748 resultados para Online and offline games


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Publisher varies: Kline Geology Laboratory, Yale University, <1985->


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Editor: Robert Walsh


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A major challenge in teaching software engineering to undergraduates is that most students have limited industry experience, so the problems addressed are unknown and hence unappreciated. Issues of scope prevent a realistic software engineering experience, and students often graduate with a simplistic view of software engineering’s challenges. Problems and Programmers (PnP) is a competitive, physical card game that simulates the software engineering process from requirements specification to product delivery. Deliverables are abstracted, allowing a focus on process issues and for lessons to be learned in a relatively short time. The rules are easy to understand and the game’s physical nature allows for face-to-face interaction between players. The game’s developers have described PnP in previous publications, but this paper reports the game’s use within a larger educational scheme. Students learn and play PnP, and then are required to create a software requirements specification based on the game. Finally, students reflect on the game’s strengths and weaknesses and their experiences in an individual essay. The paper discusses this approach, students’ experiences and overall outcomes, and offers an independent, critical look at the game, its use, and potential improvements.


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A conexão que se estabelece entre a publicidade veiculada na mídia impressa revista e os jovens da chamada Geração Y é o principal foco deste trabalho. Estes jovens, nascidos entre 1980 e meados da década de 90, no século XX, se desenvolveram juntamente com as novas tecnologias da comunicação, cresceram com um computador ligado ao mundo pela internet, com o telefone celular e jogos interativos, mas continuam sendo assediados pelas revistas. Com o objetivo de conhecer melhor esta conexão, saber como a Geração Y se comporta diante das mensagens publicitárias e verificar se existe um padrão de consumo entre estes jovens foram realizadas investigações exploratórias em fontes primárias e secundárias complementada por um estudo conclusivo descritivo. Depois de uma revisão da literatura que trata dos conceitos de geração até o perfil da Geração Y, e de uma análise histórica da mídia revista, a realização de pesquisas aplicadas em forma de grupos focais e de um estudo descritivo, nos permitiu concluir que existe uma sobrevida para a mídia impressa revista, e ainda por muito tempo. Aspectos como a tangibilidade, portabilidade e a tradição são os pilares que garantem às revistas uma sólida confiabilidade por parte dos jovens da Geração Y, sobrepondo-se à mídia eletrônica, volátil e pouco confiável para eles.


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A tese aborda os processos comunicacionais nas rádios comunitárias do Sertão do Nordeste do Brasil que estão na Internet. Objetiva-se entender teórica e empiricamente como ocorrem esses processos nestas emissoras e explorar suas especificidades; compreender as estruturas, programações, equipes, financiamentos e históricos de inserção digital; entender os processos de estímulo, emissão e interação, em termos de cidadania; compreender como se dão as novas vozes, territoriais e na Internet; entender como se dá a participação do usuário (internauta); e listar as rádios comunitárias ou que se assumem comunitárias sertanejas, entendendo suas peculiaridades de programação, diferencial em termos de emissão territorial e não territorial (via Internet). A metodologia empregada consiste em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, em mapeamento prévio das emissoras, bem como de pesquisa de campo por meio visitas in loco e de entrevistas semiestruturadas para entender-se as emissoras nos oito Estados sertanejos nordestinos (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe). Acompanhou-se também o trabalho das emissoras na Internet, tanto em seus sites quanto a presença em redes sociais. Constata-se, com base em parâmetros teóricos, a existência de três tipos de emissoras de rádio comunitária na Internet: as off-line (que apenas têm espaço na Internet, mas não há transmissão simultânea), as online institucionais (que apenas transmitem simultaneamente a programação no dial) e as online dinâmicas (que têm conteúdo diferencial da emissora no dial e promovem interação e interatividade). O fato de estar na Internet faz com que as emissoras de rádio comunitária sertanejas aumentem sua capacidade de promover a participação, a interação e a interatividade, pois ocorre a retroalimentação da comunicação comunitária radiofônica com um novo tipo movido pela desterritorialização, que é o maior desafio dessas emissoras em lugares de baixo poder aquisitivo e comunicacional onde a presença do coronelismo eletrônico ainda persiste.


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Esta pesquisa verifica a opinião da criança por meio do desenho sobre o Lar de Longa Permanência para Idosos, antes e depois de contato lúdico com idosos institucionalizados. Para melhor caracterizar a população idosa, traça seu perfil neuropsicológico. Desenvolve-se junto a 21 idosos institucionalizados e 61 crianças com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, do Ensino Fundamental público. Inicia-se por verificar a opinião destas crianças sobre Asilo, por meio de desenho. Em seguida, realiza intervenção lúdica com crianças e idosos, de 10 encontros com brincadeiras simbólicas e jogos de regras. A seguir, reavalia a opinião das crianças e faz avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, por meio de Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, do Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e do Índice de Katz. Para verificar a opinião das crianças expressa por meio do desenho, utiliza de um título em aberto “Asilo é...”, a ser completado. Eles são analisados com subsídios do teste projetivo House-Tree-Person (HTP). Os resultados demonstram que houve, de uma aplicação para outra, alteração na opinião de 67% das crianças, que manifestaram opinião mais positiva relativa a perceber os idosos mais interativos e o Asilo mais humanizado, por meio de desenhos mais coloridas, de casas com portas e janelas, de pessoas sorrindo e em movimento e de mensagens afetuosas. Como aspectos negativos, encontram-se maior número de grades e de pessoas desenhadas sem face, o que pode representar a percepção da criança da dificuldade de contato do idoso com o mundo externo. Na análise estatística, encontrou-se média geral de 0,34 e desvio padrão de 0,16, no primeiro desenho e, no segundo, média de 0,42 e desvio padrão de 0,19, com médias obtidas numa escala de 0 a 1, em que se considera positivo o valor próximo a 1. Na avaliação neuropsicológica dos idosos, no MEEM, 50% demonstram preservação cognitiva. Os demais instrumentos indicam que a maior parte deles não apresenta sintomas depressivos, emite opinião positiva com relação à própria saúde, participa das atividades lúdicas e é dependente. Este estudo ressalta contudo que as características da instituição pesquisada, juntamente com a realização de atividades lúdicas, podem ter favorecido a opinião das crianças após seu contato com o Asilo. O estudo indica a necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre interação criança-idoso institucionalizado


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Este estudo avalia inicialmente a memória de curto prazo de estudantes universitários; verifica a seguir as modalidades de jogos por esses universitários e a frequência com que os mesmos são praticados e, finalmente, relaciona o nível de memória de curto prazo verificado com a prática de jogos. Parte da hipótese de que a prática de jogos influencia na memória de curto prazo. Utiliza-se do Teste Pictórico de Memória TEPIC-M de Rueda, F. J. M. e Sisto, F. F., devidamente validado para nossa realidade e de escala auto-avaliativa de prática de jogos de lazer/esporte, a qual visa verificar o tipo de jogo praticado, de movimentação física, raciocínio lógico ou conhecimento e os jogos digitais. Desenvolve-se junto a 100 universitários, de ambos os sexos. Os resultados são analisados por meio do Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, SPSS, versão 12.0. Os níveis de memória de curto prazo encontrados foram muito baixos: Inferior (66%), Médio Inferior (25%); Médio (2%); Médio Superior (6%) e Superior (1%). A prática de jogos em suas diversas modalidades também foi reduzida em Jogos de Movimento, JM, e em Jogos Digitais, JD (25%) e maior em Jogos de Raciocínio, JR (61%). A comparação entre os resultados do TEPIC-M e a frequência de participação em JM, revelou-se positiva, uma vez que os que não praticam nunca JM, 74%, não atingiram sequer o nível médio de memória; o mesmo sendo observado em relação à JD, com 70% dos participantes que não praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nível médio de memória; e, em relação a JR, uma porcentagem menor (44%) dos que não praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nível médio de memória, dados que indiretamente, comprovam a hipótese deste estudo.


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Social cognitive neuroscience is an emerging branch of cognitive neuroscience that bridges together social psychology and neuroscience. At its core is an understanding of the relationship between the brain and social interaction. The social cognitive neuroscientist places empirical endeavor within a three–stage framework, and questions falling under the SCN rubric undergo interrogation at each of these three levels. Firstly, we seek to understand a neuroscience of social interactions at the social level. Here we need to understand the motivational and other social factors that drive our behavior and experience in the real world. It goes without saying that any study of the cognitive neuroscience of socially interactive behavior must first be informed by social psychological theory to maintain ecological validity. Second, the social cognitive neuroscientist must be an adroit cognitive psychologist and be able to examine interactive behavior from the cognitive level. It is here that information–processing models and theories are applied to the understanding of our social behavior. Finally, studies at the neural level seek to inform us about the cortical structures, as well as the way they interact with other, in the mediation of the previous cognitive level. This volume brings together contributions from leading thinkers in both the social cognitive neurosciences and business to provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of a social cognitive neuroscience of the business brain. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit www.blackwellpublishing.com/nyas. ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order (www.nyas.org). Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full–text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit http://www.nyas.org/MemberCenter/Join.aspx for more information about becoming a member


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Using the resistance literature as an underpinning theoretical framework, this chapter analyzes how Web designers through their daily practices, (i) adopt recursive, adaptive, and resisting behavior regarding the inclusion of social cues online and (ii) shape the socio-technical power relationship between designers and other stakeholders. Five vignettes in the form of case studies with expert individual Web designers are used. Findings point out at three types of emerging resistance namely: market driven resistance, ideological resistance, and functional resistance. In addition, a series of propositions are provided linking the various themes. Furthermore, the authors suggest that stratification in Web designers’ type is occurring and that resistance offers a novel lens to analyze the debate.


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This article presents two novel approaches for incorporating sentiment prior knowledge into the topic model for weakly supervised sentiment analysis where sentiment labels are considered as topics. One is by modifying the Dirichlet prior for topic-word distribution (LDA-DP), the other is by augmenting the model objective function through adding terms that express preferences on expectations of sentiment labels of the lexicon words using generalized expectation criteria (LDA-GE). We conducted extensive experiments on English movie review data and multi-domain sentiment dataset as well as Chinese product reviews about mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, and monitors. The results show that while both LDA-DP and LDAGE perform comparably to existing weakly supervised sentiment classification algorithms, they are much simpler and computationally efficient, rendering themmore suitable for online and real-time sentiment classification on the Web. We observed that LDA-GE is more effective than LDA-DP, suggesting that it should be preferred when considering employing the topic model for sentiment analysis. Moreover, both models are able to extract highly domain-salient polarity words from text.


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This paper describes the first study to focus exclusively on the prevalence and impact of cyberstalking. A Web-based questionnaire was used to collect data from a group of respondents who were recruited by snowball sampling via e-mail. A total of 169 respondents completed the questionnaire. The results of the study found that approximately a third of respondents might be considered victims of cyberstalking. Furthermore, when asked to indicate the level of distress felt as a result of their experiences, almost a quarter of respondents chose a value of ten on a ten-point scale. The study also suggests a number of differences between cyberstalking and offline stalking, for instance cyberstalking tends to take place over a shorter period of time than offline stalking and cyberstalking victims are less likely to know the identify of their harassers. These differences add weight to the argument that cyberstalking should be seen as a new form of deviant behaviour that can be distinguished from offline stalking. The work concludes by emphasising a need for further research.


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Readers may have noted that a short but very important announcement was made in the last issue of CLAE, at the top of the contents page. CLAE has been accepted by Thomson Reuters for abstracting and indexing in its SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports, and Current Contents services. This will ensure a greater visibility to the international research community. In addition, in June 2012 CLAE will receive its very first official Impact Factor – a measure of journal influence of importance to authors and readers alike. The impact factor value has not yet been decided but internal estimates by Elsevier estimate it will be around 1, and it will be applied to all CLAE issue back to January 2009 (volume 32). I would guess readers at this stage would have one of two responses – either ‘that's good news’ or perhaps ‘what's an impact factor?’ If you are in the latter camp then allow me to try and explain. Basically the impact factor or citation index of a journal is based on how many times in the previous year papers published in that journal in the previous two years were cited by authors publishing in other journals. So the 2012 impact factor for CLAE is calculated on how many times in 2011 papers that were published in CLAE in 2010 and 2009 were cited in other journals in 2011, divided by the number of papers published in CLAE 2010 and 2009. Essentially authors will try and get their work published in journals with a higher impact factor as it is thought that the paper will be cited more by other authors or the paper will have higher visibility in the arena. For universities having its published output in higher journals is one of the markers used to judge esteem. For individual authors publishing in journals with a higher impact factor or the number of times one of their papers is published is something that they are likely to add to their CVs or demonstrate the importance of their work. Journals with higher impact factors tend to be more review journals or journals with a wider spectrum so for a relatively small journal with a specialised field like CLAE it is great to be listed with a citation index. The awarding of a citation index crowns many changes that CLAE has undergone since the current Editor took the reins in 2005. CLAE has increased from four issues (in 2004) to six issues per year with at least one review article per issue and one article with continuing education per issue. The rejection rate has gone up significantly meaning that only best papers are published (currently it stands at 37%). CLAE has been Medline/Pubmed indexed for a few years now which is also a very important factor in improving visibility of the journal. The submission and reviewing process for CLAE in now entirely online and finally the editorial board has changed from being merely a list of keynote people to being an active group of keynote people who are enthusiastically involved with the journal. From the editorial board one person is appointed as a Reviews Editor plus we have two additional editors who work as Regional Editors. As ever, on behalf of CLAE I would like to thank the BCLA Council for their continued support (especially Vivien Freeman) and Elsevier for their continuing guidance (in particular Andrew Miller and Rosie Davey) and the excellent Editorial Board (Christopher Snyder, Pauline Cho, Eric Papas, Jan Bergmanson, Roger Buckley, Patrick Caroline, Dwight Cavanagh, Robin Chalmers, Michael Doughty, Nathan Efron, Michel Guillon, Nizar Hirji, Meng Lin, Florence Malet, Philip Morgan, Deborah Sweeney, Brian Tighe, Eef van Der Worp, Barry Weissman, Mark Willcox, James Wolffsohn and Craig Woods). And finally, a big thanks to the authors and reviewers who work tirelessly putting manuscripts together for publication in CLAE. Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Direct-drive linear reciprocating compressors offer numerous advantages over conventional counterparts which are usually driven by a rotary induction motor via a crank shaft. However, to ensure efficient and reliable operation under all conditions, it is essential that motor current of a linear compressor follows a sinusoidal current command with a frequency which matches the system resonant frequency. The design of a high-performance current controller for linear compressor drive presents a challenge since the system is highly nonlinear, and an effective solution must be low cost. In this paper, a learning feed-forward current controller for the linear compressors is proposed. It comprises a conventional feedback proportional-integral controller and a feed-forward B-spline neural network (BSNN). The feed-forward BSNN is trained online and in real time in order to minimize the current tracking error. Extensive simulation and experiment results with a prototype linear compressor show that the proposed current controller exhibits high steady state and transient performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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As a contribution to current discussions about securing a legacy from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, this article considers whether there are lessons for public policy implementation around volunteer involvement. Drawing on the case of the Team London Ambassadors Programme which encompassed 8,000 volunteers during the Games period, the article considers the scope for an expanded role for UK public sector organisations in the recruitment, training and management of volunteers in the future.


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The use of simulation games as a pedagogic method is well established though its effective use is context-driven. This study adds to the increasing growing body of empirical evidence of the effectiveness of simulation games but more importantly emphasises why by explaining the instructional design implemented reflecting best practices. This multi-method study finds evidence that student learning was enhanced through the use of simulation games, reflected in the two key themes; simulation games as a catalyst for learning and simulation games as a vehicle for learning. In so doing the research provides one of the few empirically based studies that support simulation games in enhancing learning and, more importantly, contextualizes the enhancement in terms of the instructional design of the curriculum. This research should prove valuable for those with an academic interest in the use of simulation games and management educators who use, or are considering its use. Further, the findings contribute to the academic debate concerning the effective implementation of simulation game-based training in business and management education.