979 resultados para POLY(4-VINYLPYRIDINE)


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Prolyl 4-hydroxylase (EC catalyzes the posttranslational formation of 4-hydroxyproline in collagens. The vertebrate enzyme is an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer, the beta subunit of which is a highly unusual multifunctional polypeptide, being identical to protein disulfide-isomerase (EC We report here the cloning of a second mouse alpha subunit isoform, termed the alpha (II) subunit. This polypeptide consists of 518 aa and a signal peptide of 19 aa. The processed polypeptide is one residue longer than the mouse alpha (I) subunit (the previously known type), the cloning of which is also reported here. The overall amino acid sequence identity between the mouse alpha (II) and alpha (I) subunits is 63%. The mRNA for the alpha (II) subunit was found to be expressed in a variety of mouse tissues. When the alpha (II) subunit was expressed together with the human protein disulfide-isomerase/beta subunit in insect cells by baculovirus vectors, an active prolyl 4-hydroxylase was formed, and this protein appeared to be an alpha (II) 2 beta 2 tetramer. The activity of this enzyme was very similar to that of the human alpha (I) 2 beta 2 tetramer, and most of its catalytic properties were also highly similar, but it differed distinctly from the latter in that it was inhibited by poly(L-proline) only at very high concentrations. This property may explain why the type II enzyme was not recognized earlier, as an early step in the standard purification procedure for prolyl 4-hydroxylase is affinity chromatography on a poly(L-proline) column.


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Metriti ed endometriti sono le patologie maggiormente responsabili delle perdite economiche negli allevamenti bovini da latte, specialmente nel periodo successivo al parto. Mentre le metriti coinvolgono e si sviluppano in tutto l’utero e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di sintomi sistemici, le endometriti consistono in una infiammazione che riguarda il solo endometrio, con la presenza di perdite purulente, distruzione della superficie epiteliale, congestione vascolare, edema stromale ed accumulo di linfociti e plasmacellule. Queste patologie, inoltre, possono causare, disfunzione ovarica, con conseguente infertilità e riduzione sia dell’efficienza riproduttiva della vacca sia della produzione stessa di latte. Nonostante queste malattie siano, nella maggior parte dei casi, correlate all’instaurarsi di infezioni batteriche, che possono subentrare nell’utero direttamente durante il parto, il ruolo di alcuni virus nello sviluppo di queste patologie è stato recentemente approfondito e la correlazione tra l’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’insorgere di metriti ed endometriti è stata dimostrata. L’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 (BoHV-4) è un gamma-herpesvirus ed il suo genoma è costituito da una molecola lineare di DNA a doppio filamento con una struttura genomica di tipo B, caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’unica lunga sequenza centrale (LUR) fiancheggiata da multiple sequenze poli-ripetute (prDNA). BoHV-4 è stato isolato sia da animali sani sia da animali con differenti patologie, tra cui malattie oculari e respiratorie, ma soprattutto da casi di metriti, endometriti, vaginiti o aborti. Generalmente, il ruolo svolto dal virus in questo tipo di patologie è associato alla compresenza di altri tipi di patogeni, che possono essere virus, come nel caso del Virus Della Diarrea Virale Bovina (BVDV), o più frequentemente batteri. Usualmente, l’iniziale difesa dell’endometrio bovino nei confronti dei microbi si fonda sul sistema immunitario innato e l’attivazione di specifici recettori cellulari determina la sintesi e la produzione di citochine e chemochine pro infiammatorie, che possono essere in grado di modulare la replicazione di BoHV-4. Il genoma di BoHV-4 possiede due principali trascritti per i geni Immediate Early (IE), trai quali ORF50/IE2 è il più importante ed il suo prodotto, Rta/ORF50, è fortemente conservato tra tutti gli Herpesvirus. Esso è responsabile della diretta trans-attivazione di numerosi geni virali e cellulari e può essere modulato da differenti stimoli extracellulari. Precedentemente è stato dimostrato come il TNF-, prodotto dalle cellule stromali e dai macrofagi all’interno dell’endometrio, in conseguenza ad infezione batterica, sia in grado di aumentare la replicazione di BoHV-4 attraverso l’attivazione del pathway di NFkB e direttamente agendo sul promotore di IE2. Per queste ragioni, è risultato di forte interesse investigare quali potessero essere, invece, i fattori limitanti la replicazione di BoHV-4. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la relazione tra cellule endometriali stromali bovine infettate con l’Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’interferon gamma (IFN-) ed è stata dimostrata la capacità di questa molecola di restringere la replicazione di BoHV-4 in maniera IDO1 indipendente ed IE2 dipendente. Inoltre, la presenza di alcuni elementi in grado di interagire con l’ IFN-γ, all’interno del promotore di IE2 di BoHV-4, ha confermato questa ipotesi. Basandoci su questi dati, abbiamo potuto supporre l’esistenza di uno stretto vincolo tra l’attivazione dell’asse dell’interferon gamma e la ridotta replicazione di BoHV-4, andando a porre le basi per una nuova efficiente cura e prevenzione per le patologie uterine. Poiché il meccanismo corretto attraverso il quale BoHV-4 infetta l’endometrio bovino non è ancora ben compreso, è stato interessante approfondire in maniera più accurata l’interazione presente tra il virus ed il substrato endometriale, analizzando le differenze esistenti tra cellule infettate e non, in termini di espressione genica. Basandoci su dati preliminari ottenuti attraverso analisi con RNA sequencing (RNAseq), abbiamo visto come numerosi geni risultino over-espressi in seguito ad infezione con BoHV-4 e come, tra questi, la Metalloproteasi 1 sia uno dei più interessanti, a causa delle sue possibili implicazioni nello sviluppo delle patologie dell’endometrio uterino bovino. Successive analisi, effettuate tramite westernblotting e real time PCR, sono state in grado di confermare tale dato, sottolineando l’efficacia di un nuovo approccio sperimentale, basato sul RNAseq, per lo studio dell’insorgenza delle patologie.


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Poly(lactic acid) PLA, and poly(hydroxybutyrate) PHB, blends were processed as films and characterized for their use in food packaging. PLA was blended with PHB to enhance the crystallinity. Therefore, PHB addition strongly increased oxygen barrier while decreased the wettability. Two different environmentally-friendly plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl(tributyl citrate) (ATBC), were added to these blends to increase their processing performance, while improving their ductile properties. ATBC showed higher plasticizer efficiency than PEG directly related to the similarity solubility parameters between ATBC and both biopolymers. Moreover, ATBC was more efficiently retained to the polymer matrix during processing than PEG. PLA–PHB–ATBC blends were homogeneous and transparent blends that showed promising performance for the preparation of films by a ready industrial process technology for food packaging applications, showing slightly amber color, improved elongation at break, enhanced oxygen barrier and decreased wettability.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) melt processed disks and solvent cast films were modified by graft co-polyinerization with acrylic acid (AAc) in methanol solution at ambient temperature using gamma irradiation (dose rate of 4.5 kGy/h). To assess the presence of carboxylic acid groups on the surface, reaction with pentafluorophenol was performed prior to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The grafting yield for all samples increased with monomer concentration (2-15%), and for the solvent cast films, it also increased with dose (2-9 kGy). However, the grafting yield of the melt processed disks was largely independent of the radiation dose (2-8 kGy). Toluidine blue was used to stain the modified materials facilitating, visual information about the extent of carboxylic acid functionalization and depth penetration of the grafted copolymer. Covalent linking of glucosamine to the functionalized surface was achieved using carbodimide chemistry verifying that the modified substrates are suitable for biomolecule attachment.


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We show that the simple quasi-static technique, also called the adiabatic mapping technique, can be used to determine the energetics of rotation of methyl and methoxy groups in amorphous poly(vinyl methyl ether) even though the latter process is too slow to be amenable to direct molecular dynamics simulation. For the methyl group rotation, we find that the mean and standard deviation of the simulated rotational barrier heights agree well with experimental data from quasi-elastic neutron scattering. In the case of the methoxy groups we find that just 4% of the groups contribute more than 90% of the observed dielectric relaxation strength. The groups which make the most contribution are those which, by virtue of their particular conformation and local environment, have two alternative positions of similar energy.


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This thesis is concerned with the effect of polymer structure on miscibility of the three component blends based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with using blending techniques. The examination of novel PLA homologues (pre-synthesised poly(a-esters)), including a range of aliphatic and aromatic poly(a-esters) is an important aspect of the work. Because of their structural simplicity and similarity to PLA, they provide an ideal system to study the effect of polyester structures on the miscibility of PLA polymer blends. The miscibility behaviour of the PLA homologues is compared with other aliphatic polyesters (e.g. poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(hydroxybutyrate hydroxyvalerate) (P(HB-HV)), together with a series of cellulose-based polymers (e.g. cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)). The work started with the exploration the technique used for preliminary observation of the miscibility of blends referred to as “a rapid screening method” and then the miscibility of binary blends was observed and characterised by percent transmittance together with the Coleman and Painter miscibility approach. However, it was observed that symmetrical structures (e.g. a1(dimethyl), a2(diethyl)) promote the well-packing which restrict their chains from intermingling into poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) chains and leads the blends to be immiscible, whereas, asymmetrical structures (e.g. a4(cyclohexyl)) behave to the contrary. a6(chloromethyl-methyl) should interact well with PLLA because of the polar group of chloride to form interactions, but it does not. It is difficult to disrupt the helical structure of PLLA. PLA were immiscible with PCL, P(HB-HV), or compatibiliser (e.g. G40, LLA-co-PCL), but miscible with CAB which is a hydrogen-bonded polymer. However, these binary blends provided a useful indication for the exploration the novel three component blends. In summary, the miscibility of the three-component blends are miscible even if only two polymers are miscible. This is the benefit for doing the three components blend in this thesis, which is not an attempt to produce a theoretical explanation for the miscibility of three components blend system.


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Co-polymerisation of α-styryl-poly(ethylene glycol)300, α,ω-bis(styryl)-penta(ethylene glycol) and 2,5-diphenyl-4-(4′-vinylbenzyl)oxazole in varying molar ratios resulted in the production of chemically functionalised scintillant-containing poly(oxyethylene glycol) polymer (POP-Sc) supports. These materials are compatible with both aqueous and organic solvents, and possess the ability to scintillate efficiently in the presence of ionising radiation, even after prolonged and repeated exposure to organic solvents. The utility of POP-Sc supports in both solid-phase peptide chemistry and a functional scintillation proximity assay has been exemplified.


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A new poly(ethylene oxide)-tetraphenylalanine polymer-peptide conjugate has been prepared via a “click” reaction between an alkyne-modified peptide and an azide-terminated PEO oligomer. Self-assembled nanotubes are formed after dialysis of a THF solution of this polymer-peptide conjugate against water. The structure of these nanotubes has been probed by circular dichroism, IR, TEM, and SAXS. From these data, it is apparent that self-assembly involves the formation of antiparallel ß-sheets and p-p-stacking. Nanotubes are formed at concentrations between 2 and 10 mg mL-1. Entanglement between adjacent nanotubes occurs at higher concentrations, resulting in the formation of soft hydrogels. Gel strength increases at higher polymer-peptide conjugate concentration, as expected.


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N-vinylcarbazole was polymerised using the free radical catalyst (azo-bisisobutyronitrile) and cationic catalysts (boron-trifluoride etherate and aluminium chloride). The polymers produced were characterised by molecular weight measurements and powder x-ray diffraction. The tacticity of the polymer samples was determined using proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Measurements of their static dielectric permittivity and electro-optical birefringence (Kerr effect) in solution in 1,4-dioxane were carried out over a range of temperatures. The magnitudes of the dipole moments and Kerr constants were found to vary with changes in the tacticity of poly(N-vinylcarbazole). The results of these measurements support the view that the stereostructure of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) is sensitive to the mechanism of polymerisation. These results, together with proton and carbon-13 N.M.R. data, are discussed in terms of the possible conformations of the polymer chains and the relative orientation of the bulky carbazole side groups. The dielectric and molecular Kerr effect studies have also been carried out on complexes formed between 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone (TNF) and different stereoregular forms of poly(N-vinylcarbazole) in solution in 1,4-dioxane. The differences in the molar Kerr constants between pure (uncomplexed) and complexed poly(N-vinylcarbazole) samples were attributed to changes in optical anisotropy and dipole moments. A molecular modelling computer program Desktop Molecular Modeller was used to examine the 3/1 helical isotactic and 2/1 helical syndiotactic forms of poly(N-vinylcarbazole). These models were used to calculate the pitch distances of helices and the results were interpreted in terms of van der Waal's radii on TNF. This study indicated that the pitch distance in 3/1 isotactic helices was large enough to accommodate the bulky TNF molecules to form sandwich type charge transfer complexes whereas the pitch distance in syndiotactic poly(N-vinylcarbazole) was smaller and would not allow a similar type of complex formation.


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Initial work focused on the preparation, optimisation and characterisation of poly (D,L-lactide) (PLA) microspheres with the aim of optimising their formulation based on minimizing the particle size into the range suitable for pulmonary delivery to alveoli. In order to produce dry powders and to enhance their long-term physico-chemical stability, microspheres were prepared as a dry powder via freeze-drying. Optimisation studies showed that using appropriate concentrations of polymer 3% (w/v) in organic phase and emulsifier 10% (w/v) in external aqueous phase, the double solvent evaporation method produced high protein loading microspheres (72 ± 0.5%) with an appropriate particle size for pulmonary drug delivery. Combined use of trehalose and leucine as cyroprotectants (6% and 1% respectively, w/v) produced freeze-dried powders with the best aerosolisation profile among those tested. Although the freeze-dried PLA microsphere powders were not particularly respirable in dry powder inhalation, nebulisation of the rehydrated powders using an ultrasonic nebuliser resulted in improved aerosilisation performance compared to the air-jet nebuliser. When tested in vitro using a macrophage cell line, the PLA microspheres system exhibited a low cytotoxicity and the microspheres induced phagocytic activity in macrophages. However, interestingly, the addition of an immunomodulator to the microsphere formulations (4%, w/w of polymer) reduced this phagocytic activity and macrophage activation compared to microspheres formulated using PLA alone. This suggested that the addition of trehalose dibehenate may not enhance the ability of these microspheres to be used as vaccine delivery systems.


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Poly(ethylene oxide) has been coupled to poly(3-hexylthiophene) using esterification to produce pure diblock copolymers, highly relevant for use in organic electronic devices. The new synthetic route described herein uses a metal-free coupling step, for the first time, to afford well-defined polymers in high yields following facile purification.


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Synthetic hydrogel polymers were prepared by free radical photopolymerization in aqueous solution of the sodium salt of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (Na-AMPS). Poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) and 4,4'-azo-bis(4-cyanopentanoic acid) were used as the crosslinker and UV-photoinitiator, respectively. The effects of varying the Na-AMPS monomer concentration within the range of 30-50% w/v and the crosslinker concentration within the range of 0.1-1.0% mol (relative to monomer) were studied in terms of their influence on water absorption properties. The hydrogel sheets exhibited extremely high swelling capacities in aqueous media which were dependent on monomer concentration, crosslink density, and the ionic strength and composition of the immersion medium. The effects of varying the number-average molecular weight of the PEGDA crosslinker from = 250 to 700 were also investigated. Interestingly, it was found that increasing the molecular weight and therefore the crosslink length at constant crosslink density decreased both the rate of water absorption and the equilibrium water content. Cytotoxicity testing by the direct contact method with mouse fibroblast L929 cells indicated that the synthesized hydrogels were nontoxic. On the basis of these results, it is considered that photopolymerized Na-AMPS hydrogels crosslinked with PEGDA show considerable potential for biomedical use as dressings for partial thickness burns. This paper describes some structural effects which are relevant to their design as biomaterials for this particular application. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The present study focuses on the synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers containing poly(glycerol monomethacrylate) (PGMMA), showing the advantages of a protection/deprotection strategy based on silyl groups. PGMMA blocks were synthesized via ATRP started by a double functional poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) macroinitiator of molecular weight ≈7000 g mol-1. The resulting triblock copolymers were characterized by low polydispersity (generally ≤1.1) and their aggregation concentration in water was essentially dominated by the PDMS block length (critical aggregation concentration substantially invariant for GMMA degree of polymerization ≥30). For GMMA blocks with DP > 50, the self-assembly in water produced 35-50 nm spherical micelles, while shorter hydrophilic chains produced larger aggregates apparently displaying worm-like morphologies. Block copolymers with long GMMA chains (DP ≈ 200) produced particularly stable micellar aggregates, which were then selected for a preliminary assessment of the possibility of adsorption of plasma proteins (albumin and fibrinogen); using diffusion NMR as an analytical technique, no significant adsorption was recorded both on micelles and on soluble PGMMA employed as a control, indicating the possibility of a "stealth" behaviour. This journal is © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The controlled synthesis of poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS) using RAFT polymerisation has been studied. Selected experimental conditions led to the production of PNSS with variable molecular weights and low dispersities (D{stroke}≤1.50). The controlled synthesis of poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS) using reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation has been studied under a wide range of experimental conditions. PNSS can be used as an organic-soluble, thermally labile precursor for industrially valuable poly(p-styrene sulfonate), widely employed in technologies such as ionic exchange membranes and organic electronics. The suitability of two different chain transfer agents, three solvents, three different monomer concentrations and two different temperatures for the polymerisation of neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate is discussed in terms of the kinetics of the process and characteristics of the final polymer. Production of PNSS with systematically variable molecular weights and low dispersities (D{stroke} ≤1.50 in all cases) has been achieved using 2-azidoethyl 2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionate in anisole at 75°C, with an initial monomer concentration of 4.0molL-1. Finally, a poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate)-b-polybutadiene-b-poly(neopentyl p-styrene sulfonate) (PNSS-b-PBD-b-PNSS) triblock copolymer has been synthesised via azide-alkyne click chemistry. Moreover, subsequent thermolysis of the PNSS moieties generated poly(p-styrene sulfonate) end blocks. This strategy allows the fabrication of amphiphilic copolymer films from single organic solvents without the need for post-deposition chemical treatment.


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We present results of the direct observation, in real-space, of the phase separation of high molecular weight polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) from ortho-xylene using our newly developed technique of high speed stroboscopic interference microscopy. Taking a fixed concentration (3 wt % in o-xylene) at a fixed composition (1:4 by weight) and by varying the rotational rate during the spin-coating process, we are able to observe the formation of a range of phase separated bicontinuous morphologies of differing length-scales. Importantly, we are able to show that the mechanism by which the final phase separated structure is formed is through domain coarsening when rich in solvent, before vitrification occurs and fixes the phase separated structure. The ability to directly observe morphological development offers a route toward controlling the length-scale of the final morphology through process control and in situ feedback, from a single stock solution. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.