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A new modality for preventing HIV transmission is emerging in the form of topical microbicides. Some clinical trials have shown some promising results of these methods of protection while other trials have failed to show efficacy. Due to the relatively novel nature of microbicide drug transport, a rigorous, deterministic analysis of that transport can help improve the design of microbicide vehicles and understand results from clinical trials. This type of analysis can aid microbicide product design by helping understand and organize the determinants of drug transport and the potential efficacies of candidate microbicide products.

Microbicide drug transport is modeled as a diffusion process with convection and reaction effects in appropriate compartments. This is applied here to vaginal gels and rings and a rectal enema, all delivering the microbicide drug Tenofovir. Although the focus here is on Tenofovir, the methods established in this dissertation can readily be adapted to other drugs, given knowledge of their physical and chemical properties, such as the diffusion coefficient, partition coefficient, and reaction kinetics. Other dosage forms such as tablets and fiber meshes can also be modeled using the perspective and methods developed here.

The analyses here include convective details of intravaginal flows by both ambient fluid and spreading gels with different rheological properties and applied volumes. These are input to the overall conservation equations for drug mass transport in different compartments. The results are Tenofovir concentration distributions in time and space for a variety of microbicide products and conditions. The Tenofovir concentrations in the vaginal and rectal mucosal stroma are converted, via a coupled reaction equation, to concentrations of Tenofovir diphosphate, which is the active form of the drug that functions as a reverse transcriptase inhibitor against HIV. Key model outputs are related to concentrations measured in experimental pharmacokinetic (PK) studies, e.g. concentrations in biopsies and blood. A new measure of microbicide prophylactic functionality, the Percent Protected, is calculated. This is the time dependent volume of the entire stroma (and thus fraction of host cells therein) in which Tenofovir diphosphate concentrations equal or exceed a target prophylactic value, e.g. an EC50.

Results show the prophylactic potentials of the studied microbicide vehicles against HIV infections. Key design parameters for each are addressed in application of the models. For a vaginal gel, fast spreading at small volume is more effective than slower spreading at high volume. Vaginal rings are shown to be most effective if inserted and retained as close to the fornix as possible. Because of the long half-life of Tenofovir diphosphate, temporary removal of the vaginal ring (after achieving steady state) for up to 24h does not appreciably diminish Percent Protected. However, full steady state (for the entire stromal volume) is not achieved until several days after ring insertion. Delivery of Tenofovir to the rectal mucosa by an enema is dominated by surface area of coated mucosa and whether the interiors of rectal crypts are filled with the enema fluid. For the enema 100% Percent Protected is achieved much more rapidly than for vaginal products, primarily because of the much thinner epithelial layer of the mucosa. For example, 100% Percent Protected can be achieved with a one minute enema application, and 15 minute wait time.

Results of these models have good agreement with experimental pharmacokinetic data, in animals and clinical trials. They also improve upon traditional, empirical PK modeling, and this is illustrated here. Our deterministic approach can inform design of sampling in clinical trials by indicating time periods during which significant changes in drug concentrations occur in different compartments. More fundamentally, the work here helps delineate the determinants of microbicide drug delivery. This information can be the key to improved, rational design of microbicide products and their dosage regimens.


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Background: To validate STOPPFrail, a list of explicit criteria for potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in frailer older adults with limited life expectancy. A Delphi consensus survey of an expert panel (n = 17) comprising specialists in geriatric medicine, clinical pharmacology, palliative care, psychiatry of old age, clinical pharmacy and general practice.
Methods: STOPPFrail criteria was initially created by the authors based on clinical
experience and appraisal of the available literature. Criteria were organised according to physiological system. Each criterion was accompanied by an explanation. Panellists ranked their agreement with each criterion on a 5-point Likert scale and invited to provide written feedback. Criteria with a median Likert response of 4/5 (agree/strongly agree) and a 25th centile of ≥4 were included in the final criteria.
Results: Three Delphi rounds were required. All panellists completed all rounds. Thirty criteria were proposed for inclusion; 26 were accepted. No new criteria were added. The first two criteria suggest deprescribing medications with no indication or where compliance is poor. The remaining 24 criteria include lipid-lowering therapies, alpha-blockers for hypertension, anti-platelets, neuroleptics, proton pump inhibitors, H-2 receptor antagonists, anti-spasmodics, theophylline, leukotriene antagonists, calcium supplements, bone anti-resorptive therapy, selective oestrogen receptor modulators, non-steroidal antiinflammatories, corticosteroids, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, alpha-1 selective blockers, muscarinic antagonists, oral diabetic agents, ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, systemic oestrogens, multivitamins, nutritional supplements and prophylactic antibiotics. Anticoagulants and anti-depressants were excluded. Despite incorporation of panellists’ suggestions, memantine and acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors remained inconclusive.
Conclusion: STOPPFrail comprises 26 criteria, which have been judged by broad consensus, to be potentially inappropriate in frailer older patients with limited life expectancy. STOPPFrail may assist in deprescribing medications in these patients.


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Background and Aims: Women with bipolar disorder are vulnerable to episodes postpartum, but risk factors are poorly understood. We are exploring risk factors for postpartum mood episodes in women with bipolar disorder using a prospective longitudinal design. Methods: Pregnant women with lifetime DSM-IV bipolar disorder are being recruited into the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (www.BDRN.org). Baseline assessments during late pregnancy include lifetime psychopathology and potential risk factors for perinatal episodes such as medication use, sleep, obstetric factors, and psychosocial factors. Blood samples are taken for genetic analysis. Perinatal psychopathology is assessed via follow-up interview at 12-weeks postpartum. Interview data are supplemented by clinician questionnaires and case-note review. Potential risk factors will be compared between women who experience perinatal episodes and those who remain well. Results: 80 participants have been recruited to date. 32/61 (52%) women had a perinatal recurrence by follow-up. 16 (26%) had onset in pregnancy. 21 (34%) had postpartum onset, 19 (90%) within 6-weeks of delivery: 11 (18%) postpartum psychosis, 5 (8%) postpartum hypomania, 5 (8%) postpartum depression. Postpartum relapse was more frequent in women with bipolar-I than bipolar-II disorder (45% vs 17%). 62% women with postpartum relapse took prophylactic medication peripartum and almost all received care from secondary psychiatric services (95%). Conclusions: Rate of postpartum relapse is high, despite most women receiving specialist care and medication perinatally. A larger sample size will allow us to examine potential risk factors for postpartum episodes, which will assist in providing accurate and personalised advice to women with bipolar disorder who are considering pregnancy.


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We present an application of the Hall-Findlay mammaplasty skin pattern for skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM). This is a simplified vertical reduction mammaplasty. Vertical reduction mammaplasty is the procedure advised for patients with moderator or large ptotic breasts, who wish to have a simultaneous contra-lateral breast reduction/mastopexy at the time of SSM for cancer or prophylactic mastectomy. It is particularly suitable for breast reconstruction with autologous tissue in the form of free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM), deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) and extended latissimus dorsi (ELD) flaps.


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Objective. Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is a technically demanding procedure and requires a surgical team skilled in both endocrine and endoscopic surgery. A time consuming learning and training period is mandatory at the beginning of the experience. The aim of our report is to focus some aspects of the learning curve of the surgeon who practices video-assisted thyroid procedures for the first time, through the analysis of our preliminary series of 36 cases. Patients and methods. From September 2004 to April 2005 we selected 36 patients for minimally invasive video-assisted surgery of the thyroid. The patients were considered eligible if they presented with a nodule not exceeding 35mm in maximum diameter; total thyroid volume within normal range; absence of biochemical and echographic signs of thyroiditis. We analyzed surgical results, conversion rate, operating time, post-operative complications, hospital stay, cosmetic outcome of the series. Results. We performed 36 total thyroidectomy. The procedure was successfully carried out in 33/36 cases. Post-operative complications included 3 transient recurrent nerve palsies and 2 transient hypocalcemias; no definitive hypoparathyroidism was registered. All patients were discharged 2 days after operation. The cosmetic result was considered excellent by most patients. Conclusions. Advances in skills and technology have enabled surgeons to reproduce most open surgical techniques with video-assistance or laparoscopically. Training is essential to acquire any new surgical technique and it should be organized in detail to exploit it completely.


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Aim. Reoperative thyroid surgery is an uncommon operation associated with a higher complication rate; we reviewed our series of patients on whom reoperative thyroid surgery was performed.Method. 106 patients had a thyroid reoperation for recurrent multinodular goiter (93 patients), recurrent thyrotoxicosis (3) or suspected malignancy (10); bilateral completion thyroidectomy was performed in 68 cases, lobectomy in 36, removal of a mediastinal recurrence and of a pyramidal remnant in 1 patient respectively. Results. Temporary hypoparathyroidism occurred in 41 patients (38.67%), definitive in 7 (6.6%), transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in 5 (4.71%), permanent nerve palsy in 1 (0.94%); in 3 cases (2.83%) surgical revision of haemostasis was necessary for postoperative haemorrhage. After monolateral surgery we had 13 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (34.21%), 2 of definitive (5.26%) and 1 transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (2.63%); after bilateral surgery we had 29 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (42.64%), 5 of definitive (7.35%), 4 of transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (5.88%), 1 of definitive (1.47%) and 3 of postoperative bleeding (4.41%). Conclusions. Reoperative thyroid surgery is a technical challenge with a high incidence of complications. Scarring, edema and friability of the tissues together with distortion of the landmarks make reoperative surgery azardous. A higher risk of complications is described when previous surgery has been performed on both sides. Total thyroidectomy should be considered the procedure of choice for benign multinodular goiter eliminating the potential of a reoperation. Whenever necessary, reoperative hyroidectomy may be performed safely with little morbidity in experienced hands.


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Background. In the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), in absence of enlarged lymph nodes, the role of routine central lymph node dissection (RCLD) remains controversial. The aim of this study is to analyze data resulting from total thyroidectomy (TT) not combined with RCLD in the treatment of DTC. Methods. We retrospectively evaluated the clinical records of 80 patients treated between January 1996 and December 2003 with TT without RCLND, in absence of suspected enlarged lymph nodes at preoperative ultrasonography and intraoperatively during neck exploration. In this series, 75 patients (93.7%) underwent radioiodine (RAI) ablation, followed by Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) suppression therapy. In case of locoregional lymph nodal recurrence, a central (VI) and ipsilateral (III-IV) selective lymph node dissection was performed. Results. Incidence of permanent hypoparathyroidism (iPTH < 10 pg/ml) and unilateral temporary vocal fold paralysis were respectively 2.55% and 2.55%. Locoregional recurrence, with positive cervical lymph nodes, after a 10.3 ± 4.7 years mean follow-up was observed in 3 patients (3.75%). They were submitted to a central (VI) and ipsilateral (III-IV) selective neck dissection without significant complications. Conclusions. In our series, TT not combined with RCLD was associated to a low locoregional recurrence rate, even if the lack of a control group treated with RCLD does not allow any generalized assumption. RCLD may be indicated in high risk patients, in whom lymph nodal recurrence is more frequent. More prospective randomized studies are needed to better define the role of RCLD and postoperative radioiodine ablation.


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Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is the more accurate diagnostic method for cervical lymph node (CLN) metastasis from differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC). However, FNAC diagnosis of cystic CLN is, in most cases, uninformative due to inadequate cellularity. Recently, thyroglobulin (Tg) detection in FNAC needle washout fluid has been shown to improve the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC, and its routine association with cytology is recommended. We here describe the case of a 20 yr old girl complaining of the recent appearance of palpable non-painful laterocervical nodes in the neck. Ultrasound examination revealed the presence of 3 cystic CLNs and 2 mixed thyroid nodules, with the larger one showing irregular margins. On the latter, and on 2 larger CLNs, FNAC was performed, and both Tg protein and mRNA were determined in the needle washout. The cytological analysis was not diagnostic for the two CLNs, while that of the thyroid nodule reported the presence of colloid and groups of thyrocytes with normal morphology. Both CLNs showed, however, high levels of Tg protein and were positive for Tg mRNA, suggestive of metastatic DTC. Based on these findings, the FNAC analysis was performed on the second smaller thyroid nodule suggesting (Tir4) the presence of PTC. The patient was then subjected to total thyroidectomy with lymph nodes resection of the central and homolateral compartments. The histological diagnosis confirmed the presence of a PTC in the small nodule and metastatic lymph nodes. In conclusion, this case confirms that the cytological diagnosis of cystic lymph nodes is challenging, and that the measurement of Tg protein and/or mRNA in the needle washout may overcome this limitation.


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Increased incidence of incidental cancer in patients operated for benign thyroid disease has been reported. We report our experience about incidental thyroid cancer (ITC) in order to better characterize this nosologic entity. Between 2001 and 2009 a total of 568 patients underwent surgery for benign thyroid disease. Patients with preoperative cytology undetermined or positive for malignancy were excluded. The most frequent indication for surgery was multinodular or diffuse nontoxic goiter. We performed total thyroidectomy in 499 cases and emithyroidectomy in 69 cases. Final histology revealed ITC in 53 patients (9.3%): 44 had papillary carcinoma (20 classic variant and 24 follicular variant), 4 follicular carcinoma, 4 medullary carcinoma and 1 primitive thyroid paraganglioma. The preoperative diagnosis was multinodular or diffuse goiter in 45 cases of ITC and uninodular goiter in 8 cases. We performed total thyroidectomy in 46 case, emithyroidectomy in 4 patients with past history of lobectomy, emithyroidectomy in 3 patients with following radicalization and central neck dissection. In 14 patients the tumor was multifocal and in 12 of these patients the tumor foci were bilateral. The lesion was a microcarcinoma in 34 cases. Mean diameter of the ITC was 1.14 cm. We retrospectively reconsidered the results of preoperative ultrasound examinations in relation to the exact position of the tumor in the specimens and we found a statistically significant association between echogenicity and papillary histotype. Twenty-six patients were followed up at our Hospital. The mean follow-up period was 38.2 months. A relapse was observed in 3/26 patients. Incidental thyroid cancer in patients operated for benign disease has its own surgical and oncological relevance. A correct preoperative assessment, with a careful selection of nodules for fine-needle aspiration cytology on the basis of ultrasound pattern, could better address the choice of surgical procedure. The non irrelevant incidence of incidental thyroid cancer, the eventuality of multifocality and bilaterality and the possible occurrence of relapse, support that total thyroidectomy without residuum is a valuable option for treating benign thyroid conditions such as multinodular goitre. When an incidental cancer is diagnosed after emithyroidectomy, a radicalization with central neck dissection could be considered. We suggest that natural history of papillary microtumors and the correct surgical approach for these lesions could be better defined with a more extensive use of “Porto proposal” criteria. Incidental thyroid cancer, Papillary microcarcinoma, Papillary microtumors, Total thyroidectomy.


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients are at increased risk of developing thromboembolic complications. We report here a rare case of left ventricle thrombus in a young woman with ulcerative colitis. We discuss the pathophysiology of hypercoagulable state in IBD, and briefly address current prophylactic anticoagulation recommendations.


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The phenomenon of terrorism is one of the most asymmetrical, amorphous and hybrid threats to international security. At the beginning of the 21st century, terrorism grew to a pandemic. Ensuring freedom and security of individuals and nations has become one of the priority postulates. Terrorism steps out of all legal and analytic-descriptive standards. An immanent feature of terrorism, e.g. is constant conversion into malicious forms of violence. One of the most alarming changes is a tendency for debasement of essence of law, a state and human rights Assurance of safety in widely accessible public places and in private life forces creation of various institutions, methods and forms of people control. However, one cannot in an arbitrary way limit civil freedom. Presented article stresses the fact that rational and informed approach to human rights should serve as a reference point for legislative and executive bodies. Selected individual applications to the European Court of Human Rights are presented, focusing on those based on which standards regarding protection of human rights in the face of pathological social phenomena, terrorism in particular, could be reconstructed and refined. Strasbourg standards may prove helpful in selecting and constructing new legal and legislative solutions, unifying and correlating prophylactic and preventive actions.


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Thalidomide is an effective chemotherapeutic agent used to achieve remission in multiple myeloma. However, its administration is associated with several adverse effects including venous thromboembolism, while arterial thrombosis has also, although rarely, been described in the literature. We report a case of internal carotid artery occlusion within 1 week of starting thalidomide with prophylactic low molecular weight heparin in a patient who had no other prothrombotic risk factors. It is not known why this complication occurs despite the administration of anticoagulant prophylaxis. The role of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor antigen levels and fibrinogen in multiple myeloma patients should be studied in order to determine if these factors should be targeted in future prophylactic treatment.


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Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious public health problem in developing countries, and as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure retinil palmitate is being supplemented. Nevertheless its efficacy has been questioned. The objective of the study was to evaluate the supplementation of two retinil palmitate megadosis on the serum retinol levels of post partum healthy mothers from Dr. José Pedro Bezerra (Hospital Santa Catarina) hospital, Natal - RN. The enrolled women (n=199) were randomly distributed into three studied groups and supplemented with retinil palmitate immediately after delivery with a single 200,000 IU dose (group S1), two 200,000 IU dose (group S2) with 24h difference between the doses, or no supplementation (group C). Among women selected, 143 remained until the end of the study. The influence of vitamin A dietary intake was evaluated during pregnancy and after 30 days of delivery. The average intake of the population was reasonable, but a high prevalence of inadequate intake was found. Retinol in colostrums and mature milk was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The retinol average in colostrums and mature milk in the supplemented and control groups were adequate according to the reference values. In colostrums, women from groups C, S1 and S2 presented retinol averages by milk volume of 94.8 ± 40.2 µg/dL, 92.2 ± 50.0 µg/dL and 91.8 ± 53.7 µg/dL, respectively. No difference was found between these averages (p=0.965), this was also seen when the values where expressed as µg/g of fat (p=0.905). After 30 days of delivery, retinol per milk volume differed between the control group (36.6 ± 17.5 µg/dL) and groups supplemented with 200,000 IU (51.0 ± 28.8 µg/dL) or 400,000 IU (55.2 ± 31.6 µg/dL) of retinil palmitate (p<0,05). Nevertheless, when S1 and S2 groups where compared, no significant difference was found (p=0.97). Considering retinol/g of fat, the means were 12.7 ± 6.7 µg/g, 15.6 ± 8.3 µg/g and 17.2 ± 8.9 µg/g for groups C, S1 and S2, respectively, with significant difference between groups S2 and C (p=0,01). Subclinical VAD prevalence showed a serious public health problem in the study population (32% in colostrums and 31.5% in mature milk). When analyzing the groups separately, the group which received two doses (200,000 IU + 200,000 IU) presented the lowest VAD prevalence (20.7%). Retinil palmitate supplementations of 200,000 IU and 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) in the immediate post partum showed no significant difference. Nevertheless, the 400,000 IU (divided in two doses) supplementation showed a reduction in VAD


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Medicinal plants bave gained a special attention in the last years, due to its renowned health benefits, such as antimicrobial effects [I]. In fact, several natural matrices bave been increasingly studied, namely for its antifungal activity against opportunistic fungi [2,3]. Candida species, although commensa! microorganisms, have caused severe organic dysfunctions to the host, once current antifungal agents have lost their recognized efficiency [2]. So, numerous studies have been carried out focusing the mechanisms of acquired drug-resistance by Candida species [prophylactic doses, but also to improve the clinical intervention in Candida infections.


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Global changes linked to increases in temperature and ocean acidification, but also to more direct anthropogenic influences such as aquaculture, have caused a worldwide increase in the reports of Vibrio-associated illnesses affecting humans and also animals such as shrimp and molluscs. Investigation of the emergence of Vibrio pathogenesis events requires the analysis of microbial evolution at the gene, genome and population levels, in order to identify genomic modifications linked to increased virulence, resistance and/or prevalence, or to recent host shift. From a more applied point of view, the elucidation of virulence mechanisms is a prerequisite to devising prophylactic methods to fight infectious agents. In comparison with human pathogens, fairly little is known about the requirements for virulence in vibrios pathogenic to animals. However, the advent of genome sequencing, especially next-generation technologies,the possibility of genetically manipulating most of the Vibrio strains, and the recent availability of standardised animals for experimental infections have now compensated for the considerable delay in advancement of the knowledge of non-model pathogens such as Vibrio and have led to new scientific questions.