdaibai Biosfera Erreserba, Lea ibaiaren arroa eta Urkiolako Parke Naturala. - Murriztu daiteke lurraldeak kanpo-ekosistemen zerbitzuekiko duen mendekotasuna? - Nolakoa nahi genuke izatea Bizkaia 2050. urtean? - Zer erantzun-aukera ditugu eta zer erabaki har ditzakegu? - Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuen katalogoa. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten argitalpenak. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten webguneak. - Glosarioa.


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A relao entre bacterifagos e virulncia bacteriana um modelo muito intrigante e pouco estudado na patognese periodontal, uma vez que um patgeno periodontal pode ser lisognico. O objetivo do nosso estudo determinar a capacidade de fibroblastos gengivais humanos de induzir as cepas lisognicas de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Dois experimentos foram realizados seguidos da titulao de fago. Os experimentos consistiram da co-cultura com fibroblastos gengivais humanos e trs cepas de Aa [Aa29524, Aa2112, Aa29524(2112)], no lisognica, lisognica e lisognica induzida em laboratrio, respectivamente. Em trs momentos distintos (no experimento 1: 0, 2 e 4 horas; e no experimento 2: 2, 4 e 6 horas), o sobrenadante da co-cultura foi filtrado e cultivado overnight com a bactria indicadora (Aa29524) e analisado para a capacidade de lisar a clula indicadora. Em ambos os experimentos, o sobrenadante da co-cultura de fibroblastos gengivais humanos com Aa lisognico e Aa lisognico induzido em laboratrio, ao ser cultivado com a bactria indicadora, promoveu lise da mesma, resultando no aumento da produo de fago. Pode-se concluir que, nesse estudo os fibroblastos gengivais humanos foram capazes de induzir cepas lisognicas de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.


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[ES]Estudio de la capacidad de transporte de energa del Parque elico de la Sa mediante la implementacin de un mtodo de clculo variable(CIGRE)en contraposicin a los mtodos estticos y constantes. Mediante la comparacin y estudio de stos se evaluar la posibilidad de ampliar la capacidad del parque.


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[ES]El proyecto consiste en el estudio de las necesidades energticas de las bombas de una central hidrulica y la construccin de un parque elico para satisfacer dichas necesidades. Para ello ser necesario llevar a cabo un estudio del rea y as encontrar el lugar ms adecuado para ubicar los aerogeneradores, teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia, velocidad y direccin de los vientos predominantes del lugar. Despus habr que estudiar el mercado y elegir el aerogenerador adecuado para las condiciones del lugar y del viento, atendiendo tambin a otras cuestiones de relevancia. Se estudiar, adems, la posibilidad de inyectar un posible exceso de electricidad a la red general. Una vez hecho esto, habr que calcular el coste del proyecto.


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A stereo-video baited camera system (BotCam) has been developed as a fishery-independent tool to monitor and study deepwater fish species and their habitat. During testing, BotCam was deployed primarily in water depths between 100 and 300 m for an assessment of its use in monitoring and studying Hawaiian bottomfish species. Details of the video analyses and data from the pilot study with BotCam in Hawai`i are presented. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data were used to delineate bottomfish habitat strata, and a stratified random sampling design was used for BotCam deployment locations. Video data were analyzed to assess relative fish abundance and to measure f ish size composition. Results corroborate published depth ranges and zones of the target species, as well as their habitat preferences. The results indicate that BotCam is a promising tool for monitoring and studying demersal fish populations associated with deepwater habitats to a depth of 300 m, at mesohabitat scales. BotCam is a flexible, nonextractive, and economical means to better understand deepwater ecosystems and improve science-based ecosystem approaches to management.


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A ssur ing the v itality and survival potential of live-caught Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is important for improving the sorting of fish before net penning operations designed to hold fish for growth and later market. When Atlantic cod are captured by Danish seine, the most commonly used fishing gear for live-caught fish, they undergo stressors such as forced swimming, net abrasion, and air exposure. Laboratory experiments (at an air temperature of 9C and water temperature of 8C) were conducted with the aim of constructing a RAMP (reflex action mortality predictor) curve for prediction of vitality and survival potential in Atlantic cod captured in Danish seines, by varying the levels of these stressors. Atlantic cod exposed to increased duration in air (520 min) showed increased reflex impairment and mortality, with 75% mortality at 10 minutes of air exposure. Forced swimming in combination with net abrasion and air exposure did not increase reflex impairment or mortality above that associated with air exposure alone. The Atlantic cod RAMP curves indicated that fish with reflex impairment less than 50% would not show mortality and would likely recover from capture stress.


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Delayed mortality associated with discarded crabs and fishes has ordinarily been observed through tag and recovery studies or during prolonged holding in deck tanks, and there is need for a more efficient assessment method. Chionoecetes bairdi (Tanner crab) and C. opilio (snow crab) collected with bottom trawls in Bering Sea waters off Alaska were evaluated for reflexes and injuries and held onboard to track mortality. Presence or absence of six reflex actions was determined and combined to calculate a reflex impairment index for each species. Logistic regression revealed that reflex impairment provided an excellent predictor of delayed mortality in C. opilio (91% correct predictions). For C. bairdi, reflex impairment, along with injury score, resulted in 82.7% correct predictions of mortality, and reflex impairment alone resulted in 79.5% correct predictions. The relationships between reflex impairment score and mortality were independent of crab gender, size, and shell condition, and predicted mortality in crabs with no obvious external damage. These relationships provide substantial improvement over earlier predictors of mortality and will help to increase the scope and replication of fishing and handling experiments. The general approach of using reflex actions to predict mortality should be equally valuable for a wide range of crustacean species.


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Demersal fishes hauled up from depth experience rapid decompression. In physoclists, this can cause overexpansion of the swim bladder and resultant injuries to multiple organs (barotrauma), including severe exophthalmia (pop-eye). Before release, fishes can also be subjected to asphyxia and exposure to direct sunlight. Little is known, however, about possible sensory deficits resulting from the events accompanying capture. To address this issue, electroretinography was used to measure the changes in retinal light sensitivity, flicker fusion frequency, and spectral sensitivity in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) subjected to rapid decompression (from 4 atmospheres absolute [ATA] to 1 ATA) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) exposed to 15 minutes of simulated sunlight. Rapid decompression had no measurable influence on retinal function in black rockfish. In contrast, exposure to bright light significantly reduced retinal light sensitivity of Pacific halibut, predominately by affecting the photopigment which absorbs the green wavelengths of light (520580 nm) most strongly. This detriment is likely to have severe consequences for postrelease foraging success in green-wavelength-dominated coastal waters. The visual system of Pacific halibut has characteristics typical of species adapted to low light environments, and these characteristics may underlie their vulnerability to injury from exposure to bright light.


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Nearshore fisheries in the tropical Pacific play an important role, both culturally and as a reliable source of food security, but often remain under-reported in statistics, leading to undervaluation of their importance to communities. We re-estimated nonpelagic catches for Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and summarize previous work for American Samoa for 19502002. For all islands combined, catches declined by 77%, contrasting with increasing trends indicated by reported data. For individual island entities, re-estima-tion suggested declines of 86%, 54%, and 79% for Guam, CNMI, and American Samoa, respectively. Except for Guam, reported data primarily represented commercial catches, and hence under-represented contributions by subsistence and recreational fisheries. Guams consistent use of creel surveys for data collection resulted in the most reliable reported catches for any of the islands considered. Our re-estimation makes the scale of under-reporting of total catches evident, and provides valuable baselines of likely historic patterns in fisheries catches.