992 resultados para Odescalchi, Baldassare Ladislao Costantino Carlo Ignazio Giambattista Erba, principe, b. 1844


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The spatial variability of biomass and stable isotopes in plankton size fractions in the upper 200 m was studied in a high spatial resolution transect along 24°N from Canary Islands to Florida (January - March 2011) during Leg 8 of the Malaspina-2010 expedition (http://www.expedicionmalaspina.es) to determine nitrogen and carbon sources. Plankton samples were collected by vertical tows of a microplankton net (40 mm mesh size) and a mesoplankton net (200 mm mesh size) through the upper 200 m of the water column. Sampling was between 10:00 and 16:00 h GMT. Plankton was separated into five size fractions (40 - 200, 200 - 500, 500 - 1000, 1000 - 2000 and > 2000 mm) by gentle filtration of the samples by a graded series of nylon sieves (2000, 1000, 500, 200 and 40 mm). Large gelatinous organisms were removed before filtration. Aliquots for each size fraction were collected on pre-weighed glass-fibre filters, dried (60°C, 48 h) and stored in a desiccator before determination of biomass (dry weight), carbon and nitrogen content and natural abundance of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes ashore. Vertical advection of waters predominated in lateral zones while the central Atlantic (30-70°W) was characterized by a strong stratification and oligotrophic surface waters. Plankton biomass was low in the central zone and high in both eastern and western sides, with most of the variability due to either large (>2000 µm) and small plankton (<500 µm). Carbon isotopes reflected mainly the advection the deep water in lateral zones. Stable nitrogen isotopes showed a nearly symmetrical spatial distribution in all fractions, with the lowest values (delta15N <1per mill) in the central zone, and were inversely correlated to carbon stable isotopes (delta13C) and to the abundance of the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium. Diazotrophy was estimated to account for >50% of organic nitrogen in the central zone, and even >30% in eastern and western zones. The impact of diazotrophy increased with the size of the organisms, supporting the wide participation of all trophic levels in the processing of recently fixed nitrogen. These results indicate that atmospheric sources of carbon and nitrogen prevail over deep water sources in the subtropical North Atlantic and that the zone influenced by diazotrophy is much larger than reported in previous studies.


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Corg and Norg contents in the acid insoluble mineral fraction were studied in sediments of Site 593. Both decrease systematically from Recent to early Miocene over 425 m of carbonate facies. C/N ratios (7-11) are typically marine and indicate that residual organic matter, bound to clay minerals, was originally scavenged from the marine habitat rather than being of terrigenous origin. Variations of Corg and Norg are almost entirely controlled by rates of sedimentation, which gradually increase from Recent to early Miocene. Preliminary results of carbohydrate distribution indicate that epigenetic and diagenetic processes alter both the concentrations and the ratios of individual monomers with depth. Total carbohydrate concentrations in the samples diminish from 91 µg/g sediment at 18 m sub-bottom depth to 49 µg/g at 335 m. In contrast, sugars in the acid insoluble residue increase with depth, suggesting release of structural polysaccharides and their subsequent association with clay minerals. Ratios of arabinose to fucose, which are about 6:1 in Recent carbonaceous sediments intercepted by sediment traps, vary from 1:1 in the youngest sample to 1:2.5 in the oldest.


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The isotopic composition of nitrogen in pore water ammonium and in sedimentary organic matter (Norg) was measured at Sites 1234 and 1235 in order to evaluate the impact of long-term (>100 k.y.) diagenesis on d15N of preserved organic matter. At both sites, the average d15N of pore water ammonium and Norg are within 0.2 per mil to 0.4 per mil. The small difference is less than the analytical uncertainty, indicating that no significant isotopic fractionation is associated with decomposition of organic matter in these sediments. A mass balance for nitrogen was also computed, indicating that ~20% of the organic matter flux buried below 1.45 meters composite depth (mcd) is degraded between this depth and 40 mcd (Site 1235) to 60 mcd (Site 1234) depth. Two factors determine the absence of isotopic fractionation in these sediments: 1. A high degree of organic matter preservation due to rapid sediment accumulation rates at both sites. 2. The dominance of a marine component in the sedimentary organic matter (with only a small fraction contributed by a terrestrial component).


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The Antarctic Vostok ice core provided compelling evidence of the nature of climate, and of climate feedbacks, over the past 420,000 years. Marine records suggest that the amplitude of climate variability was smaller before that time, but such records are often poorly resolved. Moreover, it is not possible to infer the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from marine records. Here we report the recovery of a deep ice core from Dome C, Antarctica, that provides a climate record for the past 740,000 years. For the four most recent glacial cycles, the data agree well with the record from Vostok. The earlier period, between 740,000 and 430,000 years ago, was characterized by less pronounced warmth in interglacial periods in Antarctica, but a higher proportion of each cycle was spent in the warm mode. The transition from glacial to interglacial conditions about 430,000 years ago (Termination V) resembles the transition into the present interglacial period in terms of the magnitude of change in temperatures and greenhouse gases, but there are significant differences in the patterns of change. The interglacial stage following Termination V was exceptionally long - 28,000 years compared to, for example, the 12,000 years recorded so far in the present interglacial period. Given the similarities between this earlier warm period and today, our results may imply that without human intervention, a climate similar to the present one would extend well into the future.


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The largest increase in export production in the eastern Pacific of the last 5.3 Myr (million years) occurred between 2.2 and 1.6 Myr, a time of major climatic and oceanographic reorganization in the region. Here, we investigate the causes of this event using reconstructions of export production, nutrient supply and oceanic conditions across the Pliocene-Pleistocene in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) for the last 3.2 Myr. Our results indicate that the export production peak corresponds to a cold interval marked by high nutrient supply relative to consumption, as revealed by the low bulk sedimentary 15N/14N (d15N) and alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) values. This ?0.6 million year long episode of enhanced delivery of nutrients to the surface of the EEP was predominantly initiated through the upwelling of nutrient-enriched water sourced in high latitudes. In addition, this phenomenon was likely promoted by the regional intensification of upwelling in response to the development of intense Walker and Hadley atmospheric circulations. Increased nutrient consumption in the polar oceans and enhanced denitrification in the equatorial regions restrained nutrient supply and availability and terminated the high export production event.


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This paper presents data on chemical composition of bottom sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean. Multivariate statistical techniques were used for analysis of the data set and revealed that grain size fractionation of the original terrigenous component during sedimentation was the major factor of clustering of the samples in study. Secondary factors include accumulation of biogenic siliceous and carbonate material and chemogenic or biochemical accumulation of iron, manganese, and some trace elements. The latter factor was significant in areas of tectonic activity within the graben-rift system of the Chukchi Sea.