926 resultados para Odyssey Stand Alone


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Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Forschung zur staatlichen Gründungsfinanzierung, speziell in Deutschland. Dabei steht die Frage im Vordergrund, ob eine öffentliche Gründungsfinanzierung aus wirtschaftspolitischer Sicht zu rechtfertigen ist. Konkret werden vier Forschungsfragen untersucht. Die erste Frage lautet, ob Unternehmensgründungen für eine Wirtschaft überhaupt Nutzen stiften. Die zweite Frage lautet, ob auf dem Markt der Finanzierung von Gründungsunternehmen Unvollkommenheiten bzw. Marktversagen feststellbar sind. Die dritte Frage lautet, ob staatliche Maßnahmen der Gründungsfinanzierung einzelwirtschaftlich effektiv sind, dass sich also geförderte Unternehmen als erfolgreicher erweisen als nicht geförderte. Die vierte Frage lautet, ob eine staatliche Gründungsfinanzierung die angestrebten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele zu den niedrigstmöglichen Kosten erreicht, also effizient ist. Die Antworten sind durchweg negativ und zeigen, dass die bisherige Forschung keine ausreichende Rechtfertigung für eine staatliche Gründungsfinanzierung bieten kann.


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Seit Jahren ist weltweit ein Anstieg der Inzidenz und Prävalenz der Herzinsuffizienz zu beobachten. Es wird geschätzt, dass zurzeit ungefähr 10 Mio Patienten in Europa an einer Herzinsuffizienz erkrankt sind. In der Schweiz handelt es sich nach Schätzungen um ca. 150'000 Patienten, davon befinden sich zirka 6-7% (10'000 Patienten) in der funktionellen Klasse IV.


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The case report by Lawrence and Fraser (2012) describes the successful management of 2 weanlings with septic osteitis of the proximal sesamoid bones, using prolonged (6 weeks) antimicrobial therapy alone. Doxycycline, an antimicrobial with excellent bone penetration properties, was deemed essential to treatment success. In contrast to the poor outcome in previously reported cases of septic sesamoid bone osteitis, the authors were able to show the value of a conservative approach over surgical debridement. The question is to what extent are we able to extrapolate this to the general treatment of septic osteitis and osteomyelitis in young horses?


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Für die an der SWX kotierten Unternehmen besteht seit dem 1. Juli 2005 die Pflicht, Transaktionen in Bezug auf Beteiligungsrechte des Emittenten, welche Angehörige von dessen Management durchführen, der SWX anzuzeigen. In einem ersten Schritt wird die Bedeutung dieser spezifischen Offenlegungspflicht im Zusammenhang sonstiger Ad-hoc-Publizitätspflichten sowie im weiteren Kontext von Corporate Governance erörtert; anschliessend werden Geltungsgrund und normative Reichweite der schweizerischen Regelung vor dem Hintergrund vergleichbarer Regelungen im europäischen Ausland und in den USA analysiert. Abschliessend wird kritisch hinterfragt, ob sich die Verpflichtung zur Offenlegung von Director's Dealings tatsächlich durch die Signal- oder Indikatorfunktion rechtfertigen lässt.


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America’s low-income families struggle to protect their children from multiple threats to their health and growth. Many research and advocacy groups explore the health and educational effects of food insecurity, but less is known about these effects on very young children. Children’s HealthWatch, a group of pediatric clinicians and public health researchers, has continuously collected data on the effects of food insecurity alone and in conjunction with other household hardships since 1998. The group’s peer reviewed research has shown that a number of economic risks at the household level, including food, housing and energy insecurity, tend to be correlated. These insecurities alone or in conjunction increase the risk that a young child will suffer various negative health consequences, including increases in lifetime hospitalizations, parental report of fair or poor health,1 or risk for developmental delays.2 Child food insecurity is an incremental risk indicator above and beyond the risk imposed by household-level food insecurity. The Children’sHealthwatch research also suggests public benefits programs modify some of these effects for families experiencing hardships. This empirical evidence is presented in a variety of public venues outside the usual scientific settings, such as congressional hearings, to support the needs of America’s most vulnerable population through policy change. Children’s HealthWatch research supports legislative solutions to food insecurity, including sustained funding for public programs and re-evaluation of the use of the Thrifty Food Plan as the basis of SNAP benefits calculations. Children’s HealthWatch is one of many models to support the American Academy of Pediatrics’ call to “stand up, speak up, and step up for children.”3 No isolated group or single intervention will solve child poverty or multiple hardships. However, working collaboratively each group has a role to play in supporting the health and well-being of young children and their families. 1. Cook JT, Frank DA, Berkowitz C, et al. Food insecurity is associated with adverse health outcomes among human infants and toddlers. J Nutr. 2004;134:1432-1438. 2. Rose-Jacobs R, Black MM, Casey PH, et al. Household food insecurity: associations with at-risk infant and toddler development. Pediatrics. 2008;121:65-72. 3. AAP leader says to stand up, speak up, and step up for child health [news release]. Boston, MA: American Academy of Pediatrics; October 11, 2008. http://www2.aap.org/pressroom/nce/nce08childhealth.htm. Accessed January 1, 2012.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE Prior research has identified five common genetic variants associated with narcolepsy with cataplexy in Caucasian patients. To replicate and/or extend these findings, we have tested HLA-DQB1, the previously identified 5 variants, and 10 other potential variants in a large European sample of narcolepsy with cataplexy subjects. DESIGN Retrospective case-control study. SETTING A recent study showed that over 76% of significant genome-wide association variants lie within DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs). From our previous GWAS, we identified 30 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with P < 10(-4) mapping to DHSs. Ten SNPs tagging these sites, HLADQB1, and all previously reported SNPs significantly associated with narcolepsy were tested for replication. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS For GWAS, 1,261 narcolepsy patients and 1,422 HLA-DQB1*06:02-matched controls were included. For HLA study, 1,218 patients and 3,541 controls were included. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS None of the top variants within DHSs were replicated. Out of the five previously reported SNPs, only rs2858884 within the HLA region (P < 2x10(-9)) and rs1154155 within the TRA locus (P < 2x10(-8)) replicated. DQB1 typing confirmed that DQB1*06:02 confers an extraordinary risk (odds ratio 251). Four protective alleles (DQB1*06:03, odds ratio 0.17, DQB1*05:01, odds ratio 0.56, DQB1*06:09 odds ratio 0.21, DQB1*02 odds ratio 0.76) were also identified. CONCLUSION An overwhelming portion of genetic risk for narcolepsy with cataplexy is found at DQB1 locus. Since DQB1*06:02 positive subjects are at 251-fold increase in risk for narcolepsy, and all recent cases of narcolepsy after H1N1 vaccination are positive for this allele, DQB1 genotyping may be relevant to public health policy.