982 resultados para Open repositories 2014
The Internet of Things makes use of a huge disparity of technologies at very different levels that help one to the other to accomplish goals that were previously regarded as unthinkable in terms of ubiquity or scalability. If the Internet of Things is expected to interconnect every day devices or appliances and enable communications between them, a broad range of new services, applications and products can be foreseen. For example, monitoring is a process where sensors have widespread use for measuring environmental parameters (temperature, light, chemical agents, etc.) but obtaining readings at the exact physical point they want to be obtained from, or about the exact wanted parameter can be a clumsy, time-consuming task that is not easily adaptable to new requirements. In order to tackle this challenge, a proposal on a system used to monitor any conceivable environment, which additionally is able to monitor the status of its own components and heal some of the most usual issues of a Wireless Sensor Network, is presented here in detail, covering all the layers that give it shape in terms of devices, communications or services.
The W3C Best Practises for Multilingual Linked Open Data community group was born one year ago during the last MLW workshop in Rome. Nowadays, it continues leading the effort of a numerous community towards acquiring a shared view of the issues caused by multilingualism on the Web of Data and their possible solutions. Despite our initial optimism, we found the task of identifying best practises for ML-LOD a difficult one, requiring a deep understanding of the Web of Data in its multilingual dimension and in its practical problems. In this talk we will review the progresses of the group so far, mainly in the identification and analysis of topics, use cases, and design patterns, as well as the future challenges.
Recent commentaries have proposed the advantages of using open exchange of data and informatics resources for improving health-related policies and patient care in Africa. Yet, in many African regions, both private medical and public health information systems are still unaffordable. Open exchange over the social Web 2.0 could encourage more altruistic support of medical initiatives. We have carried out some experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using this approach to disseminate open data and informatics resources in Africa. After the experiments we developed the AFRICA BUILD Portal, the first Social Network for African biomedical researchers. Through the AFRICA BUILD Portal users can access in a transparent way to several resources. Currently, over 600 researchers are using distributed and open resources through this platform committed to low connections.
La finalidad de este proyecto es el desarrollo de un dispositivo que permita realizar de manera inalámbrica el control de toda clase de equipos MIDI, tales como sintetizadores o mesas de mezclas. Las aplicaciones prácticas que puede tener un dispositivo de estas característica son múltiples, tales como simplificar el conexionado en un estudio de grabación, controlar a distancia instrumentos musicales, y facilitar el uso de dispositivos portables y de amplio acceso tales como teléfonos móviles y tablets para controlar diversos equipos de audio. El desarrollo del proyecto consistirá en primer lugar en la búsqueda y adquisición de los componentes hardware y software necesarios para el diseño del dispositivo, y en segundo lugar del diseño, programación y puesta en funcionamiento de un prototipo del mismo.
Traditional Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems have been developed using especially-designed non-expressive scripted recordings. In order to develop a new generation of expressive TTS systems in the Simple4All project, real recordings from the media should be used for training new voices with a whole new range of speaking styles. However, for processing this more spontaneous material, the new systems must be able to deal with imperfect data (multi-speaker recordings, background and foreground music and noise), filtering out low-quality audio segments and creating mono-speaker clusters. In this paper we compare several architectures for combining speaker diarization and music and noise detection which improve the precision and overall quality of the segmentation.
Mosaics are high-resolution images obtained aerially and employed in several scientific research areas, such for example, in the field of environmental monitoring and precision agriculture. Although many high resolution maps are obtained by commercial demand, they can also be acquired with commercial aerial vehicles which provide more experimental autonomy and availability. For what regard to mosaicing-based aerial mission planners, there are not so many - if any - free of charge software. Therefore, in this paper is presented a framework designed with open source tools and libraries as an alternative to commercial tools to carry out mosaicing tasks.
The object of this doctoral thesis is the analysis of the political and administrative purpose that is given to the reform process of a vital sector of State powers within the framework of delegate democracy, such as the administration of Justice. The object is also to analyze if State reform in a diminished or non-liberal surrounding increase or improve conditions of democracy in a given situation, based on the constitutional “what should be”, or if what occurs is a process of “seizure” of the functions of State, which becomes an institutional risk. Finally, we will examine the real and effective existence of a horizontal accountability process through the use of institutional resources, which would evidence the existence of an incomplete model of democracy. This analysis implies the relationship between two institutions within public administration: State Reform, as an act of change in State structure in order to improve qualitatively the outcomes and outputs of public policies, and in sum, to make the system work better. This, as it will be examined later, is the case of Latin America as a response of the State to three processes in crisis: fiscal, as in government intervention or in the form of bureaucratic administration. In that scheme of things, this thesis examines the present state of the art in public administration science of this process to prove that in delegate democracy, this type of instruments disregard the constitutive elements of democracy and serve, especially in critical areas of the administration, allowing for Power to dismiss Law. This research seeks to contribute towards an area seldom analyzed regarding public administration doctrine under the light of the theory of law, which is the connection between previous conditions or principal inputs of an execution process of a democracy and, on the other hand, regarding the effects of introducing a reform within models of a changing democracy and new concepts of the rule of law. While reviewing writings regarding State reform, it is clear that no approximations have been previously made in reference to prior conditions of the political system in order to begin operating a reform which respects fundamental rights as an object of this procedure. Furthermore, no analysis has been found regarding structural change of strategic areas in State services as to the effect caused on democratic exercise and the outcome in an open society...
The audiovisual as a tool for social change among youth in social exclusion situations in Guatemala (2004-2014)” is the title of this research paper which aims to study the organizations and projects that have worked with video tools and participatory methodology with young people in marginalized social sectors in order to improve their opportunities and social inclusion. The purpose of this study also includes the analysis of the finish video products as well as the impact of the projects on the youth participants. Guatemala is a country with deep rooted and historical social inequality. This situation is currently reflected by the high violence rates, the extreme poverty and the exclusion of populations, including youth. As social participants, young people have much to say about the construction of a future plan for the country, but they are not heard. That’s why it is so important to facilitate a youth voice and research the tools that can help reach that goal. The participatory methodologies are based on the popular education theories developed by the Latinamerican School with authors such as Paulo Freire, Juan Díaz Bordenave, Jesús Martín Barbero and Mario Kaplún, among others. These methodologies have proved to be a lateral way to face the educational process by promoting dialogue, analysis, consensus search and consciousness-raising. In addition, these methodologies provide a more democratic way to format educational processes that provide students tools to promote an active attitude towards social questions. They can develop their own role of responsibility in the improvement of their own lives and contribute to the progress of their community. This research is based on observation, an extensive bibliographical review, analysis protocols for the study of video materials and projects and closed structured interviews with facilitators and project coordinators. It includes open qualitative interviews with some selected participants and with other specialists in order to complete the necessary information to structure the historical, social and political context of Guatemala...
Context. Young massive clusters are key to map the Milky Way’s structure, and near-infrared large area sky surveys have contributed strongly to the discovery of new obscured massive stellar clusters. Aims. We present the third article in a series of papers focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. This article is dedicated to the physical characterization of VVV CL086, using part of its OB-stellar population. Methods. We physically characterized the cluster using JHKS near-infrared photometry from ESO public survey VVV images, using the VVV-SkZ pipeline, and near-infrared K-band spectroscopy, following the methodology presented in the first article of the series. Results. Individual distances for two observed stars indicate that the cluster is located at the far edge of the Galactic bar. These stars, which are probable cluster members from the statistically field-star decontaminated CMD, have spectral types between O9 and B0 V. According to our analysis, this young cluster (1.0 Myr < age < 5.0 Myr) is located at a distance of 11+5-6 kpc, and we estimate a lower limit for the cluster total mass of (2.8+1.6-1.4) · 103 M⊙. It is likely that the cluster contains even earlier and more massive stars.
The Patten’s Theory of the Environment, supposes an impotent contribution to the Theoretical Ecology. The hypothesis of the duality of environments, the creaon and genon functions and the three developed propositions are so much of great importance in the field of the Applied Mathematical as Ecology. The authors have undertaken an amplification and revision of this theory, developing the following steps: 1) A theory of processes. 2) A definition of structural and behavioural functions. 3) A probabilistic definition of the environmental functions. In this paper the authors develop the theory of behavioural functions, begin the theory of environmental functions and give a complementary focus to the theory of processes that has been developed in precedent papers.
A detailed taphonomic analysis was carried out on the lower Albian deposits of the Sierra Helada section (Alicante, Betic Cordillera, southeastern Spain). Ten taphonomic characters were studied and ten skeletal concentrations were defined on the basis of taphonomic features and the dominant taxa. Cluster analysis was performed on the dataset represented by the abundance of the taphonomic characters in each skeletal concentration. This enabled the definition of four different taphonomic categories: 1) skeletal concentrations characterized by the presence of fossils preserved in life position, 2) skeletal concentrations showing very little physical reworking, 3) skeletal concentrations related to high-energy background conditions, and 4) skeletal concentrations produced by medium- to high-energy events. Four taphofacies were defined on the basis of the main sedimentological features and the most representative skeletal concentrations. Taphofacies A represents the low energy outer platform, rich in skeletal concentrations with echinoids in life position and only slightly reworked. The second taphofacies (taphofacies B) is very rich in reworked echinoid tests and calcarenitic beds and records the transition to shallower areas, while taphofacies C shows abundant thick-bedded calcarenites and skeletal concentrations produced by sediment transport and rapid deposition. Finally, cross-bedded grainstone beds, which are rich in fine-grained fragmented, locally reoriented bioclasts (taphofacies D), record the existence of shifting sandy dunes in the shallow inner part of the platform.
Este trabajo aborda el tema del acceso abierto (open access) de la literatura científica. Se analizan las declaraciones sobre las que se basan sus cimientos y las estrategias existentes para la difusión del conocimiento. Así mismo, se tratan las iniciativas que colaboran con este fin: los repositorios, los directorios de repositorios de acceso abierto y las licencias abiertas (open licenses). Por último, se pone de manifiesto la relación que existe entre el movimiento de acceso abierto y las iniciativas relacionadas con los recursos educativos abiertos.
El perfeccionismo es un rasgo de la personalidad caracterizado por la imposición a uno mismo de unas normas de desempeño poco realistas, la motivación por ser perfeccionista y la percepción del entorno como demasiado exigente y crítico. Este estudio tuvo por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en 4 bases de datos (Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO y Education Resources Information Center), entre el año 2004 y el 2014. Se obtuvieron 325 documentos que fueron analizados con base en distintos indicadores bibliométricos, como el análisis de la producción temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis y discusión de las características de la población, los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Se halló una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración y un número considerable de grandes productores (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Andrew P. Hill y Bart Soenens). Destacaron la Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los 2 instrumentos más empleados para evaluar el perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes. Igualmente, prevalecieron los estudios realizados en adolescentes frente a aquellos con participantes de población infantil. Se observó que la mayor parte de los documentos analizados se centraron en analizar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y la psicopatología. Por último, se discuten las temáticas identificadas, las limitaciones encontradas y los aspectos consolidados, sirviendo como referencia para la realización de futuros estudios sobre el campo del perfeccionismo durante la infancia y la adolescencia.
Objetivo: La equidad de género es un determinante estructural de las desigualdades en salud. Por ello, se pretende visibilizar su evolución en las comunidades autónomas (CC.AA.) desde 2006, previamente a la promulgación de la Ley de Igualdad (2007) y la crisis económica (2008), hasta 2014. Método: Estudio ecológico sobre la equidad de género en las 17 CC.AA. en 2006-2011-2014. Cálculo de: 1) índice de equidad de género modificado (IEGM) de las CC.AA. (0 = equidad, ±1 = inequidad); 2) convergencia interregional y temporal en equidad de género. Resultados: El IEGM de las CC.AA.2014 toma valores negativos próximos a 0 (inequidad desfavorable a las mujeres). No hay convergencia interregional en la equidad de género, pues aumenta la dispersión (2006: 0,1503; 2011: 0,2280; 2014: 0,4964). Tampoco existe convergencia temporal, al no evolucionar mejor las CC.AA. menos equitativas. La brecha de género en actividad económica sigue desfavorable a las mujeres. En 2006-2011 disminuye en todas las CC.AA., y en 2014 aumenta en seis CCAA. La brecha de género en educación tiene valores positivos próximos a 0 (desfavorable a los hombres) en 2006-2011-2014, y en empoderamiento es desfavorable a las mujeres, siendo la dimensión que más pesa en la equidad de género. Se mantiene la dispersión entre CC.AA. en 2006-2014 en actividad económica y educación, y aumenta en empoderamiento. Conclusiones: El contexto de equidad de género alcanzado en las CC.AA. españolas en 2006 se ha perdido durante la crisis económica, al aumentar la desigualdad en la equidad de género entre CC.AA. en 2014. La inequidad de género sigue siendo desfavorable a las mujeres.
Projet de recherche réalisé en 2014-2015 avec l'appui du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture.